Sprinklr Release v15.1.0 - January 2020 New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Channel Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Social Channel: Lithium | WeChat


Lithium | Support to Subscribe to Lithium Webhooks 

We have now added webhooks to the current grabber framework for Lithium accounts. This means that you will get your Lithium updates in real-time by creating a column in Engagement Dashboards. This will help improve latency and increase efficiency. After webhooks are subscribed in Lithium, Sprinklr will automatically start consuming them and messages will sync in real-time. 


WeChat | Ability to Add a WeChat Account 

For WeChat account addition, you can now add both of the WeChat Service and Subscription account. Adding a WeChat account in Sprinklr allows your team to engage, publish, report, and monitor your brand's WeChat account from the Sprinklr platform.


Sprinklr Social Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: Quick Publisher | Digital Asset ManagementEngagement Dashboards | Reporting | Governance

Quick Publisher

Quick Publisher | Ability to Open the Quick Publisher in the Expanded View

With the expanded view in the Quick Publisher, you can now preview your posts as you draft them and boost your content for best-channel performance. You can switch between the two views. Please note that Quick Publisher retains the last used view you have selected to publish a post.



Quick Publisher | Ability to Pin Multiple Account(s) and Account Group(s) 

You can now pin your favorite and frequently used Account(s) and Account Group(s). You will not have to go through the hassle of adding the same account every time you publish a post. This will lead to quick publishing and increase efficiency. 


Quick Publisher | Ability to Direct Upload of Media 

Images and videos can make your content more appealing to viewers, enhancing the reach and impact of your social content. You can now access the media uploader from the Quick Publisher to add photos and videos to the content that you publish. You can upload your media in a single click using Upload Media. Additionally, you can continue to draft your post while your asset is getting uploaded in the background.

Quick Publisher | Ability to View Mobile Preview in Quick Publish 

You can now see a live preview simultaneously while you type, insert assets or make any changes on your post in the right pane. By default, the Mobile preview is enabled in the right pane and you can always change it to Desktop preview at your convenience. This will allow you to check how your post will look on different platforms. 


Quick Publisher | Ability to View Scrollable Preview in Quick Publish 

Quick Publisher allows you to draft the content for multiple channels, but with a scrollable preview, your view is now enhanced. You can easily scroll to view each post as it will appear on its respective channel. 


Quick Publisher | Ability to Get AI-based Hashtags Recommendations on Instagram 

On publishing to Instagram Account in the Sprinklr platform, you now will be suggested with Recommended Hashtags based on the hashtag that you entered. AI-supported hashtag recommendations within the quick publish to enhance the reach and improve the selection of hashtags for the Instagram posts.


Quick Publisher | Support for Enhanced Error and Warning Systems in Quick Publish

Errors to posts such as image size, custom property field missing, miss-matched campaign are surfaced and hyper-linked for easily identification of error directly within your draft message. This new capability improves the publishing experience, reduces errors and saves your time across multiple channels and accounts.


Quick Publisher | Support for Consistent Channel Editors in Quick Publish

To improve the publishing experience and save users time across multiple channels and accounts, we have introduced consistent channel editors in Quick Publisher. Posting to multiple channels is easy with a consistent template.


Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management | Ability to Search for an Asset in the Digital Asset Management 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to search for an asset in the search panel of Digital Asset Management. When you search using a keyword, all matching assets will also be searched and the order of the assets would be based on the most recent communication. 


Digital Asset Management | Ability to Upload a Media Asset using the Enhanced Asset Uploader 

The enhanced Digital Asset Management now provides you with a capability where you can upload any kind of file in Asset Manager. If you are selecting multiple assets, the assets will show up in carousel mode. The total number of assets tiles opening up will be the number of assets uploaded + 1. Even if the assets are not uploaded to the cloud, you can enter the detail of the asset and all the assets will keep on uploading in the background.


Digital Asset Management | Ability to Drag and Upload a Media Asset 

Drag and upload a media asset, in the context of a web app, gives you a visual way to pick up and move images/videos just like we would in the real world. The enhanced Digital Asset Management now provides you with a capability where you can drag and upload a media asset. 


Digital Asset Management | Support for Enhanced Card Layout for all Assets to Improve Assets Browsing Experience 

When you open the Digital Asset Management, you'll now see assets displayed in grid view by default. Within the enhanced card layout, all asset cards are uniform in size, no matter the size of the image or file.


