Different Types of After Call Work


After Call Work (ACW) is a vital aspect of contact center operations, involving post-call activities such as call logging, documentation, and follow-up tasks. This article explores the various types of ACW commonly implemented by brands to optimize agent productivity and enhance business outcomes.

  1. Optional ACW: Agents have the option to skip selecting a wrap-up code after a call.

    • Use Case: Useful when its mandatory to fil wrap-up codes, and agents do not require dedicated after-call work time.

    • Impact: Agents have discretion in choosing whether to fill out ACW, which may result in incomplete or inconsistent data for analysis and reporting.

  2. Mandatory ACW: Agents are mandatorily required to complete ACW for every call, they need to submit the ACW to get the next call.

    • Use Case: Brands heavily rely on post-call activities and ACW reports for analysis, decision-making, and identifying trends.

    • Impact: Ensures comprehensive data collection but may potentially affect agent availability for subsequent calls.

  3. Mandatory ACW with Time Limit for Agent: Agents must complete their ACW within a set timeframe. If they don't finish within that time, the call goes to the pending ACW column for later completion. Meanwhile, a new call is assigned to the agent to maintain workflow. If agents complete the ACW before the time limit, they become available for the next call. This approach ensures efficient call handling and prevents delays caused by extended ACW durations.

    • Use Case:

      • Increased agent availability and reduced customer wait times due to prompt completion of after-call tasks within the designated timeframe.

        • Streamlining call handling processes and minimizing delays by enforcing a specific time limit for agents to complete after-call work, ensuring a continuous flow of customer interactions and optimized workflows.

  4. Mandatory ACW with Time Limit for Agent with No Early Exit: Agents must complete their ACW within a specific timeframe. If they exceed the time limit, the call is moved to the pending ACW column. Simultaneously, a new call is assigned to the agent for a continuous workflow. However, if agents complete the ACW before the time limit, their capacity will only become available once the designated time elapses. This feature allows agents to have a "cool down" period between interactions, promoting a balanced work pace. 

    • Use Case:

      • Emphasizes accuracy and context preservation of call details without rushing agents.

      • Supports thorough completion of ACW, agent well-being, and provides a "cool down" period between interactions.