Auto-Suggest Type-Aheads and Entity List Template


Auto-Suggest Type-Aheads

Auto-suggest type-ahead in live chat refers to the proactive generation of suggestions or recommendations as users start typing their queries during a live chat session. This functionality leverages real-time analysis of user input to prompt relevant responses, commonly in the form of pre-written messages, frequently asked questions (FAQs), product names, articles, or other relevant content. As users begin typing their inquiries, the system dynamically generates and displays suggestions based on the context of the conversation and the user's input. This feature aims to assist users by anticipating their needs and providing helpful recommendations or answers even before they complete their queries, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the live chat experience.

For example, in customer support live chats, if a user starts typing "My account...", the auto-suggest type-ahead might offer suggestions like "My account is locked, how do I unlock it?" or "How do I update my account information?" This helps guide the user towards relevant information or actions without them having to fully articulate their query.

To get this capability enabled, please raise a support ticket by contacting

Entity List Template

The Entity List Template serves as an inline search template sent to users during a chat session. When users click on this template, they are presented with a list of suggestions related to their query, product, or other topics of interest. Additionally, users have the option to search and select specific queries or products within this template, which will be published as their reply. Essentially, the Entity List Template enhances the user experience by providing a structured and easily navigable interface for accessing relevant information, thereby facilitating smoother interactions and faster access to desired content.

To get this capability enabled, please raise a support ticket by contacting