Which Dimensions can be Grouped in Ads Manager Pivot?



This article will cover all the groupable dimensions in ads manager pivot. The groupable dimensions can be used to group by the pivot on. 

Pivot Table — Groupable Dimensions


Groupable Dimensions


Click to view the groupable dimensions at the Campaign level

  • Channel

  • Paid Initiative Name

  • Paid Initiative Channel ID

  • Paid Initiative Created Date (Pivot)

  • Paid Initiative ID

  • Account

  • Objective

  • Paid Initiative Status

  • Facebook Run Status (Paid Initiative)

  • Buying Type

  • Budget Source 

  • Sprinklr Campaign

  • Paid Initiative Tag

  • Report Benchmark (Paid Initiative)

  • Agency Margin

  • Agency Margin Percentage

  • User (Paid Initiative)

  • Workspace

  • All Custom Fields

Ad Set

Click to view the groupable dimensions at the Ad Set level

  • Ad Set Channel ID

  • Ad Set ID

  • Ad Set Status

  • Ad Set Name

  • Ad Set Created Date (Pivot)

  • Facebook Publisher Platforms (this gives individual publisher platforms breakdown)

  • Facebook Ad Positions (this gives individual publisher platforms breakdown)

  • Facebook Publisher Platforms (Pivot)

  • Facebook Device Platforms (Pivot)

  • Facebook Positions (Pivot)

  • Optimization Goal (Ad set)

  • Bidding Goal

  • Creation Source (Ad set)

  • Ad study type (ad set)

  • Ad set tag

  • User (ad set)

  • Sprinklr Audience ID

  • Reporting starts (ad set)

  • Reporting ends (ad set)

  • Application ID

  • Conversion Event

  • Conversion Pixel

  • All Custom Fields

Ad Variant

Click to view the groupable dimensions at the Ad Variant level

  • Ad Variant Channel ID

  • Ad variant ID

  • Ad variant Name

  • Ad variant status

  • Ad Variant Created Date (Pivot)

  • Creative Type

  • Creative Customization

  • Landing Page URL

  • Image (Pivot)

  • Video (Pivot)

  • Headline (Pivot)

  • Body (Pivot)

  • Destination (Pivot)

  • Call to action (pivot)

  • Creation source (Ad)

  • Ad study type (Ad)

  • Ad Variant Tag

  • Report Benchmark (Ad)

  • User (Ad variant)

  • Creative Account (Page/Handle)

  • Ad Post

  • Creative Name

  • Reporting Starts (Ad)

  • Reporting End (Ad)

  • Lead Form Name

  • Lead Form ID

  • Ad Creative Link URL

  • All Custom Fields

Audience & Details

Click to view the groupable dimensions at the Audience level

  • Sprinklr Audience Name

  • Sprinklr Audience Group

  • Devices (Pivot)

  • Excluded Devices (Pivot)

  • Operating System (Pivot)

  • Country (Pivot)

Delivery Breakdown

Click to view the groupable dimensions for Delivery breakdown

All, but works only for Facebook, and few dimensions cannot be used in the same report (channel limitation).

Strategy Group

Click to view the groupable dimensions at the Strategy Group level

Strategy Group

Date Breakdown

Click to view the groupable dimensions for Date level breakdown
