Inbound Rules


Inbound Rules apply to messages or profiles when brought into the Sprinklr platform. These Rules can be initiated based on the social channel, account, or message type.Inbound Rules can be a great way to automate tagging of messages or to direct messages into your Universal Inbox Queue.

Inbound rules allows you to define criteria and conditions for routing incoming social media messages or engagements to specific teams or individuals within your organization. They help streamline the management and handling of incoming social media interactions. Here's an overview of inbound rules in Sprinklr:

  • Message Routing: Inbound rules determine how incoming messages are routed within Sprinklr. You can set up rules to automatically assign messages to specific teams, individuals, or queues based on various criteria.

  • Criteria and Conditions: Inbound rules use criteria and conditions to determine how messages should be routed. These criteria can include keywords, hashtags, specific social media handles or profiles, language, sentiment, location, or other custom-defined parameters.

  • Workflow Automation: By using inbound rules, you can automate the workflow associated with incoming messages. For example, you can create rules to automatically assign messages to a particular team or agent, apply tags or labels, prioritize urgent messages, or route messages based on specific content attributes.

  • Streamlining Engagement: Inbound rules help ensure that incoming messages are efficiently distributed and handled by the appropriate team or individual. This improves response times, reduces manual effort in message assignment, and ensures that messages are properly addressed based on your defined rules.

Inbound rule conditions

Conditions can be set in Inbound Rules to check for specific criteria that a message meets when it is brought into Sprinklr before an action is executed on the inbound message or the profile associated with the message. Below, is a list of the Inbound Rule Condition types and the specific conditions within those condition types.

  • The Source of the Message

  • The Properties of the Message

  • The Profile of the Message Sender

  • The Profile of the Message Receiver

  • Message Related to Brand Posts

  • The Cases Attached to the Messages

The source of the message

The Source of the Message Conditions are conditions applicable to the source of the message, or where the message is being brought in from.


Select a social channel or channels (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc) as the social network from which the message originates.

Paid Initiative

A paid initiative refers to external marketing with paid placements on social channels.

Ad Set

Ad sets are groups of ads that share settings for how, when and where to run.

Ad Variant

An ad variant allows you to create variants of a message, also known as sub-messages, in the Production Dashboards and Advanced Publisher.


Select a specific account that the message has been posted to. You can select multiple accounts or Account Groups.

Message Type

The Message Type refers to the channel-specific type of message, like a Facebook Post, Twitter Retweet, Google+ Comment, etc.

Message Subtype

Message Subtype refers to a specified content type, like a Form, Survey, or Article.

Persistent Searches

Here, you can select a Persistent Search configuration from the existing Monitoring Dashboard Persistent Searches.

Business Hours

Select from saved Business Hours configurations - see Create Business Hours in Settings to learn more.

Account Owner

Select from Users or User Groups to set criteria for the owner of the Account the message is associated with.

The properties of the message

The Properties of the Message Conditions are conditions applicable to the message itself and its properties.


Set specific words that the message contains, separating entries using OR; the text condition is used for an exact match on all entries.


Refers to the title or subject of the message where applicable.


Select from existing tag configurations**.


Enter hashtags as criteria for the message.


Select a Spam setting to apply to messages that have been marked as Spam or messages not marked as Spam as the criteria for this condition.


This condition checks the country the message was sent from.

Is Mention on External Source

Refers to an @-mention of a brand account on a non-owned Facebook page.

Conversation Initiated By

Select Fan or Brand to set criteria for whether the message is part of a conversation started by a brand post or by a fan post.


Select specific languages that the message should be written in for the condition to be met.


Choose a sentiment or sentiments applied to the message.


Select a message Status from existing Statuses.


Select from message Priorities to set priority criteria for inbound messages.

Is Message Archived

Set an archived status for the message to meet in order to satisfy the condition.

Message Content

Select from available message content types, like Media Only, Fan MentionOnly, Fan Mention With Text, Quoted Tweet, Contains AnyMedia, Emoji Only and Emoji with text to check for the type of content a message contains.

