How to Apply Custom Fields to Ads using Paid Pre Publishing Rules


Leverage pre-publishing rules to secure your outbound publishing and automate your tasks.

Using the Pre-Publishing rules, advertisers can set certain rules on the posts/Paid Initiatives before publishing them. This capability improves the Paid Initiative configuration process through automation before they are published. Certain values, tags, and benchmarks can be pre-populated for Paid Initiatives using these rules enabling advertisers to group and manage their Paid Initiatives effectively.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule. To learn more, see Create a Rule .

  3. On the Create New Rule window, provide the rule details and click Next. For more information, refer to the Create New Rule — Field Descriptions

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and set the Conditions and Actions. For more information, see Paid Rule Conditions and Paid Rule Actions.

  5. On the Rule Builder window, select Add Condition to set up specific publishing scenarios that must be met for subsequent actions to execute. You can also chain multiple conditions together to refine the scenarios. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Conditions

  6. To configure actions in a rule, select Add Action on a Yes or a No branch of a condition depending on when you want the action to be executed. For more information, see Paid Pre Publishing Rule Actions.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in To Create Paid Pre Publishing Rules.

  2. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Condition. Under Conditions Applies To "common properties" select Objective from the Condition drop-down menu and set its values to the objectives based on which you want to group the Paid Initiatives. 

  3. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the Edit Condition pane.

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Action. Under Action To "Control properties of Paid Initiatives" select the custom field you have created from the Action drop-down menu and set its value to Consideration

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the Edit Action pane.


  • The standard environment setup comes with this rule already pre-built; if you would like this but it is not there, your Success Manager can import it for you.

  • The "Common Propertes" section also has conditions for Channel, Ad Account and User that would allow you to build similar Rules, i.e. tag with Agency based on User.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in To Create Paid Pre Publishing Rules.

  2. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Condition. Under Conditions Applies To 'common properties' set the Condition from the drop-down menu based on which you want to group the ad entities having the same custom fields.

  3. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the Edit Condition pane.

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Action. Under Action To 'Control properties of Paid Initiatives' select the custom field you have created from the Action drop-down menu and set its values with which you want to replace all the paid initiative level custom fields.

  5. Under Action To 'Control properties of Ad Set' select Custom Property (Ad Set) from the Action drop-down menu and set its value to Paid Initiative to replace all ad set level custom fields with the paid initiative level custom fields.

  6. Under Action To 'Control properties of Ad Variants' select Custom Property (Ad Variant) from the Action drop-down menu and set its value to Paid Initiative to replace all ad variant level custom fields with the paid initiative level custom fields.

  7. Click Add another condition under Action To 'Control properties of Ad Variants' and select Custom Property (Ad Variant) from the Action drop-down menu. Set its value to Ad Setto replace all ad variant level custom fields with the ad set level custom fields.

  8. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the Edit Action pane. 

For example, you may wish to report against the full name of a Business Unit but only use an abbreviation in the Naming Convention. Let's suppose both Fields are at the Paid Initiative level (it will work on other levels) . This example assumes you have two Custom Fields with a set up like this:

Business Unit Name (to use in Reporting)

Business Unit Code (to use in Naming Convention)

Business Unit 1


Business Unit 2


Business Unit 3


  1. Create a Paid Pre Publishing Rule, and give it a suitable name (i.e. Business Unit Encoding)

  2. In the first condition under Paid Initiative Properties, select the Field "Business Unit Name" and the value "Business Unit 1"

  3. Add an action to the Yes branch which sets the Paid Initiative Custom Field "Business Unit Code" as "BU1"

  4. On the No branch, add a condition for the next Business Unit

  5. Repeat until all Business Units are accounted for

Note: If you have a situation like this where the Field has a large number of Values, contact your Success Manager and they can help you set this up quickly.

For example, you may wish to apply a country tag based on the countries targeted at the ad set level. This example applies two tags, one with the full name of the country and one with the ISO-3166-2 code, across both the Ad Set and Ad Variant levels.

  1. Build a Paid Pre Publishing Rule and name it something like "Tag Country based on Targeting"

  2. In the first condition, under Properties of the Ad Sets, choose "Geo Country" and select the country:

  3. On the Yes branch, under Properties of the Ad Sets, select the country Custom Field and then the appropriate Country. The Field can also be set at the Ad Variant level if needed.

  4. On the No branch, add another condition and select the next country and repeat until done.


  • The Country Field should be a Multi Picklist Field. In the actions, the operator should be "Merge" if you want to allow ads to be tagged with multiple countries. Set will only allow one value at a time.

  • This particular example can be imported by your Success Manager

  1. Follow the steps outlined in To Create Paid Pre Publishing Rules.

  2. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition and select "Add Action"

  3. Under "Actions To Control properties of Paid Initiatives", select "Custom Properties (Paid Initiative)"

  4. Choose either Campaign or Sub-Campaign as desired

Note: Conditions can be added before the action if desired, but this is not actually necessary here.


Yes, if new Ad Sets or Ad Variants are added to existing Paid Initiatves or Ad Sets in the Ads Manager, a button (Auto-fill Custom Properties) will appear in the Custom Properties section to apply the Paid Pre Publishing Rules. This will not work when cloning ads.

No. Currently, the Paid Pre Publishing Rule only gets triggered in the Ads Composer and via a button in the Ads Manager

The Paid Pre Publishing Rule is triggered at each of the following sections:

  • Paid Initiative Details

  • Targeting

  • Creatives

  • Advanced Configuration