Overview of Stickiness - Assign to same agent


What is Stickiness ?

In Unified Routing, stickiness refers to a predefined time period during which a case is considered a follow-up or continuation of a previous interaction of the agent with the customer. If the customer reaches out within the stickiness duration, the case is assigned to the same agent who handled the previous interaction. However, if the customer contacts after the stickiness period has elapsed, the case is treated as a fresh case and can be assigned to any available agent. This duration is called the Stickiness Timeout and can be configured in work queue.

Stickiness Illustration

Let's illustrate this with an example:

Suppose a customer named Jane contacts a customer support center regarding an issue with a product. The case is assigned to Agent A, who successfully resolves the issue. After the interaction is closed, the system marks that case as sticky to the Agent A.

Customer follows up within stickiness timeout

If Jane contacts the customer support center again within the Stickiness Timeout, which is 24 hours, the case will be recognized as a follow-up case. In this scenario, the system ensures that the case is automatically routed to Agent A, the same agent who previously assisted Jane. This enables Agent A to have continuity and familiarity with Jane's issue, allowing for a seamless and personalized customer experience.

Customer follows up after Stickiness Timeout

On the other hand, if Jane contacts the support center after the stickiness period has expired, let's say 48 hours later, the case will no longer be considered a follow-up case. It will be treated as a fresh case and can be assigned to any available agent based on the routing rules and criteria set in the system. This provides flexibility in distributing cases and allows different agents to handle new inquiries.

Benefits of Stickiness

Continuity and Personalization

Stickiness ensures that customers who have ongoing or follow-up issues are connected with the same agent who previously assisted them. This continuity allows the agent to have a comprehensive understanding of the customer's history and previous interactions. It enables the agent to provide personalized and tailored support, addressing the customer's needs more efficiently. This personalized approach enhances the customer experience and fosters stronger customer-agent relationships.

Seamless Transitions

When a case is assigned to the same agent who handled the previous interaction, there is a seamless transition between the customer's previous inquiry and their follow-up communication. The agent is already familiar with the context, history, and any previous resolutions related to the case. This eliminates the need for customers to repeat information, saving their time and effort, and enabling the agent to quickly understand and address the follow-up request.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

The personalized and efficient support provided through stickiness contributes to improved customer satisfaction. Customers appreciate the continuity in their interactions, as it demonstrates that the company values their time and understands their specific needs. By reducing customer effort, providing faster resolutions, and delivering a seamless experience, stickiness helps create positive customer impressions, fostering loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Efficient Resource Utilization

Stickiness helps in optimizing resource allocation within the contact center. By routing follow-up cases to the same agent, it maximizes the utilization of the agent's knowledge and expertise. This ensures that agents who have prior experience with the customer's case are engaged appropriately, reducing the need for unnecessary case transfers or additional agent involvement. It leads to efficient use of agent resources and improves overall operational efficiency.