Is Message Added After Account Added in Sprinklr

This condition checks to see if an inbound message was brought into Sprinklr after the correlating account was added to Sprinklr.

Geo-Target Country

This condition checks the targeting properties of the message if the message was geo-targeting specific countries.

Post Type

This condition applies to the inbound message type, like Facebook Post, Twitter Reply, etc.

Assignment Present

Checks if the message has been assigned to a user.

Is Sponsored Post

This condition will check if the message is a sponsored post.

Message has Link

This condition checks if the message contains a link.

Published Status

Checks if the message is published or unpublished.

Message Creation Time is Before/After

Set the date and time to set a condition for message creation time.

Duration between Message Creation Time and Rule Execution Time

Can be used to check if the time period between the message creation time and Rule execution time is greater than or less than a set period of time.

Brand Has Participated in Message Conversation

This condition will check if the message is part of a conversation that the brand account has participated in.

Advocate Has Participated in Message Conversation

Refers to the messages on which the advocate has participated.

Message Has Conversation

Refers to whether the message is a part of the conversation.

Is Brand Mention

if the fan has mentioned the brand account.

Custom Properties

You can select a keyword list that the message contains or doesn't contain.

Message Keywords

You can select a keyword list that the message contains or doesn't contain.

Message Eligible for Direct Assignment

Set the availability status. This condition is used in combination with Direct Assign to Preferred agent action.

Partner Custom Properties

Refers to the Partner Level Inbound Message Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Client Custom Properties

Refers to the Client Level Inbound Message Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Is Live Video

Identifies the Live Videos published on Facebook.

Is Promotable

To identify promoted tweets.

Topic Theme

To identify topic themes present in an inbound message.

Theme Tag

To identify the theme tags present in an inbound message.

Referral Ad ID

To identify the referral ad ID present in an inbound message.

Channel Metadata

To update the metadata and tags in a YouTube Video.

Channel Privacy

To filter out Unlisted videos from YouTube when fetching them through inbound rules.

Check For Duplicate Message created

To identify exact duplicate inbound public and private messages on a specific Twitter account in last x duration.

First Message In Chat Conversation

To identify the first message in a live chat conversation.

Dark Post

To identify the dark posts in an inbound message.

The Profile of the message sender

The Profile of the Message Sender Conditions are conditions applicable to the message Sender’s Profile.

Profile Verified

Refers whether the profile is verified or not.


Refers to the name of the sender.

Followers Count

Refers to the number of followers the sender has on the account.


Refers to the specific words or phrases in the sender’s biography.

Influence Index Score

Refers to the numeric value of the Influence Index.

Spam Index Score

Refers to the numeric value of the Spam Index.


Refers to the descriptive terms (tags) associated with the message; these can be created ad-hoc or within Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Client Profile List

Refers to the Client level profile lists that have been set up.

Partner Profile List

Refers to the Partner level profile lists that have been set up.

Sender Age

Refers to the senders' age.

Sender Gender

Refers to the senders' gender is male or female.

Sender Locale

Refers to the selection of languages.

Partner Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties set up in Partner Level Custom Fields.

Client Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties set up in Client Level Custom Fields.

Channel Custom Properties

Refers to the custom properties set up for Facebook.

Contact Email Address

Email address of the message sender.

The profile of the message receiver

The Profile of the Message Receiver Conditions are conditions applicable to the message Receiver’s Profile.

Client Profile List

Refers to clients from the profile list.

Partner Profile List

Refers to partners from the profile list.

Message related to brand posts

Message Related to Brand Posts Conditions are conditions applicable to the post made by the brand. 

Post Tag

Refers to the tags on the post.

Post Campaign

Refers to the Campaign the post is associated with as set up within the Campaign tab.

Geo. Country Target

Refers to the country the post is geo-targeting.

SAM Asset Used

Refers to the assets used in the post.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Client Custom Fields

Refers to the Client Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

The cases attached to the messages

The Cases Attached to the Messages Conditions are conditions applicable to the messages received on the posts made by the brand.

Profile have associated Case with

Refers to the profile if has an associated Case in the account selected.

Does receiver profile have associated case with

Refers to the receiver profile if has an associated Case.