Digital Asset Management | Support for Enhanced Filter Design 

We have now enhanced the Filter design within the Digital Asset Manager. You can add a new filter by selecting the desired parameters and values. You will also be able to view the total number of values applied for a particular parameter. If you wish, you can exclude the selected value(s) by clicking the minus icon at the top of the Add Filter window. We have put the relevant filters upfront so that you could easily navigate through filter options.


Digital Asset Management | Ability to Access the Quick Asset Actions in the Digital Asset Management  

The enhanced Digital Asset Management provides an organized and unified repository for you to store, manage, and measure the impact of your content assets. The new quick actions let you take certain actions with fewer clicks and fewer fields to complete, saving your time. 


Digital Asset Management | Ability to Bulk Download of Asset in the Digital Asset Management  

For Digital Asset Management, we now allow you to download multiple assets at once in a bulk. The bulk download allows you to download two or more assets at the same time reducing the time spent on downloading an asset. Please note that there is a hard limit set (i.e., 2 GB) to the cumulative size of the assets which are being downloaded at once, due to browser limits. If the size of assets selected is more than this hard limit then you will get an error message.



Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Support for Feed View in Engagement Dashboards 

Feed view emulates the same behavior as users experience on native social media channels. With this new capability, you can now view a Post or Direct Messages in the Feed view. You will now have a similar experience by seeing the original post and the comments and the replies thereafter, and engage as per the user's perusal.


Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Manage Properties in Engagement Dashboards 

With this new capability, you will now have the ability to customize your dashboard view by hiding properties in the message cell - for ease of use. 


Engagement Dashboards | Access to Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard Through Engagement Dashboards 

With this capability, you can now access the Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard directly within the Engagement Dashboards. There are three conditions required to be met for accessing the Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard:

  1. Benchmarking alerts should be enabled in the partner environment. 

  2. The partner must have access to Sprinklr Insights.

  3. You must have permission to view the anomaly dashboard. 



Reporting | Ability to View Reporting on Published YouTube Video Content 

To help you optimize your video content for your YouTube audience, we have added a new Post Video Duration metric in Social Analytics that make data comparison within Reporting Insights more relevant. The new metric will calculate the video length of published video content. This helps you curate content based on the number of views.

Reporting | Added Support for Followers on Viber Account 

To help you better understand the followers of your account on Viber, Sprinklr has added a new metric - Viber Subscribers. Viber Subscribers is the count of subscribers to the Viber account. Note that this is different from followers of the Viber account which is not supported by Viber API. This new metric makes data comparison within Reporting Insights more relevant.


Reporting | Ability to View Reporting on Response Compliance  

While adding a widget to your Reporting Dashboard, you will now have an option to view reporting on response compliance. Four new dimensions have been added to make response data within Reporting Insights more relevant. These dimensions are Relevance, Response Tone, Biased Content, and Profanity. 


Reporting | New Metric for Facebook Crossposted Videos 

You now have the ability to report total view time of the Facebook Crossposted Videos with respect to the Country, while creating a Reporting Dashboard widget. This metric will fetch the data only from the top most countries. This metric Facebook Total Video View Time By Country in Social Analytics should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.


Settings | Removed the Permissions and Dynamic Property for Sprinklr University 

All the Sprinklr users can now access the Sprinklr University. It's an initiative to educate our clients about the platform and its products. It consists of courses that will help you develop a detailed understanding of each product with a fast learning curve.

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area: Editorial Calendar | CampaignsProduction Dashboards | Publisher | Reporting | Rule Engine| Macros | Workflow Engine | Notifications

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Filter Editorial Calendar by Branded Content 

You will now be able to filter outbound messages in the Editorial Calendar by Is Branded filter. However, please note that this filter is not available in the Year and Quarter view of the Editorial Calendar.

Applying Is Branded Filter in the Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Support for Account Group Filter

Within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to filter posts using the Account Group filter in a way that you will see all posts published from the Account which is part of that Account Group. With this capability enabled:

  • Filtering of posts using the account group will filter individual posts created using the accounts in that account group.

  • Filtering of posts using account will filter group posts having that account. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Filtering Editorial Calendar by Account Group


Campaigns | Support for Custom Fields as Group By Dimension within the Content Strategy Tab

While grouping Content Strategy tab within the Campaigns, you will now be able to use Custom Fields as a group by dimension. This will help you to inform your content strategy based on any custom dimension. Enablement of this feature will improve your content effectiveness by allowing you to visualize your content against parameters of your strategy.

