Concurrent Agent Capacity


What is Agent Capacity ?  

In Unified Routing, agent capacity refers to the maximum workload or number of customer queries that an agent can handle within a specified timeframe. To ensure uniform distribution of these calls/cases, Unified Routing allows administrators or supervisors to define the capacity for each agent based on their capabilities and availability. This helps in ensuring that agents are not overwhelmed with an excessive number of cases beyond their capacity, which can lead to reduced efficiency and customer service quality. The capacity configuration assigned to an agent is called the Capacity Configuration.  

Agents in the Work Queue

In Unified Routing, we have 100 as default total capacity points allocated to an agent. Out of these 100, when a case is assigned to the agent, it consumes certain capacity points, say 10. Now, only the remaining 90 capacity points are available for this agent for the rest of cases that will be assigning to the user. Once the 100 capacity points of the agent are fully consumed, no further assignements to that agent will occur until the agent closes any of the assigned cases.  

Channel based Capacity configuration 

Apart from even workload distribution, Unified Routing allows users to configure how much capacity a particular case can consume from the available capacity points of the agent. This can be done at channel level where users can define different amount of capacity units to be consumed by cases from different channels. This provides the ability to allocate and manage resources across different communication channels, such as phone, email, chat, and social media, in a customer service or contact center environment.

In a multi-channel capacity configuration, organizations determine the number of agents or resources dedicated to each channel based on factors like channel popularity, customer demand, and agent expertise. The goal is to provide adequate support across all channels while optimizing resource allocation.

Defining Overflow Capacity  

Capacity overflow in Unified Routing can be used during periods of high case volume or sudden spikes in customer inquiries. When the number of incoming cases exceeds the available capacity of all the agents, supervisors can define overflow capacity in capacity profile of agents which will be used after the default capacity (100 points) is used up.  

Benefits of Agent Capacity creation  

Efficient Resource Utilization 

Agent capacity management helps in effectively utilizing available resources within the contact center. By aligning case assignments with agent capacities, supervisors can maximize the utilization of agents' skills and expertise. It ensures that agents are neither underutilized nor overburdened, resulting in efficient resource allocation and improved operational efficiency. 

Scalability and Flexibility 

Agent capacity in unified routing can be adjusted dynamically to accommodate changing business needs. As the volume of cases fluctuates or new channels are introduced, administrators can modify the capacity settings accordingly with just few clicks. This flexibility enables contact centers to scale their operations, adapt to varying workloads, and ensure optimal utilization of resources. 

Monitoring and Reporting 

Unified Routing provides monitoring and reporting features that allow supervisors to track agent performance and workload distribution. These insights help supervisors identify any imbalances, capacity constraints, or areas where additional training or support may be required. By having visibility into agent capacity and workload, supervisors can make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation and improve overall performance.