Does the message already have an associated case from any account

Refers to the message if it already has an associated case.

Does any message in the conversation have a case associated to it

Refers to any message in the conversation if it has a Case associated to it.

Does messages's parent message have a case associated to it

Refers to messages's parent message if it has a Case associated to it.

Does the message already have an associated case 

Refers to whether the message has already been associated to a Case.

Does the Profile have case associated in the conversation

Refers to whether the profile has a Case associated within the conversation.

Does any message in the conversation have a case associated to it

Refers to whether any message in the conversation thread has a Case associated with it.

Does Receiver Profile have associated case which matches this Custom fields

Refers to whether the messages that you send to your customer has an associated case based on the tagged custom field value.


Refers to the specific words or phrases in the message.

Due Date

Refers to the date the Case is due to be dealt with.

#days since the last profile-case association

Refers to the number of days since the last time the profile was associated to a Case.

Case Queues

Refers to the Case Queue the message is or is not in.


Refers to the user assigned to the Case.

Case Created From Profile List

Refers to the Case created from the profile list.

Is Archived

Refers to whether the message has been marked as archived.

Associated Fan Messages Count

Refers to the associated fan message count.

Associated Brand Messages Count

Refers to the associated brand message count.

Associated Fan-Brand Messages Count

Refers to the associated fan-brand message count.

Last Fan Interaction Duration

Refers to the last fan interaction duration.

Last Brand Interaction Duration

Refers to the last brand interaction duration.

Last Interaction Duration

Refers to the last interaction duration.

Has Associated CRM Profile

Refers to whether the account has an associated CRM profile.

Fan Messages Count Since Last Brand Response

Refers to fan messages count since the last brand response.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields.

Client Custom Fields

Refers to the Client Level Custom Fields.

Inbound Rule Actions

Actions are executed on the inbound message or the profile associated with the message. Below, we'll look at each Inbound Rule Action type and the specific actions within those action types:

  • Assign a Message to User/Queue

  • Change Properties of Message

  • Properties of the Message Sender

  • Control the Visibility of the Message

  • Universal Case Actions

  • Copy Properties from Source to Destination

  • CRM Actions

  • Create a Suggestion from a Message

  • Auto Respond to a Message

Assign a message to user/queue

Assign a Message to User/Queue Actions are actionable tasks on the message.

Add to Client Queue

Refers to adding the message to a previously created Client Level Queue.

Add to Partner Queue

Refers to adding the message to a previously created Partner Level Queue.

Assign to User

Refers to assigning the message to a specific user.

Assign to One of the Users

Refers to assigning the message to anyone of the Users or Users in the Group(s).

Direct assign to preferred agent

Refers to directly assign preferred agent to specify content.

Remove from Client Queue

Refers to removing the message from a Client Level Queue that was set up previously.

Remove from Partner Queue

Refers to removing the message from a Partner Level Queue that was set up previously.

Send Email Notification

Refers to sending an email notification to User(s). You can also add freeform email addresses (non-Sprinklr users) to send an email notification to.

Send Volumetric Trigger Email

Refers to sending email notifications to the Users selected based on the Volumetric Condition that must be first set up under the Basic Information of the Condition Section where you can choose the number of messages received in a specific duration to trigger an email notification. You can also add freeform email addresses (non-Sprinklr users) to send an email notification to.

UnAssign Message

Refers to unassign an assigned message.


Refers to assign a message to either a work queue or user.

Assign Fairly to One of the Users

Refers to assigning the message based on user/group’s status i.e availability, the number of messages assigned to each assignee, or other conditions such as the channel, account, etc.

Send Automatic Alert Email

Refers to selecting receivers to send automatic alert email.

Send Automatic Alert Mobile notification

Refers to selecting receivers to send the automatic alert mobile notification.

Send SMS

Refers to selecting receivers to send SMS messages.

Send UI push notification

Refers to selecting receivers to send notifications in their UI.

Change properties of message

Message Property Actions are actionable tasks on the message properties.


Refers to the descriptive terms (tags) associated with the message; these can be created ad-hoc or within Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).