Custom Fields as Group By Dimensions

Production Dashboards 

Production Dashboards | Sort Group By Dimension in Ascending or Descending Order

While grouping messages in the Production Dashboards, you can sort the Group By dimensions in ascending or descending order for all standard fields in alphabetical order and first to last or reverse for all custom fields as they are defined while creation. With this capability, you will be able to customize and display content within the Production Dashboards as per your workflow and business requirements. Additionally, you will also be able to revert to the default order set in custom fields after the user has applied the sorting. 

Sorting Group By Dimensions in Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support to Include Notes in Excel Export

You will now be able to include the Notes column in the excel export for Tasks, Messages, Campaigns, and Sub-Campaigns in the Production Dashboards. This allows you to share and send the excel export with external users and other teams for collaboration. Additionally, you will be able to keep a track of the previous notes, comments, and replies to the above-mentioned entities.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Viewing Notes Column in Excel Export of Production Dashboard


Publisher | Choose a Time of a Day to Schedule Message Shell

While creating a message shell, you will now be able to add a particular time of a day for scheduling. With this capability enabled you can select a time for message shells along with the date and can view the same in the selected time band of the Editorial Calendar views. In addition, this capability will provide you with a more granular calendar and content planning schedule. 

Selecting Time of a Day while Scheduling Message Shell

Publisher | View Suggested Phrases for Content Tone and Theme in Smart Compliance

Within Smart Compliance, you will now be able to view suggested phrases for content tones and themes. The suggestions will be in English and the time filter will be 1 year. Apart from this, you will also be able to view Content Tone and Content Theme phrases as dimensions in Social Analytics within Reporting. Note that the suggested phrases for tone and theme will only be fetched from posts, updates, or stories.

Viewing Suggestions for Content Tones


Reporting | Support for Key Objectives and Customer Journey Stages as Dimensions

While analysing outbound content within Reporting, you will now be able to use Key Objectives and Customer Journey Stages as dimensions. This will help you classify your content based on its alignment with key objectives and customer journey stages. Enablement of this feature will improve your content effectiveness by allowing you to get ideas for top performing content. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Viewing Reporting on Analysis of Outbound Content

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Create Business Rules for Sub-campaigns

You now have the ability to create a rule to autofill Sub-Campaign custom fields, initiate a workflow or automate other actions within the Rule Engine. The rule will pre-fill all the Custom Fields that are common to the Source and Sub-Campaign e.g all the user custom properties of the Sub-campaign creator will be auto-filled in the sub-campaign. This capability enables you to save time and effort while creating and updating sub-campaigns. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Rule to Autofill Sub-Campaign Custom Fields

Rule Engine | Automate Business Rules for Campaigns

You now have the ability to create a rule for Campaigns to autofill Campaign custom fields or take automated actions within the Rule Engine. This rule will pre-fill all the Custom Fields that are common to the Source and the Campaign for e.g. campaign properties can be auto-filled based on the user properties of the campaign creator. This capability enables you to save time and effort while creating and updating campaigns.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Rule to Autofill Campaign Custom Fields

Rule Engine | Auto-fill Personas, Themes, and Customer Journey Stages

You will now be able to select Personas, Themes, and Customer Journey Stages to be auto-filled as conditions and actions in the Rule Engine. This capability will save you time and effort hence increasing efficiency.

Autofill Rule for Persona, Theme, and Customer Journey Stages


Macros | Set Sub-Campaign on Outbound Messages via Macros

While creating macros for Outbound Messages you now have the ability to set Sub-Campaign as the action. This can be done via automated or manual actions. This capability will enable you to add Sub-Campaign to Outbound Messages in bulk saving you time and effort. 

Setting Sub-Campaign as Action while Creating Macro

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | View Additional Information Regarding Workflow

Sprinklr now allows you to view additional information regarding a workflow that you have initiated on various entities within the platform. All the additional information can be seen in separate columns as a list in the Workflow Engine. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • View the last time a workflow was initiated 

  • View the total number of times a workflow has been initiated 

  • View the number of times a workflow was completed

  • View the number of entities on which workflow is currently active

This capability will enable you to keep track of the workflow and frequency of its usage. It will also help you declutter by un deploying or deleting the workflows that are no longer in use.

