Caveats of Ad Manager Pivot





Cross Channel Entities

Cross channel entities are not supported. All the values need to be of the same channel.

Compose from Table

Supported Entities

For cross objective/ad accounts, all invalid values will be removed automatically.

Reuse Post Channel IDs

If reusing Post Channel Id is possible, like in the case of Facebook/Twitter, it will be reused. For all other posts, the Channel Ids will be removed. Even though the Creative Id/Channel Id cannot be reused, we will still generate the creative details.

Cross Accounts/Cross Objectives

Using Facebook cross-accounts for instance, if Page Sharing is possible, then the Channel Id will be kept. For others, where cross-accounts are not supported, the Channel Ids will be removed. The same is also applicable for cases of cross-objectives.

Replace from Table

Replace from Table Dimensions

Only the following dimensions will have the option to Replace from Table:

Click to view the Dimensions

  • Creative Name

  • Landing Page URL 

  • Call to Action (Pivot) 

  • Headline (Pivot) 

  • Body (Pivot)

  • Image (Pivot) 

  • Video (Pivot) 

  • Destination (Pivot)

  • Lead Form Name 

  • Sprinklr Audience Name 

  • Sprinklr Audience Group

  • Sprinklr Campaign Id

  • Reporting Benchmark 

  • Devices (Pivot) 

  • Excluded Devices (Pivot) 

  • Operating System (Pivot)

  • Country (Pivot) 

  • Ad post

Website URLs

Replace from Table is not supported.

Replace from Table is not supported.


You can either select Audience Groups or individual audience values to replace from the table.

Existing Snapchat Creatives
Replace from Table is not supported for editing existing Snapchat creatives.

Custom Fields

You will only be able to replace the values for all custom fields. Replacing individual custom fields is not possible as there could be dependent custom fields.

Dependent Fields

The child properties of the dependent fields will NOT be automatically added/changed.

For example, if you select the Operating System dimension from the table, only the Operation System field will have the Replace from Table option. The OS Version or Device will not be automatically added/changed.