Google DV360 Troubleshooting & FAQs


Things to keep in mind:

  • You cannot preview DV360 creatives in Ads Manager due to API limitations.

  • For YouTube line item, if break down is done by Ad Variant, then the spend and all corresponding metrics will show aggregated data for all the ad groups under that line item. Please use YouTube Ad Group ID and YouTube Ad ID instead of Ad Variant in case of further breakdown to see the data at a more granular level.

  • Below metrics and dimensions are available in Google DV 360 after the mentioned dates. Before these dates, reporting insights will not be available for these metrics and dimensions.

Metrics limitations

Dimensions limitations

  • Available after 3/23/21 —

    • Cookie Unconsented Clicks

  • Available after 9/30/20 —

    • Vendor Blocked Ads

  • Available after 6/1/20 —

    • Provisional Impressions

  • Available After 11/7/20 —

    • Unique Reach: Viewable Impressions and Unique Reach: Average Viewable Impression Frequency

    • Unique Reach: Click reach, Unique Reach: Impression Reach, and Unique Reach: Total Reach

  • Available After 5/14/20 —

    • Unique Metrics Breakdown for Week and Month

  • Available after 12/15/20 —

    • Vendor Measurement Mode

  • Available after 6/29/20 —

    • OM SDK Available and Data Source

  • Available after 10/6/21 —

    • Media Type

What is the frequency of data updation for DV360 data ?



Reach/Impression Data

3 hrs

Conversion Data

6 hrs

Cross Environment Data

24 hrs