Ads Unique Metrics Limitations & FAQs



  • The number of entities should not be greater than 5000 Ads/Ad Set/Campaign.​​

  • Custom Date range selected should be having difference of 180 Days at max in the start date and end date.

  • In case of LinkedIn the lookback period is 92 Days in case of Custom Date range selection.


What is the frequency for data updation for Unique Metrics?

The data for these metrics is updated every 2 hours.

Why do I need to specify Ad Account/ Paid Initiative/ Ad Set and Ad variant in filters or as Dimension in widget?

The concept of Unique metrics is to de-duplicate the data at each level. So having that filter of specific entity helps me to understand the uniqueness of data at that specific level.

If that is not required user can utilise Daily metrics of the corresponding unique metrics to avoid configuration each time but the data reported through it wont be unique