Voice Transfer Report


This report utilizes Social Analytics as its data source and provides a detailed overview of call transfers, encompassing crucial data points such as agent information, transfer types, transfer times, and transfer statuses. When you examine these elements, you gain insights into call handling efficiency, agent performance, and overall operational effectiveness.


Field Name


Transfer Initiated At

Timestamp indicating when the transfer was initiated.

Call Transferred To

Details of where the call is transferred. (It may include Agent, Queue, IVR, Add to Call, or External)

Transferred Picked Up At

Timestamp of when the transfer was received/completed.

Type of Transfer

Type of transfer initiated - Warm/Blind/Queue/IVR.

Call Transfer Initiator 

Details of the user who initiates the transfer.

Call Transfer Agent Reciever

Details of the user who receives the transfer.

Call Transfer External Reciever

Details of the external transfer phone number (in case of external transfer).

Call Transferred Sucessfully

A boolean field indicating whether the transfer was successful or failed.

Transfer Queue Id

Queue ID to which the call was transferred (in case of queue transfer).

Skill Selected While doing Transfer

Value(s) of the skill(s) selected on the UI when initiating the transfer. (A new row will be created for each selection)

Skill Selected While doing Transfer (CSV)

Value(s) of the skill(s) selected on the UI when initiating the transfer, presented as a comma-separated value.

Transfer IVR Id

IVR ID where the call is transferred (in case of IVR transfer).

Transfer IVR Name

Name of the IVR where the call is transferred (in case of IVR transfer).

Call Start Time

Timestamp of when the call started.

Case Number

Sprinklr case number associated with the case

Voice Case Number

Sprinklr case number associated with the case.

Conversation Id

Conversation ID associated with the call. (There can be multiple conversation IDs in a case)


Name of the customer on the call.

Customer Phone Number 

Phone number of the customer on the call.

Work Queue 

Details of the initial work queue of the call.

Transfer Queue Name

Name of the queue the call has been transferred to (in case of queue transfer).

Number of Calls Offered (Unique) (M)

Number of unique calls offered to the agent. (Value of 1 with each combination of transfer initiator and receiver)

Call Transfer Initiator ID

Sprinklr ID of the user who initiates the transfer.

Call Transfer Agent Receiver ID

Sprinklr ID of the user who receives the transfer.

CF (User)

(User Custom Field)

User custom fields of the user who initiates the transfer (Call Transfer Initiator).

CF (User) Transferred User

(User Custom Field)

User custom fields of the user who receives the transfer (Call Transfer Agent Receiver).

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