X Ad Specs & Publishing Error Messages


You may get some common error messages while publishing your Ad Campaigns from Sprinklr. This may be due to your assigned permissions in Sprinklr or on native and can vary between different types of issues. In this article, you will learn about the error messages you may get along with actions to resolve them.

For Text, Image, Video & Carousel Ad Specs, see here: https://business.X.com/en/help/campaign-setup/creative-ad-specifications.html

Error Messages
Who Can Take Action

Message: 'Error occurred while updating ad set: Start time cannot be changed once LineItem has started'

Check the Ad Set status if it is Active. This is expected. The start time of an Active Ad Set cannot be changed. This error occurs when the start time was being adjusted after the Ad Set was Active and delivering.


Status cannot be set to Paused for Ad Variant.

A user cannot pause a promoted tweet. They can only pause at the Paid Initiative or Ad Set Level.

Previously when a user was pausing a promoted tweet, it was marked as deleted in the channel as X does not have the Pause status. Hence, Sprinklr has introduced a DP where users can pause the promoted tweet. This DP can only push already Active ads to Pause and not Draft ads to Pause.

Now, for promoted tweets, you can either delete them or you can pause them.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Media referenced by media_id 974015295084838913 is transcoding

This happens when X has to transcode a video before publishing it. If the video is still 'processing' on their side when it's time to press "play" or go live, then you'll receive this error.

It is best to try back playing the ad in 15-30 minutes after that error to give X time to fully process the videos.


Cannot update disapproved X ad.

The ad has been sent to the channel for review and it has been disapproved from the channel end. Hence we show this error.

Once the ad is disapproved from the channel, X API will not allow the user to edit the ad. It's the expected behavior.

See here for more information ads approval from X.

Unfortunately, Sprinklr does not show the reasons for why the ads have been disapproved, as we do not get the information from the channel. Ads being disapproved is done at the channel end, and it is up to the channel as to why they think that the Ads cannot be approved.

Please reach out to X directly on the disapproved ads, and they should be able to provide you with more context on this.


Message: 'Error occurred while updating ad set - The resource you are accessing is locked. Please retry the request again later.

This is a rate limit error. The error should be temporary and the user will not see it after the rate limit clears out after some time.

It's best to try republishing the Ad in 15-30 minutes after the error. Or reach out to X to increase the rate limit.


Error occurred while publishing ad: Expected Long, got "temp_1183128878" for tweet_ids'

The post failed to publish. Check ad and republish the Ad.


Keyword(s) was not found

This error occurs when X does not have data on the supplied keywords; then they will not provide a reach estimate. This is the case for any keyword in the targeting list for which X does not have any information, then the same behavior will occur where the reach estimate will throw an error.


Language Code cannot be empty if there is a subtitle associated with the video for X

This error occurs when the Language for the subtitles has not been selected.

Follow the steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Edit the creative

  2. Go to the video, and select Add Caption, i.e. 'CC'.

  3. Select the language for the subtitles, and save.

  4. Review changes, and change the status of the ads to Active.
