Create Audience Segments using X Firehose


Filter a segment of the audience by sentiment while targeting an audience in Segment Manager.

Sprinklr has access to the entire X Firehose, which is a stream of user activities from X. This means that every tweet, favorite, and retweet is logged in Sprinklr. All of the unstructured data, like tweet text, user bio, and user activities, is processed in Sprinklr and made available for segmentation.

Sprinklr’s Smart Audience engine allows brands to access Firehose data and create dynamic segments that refresh periodically based on live X data (tweets, retweets, engagements, etc.).

Value Proposition




Marketing Media Manager

  • Difficulty in breaking through the noise and reaching the relevant audience.

  • Difficulty in reaching the desired conversion rates.

  • Difficulty in formulating a creative strategy for the Ad content.

  • Save Time: Firehose Audience Segmentation lets brands segment audiences based on their interests, engagement history, and demographics.

  • Increase ROI: Achieve higher conversion rates by targeting followers of your influencers.

  • Manage Brand Risk: Target users based on their niche interests and professions enriched using Sprinklr AI.

  • Formulate your Ad content creative strategy by listening to specific tweets in a definite time period for a specific hashtag or keywords

Availability and Account Setup

To make sure that new users in your Sprinklr environment are set up with the appropriate access and capabilities to create and view assets within the Smart Audience Engine, you'll want to ensure that their role is granted the right permissions. You can first review how to Add a User or learn more about the basics of permissions in Roles and Permissions.

How it Works

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, select Segment Manager within Learn.

  2. On the top right corner of the Segment Manager window, click Create Segment.

  3. In the Create New Segment window, enter the Segment Name and Segment Expiry Date under Basic Details.

  4. Under the Target section, start by typing "Firehose” in the Attributes field. This lists all the attributes related to Firehose that you can select from. Suppose you choose Followers of User attribute.

  5. Select the appropriate query type/operator.


    • If the query type is Contains, then all those profiles that contain that word will be fetched.

    • If the query type is Query, then all those profiles that contains that word as a whole will be fetched. For example: Suppose my bio was, "I work at Sprinklr."

      • If the query type were Contains and the word were ink, then my profile would be in that profile list.

      • If the query type were Query and the word were Sprinklr, then my profile would be in that profile list.

      • If the query type were Query and the word were ink, then my profile would NOT be in the profile list.

  6. Select the appropriate Value (for example, Sprinklr).

  7. You can Add New Filter Group (4 in the image above) and separate both the filter groups with the appropriate operator. (AND – targeted users must match all of the selected filter groups. OR – targeted users can match any of the selected filter groups.)

  8. Within each filter group, you can specify additional AND attributes too (i.e, targeted users must match all of the attributes within the filter group).

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, select Segment Activation within Learn.

  2. Go to the Options icon corresponding to the segment to be activated.

  3. Under Select Activation Channel, select X or Profile List from the dropdown.

  4. Select the X ad account.

  5. Click Save.


    • Segments created using Firehose can be activated only on the X social channel.

    • Once your segments are activated on X, they will be available as Custom Audiences corresponding to the X ad account selected, and can be used while configuring the target audience while creating ad campaigns.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, select Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Under the Create New Campaign tab, select the X Ad Account.

  3. Select the Create new Audience tab.

  4. Enter a Name.

  5. Under Tailored Audiences, select the audience segment you have just created.

Creating X Segments for Different Use Cases

An apparel brand is launching a collection inspired by racing in partnership with Lewis Hamilton (racing driver who races in Formula One for Mercedes- AMG Petronas Motorsport). It wants to run a few ad campaigns showcasing the collection. It wants to target users who are interested in racing and likely to engage with the ads.

To achieve this, Create a Segment Using Sprinklr Enriched Niche Interest and target the right audience with the right message

To Create an Audience Segment Using Sprinklr Enriched Niche Interest

  1. Go to Segment Manager and click on Create Segment in the top right corner.

  2. Select the profile attribute Sprinklr Enriched Niche Interest

  3. In the value field, add the interests. (In this case, add racing related interests.)

An apparel brand (BrandCompany) is launching its limited edition line in a few weeks, featuring one of its top influencers, Zendaya. It is planning to run a few ads to promote this line, but as the line is a limited edition, the brand wants to target only a fraction of its followers. So BrandCompany creates a segment including only those followers of its brand who also follow their star influencer.

To achieve this, Create an Audience Segment using Followers of User for both your brand and Zendaya.

To Create an Audience Segment Using Followers of User for both your brand and Zendaya

  1. Go to Segment Manager and click on Create Segment in the top right corner.

  2. Select the profile attribute Followers of User.

  3. In the value field, add the X handle of your brand(it can be more than one). In this example we have taken it to be BrandCompany.

