How to Optimize Ads based on Weather using Paid Rules


This article will show you an example of setting up a Rule to Activate or Pause ads based on weather conditions. For more details on using Weather conditions, see here. In this example, lets activate certain Paid Initiatives if it is Showing in London.

This examples assumes you have set up a Custom Field to be applied to Paid Initiatives so that you can easily identify which ones the Rule should activate on. The Field provided in the standard set up is called "Eligible for Auto Boosting / Paid Rules?" and has values such as "Run if Hot", "Run if Raining", etc. Alternatively, have some element of your Paid Initiative name that can be used to identify it in an initial condition of the Rule.

  1. Go to Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) > Optimization > Manage Rules > Customer > Paid > Create New Rule

  2. Firstly, we want to only look at Paid Initatives which should be activated or deactivated based on Snow. Under "Properties of the Paid Initiatives", select [Eligible for Auto Boosting / Paid Rules?] Is [Run if Snowing].

  3. Next, let's check the Weather conditions. Add a new condition and start by specifing the city. Under "Weather Properties of the City being targeted", choose [City] Contains [London, United Kingdom], then [Snowfall (in cm)] Greater than or Equal to [1].

  4. If yes, we'll activate the Paid Initiative. On the Yes branch of the condition, add an action.

    1. To activate the Paid Initiative, go to "Control Properties of Paid Initiatives" and select "Activate Paid Initiative"

    2. To send a notification to people managing the campaign, go to "Control the Approval Properties of the entities and/or send emails" and select "Send Email Notification".

    3. Select the Users or User Groups, and add a Subject line for the email.

  5. If it isn't snowing, we'll ensure the Paid Initiative is Paused

    1. To activate the Paid Initiative, go to "Control Properties of Paid Initiatives" and select "Pause Paid Initiative"

    2. To send a notification to people managing the campaign, go to "Control the Approval Properties of the entities and/or send emails" and select "Send Email Notification".

    3. Select the Users or User Groups, and add a Subject line for the email.

  6. The resulting Rule should look like this: