Case Update and Case Creation Rules


Case Update and Case Creation rules allows you to configure rule actions to apply to cases when conditions are met upon the update or creation of cases, respectively. Use this feature to automate processes around Case Management, saving time and improving your workflow with case-specific actions that can be automated through customized conditions.

Case Creation vs Case Update Rules

  • Case creation rules are triggered when a new case is created in Sprinklr, usually as a result of a new message or post from a customer. These rules can be used to automatically assign the case to a specific team or agent, set the priority level of the case, or initiate a specific action, such as sending an automated response to the customer. Case creation rules are useful for ensuring that new cases are handled promptly and efficiently.

  • Case update rules, on the other hand, are triggered when an existing case is updated or modified in Sprinklr. These rules can be used to change the priority level or status of the case, assign the case to a different team or agent, or initiate a specific action, such as sending a follow-up message to the customer. Case update rules are useful for ensuring that cases are managed effectively throughout their lifecycle and that the appropriate actions are taken as needed.

Overall, the main difference between case creation rules and case update rules is the trigger event that activates them. Case creation rules are triggered when a new case is created, while case update rules are triggered when an existing case is updated or modified.

To Create Case Update/Creation Rules

  • Click the New Tab icon . Under Governance Console, and click Manage Rules within Platform Setup.

  • In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule. To learn more about how to create a rule.

  • On the Create New Rule window, give your rule a name and an optional description. From the Rule Scope dropdown, select Customer.

  • Next, from the Context dropdown, select a rule context from Case Creation or Case Update.
    Clicking the Case Creation in the context drop down of the Rule Engine

  • If you want, modify the values for Activation Date, Rule Execution Batch, Rule Type, and Custom Fields. To proceed with the default values, click Next.

  • In the Rule Builder window, select Add Condition to set up specific case scenarios that must be met for subsequent actions to execute. You can also chain multiple conditions together to refine the scenarios.

Case Conditions



Condition Applies To Universal Case

Set the condition based on the following properties:

  • Assigned By Reminder

  • Assignment Present - checks if the case has been assigned to a user.

  • Business Hours - select from saved Business Hours configurations - see Create Business Hours in Settings to learn more.

  • Case Created Time Duration - set the time from message to case creation.

  • Case Queue - set the queue the case is in.

  • Case Queue Assignment Time Duration

  • Case creation time is after - provide a date and time for cases created after a specific date.

  • Case creation time is before - provide a date and time for cases created before a specific date.

  • Custom Properties

  • Custom Metric Value - use any custom metric value along with the time filter.

  • Due Date - set a due date for case completion.

  • From User Channel Type

  • From User Partner Profile Lists

  • Is Archived - set a condition for whether or not the case is archived.

  • Is Smart Response Used

  • Keyword List

  • Keywords - enter keywords or phrases contained in the case.

  • Priority - set a condition for what priority a case has.

  • Source

  • Status - set a condition for the Case status.

  • Sub Type

  • Summary - set a list of words or phrases contained or not contained. 

  • Tags - set tags that are applied to the case.

  • Type - set the type of case as either Complaint or Requirement or Feedback.

  • Assignee Availability Status

  • Case eligible for direct assignment - set the availability status. This condition is used in combination with Direct Assign to Preferred agent action.

  • User Status

  • Priority Rank

  • SLA Breach Remaining Time 

  • Partner custom properties

Condition Applies To Sample a subset of assets from a given set

Set the condition based on the following properties:

  • Sample By — Percentage

    • Percentage of assets to sample from set 

    • Sampling Category

  • Sample By — Number

    • Number of assets to sample from set

    • Sample Set Size

    • Sampling Category

Case Update

Condition Applies To Universal Case

Set the condition based on the following properties:

  • Added Queue

  • Assigned By Reminder

  • Assignment Present - checks if the case has been assigned to a user.

  • Associated Brand Messages Count - set the number of brand messages associated with the case.