Viewing Additional Workflow Details


Notifications | View Task Notifications in Your Time zone

On receiving the below task updates and relevant reminder notifications, you will now view the time in your own time zone in place of UTC:

  • Task creation with the due date

  • Task update

  • Task reminder

This will save your time and effort of manually converting the time in your time zone.

Viewing Timezone in Task Notifications

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) area: Ads Composer | Ads Manager | Audience Manager | Creative LibraryAds Reporting | Rule Engine 

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Add an Image for Snapchat Website Creative Post Type

While composing Snap Ads for an Awareness, Lead Generation, Website Conversions, or Drive Traffic to Website campaign, you can now upload/select an Image as the media for Website creative post type. This will allow you to create image link ads for your campaigns on Snapchat.


  • The image file type should be in PNG, JPG or JPEG format.

  • The image should meet the minimum size of 1080*1920 pixels.

  • The image should meet the minimum aspect ratio of 9:16.

  • The image file size must not exceed 5 MB.

Add Image Media for Snapchat Website Post Type

Ads Composer | Migration of LinkedIn Geo-Location API to Bing Geo (Phase 1)

LinkedIn is migrating its geo-location API to a new geo data source, i.e. Bing Geo in three phases. In Phase 1, the geo location API is migrated to the typehead API to retrieve legacy geo locations along with urn-to-name resolver API. The Bing locations will be available in Phase 2. For example, Latin America (legacy geo name) will be changed to South America (Bing geo name). This will provide a more comprehensive location targeting experience for your LinkedIn ad campaigns with improved geo-targeting. The same will also reflect within the Audience Manager and Ads Manager.

Ads Composer | Deprecation of Twitter Political Ads

Twitter has deprecated Twitter Political Ads following its recent advertising policy. As a result, we have disabled the political agreement endpoint calls from our end. Hence, you will no longer have the ability to create Twitter Political Ads from Sprinklr.

Ads Composer | Enabled Twitter Pre-roll Views Objective for all Paid Partners

You now have the ability to compose Twitter Pre-roll Views ad campaigns using all your Twitter ad accounts. Previously, the Pre-roll Views objective was restricted to the whitelisted ad accounts only. You can also update campaigns having this objective for all associated ad accounts from the Ads Manager, Bulk Ads Import, and Quick Ad Publish. Additionally, you can view the reporting data for videos, billing, and engagement metric groups in Ads Reporting.

Enabled Twitter Pre Roll Views Objective for all Ad Accounts

Ads Composer | Support for Pinterest Age-based Targeting for All Locations

While composing a Pinterest ad campaign, you can now target audiences based on Age for all locations. Previously, the age-based targeting was supported for the United States only. The same will also reflect within the Ads Manager and Audience Manager.

Pinterest age-based targeting for all locations

Ads Composer | Deprecating LinkedIn Rich Media API for Media Uploads

LinkedIn is going to deprecate its Rich Media API by January 30, 2020, for uploading and hosting media assets. Hence, we will be replacing the Rich Media API with a new API (Media Assets) to upload images for LinkedIn Text Ads.

Ads Composer | Additional Options for Snapchat Goal-Based Bidding Optimization

While composing the Snapchat Website Conversion campaign within the Ads Composer, you now have the ability to select Page View, Pixel Purchase, and Pixel Add to Cart as Optimization Goals. The newly added goal-based bidding options will allow the ad squad to be optimized toward a specific outcome. This capability can also be used within the Ads Manager, Quick Ad Publish, and Ads Import.


The given goal-based bidding optimizations can only be used if your ad has achieved a minimum of 50 conversion events.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Snapchat Goal-Based Bidding Optimization Options in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Deprecated Sentiment Targeting for Twitter Audience

Sentiment targeting on line items will no longer be supported via the Twitter Ads API. Hence, we have deprecated the option to Filter out Tweets in which keywords are used with negative sentiments while creating a new target audience. For existing target audiences, you cannot update the sentiment targeting, however, the previously set values will still be visible. The changes will also reflect within the Ads Manager, Audience Manager, Quick Ad Publish, and Bulk Import Ads.

Ads Composer | Additional Placements Support for Facebook Objectives

While composing a Facebook ad campaign, you now have the ability to set the additional Platform Positions for the following objectives:

  • Traffic - In-Stream Videos and Facebook Search

  • Messages (Click-to-Messenger) - Messenger Stories

  • Conversions (Website or Messenger) - Facebook Search

  • Product Catalog Sales - Facebook Search

These placements will also be available within the Ads Manager, One-Click Ad Buy, and Bulk Import Ads.

