Facebook Ad Specs & Publishing Error Messages


You may get some common error messages while publishing your Ad Campaigns from Sprinklr. This may be due to your assigned permissions in Sprinklr or on native and can vary between different types of issues. In this article, you will learn about the error messages you may get along with actions to resolve them.

Ad Publishing Specs

Ensure that any images or videos are within the specified parameters for the type of ad you wish to publish, and also that any text is within the character limits. When using these links, don't forget to select the Platform & Placement, since there are slightly different specs for each.

Facebook Error Messages

Error Code


Who Can Take Action

Error message: The Creative Handle Id 352910054760635 specified in the row is not valid

The page is not connected to the Ad account in Facebook Native.

Connect the Ad Account and Page in Facebook Business Manager.


Facebook Error: The video is still encoding. Please wait for the status to be ready.

The error message occurs when uploading videos on our platform and the native first encodes the video and then generates the preview. In the case of large video files, the encoding step usually takes longer on native, thus resulting in the error message appearing at the creative level. This is not an issue.

To avoid these errors, the best method is to upload the video into DAM (Asset Management) and select the video while building the creative.


Facebook Error: View tag is restrictedly used. Please verify that you are using an approved account, application, and partner account if you are using Partner Category on targeting

Account in Native is not set up to use view tags.

Reach out to Facebook and have the account set up to use view tags and make sure the user who synced Ad Account has Admin or Advertiser access in Native.


Facebook Error: Field 'targeting_relax_option' is not available to your Ad account. Account re-addition may help here.

This appears when the user who added the Ad account in Sprinklr does not have permission to the Targeting being used.

Permission the user who added the Ad Account in Sprinklr to targeting.


Your user profile doesn't have permission to create or modify creatives. Please contact your account administrator for help.

This can be due to the user profile that is linked to the DCM application in Marketplace does not have the necessary permissions natively.

This link can be used to determine the current DCM profile roles and permissions.

To learn more about avoiding stale state errors in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


The copy of the ad entity is stale, please try again to make changes and save it again.

The error message means that there were either multiple users trying to edit the ad at the same time or users had opened the ad in multiple tabs/windows due to which the changes were not registered.

Republishing the Ad helps.


It looks like your ad may be for housing, employment, or credit opportunities, or you've included a multicultural affinity segment in your audience. If so, you'll need to certify that you'll comply with our policy prohibiting discrimination and with applicable anti-discrimination laws. Once you certify, we'll review any disapproved ads from the past three days. Typically, this review takes a few minutes. Approved ads will go live. You can visit Ads Manager to manage ad delivery.

This is given by Facebook as part of the company’s new advertising policy which clearly prohibits discrimination by spelling out that advertisers cannot discriminate against people based on “personal attributes such as race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, disability, medical or genetic condition. Facebook will identify housing, employment, and credit opportunity ads and determine if they either include or exclude multicultural advertising segments.

If the ads are, in fact, including or excluding these segments, Facebook says it will disapprove the ad.

References: Facebook Updates Ad Policies, Facebook Actions

Source: Techcrunch


Facebook Error: One or more of the selections used in any of the following fields: "Fields of Study", "Schools", "Employers" and "Job Titles" are no longer available. Please select from available options and try again

The reason for this is that Facebook keeps on removing target values from time to time, based on their policy upgrades. Update targeting to align with Facebook best practices.

You will get the documentation available on the Facebook community for any new deprecation of a target value.


Facebook Error: This pacing requires a campaign with no day parting, channelErrorCode : 100, channelErrorType : OAuthException, errorCode : FACEBOOK_100

This error was a bug and has been fixed but if it shows up again, follow these steps:

Go to the Scheduling section in Ads Manager to set the schedule, and when it is set, the error should go.

When you need to change from scheduling back to delivery type, i.e Standard or Accelerated, you will need to go to the Bidding section after you remove scheduling and then set it.


Facebook Error: View tag is restrictedly used. Please verify that you are using an approved account, application, and partner account if you are using Partner Category on targeting.

