Google Ads Troubleshooting & FAQs


Points to Remember:

  • If data is not populating when breakdown is applied, please request enablement as this feature is DP controlled.

  • If you want to see only Youtube data, please apply 'Youtube' channel filter and same incase for 'Google Ads'.

Frequency of Data Updation

Daily Data

Ad Variant, Ad Set, Paid Initiatives, Account, Overall

Every 30 Minutes

Hourly Data

Ad Variant, Ad Set, Paid Initiatives, Account, Overall

Not Supported

Daily Segmented Data

Priority - Age, Gender

Every 3 Hours

Non-Priority - Keywords, URL

Every 12 Hours

Region/DMA Breakdown

Every 12 Hours (If enabled)

No, the budgets are configured only at the Paid Initiative Level. There is no concept of CBO for Google Ads, users cannot configure budgets at the Ad Set level even on native.