How to Use Dynamic Image Templates in Catalog Ads


Get customized overlays and create versatile ads to show relevant content to potential users.

Dynamic Image Templates allow advertisers to have customized overlays over their creative which increases the relevance of the content, in turn driving higher revenue. The overlays can be sourced directly from an advertiser’s product feed. Additionally, the logic of the overlays can be customized based on custom logic per advertiser. It offers a way to efficiently change the way product images are displayed in your feed-based campaigns and use it across multiple products with a few clicks.

Enablement note:

Get an entire library of some beautifully pre-created Dynamic Image Templates for major industry verticals like CPG, Finance, Travel, B2B, etc. within Sprinklr Asset Manager. Reach out to your Success Manager to have this in your environment.

Dynamic Image Template use cases




Brand Manager

  • For Dynamic Ads, as the images are pulled from feed data, Advertisers end up running very plain and dull Product Images in their Creatives.

  • As data keeps getting updated dynamically in Dynamic Ads, the ability to customize creatives at scale is not humanly possible.

  • Ad Creatives end up losing their relevance and personalization due to depreciation in quality, which in turn leads to ad fatigue.

You can leverage our Dynamic Image Template solution to improve campaign performance/ROI through the customization of creatives using dynamic overlays to improve the relevance of ad campaigns.

Value of Dynamic Image Templates include the following:

  • Visually appealing and have the strength to attract the audience's attention at scale.

  • Speed and ease to create a desired number of creatives at once.

  • Proven to perform better than raw product images.

  • Personalize your Image Templates by replicating the look and feel of your brand.

  • Always up-to-date with your latest offers, pricing, etc. from your feed data.

  • Eliminate ad fatigue by creating regular variations in templates and refresh your creatives.

From the creation of a Dynamic Image Template to the application of the Dynamic Image Template on your desired Ads involves a three-tier process.

Step 1. Create and edit Dynamic Image Template

You can create your Dynamic Image Template within Asset Management. While creating a template, you can adjust your Canvas size, add different Static Images, Dynamic Images, Static Text, Dynamic Text, various Shapes, etc. You can also change the position, sizes, colors, image opacity, fonts, text alignments, text formatting, etc. of your Dynamic Image Template.

You can also edit your created Dynamic Image Template by hovering over the desired template and selecting Edit within the Asset Management window.

Step 2. Apply Dynamic Image Template to catalog

Once your Dynamic Image Template is created, you can now apply it to your Catalog. Here, you can add a Dynamic Image or Text feed header column. Within the Dynamic Elements Input Fields, you can add different formulas, format your dynamic text, etc. You can also add Conditional Mapping for your dynamic/static image or text while applying Dynamic Image Template to Catalog.

Step 3. Apply Dynamic Image Template to ads

Lastly, you need to apply your Dynamic Image Template to your desired ads via Ads Composer or Ads Manager.

Video reference