Not all partners are allowed to use View Tags. Only some partners are allowed to use view tags. Please verify that the user is using an approved account.

The approval and access are given by Facebook. Sprinklr does not have access to do that. The user needs to reach out to the Facebook team for this.


Error: User doesn't have the permission to create ads with this ad account

If the user who added the ad account does not have Admin or Advertiser access, this error will show up. We can verify and inform the user accordingly.

Please check the permissions for the user natively on Facebook and ensure that a user who is currently the Admin of the Ad account adds the Ad account into Sprinklr.

Learn more about Ad Account and Page permissions here.


Facebook error: Promoted object is required to use Messenger Placement

For Facebook Traffic and Conversion objectives on native, users cannot select Sponsored Messages as a platform position. The Sponsored Messages platform position has to be removed.


Facebook Error: The video is still encoding. Please wait until the status to be ready.

The error message occurs when uploading videos in Sprinklr; and the native first encodes the video and then generates the preview. In the case of large video files, the encoding step usually takes longer on native, thus resulting in the error message appearing at the creative level. This is not an issue.

To avoid these errors, the best method is to upload the video into DAM (Digital Asset Manager) and select the video while building the creative.


Facebook Error: One or more of the selections used in detailed targeting are not valid for ad targeting. Please select from available options and try again.', channelErrorCode: 100, channelErrorType: OAuthException, errorCode: FACEBOOK_100

The user needs to check if the targeting values used in the Ad Set are valid or not.

API Querying is required.

File a Support Ticket: tickets@sprinklr.com with error details to troubleshoot.


Facebook Error: The link in this ad is either missing or invalid for Link Click Ads optimization. This could be because this ad needs to link external content (e.g., an advertiser's website), but this ad does not (e.g., it links to a Facebook page). Fix this error by making the link valid.

If the ad is of Website Clicks/Conversions objective, it means that the user is trying to create a website clicks ad or get conversions, which is created specifically to direct people to another website off of Facebook.

For this error, check if the creative is redirecting any other link outside Facebook or to the Facebook Page.

Please check the optimization set at the Ad Set level and the creative URL set at the Ad level.


Facebook Error: This account has been created too recently, or spends too little to be eligible for CPA ad creation.

User needs to create different Ads for this Ad Account to be able to use the feature of CPA Ad creation. This is how Facebook behaves. Since this is channel behavior, Sprinklr has no control over this.


Message: Error occurred while publishing video caption: Facebook Error: Unsupported post request. Object with ID '10210743432407562' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api

The error thrown is from the channel when the post or asset is eligible to be used in an ad. The user can request Support to query the API to check the details.


Error message: 'Facebook Error: The budget for this ad set must be at least $$$. Please edit your budget in your ad set to enable delivery of your ads'.

This means that you will need to have a minimum budget of $$$ set per Ad Set to make sure that the ad delivery is consistent.

Edit Ad Set budget and reactivate. See here for the complete behavior.


Facebook Error: (#100) picture should represent a valid URL

Check the creation source of the Ad.

  • If it is from import, check if the Image URL column in the import file is blank or not.

  • If it is not blank and has some invalid value, then that is the cause of the issue.

The Image URL column needs to be blank in the import file.


Too Many Ad Sets The account (XXX) has reached the maximum number of ad sets (10,000)

This is a limitation from Facebook's end where an Ad Account can have up to 10,000 Ad Sets. Deleting the Ad Sets will resolve the error.

See here for more information.


Facebook Error: Ad Creative Creation Failed. The Creative could not be published due to an unknown error on Facebook. Please check Preview Section, check if by editing certain fields you can get the Preview, and then try again.

If the user was given access to the page using a business manager, the Business Management permission needs to be there in the token. Facebook has increased granularity of permission further with this as earlier it would come by default.

Sprinklr has added this scope when adding new accounts. Re-add the ad accounts/page for which these ads are failing and provide permission for appropriate businesses as needed.

See here for more information.