  4. Now, add another filter. Again select the profile attribute Followers of User.

  5. In the value field, add the X handle of the influencer.

Sprinklr has run a few paid ads on X promoting an upcoming webinar, and the engagement on the ads by its followers was on a large scale. Now it wants to retarget these people by running a few ads to convert these people to signup for its webinar. So Sprinklr creates a segment of all the people who engaged with these ads.

To achieve this, create an audience segment using Engaged with Tweet.

To create an audience segment using Engaged with Tweet:

  1. Go to Segment Manager under Smart Audience Engine.

  2. Click Create Segment.

  3. On the Create Segment window, enter the basic details like Segment Name and Segment Expiry Date.

  4. Now create the target audience. Select the event attribute Engaged with Tweet.

  5. In the value field, add the IDs of the promoted tweets. These IDs can be retrieved from Ads Manager. (Ads Manager > Campaign > Ad Sets > Ads > View & Edit > Creatives > Permanent Link to Ad Preview)

  6. You can use the Time Filter feature to set recency of the tweets.

Suppose a major Telecommunications company (BrandCompany) has recently noticed few detractors of their competitors' brand (TelX), a few of them with large numbers of followers. It is important for the brand to reach out to such users to understand if they could be prospective customers of their brand.

So the Telecommunications company creates a segment to target users with large number of followers and who have recently tweeted expressing their grievances about their competitor’s brand (TelX).

To achieve this, create an audience segment using Followers Count, Tweet Text and Tweet Sentiment.

To create an audience segment using Followers Count:

  1. Go to Segment Manager. On the top right corner, click on Create Segment.

  2. Select the profile attribute Followers Count.

  3. In the value field, add the number.

To create an audience segment using Tweet Text:

  1. Now Add another filter.

  2. Select the event attribute Tweet Text.

  3. Add the Tweet query.

To create an audience segment using Tweet Sentiment:

  1. Now Add another filter.

  2. Select the event attribute Tweet Sentiment.

  3. Add the sentiment value as negative.

A Streaming Service brand wanted to target the most relevant audience who would engage with the promo of an upcoming MMA match and help the brand create more buzz around the event. So the*streaming Service create a segment to target users who engaged with the social handles of popular MMA players, popular networks and program creators in that genre, and other niche handles.

To achieve this, create an Audience Segment using Engaged with Social Handle.

To create an Audience Segment using Engaged with Social Handle:

  1. Select the event attribute Engaged with Social Handle.

  2. In the value field, add the Twiter handles of all the social handles of popular MMA players, popular networks and program creators in that genre, and other niche handles.

  3. Set recency.

Activate the segment across social channel (X) and use it for ad targeting to engage users of the segment created.

Use Search Queries

  • If you want to create a query for all tweets about Sprinklr Culture, then create the search query as: “Sprinklr Culture”, "Sprinklr 10".

  • If you want to search people who are interested in fashion and has mentioned the same in their user bios, then create the search query as: "fashion blogger", "fashion enthusiast", "fashion influencer".

  • Suppose you want to create a query for all tweets that are talking about Sprinklr webinar. For a more relevant query, use the boolean operator AND here, so that only those tweets surface that have all the defined keywords, phrases, hashtags, mentions, such as: Sprinklr AND webinar.

  • Suppose you want to search X audiences who are interested both in fashion and racing. For a more relevant query, use the boolean operator AND here, so that only those audiences surface who have all the defined keywords in their bios such as: fashion AND racing.

  • Suppose you want to create a query for all tweets talking about New York Fashion Week. To create a query covering the maximum reach, use the boolean operator OR so that all tweets surface containing any of the defined keywords, phrases, hashtags, mentions, such as: “new york fashion week” OR “NY fashion week” OR “ny fashionweek” OR “new york fashionweek” OR @FYNewYork OR “fashion week new york” OR “fashionweek ny” OR #nyfw OR #fwny.

  • Suppose you want to search X audiences who are interested in cars or bike. To create a query covering the maximum reach, use the boolean operator OR such as: car OR bike OR racer OR racing OR "Formula 1" OR "Formula One".

Asterisk is a commonly used wildcard symbol that broadens a search by finding words that start with the same letters and retrieves all the variations.

For example:

  • motivat*: will find motivate, motivates, motivation, motivational, etc.

  • child*: will find children as well as child.


You can use popular topic-related hashtags and also mentions of accounts.

  1. Use quotes around phrases in queries

    Example: “Artificial intelligence webinar” OR webinar OR “AI webinar”

  2. Mentions and hashtags

    Mentions and hashtags can be part of tweet queries too to make the search more relevant and inclusive. Use the applicable boolean operator to separate them but do not enclose them within quotes.

