Create and Manage User Generated Content Boards


UGC board helps you to organize your earned media assets and posts. It also lets you create your own board, which will contain the media assets. Board feature section can have the board created by you or the board shared with you. You can also add a new board from this window. The newly added board is available under My Boards.

Standard Boards

Each added media asset or post is classified under the Standard Board based on the system status assigned by the Sprinklr platform. Once an asset is suggested to the UGC, the Sprinklr platform adds it to the Suggested Board. If you want to perform any further action on that content, then you can use the UGC feature to request for the publisher's permission. Standard UGC Boards collect and organize User Generated Content by status, while custom UGC Boards can be used to organize boards according to preference. The Standard boards are classified into six boards. For more information, see Standard Boards — Classification.

Standard Boards—Classification

Status Description
Suggested A newly added asset that needs the account owners approval for any further action to be performed on the asset.
Approval Pending A UGC media asset or a published post that is waiting for the approval from the account owner.
Verification Required A UGC media asset or a published post that is added automatically based on the condition and action of the Rule Engine and need verification.
Approved A UGC media asset or a published post that has been approved for further use by the owner. Once the Asset is approved by the user, it also gets added in the Asset Management. 
Rejected A UGC media asset or a published post that has been denied of approval by the account owner.
My Favorites Here you’ll find the UGC assets that you’ve marked as a favorite. Favorites are specific to individual users.

To Create a New Asset Board

  1. Click the New Tab icon  and select User Generated Content under Content within Sprinklr Marketing.
  2. In the top left corner, click the Dashboard Menu icon  and select Boards.
  3. On the All Boards window, click Add Board in the top right corner to create a new assets board.
  4. On the Create Assets Board window, enter the details. For more information, see Add Board — Field Descriptions.Creating a new Assets Board in the User Generated Content
  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the asset board creation.

Actions in the Asset Board

Each board has additional options, which allows you to Apply Board, Edit Board, Delete and Share the board. For more information, see Board Options — Field Descriptions.Editing the Boards in the User Generated Content

Add Board—Field Descriptions

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the board.
Tags Create tags for the board.
Color Tags Select one of the colors to assign a unique identification for the board.
Query Enter the search query.
Add Filter Apply Filters from the list of filtering options as required.

Board Options—Field Descriptions

Field Description
Apply Board Click to apply the board.
Edit Board Click to edit the board.
Delete Click to delete the board.
Share Click to share it with Workspaces/Workspace Groups or Users/User Groups.