X Pixels


If you're running ad campaigns on X, conversion tracking is an important tool that can help you track and measure your return on investment. With conversion tracking, you can monitor the actions that people take after viewing or engaging with your ads on X.

By setting up conversion events, you can gain insights into the performance of your campaigns and use the data to optimize and target your ads more effectively. In other words, conversion tracking not only allows you to report on the success of your campaigns, but it can also help you improve their overall performance.

To Setup Pixels

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. On the Tools and Settings window, click Pixels within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. In the top right corner of the Pixels window, click Add Pixels.
    Clicking Add Pixels in the Pixels window of Advertising Tools and Settings

  4. Enter the parameters for your Pixel as required. For Custom Conversion pixel, you can set the following parameters:

    Custom Conversion

    Ad Account

    Select the X ad account.

    Conversion Pixel Type

    Select the category that best fits the custom conversion pixel from the dropdown menu.

    Post-engagement attribution window

    Select the time window for crediting X with conversions that happen after a person engages with your ads.

    Post-view attribution window

    Select the category that best fits the custom conversion pixel from the dropdown menu.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to complete the process.

X’s conversion tracking lets you attribute conversions beyond last link clicks, to include actions driven by all types of ad engagements, for example, Link Clicks, Retweets, or Likes and Impressions.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your X ad account.

  3. On the Campaign Details window, select Website Traffic as your campaign objective from Select Objective for your Campaign.

  4. Follow the prompted step till the Advanced Configuration section.

  5. In the Advanced Configuration section, select the Ad Set you want to apply a conversion pixel to and select the desired website tracking pixel from the Conversion Pixel drop-down menu.
    Selecting a Tracking Pixel for the Desired Twitter Ad Set

  6. Follow the prompted steps and publish the campaign.

To View Insights

Once you have published your ad campaign, you will be redirected to the Ads Manager window.

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired campaign and select View & Edit.

  2. In the Edit pane to the right, click Analytics from the right navigation pane.

  3. From the Analytics window, select a conversion pixel metric for which you want to view insights from the drop-down menu to the top. You can now view how your campaign is performing. In this section, you can track your conversion data corresponding to your ad.
    Analysing the Performance of Conversion Pixel on the Campaign Level

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon  alongside the desired campaign and select View Insights.

  2. From the Select Dashboard to View Insights pop-up window, select the desired dashboard to view insights and click Open. Here you can further track your conversion data.

    Analysing Conversion Data within Ads Reporting