  • Associated Fan Messages Count - set the number of fan messages associated with the case.

  • Business Hours

  • Case Created Time Duration 

  • Case Queue - set the queue the case is in.

  • Case Queue Assignment Time Duration

  • Case creation time is after - provide a date and time for cases created after a specific date.

  • Case creation time is before - provide a date and time for cases created before a specific date.

  • Custom Properties

  • Due Date - set a due date for case completion.

  • Fan Messages Count Since Last Brand Response

  • From User Channel Type

  • From User Partner Profile Lists

  • Is Archived - set a condition for whether or not the case is archived.

  • Is Smart Response Used

  • Keyword List

  • Keywords - enter keywords or phrases contained in the case.

  • Last Brand Interaction Duration - set the duration of last interaction from the brand.

  • Last Fan Interaction Duration - set the duration of the last interaction from the fan.

  • Last Interaction Duration - set the duration of the last interaction. It can be used to find cases with last interaction duration (both fan & brand) greater than the said value.

  • Priority - set a condition for what priority a case has.

  • Source

  • Status - set a condition for the Case status.

  • Sub Type

  • Summary - set a list of words or phrases contained or not contained. 

  • Tags - set tags that are applied to the case.

  • Type - set the type of case as either Complaint or Requirement or Feedback.

  • Assignee Availability Status

  • Case eligible for direct assignment - set the availability status. This condition is used in combination with Direct Assign to Preferred agent action.

  • User Status

  • Priority Rank

  • SLA Breach Remaining Time 

  • Partner custom properties

Conditions Applies To Classification Conditions

Set the condition based on the following properties:

  • Comment Path Confidence

  • Product Path Confidence

Condition Applies To Survey

Set the condition based on the following properties associated with the survey:

  • Last Survey Response Status

  • Received survey response

  • Survey last sent before duration 

  • User Opted Out Of Survey 

Conditions Applies To Sample a subset of assets from a given set

Set the condition based on the following properties:

  • Sample By — Percentage

    • Percentage of assets to sample from set 

    • Sampling Category

  • Sample By — Number

    • Number of assets to sample from set

    • Sample Set Size

    • Sampling Category

​Case Actions



Case Creation

Actions To Universal Case

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add Collaborator

  • Add From user to Partner Profile Lists - add the users associated with the case.

  • Add Subscribers - add users subscribed to updates.

  • Add a Note

  • Add to Case Queue

  • Associate Checklist

  • Choose Custom Fields to set to default

  • Copy Custom Property Assignment Time - Copy the assignment time of a given custom field value to any date-time custom field.

  • Direct Assign Case To Preferred Agent

  • Due Date - set a case due date.

  • Email Notification - send an email notification with case details.

  • Priority - set a case priority.

  • Remove Collaborator

  • Remove From Case Queue

  • Remove Subscribers - remove users subscribed to updates.

  • Remove User from Partner Profile Lists

  • Sentiment - set the case sentiment.

  • Status - apply a status to the case.

  • Tags - apply tags to the case.

  • Trigger Process

  • Type - apply a case type.

  • Assign - Assign a case to Work Queue, User, or Routing Configuration. With Work Queue, you can also add Entity to Exclude Assign action with a Case Custom Field which contains the user to whom you don’t want to assign the case.

  • UnAssign Case

  • Allocate Time of 

  • Assign Fairly to one of the Users - set a list of assignees that can be assigned the case based on a number of maximum assignments.

  • Change Availability Status of 

  • Mark follow up as 

  • Priority Rank 

  • SLA Breach Details 

  • Send SMS - refers to selecting receivers to send SMS messages.

  • Send UI push notification - refers to selecting receivers to send notification in their UI.

  • Unset SLA Breach Details 

  • Partner custom properties

Actions To Copy properties from source to destination

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Copy Action Source - select the source from which you want to copy the value.

  • Copy Action Destination - select the destination to which you want to set the copied value.

