Different types of Case Routing Mechanisms


Unified routing employs skill-based, non-skill-based and round-robin assignment mechanisms to ensure effective case routing. In this article, you will learn about the different types of case routing mechanisms offered by Unified Routing.

Skill-Based Assignment

Skill-based assignment in Unified Routing involves matching the skills of agents with the requirements of cases. Agents are assigned specific skills based on their expertise or training in handling certain types of cases. When a case enters Sprinklr, it is tagged with the relevant skills required for its resolution. The routing algorithm then matches the skills of available agents with the skills tagged to the case, and the case is assigned to the agent with the best skill match.

There are two skill based Routing Types that are offered by Unified Routing :

1. All Skill Matching

In this, the routing engine first checks whether an agent has all the required skills that is tagged with the case. If the agent do not have any one of the required skills, then he/she is not eligible for the case. If there are no agents available in the queue with all the required skills, the case would remain pending in the queue till any agent with all the skills gets available. The routing flow for All Skill Matching is shown below.

Eligible Agents: Agents in the queue who possess the required skills specified on the case, with proficiencies greater than or equal to that tagged/required on the case.

Assignment Order:

1. Agents are filtered out on the basis of the availability status.

2. Cases are initially assigned to agents who possess all required skills and has the highest proficiencies.

3. If multiple agents has all the required skills with equal proficiencies, then we prioritize assignment based on

maximum available capacity.

4. If multiple agents have equal available capacity, then priority is given to the most idle agent, i.e who has the

oldest case assignment time.

2. Best Skill Matching

This routing type is generally selected for more proficient usage of skills in deciding the assignment of cases. Along with skills, we tag the case with the required skill proficiency (e.g, 80 out of 100). We use this proficiency to calculate the proficiency score for the agents.

The proficiency score for multiple agents is generated based on the following formula :

Proficiency Score = Σ(Skill proficiency tagged with Case * Skill Proficiency assigned to the Agent ​)

Eligible Agents: Agents in the queue who possess the required skills specified on the case, with proficiencies greater than or equal to that tagged/required on the case.

Assignment Order:

1. Agents are filtered out on the basis of the availability status.

2. The proficiency score for each eligible agent is computed using the formula mentioned above, and the case is

assigned to the agent with the highest score.

3. If two agents are having equal proficiency scores, then we look for agent having highest idle capacity to assign

the case.

4. If agents have equal available capacity, then we prioritize agents with the highest idle time for assignment.

For more details on how to Best Skill Matching Works, please refer to this article.

The Routing flow for Best Skill Matching is as follows :

Non-Skill-Based Assignment

Non-skill-based assignment in Unified Routing involves assigning cases to agents without considering their specific skills. This mechanism is useful when the skills required for a case are not crucial, or when there are no agents available with the required skills. In such cases, the routing algorithm assigns the case to an available agent, regardless of their skill set. In the below illustration, the case is assigned only on the basis of available capacity points.

Eligible Agents: Agents who are in required available status and have free capacity points.

Assignment Order:

1. Among the available agents, the case is assigned to the agent with the maximum available capacity.

2. If multiple agents have equal available capacity, then priority is given to the most idle agent, i.e who has the

oldest case assignment time.

Business Use Case

Non Skill based Assignment can be utilised where we want to assign cases in a homogenous manner among all the agents in a work queue. This ensures that every agent gets an equal opportunity to get the case and no customer cases should be stucked because of agent skills. For example, in a bank, we can have a seperate work queue for customer queries related to Credit Cards and assign only those agents to the work queue who are expert in this field. This makes sure that all the credit card queries are addressed properly.

For non skill based routing, the Routing Type field in the work queue is set to No Skill Matching. The Routing Flow when this criteria is selected is as follows :

Round Robin Assignment

Round Robin assignment is a method of assigning cases/calls in sequential order. The goal of round robin assignment is to ensure that every agent receives an equal number of cases/calls preventing other agents from getting overwhelmed from work. It's important to note that round-robin assignments might not always be the most efficient method in all the scenarios where skills are required for the assignment.

Here's how the Round Robin assignment method works for a group of agents:

  1. Determine the group of agents eligible for Round Robin assignment.

  2. Agents are chosen based on the order they were added to the queue.

  3. When the assignment begins, agents are selected sequentially until all available agents are assigned.

  4. If an agent is already occupied with another case, call, or task despite being available, the system will wait until that agent becomes free. This is particularly relevant when no agents are left in the Round Robin sequence.

  5. When an agent in the Round Robin order becomes available, it will fulfill assignments for other agents in the sequence. Once this agent gets free, the call or case will be assigned to them.