Ads Composer | Support for Preview of Pinterest Creatives

While crafting a new Pinterest creative in the Ads Composer or Creative Library, you will now have a preview generated for your image, video, or carousel ad along with the creative description. You will also find this preview while editing existing Pinterest creatives in Ads Manager. This will allow you to review and approve the Pinterest ad creative before the campaign goes live.

Preview of Pinterest Ad Creatives

Ads Composer | Set Call to Action at Ad Group Level for Twitter Pre-roll Views Campaign

While composing a Twitter Pre-roll Views campaign, you will now find the Call to Action field at the Ad Group level (previously at Ad Variant level) within Advanced Configuration. This has been done to maintain parity with native wherein each Ad Group has a unique Call to Action URL. The Call to Action URL will redirect your audience to the URL when the call to action button is clicked. You will also find this change implemented within the Ads Manager, Quick Ad Publish, and Bulk Ads Import.

Set CTA URL at Ad Set level for Twitter Pre Roll Views campaign

Ads Composer | Ability to Select Region for Pinterest Location-Based Targeting

While creating a new Pinterest Target Audience within Audience Manager or Ads Composer, you can now add Regions of the specific Country that you wish to target.


If you have selected Regions for targeting, then, targeting via ZIP Codes will not be allowed and vice versa.

Ability to select Region within Location for Pinterest Audience targeting

Ads Composer | Ability to Select Saved Store Sets for Facebook Store Visits Campaign

While creating a target audience for your Facebook Store Visits campaign, you can now select existing Store Sets from Business Location. This will allow you to select the desired store set without having to recreate them within Sprinklr. You can also create a new Store Set from Add New Business Location and save it for your future Store Visits campaigns.

Select existing Store Sets for Facebook Store Visit campaign

Create and Save a Store Set for Facebook Store Visits campaign

Ads Composer | Migration of Facebook Marketing API to v5.0

Facebook has made several changes to its existing functionalities for running ads with an upgrade of its Marketing API to v5.0. These changes will also reflect within the Sprinklr campaign creation and reporting workflows. For more information on the changes, see Facebook Marketing API v5.0 Changelog. We have also deprecated several metrics with this change. Click the link below to see all the deprecated metrics:


You will receive historical data for these metrics up to January 10, 2020.

List of Deprecated Metrics 

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 1 Day After Clicking

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 7 Days After Clicking

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 28 Days After Clicking

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 1 Day After Viewing

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 7 Days After Viewing

  • Facebook Leads (Form) 28 Days After Viewing

  • Ad Lifetime Facebook Relevance Positive Feedback

  • Ad Lifetime Facebook Relevance Negative Feedback

  • Facebook Ad Lifetime Interest Leadgen

  • Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Relevance Score

  • Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Relevance Positive Feedback

  • Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Relevance Negative Feedback

  • Ad Lifetime Facebook Relevance Score

  • Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Relevance Score

  • Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Relevance Positive Feedback

  • Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Relevance Negative Feedback

  • Facebook Leads (Form)

  • Facebook Cost Per 10 Sec View

  • Ad Relevance Score

Ads Composer | Ability to Create Pinterest Conversion Campaigns

You now have the ability to compose Pinterest Conversions campaigns in the Ads Composer. The Pinterest conversion-optimized campaign will use a conversion tracking pixel (Pinterest Tag) to track specific actions that people take on your website and optimize ad servings accordingly. This ad objective will allow you to drive actions on your website.

Creating Pinterest Conversions Campaign within the Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Set Ad Group Frequency Interval for Pinterest Brand Awareness Campaigns

While composing a Pinterest Brand Awareness campaign, you can now set a Weekly or Monthly target interval for your Ad Group. On selecting an Ad Group Target Interval, you will be prompted to set the Ad Group Target Frequency, i.e. the number of times your Ad Group will be shown to your target audience.

