Best Practices for the Google Analytics Ads Integration


Data is updated in every hour in Sprinklr

Yes, If you have unique identifier present in your Ads at any level. Sprinklr will best identify the level of uniqueness and map the data back to your Ad entity.

Sprinklr smartly compares and identifies at which level your identifier is unique.

If your Identifier is unique at Ad Level you will be able to understand the split of the Data across your Ads.

If your identifier is not unique at Ad Level Sprinklr identifies and attribute it Ad Set Level

If your identifier is not unique at Ad Set Level, Sprinklr identifies and attribute it to Paid Initiatve Level

If your idnetifier is not unique at any level then, Sprinklr will still store the data but it wont be attributed to any entity.

Please reach out to Support through Support Ticket requesting enablement of these metrics and dimensions which are not available post which based on the feasibility and compatibilty the same will be added in Sprinklr.

GA data can be backfilled for last 2 years from the current date.

All the Google Analytics reporting data will populate in the GMT timezone by default.