Logout Rules


Logout Rules are initiated when a user changes the availability or status. The Logout rule affects how messages are assigned to users within the platform based on availability statuses. For example, if you log out from the Sprinklr platform then based on the user conditions, the chosen action takes place.

We can use logout rules to ensure that whenever an agent log's out from the system,assigned cases/messages with that agent are automatically unassigned so that other available agents can handle them instantly without losing time.

Logout Rule Conditions

Logout Conditions are applicable when the user logs out from the system.

Logout Condition

Logout rule that should apply to the users or user groups that you select.

User Status

Logout rule that should apply to the users who have changed their user status.

Is Logout Actions Via Status Change

Helps check if the logout rule was triggered via status change or not.

Logout Rule Actions

Logout Actions are applied when the user logs out from the system.

Logout Action

Set User Status

Set the desired user status.

Unassign Messages

Removes the messages from Assign to me column.

Unassign Tasks

Removes the messages that are assigned to you in the Approval Queue.

Move Message to last work queue

Moves the messages to the last work queue.

Work Queue

Adds the messages that are assigned to you to the selected Work Queue.

Unassign Cases

Unassign the cases from the selected queue.

Unassign Video Tasks

Unassign the video tasks from the selected queue.

Partner Queue

Adds the messages that are assigned to you to the selected Partner Queue.

Remove Client Queue

Remove the message from the selected Client Queue.

Remove Partner Queue

Remove the message from the selected Partner Queue.

Pause processing clock for cases

This action can be used to more accurately gauge users' response times by preventing the processing clock from continuing to run while they are logged out.

Update user skill proficiency

Update the user skill proficiency score based on user status.