    Example: @FYNewYork OR #nyfw

  3. Create Nested Queries

    If you want to create query for matching multiple keyword combinations, then nest the queries using brackets:

    Example 1: If you want to create a query containing the following keywords: AI Webinar Engagement, AI Webinar Research. Then you can nest the queries using brackets as shown:

    “AI Webinar” AND (Engagement OR Research)

    Example 2: Similarly, if you want to create a query containing the following keywords: AI Webinar Engagement, AI Webinar Research, Machine learning Engagement, Machine learning Webinar Research. Then you can nest the queries using brackets as shown:

    (“AI Webinar” AND (Engagement OR Research)) OR (“Machine learning Webinar” AND (Engagement OR Research))

  4. Create DMP Segments

    Create DMP Segments for tweet text queries with lookback period of few years for better results.

    Example: Suppose you want to create tweet text query for “new york fashion Week” OR “NY fashion week” OR “ny fashionweek” OR “new york fashionweek” for past three years (2019, 2018, 2017).

    Then create three segments across three years as shown:

    Segment 1 (NY Fashion week 2019)

    Segment 2 (NY Fashion week 2018)

    Segment 3 (NY Fashion week 2017)

    Now create a DMP Segment using different filter groups.

Profile Attributes — Field Descriptions

Profile Attribute


Favorites Count

Target all the users who have more than the defined favorites count

Followed By Users

Target all the X handles that are followed by a particular X handle/user

Followers Count

Target all the users who have followers in the defined range

Followers Of Users

Target the followers of a particular X handle/user

Friends Count

Target all the users who have friends in the defined range

Status Count

Target all the users who have tweet count in the defined range

User Bio

Target the users whose bio contains the defined query

User Created Date

Target users based on their X joining date

User Language

Target the users who have selected a particular preferred language

User Location

Location is detected in order of preference.

  1. GPS location of the message/data provider given

  2. Provided in profile

  3. Bio of the profile

There are different filters for Location - Country Profile and Country Bio


Target all the users who are either verified or not verified

Sprinklr Enriched* Gender

The Gender is detected by analyzing the name of the profile.

Sprinklr Enriched General Interest

The interests are detected by analyzing the handles the profile is following. For example, if a profile is following a lot of footballers, one of the interests detected would be Football.

Sprinklr Enriched Marital Status

Target users based on their marital status

Sprinklr Enriched Niche Interest

The interests are detected by analyzing the handles the profile is following. For example, if a profile is following a lot of footballers, one of the interests detected would be Football.

Sprinklr Enriched Parental Status

Target users based on their parental status

Sprinklr Enriched Profession and Organization

Both Profession and Organization are detected by analyzing the Bio of the profile. A machine learning model is built using Bio of more than a million profiles.

Event Attributes — Field Descriptions

Event Attribute


Engaged with Social Handle

Target all the users who have engaged with a particular social handle

Engaged with Tweet

Target all the users who engaged with a particular tweet. In the value section, enter the tweet id.

Tweet City

Target all the users who have tweeted from a particular city

Tweet Country

Target all the users who have tweeted from a particular country

Tweet Language

Target all the users who have tweeted in a particular language

Tweet Sentiment

Target all the users who have tweeted with a particular sentiment

Tweet Text

Target the users whose tweet text contains the defined query

Event Time

The time when the event takes place


X Firehose provides additional targeting options that allow you to accurately target a niche targeting audience, such as:

  • X Firehose helps to target audiences based on sentiments towards your brand’s or competitor’s tweet (if you would like to identify and exclude detractors of your brand from your ad)

  • X Firehose allows you to target based on specific engagement actions such as Replies, Retweets to your tweets

  • Sprinklr additionally provides enriched attributes using Sprinklr’s AI that identifies user’s Niche Interests, Professions, Marital Status, Organization, Gender based on their bio or user profiles

  • X Firehose helps to fetch data for the past 5 years for attributes such as users who engaged with your handle

No, it is not required to connect any data source to access X Firehose. You can access X Firehose attributes by default in Segment Manager.

No, the audiences will still be a part of your ad campaign. The segments will stop updating or refreshing once they expire, and the audiences will retain the latest users which were part of the X Segment at the point of time it expired.

Yes, based on your X Query, all those profiles that contain that word as a whole will be fetched.

For example: Suppose a Tweet or bio contains, "I work at Sprinklr."

If the query had the word “ink”, then the above tweet will not be shortlisted by the query.

All the conditions within a filter group will be combined using the “AND” operator.

No, you can activate your X Firehose Segments only on X or Profile List.

X Firehose segments that are not activated yet, update every 14 days. X Firehose Segments that are activated update every 7 days. Whenever an activated X Segment gets updated, the corresponding Segment Activation Audiences available in the Segment Activation screen also get updated.