Facebook Error: The objective of the campaign requires creative with an external link or call to action. For this campaign objective, a creative is required to have either external link or Call to Action.', channelErrorCode: 100, channelErrorType: OAuthException, errorCode: FACEBOOK_100

If your campaign's objective is Website Conversions and you've selected a page post to be promoted without URL links, this error will occur. Facebook is trying to deliver results based on the URL in the ad, but your page post ad does not contain a URL.

Edit the Ad to have an external link or change the objective.


Facebook Error: No promotion object found. Please specify a promoted object for the ad set.

Usually, this error occurs when the ad objective is Conversion and a pixel is not selected.

To resolve this error, navigate to the Ad Sets and select the Conversion Pixel and Event in the Details section of the Ad Set. Next, save the changes and re-play the Ad Set.


Facebook Error: For this campaign objective, a creative is required to have either an external link or call to action.

If you're running a Conversions campaign, you need to add a Call to Action button; therefore, you need a Link Ad. If you have built a photo ad, then you cannot add the CTA.

Revise the creative to be a Link Ad or change the objective.


The product set in the creative must be consistent with the Ad Set's promoted object.

This error will occur if one of your Product Ads is connected to a product set that is different from the product set you used for your product audience.

Revise the product to align with the Ad.


Post Boosting failed with error- Reson: Connections targeting, excluded connections targeting and friends of connections is deprecated. Please Edit/Clone & Edit your audience.

Connections Targeting are no longer supported when creating/editing an Ad Set.

To resolve this either remove the connections from the Ad Set or use the option Convert to Audience which will convert the audience to a custom audience and save the Ad set and publish the campaign.


Facebook Error: Unfortunately, this ad cannot be edited because its ad set end date has passed.

The error occurs when the Ad is edited after the Ad Set is completed.

Provide a future end date for the Ad Set in the Budget & Schedule section, and try editing again.


Facebook Error: Domain required. All domains must be associated with a pair of pixel events and an advertisement. To publish this ad, select a new domain for your ad or configure a pixel event pair for your domain in the Event Manager

This error occurs in 2 scenarios:

  1. When we have not selected any value under Conversion Domain in Sprinklr at the Ad level.

  2. When the domain is allowed to get traffic for a particular pixel event on Native.

Follow the below steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Navigate to Events Manager.

  2. Select your pixel.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. Select Create allow list or Create block list from the drop-down menu under Traffic permissions.

  5. Click on the button to confirm your selection.

  6. Enter the domain you want to add to your list and click Next. You can also add domains to your list from the Top domain traffic table.

  7. Click Confirm.

  8. Repeat those steps for any other domains you want to add to your list.

  9. Click Close.


Facebook Error: Unexpected Geo Locations. Page set targeting is not allowed in combination with other types of geo-locations targeting.

Geo-targeting combinations are not allowed.

Revise the geo-targeting and republish.


Facebook Error: Custom Audience Terms Not Accepted. To create or edit an ad with an uploaded customer list, please agree to the Custom Audience terms at https://business.facebook.com/ads/manage/customaudiences/tos/?act=257599498944173

The custom audience Terms of Service has to be accepted by the user who has added the ad account in Sprinklr.

Following is the process that needs to be followed:

  1. The person who has added the ad account into Sprinklr needs to be the Admin of the ad account.

  2. This same admin needs to accept the below link.



Facebook Error: Your selected video is still being processed to be used in an Ad. We will automatically perform a retry after 5 minutes to publish again. Meanwhile, we would like to inform you that no action is required on your side. The video is still being processed. Please wait for the video to finish processing before using it in an ad.

The video is still processing. No action is required.



Error Code


Who Can Take Action

Facebook Error: Ad account has no access to this Instagram account. Please use an authorized Instagram account or assign an ad account to this Instagram account first.

The error usually occurs when the Instagram page is not linked to the ad account on native or a recognized user has not added the accounts into Sprinklr.

  • Check the connection object for the ad account and see if the Instagram page is linked or not.

  • The logic of the above point is that the user who is an Admin of the Facebook ad account, Facebook page, and Instagram account needs to add the accounts in Sprinklr for it to work properly.

See here for more information.
