Benefits of Unified Routing


With the capability of automatic case distribution, Unified Routing is a giant leap from traditional routing mechanisms, helping brands to provide faster and smooth customer care services. By leveraging intelligent routing mechanisms, businesses can deliver efficient and personalized support, leading to higher customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall business success.

Omni-Channel Platform

Unified Routing enables organizations distribute and manage customer interactions across multiple communication channels such as phone, email, chat, social media, etc, all at one place. This provides flexibility and scalability, allowing organizations to easily add or modify channels as needed to meet changing customer demands.

Improve CSAT by connecting customers to right Agents

Unified routing ensures that customers are connected to the most suitable agents who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to address their specific queries. This leads to faster and more accurate resolutions, resulting in improved customer satisfaction. When customers feel heard and their issues are promptly resolved, it enhances their overall experience with the company and strengthens their trust in the brand.

Reduce Customer Wait Time with Routing Configuration

For customer waiting in the queue for longer time, Unified Routing provides options to increse priority of such cases by which they will prioritised over the other cases present in the Work Queue. This helps to maintain the SLA levels automatically when number of inflow in high, without any manual intervention. The cases can also be transferred to other work queues where the agents are available.

Optimized workload distribution among multiple agents

In unified routing, agent capacity refers to the maximum workload or number of cases that an agent can handle within a specified timeframe. By allocating capacity for specific channels to agents, the system ensures a balanced distribution of workload and prevents agents from receiving more cases than they can effectively manage. The workload is allocated based on the defined capacities, ensuring that no agent is overloaded while others have significantly lighter workloads. This balance optimizes agent productivity and prevents bottlenecks in case resolution.

Improved Team Collaboration

Unified routing facilitates seamless collaboration between different departments or teams within a company. It enables the transfer of calls or cases with complete context from one campaign or queue to another, following predefined routing rules. This ensures that customers receive consistent and coherent support throughout their interaction, even if it involves multiple teams or departments. Enhanced collaboration leads to better coordination, knowledge sharing, and ultimately, improved customer service.

Reduced Cost-Per-Call/Case

Unified routing helps minimize costs associated with customer interactions. By accurately routing calls or cases to the most appropriate agents, the system increases the likelihood of resolving customer queries on the first contact, without the need for multiple transfers or callbacks. This reduces the time spent on each call or case and ultimately lowers the cost-per-call or cost-per-case metric. Additionally, efficient handling of interactions reduces operational expenses related to agent idle time and unnecessary escalations.

Increased Agent Productivity

With Unified Routing, agents are matched with calls or cases that align with their specific skills and training. This targeted assignment allows agents to become more proficient in handling particular types of interactions. As they gain experience and expertise in their assigned areas, agents can resolve queries faster, exhibit greater confidence, and provide a higher level of service. Increased agent productivity also leads to higher efiiciency, reduced handling times, and improved customer satisfaction.