Actions To Make External Calls

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Extension to Execute

Actions To Schedule a Rule/Macro

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Action to Schedule

  • Action to remove Schedule 

Actions To Schedule Actions

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add to scheduler engine queue​

Actions to Case Associated Messages

Engageable, Message Category, and Partner custom properties can be set/unset for the following:

  • All Associated Messages in Case

  • All Associated Fan Messages in Case

  • All Associated Brand Messages in Case

  • Last Associated fan message in Case

  • Last Associated brand message in Case

  • Last Associated message in Case

Actions To Volumetric Actions

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Send Volumetric Trigger Email

Actions To Classification Actions

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Classify

Actions To Actions on chat conversation associated to the case

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Close Chat Conversation

  • Forward Live Chat Conversation as Email

  • Handover Live Chat Conversation Control

Case Update

Actions To Auto respond to a message

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Send Auto Response To - refers to set an auto response to Twitter, Facebook Page, Line, etc.

    • Choose Account To Reply From

    • Choose Campaign

    • Choose Preferred Reply Type

    • Choose Related Reply Entity

    • Choose Reply Template

    • Time Duration of Last Auto 

Actions To Universal Case

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add Collaborator

  • Add From user to Partner Profile Lists - add the users associated with the case.

  • Add Subscribers - add users subscribed to updates.

  • Add a Note

  • Add to Case Queue

  • Archive Case

  • Associate Checklist

  • Choose Custom Fields to set to default

  • Direct Assign Case To Preferred Agent

  • Due Date - set a case due date.

  • Email Notification - send an email notification with case details.

  • Priority - set a case priority.

  • Remove Collaborator

  • Remove From Case Queue

  • Remove Subscribers - remove users subscribed to updates.

  • Sentiment - set the case sentiment.

  • Status - apply a status to the case.

  • Tags - apply tags to the case.

  • Trigger Process

  • Type - apply a case type.

  • Assign - Assign a case to Work Queue, User, or Routing Configuration. With Work Queue, you can also add Entity to Exclude Assign action with a Case Custom Field which contains the user to whom you don’t want to assign the case.

  • UnAssign Case

  • Allocate Time of 

  • Assign Fairly to one of the Users - set a list of assignees that can be assigned the case based on a number of maximum assignments.

  • Capture Case State

  • Change Availability Status of 

  • Mark follow up as 

  • Priority Rank 

  • SLA Breach Details 

  • Send SMS - refers to selecting receivers to send SMS messages.

  • Send UI push notification - refers to selecting receivers to send notification in their UI.

  • Unset SLA Breach Details 

  • Partner custom properties

Actions To Copy properties from source to destination

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Copy Action Source - select the source from which you want to copy the value.

  • Copy Action Destination - select the destination to which you want to set the copied value.

Actions To Make External Calls

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Extension to Execute

Actions To Schedule a Rule/Macro

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Action to Schedule

  • Action to remove Schedule 

Actions To Schedule Actions

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Add to scheduler engine queue 

Actions To Request Twitter Feedback

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Request Twitter Feedback

Actions to Case Associated Messages

Engageable, Message Category, and Partner custom properties can be set/unset for the following:

  • All Associated Messages in Case

  • All Associated Fan Messages in Case

  • All Associated Brand Messages in Case

  • Last Associated fan message in Case

  • Last Associated brand message in Case

  • Last Associated message in Case

Actions To Volumetric Actions

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Send Volumetric Trigger Email

Actions To Survey

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Request Survey

    • Survey Expiry Duration

    • Survey Message

    • Survey Triggered By

    • Url Shortener

  • Resend Survey

    • Survey Expiry Duration

    • Survey Message

Actions To Classification Actions 

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Classify

  • Update classification details on CRM

Actions To Actions on chat conversation associated to the case

Set the action based on the following attributes:

  • Close Chat Conversation

  • Forward Live Chat Conversation as Email

  • Handover Live Chat Conversation Control