Refers to the tone of the message. This could be positive, negative, or neutral.


Refers to the priority of the message. The number of options and the names of each option can be set up within Administration > Settings > Manage Client Priority.


Refers to the status of the message based on a list created within Administration > Settings > Manage Client.


Refers to whether the message is spam or not.

Capture State

Refers to set capture state.

Auto-Tag Message

Refers to automatically tagging a message.

Compute message SLA from now

Refers to compute message SLA from now by selecting action.

Mark message as advocate post

Refers to set Mark the message as an advocate post.

Search Pattern and take action

Refers to the search pattern and take action.

Choose Custom Fields to set to default

Refers to choose custom fields to set to default.

Highlight search terms

Refers to set Highlight search terms.

Add to UGC as Media

Refers to set Add to UGC as media.

Add to UGC as Post

Refers to set Add UGC as a post.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Inbound Message Custom Fields.

Client Custom Fields

Refers to the Client Level Inbound Message Custom Fields.

Send Mobile Push Notifications

Refers to the notification sent on the Mobile App.

Properties of the message sender

Sender Profile Actions are various tasks with action on the message properties.


Refers to the descriptive terms (tags) associated with the message; these can be created ad-hoc or within Custom Fields (See Custom Fields).

Block Profile

Refers to select an action to block profile.

Add to Client Profile Lists

Refers to adding the message sender to the Client level profile lists that have been set up.

Add to Partner Profile Lists

Refers to adding the message sender to the Partner level profile lists that have been set up.

Choose Custom Fields to set default

Refers to choosing custom fields to set default.

Partner Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties setup in Partner Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Client Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties setup in Client Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Control the Visibility of the Message

Control the Visibility of the Message Actions are various tasks with action on the message relating to message visibility.

Delete Message

Refers to deleting the message.


Refers to hiding the message.

Universal case actions

Universal Case Actions are various tasks with action related to Case Management.

Case Action

Refers to the action to be taken on a Case such as associate, create, or update.

Email Notification

Refers to setting email notifications to a User group.

Copy Assignee To Case

Refers to select actions to copy assignee to a Case.

Due Date

Refers to the date the case is due to be dealt with.

Add Queues

Refers to adding the message to a Queue that has been set up previously.

Remove Queues

Refers to removing the message to a Queue that has been set up previously.

Add Subscribers

Refers to adding a subscriber.

Remove Subscribers

Refers to removing a subscriber.

Archive Case

Refers to whether the message has been archived.


Refers to the user assigned to the Case.

Associate Message to CRM Profile

Refers to associate the message to CRM profile.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Partner Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Copy properties from source to destination

Sprinklr allows Rules to be configured to copy Custom Field values associated with a Parent post to its Child posts. This helps brands to identify and classify posts in which they have engaged with fans. It also allows brands to perform additional reporting based on the Custom Fields. 

Before you begin, ensure that the parent post has custom field values assigned to it.

  • If the custom field is of picklist type, ensure that the custom field values have identical values.

  • If the destination custom field type is picklist, then the source custom field must be picklist.

  • If the source custom field type is picklist, then the destination custom field can be of type picklist, multi-select picklist, text area, or text.

  • The custom field values will show up in the dropdown based on the type of source and destination selected.

Copy Action Source

Select the source from which you want to copy the value.

Copy Action Destination

Select the destination to which you want to set the copied value.

For more information, see Creating a Copy Action Rule.

CRM actions

CRM Actions are the actions to control the visibility of the message.

Select an Application

Refers to set and select an application to control the visibility of the message.

Create a suggestion from a message

Create a Suggestion from a Message Actions are actions to create suggestions for a message.

Suggestion Actions

Refers to set suggestion actions and create suggestions.

Auto respond to a message

Auto Respond to a Message Actions is an actions to auto-respond to a message.

Auto Response Action

Send Auto-Response To

Refers to set an auto-response to Twitter, Facebook Page, Line, etc.

Auto Forward

Refers to set an auto-forward to Twitter, Facebook Page, Line, etc.

Auto Waiting Message

Refers to set an auto-waiting to Twitter, Facebook Page, Line, etc.