Customer Journey


The customer choose a chat on the brand's website/mobile. To schedule an appointment, the customer is prompted to select a date and time from a list of currently available slots

Once a slot has been selected by the customer, we give them an option to either confirm the current appointment time, reschedule to a different time (in case customer entered a wrong date/time), or cancel the appointment altogether.

After the user confirms the date and time, we capture their user details via a contact details form. These details are used for sending confirmation and reminder messages via email, SMS or whatsapp

After the customer confirms their appointment timeslot on Livechat, we send them a confirmation message on email and/or SMS and/or whatsapp (depending on brand's use case). Following is an example of what a confirmation email looks like

The email content and style can be customized based on brand's requirement. The email contans 3 buttons CTAs. All button CTAs redirect the customer to the website where the appointment was confirmed. On landing there, they will see their previous conversation also where they initiated the appointment.

At time of appointment, customer clicks on "Join" CTA in the mail and starts their appointment