Ad Group Target Interval field for Pinterest Brand Awareness campaigns

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Removed Pacing Metrics from Filtering

We have now removed the Pacing metrics as filtering values from the Ads Manager and Ads Reporting widget. Click on the link below to view the removed metrics:

Removed Pacing Metrics 

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Time Elapsed Percentage

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Percentage Spent

  • Ad Set Pacing Days Elapsed

  • Ad Set Pacing Calculated Budget

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Deviation Rate (Percentage)

  • Ad Set Pacing Remaining Budget

  • Negative Sentiment Percentage

  • Ad Set Pacing Required Daily Budget

  • Pacing Group Days Remaining

  • Positive Sentiment Percentage

  • Pacing Group Expected Percentage Spent

  • Pacing Group Expected Goal Metric Value

  • Pacing Group Budget

  • Pacing Group Days Elapsed

  • Pacing Group Expected Spent

  • Website Conversions from Ad Set Pixel

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Duration (Days)

  • Ad Set Pacing Duration (Days)

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Expected Daily Spent

  • Ad Set Pacing Spent

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Required Daily Budget

  • Positive Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

  • Paid Initiative Lifetime Pacing Deviation

  • Ad Set Pacing Yesterday Spent

  • Ad Set Lifetime Pacing Deviation

  • Ad Set Pacing Deviation Rate (Percentage)

  • Pacing Group Percentage Spent

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Days Elapsed

  • Pacing Group Time Elapsed Percentage

  • Pacing Group Average Daily Spent

  • Pacing Group Yesterday Spent

  • Negative Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Yesterday Spent

  • Ad Set Pacing Expected Daily Spent

  • Pacing Group Duration (in days)

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Spent

  • Pacing Group Deviation Rate (Percentage)

  • Pacing Group Spent

  • Ad Set Pacing Percentage Spent

  • Ad Set Time Elapsed Percentage

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Remaining Budget

  • Neutral Sentiment Percentage

  • Pacing Group Required Daily Budget

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Days Remaining

  • Ad Set Pacing Average Daily Spent

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Calculated Budget

  • Neutral Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

  • Paid Initiative Pacing Average Daily Spent

  • Pacing Group Expected Goal Metric Value Percentage

  • Pacing Group Remaining Budget

  • Paid Initiative Time Elapsed Percentage

  • Ad Set Pacing Days Remaining

Ads Manager | Ability to View Ad Entities Associated with Deactivated Ad Accounts

You may have noticed that when an ad account is deactivated, it is selectable in the Account filter list, but its ad entities do not show up on the Ads Manager window. However, now, you can view these ad entities as greyed out along with a message stating that your account has been deactivated and to reactivate the ad account from the Manage Accounts section. Please note that all actions (Options icon, Macro, Select, Select all, Export, Double click) will be disabled for such ad entities.

View Ad Entities for Deactivated Ad Accounts in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | More Informed Error Messages

The Error Messages within the Ads Manager will now be more comprehensible and easy to understand. The View and Fix options have also been added to some of the errors for you to easily understand and resolve them by using the guided information. We have updated 50+ error messages with clear and precise information.

Ads Manager | Error Message to Identify Ad Sets with Deprecated Facebook Targeting Options

Facebook has deprecated certain Interest targeting options from the audience targeting. As a result, the ad sets using these targeting options may be paused for delivery. Advertisers who are using these targeting options should update their campaigns by January 14, 2020. Campaigns that have not been updated by this date may be paused for delivery.

Hence, for your ease, you will now see an Error message alongside the ad sets that have been paused for delivery within the Ads Manager.

Ads Manager | Allocate Smart Budget to Facebook Campaigns with CBO Enabled

In Ads Manager, you can now apply Smart Budget Allocation on Facebook Paid Initiatives that already have Campaign Budget Optimization enabled. All the information in Smart Budget Allocation settings will also show up appropriately for Ad Sets belonging to that Paid Initiative. Please note that it is only applicable to the ad entities that are in Active or Paused state.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Fixed the Display of LinkedIn Lookalike Audiences

Previously, the LinkedIn Lookalike Audiences that were auto-imported into Sprinklr would show up as Custom Audiences in the Audience Manager. Now, you will be able to view the LinkedIn lookalike audiences as the same and not as the custom audiences. Also, while creating a LinkedIn Saved Audience, you can now select from Custom/Lookalike Audiences within Detailed Targeting (Audiences). These changes will reflect within Ads Composer and Ads Manager as well.

LinkedIn Lookalike Audience appear as lookalike audience

LinkedIn Custom or Lookalike Audience in Detailed Targeting

Audience Manager | Additional Filter Options for Facebook Video Engagement Custom Audience Creation

While creating a Facebook Video Engagement Custom Audience, you can now use the following additional filters to search for videos you want the audience to be built from:

  • Paid Initiative

  • Ad Set

  • Ad Variant

  • Instagram Business Profile

  • Video ID


The videos used in Carousel Ads and Dynamic Ads aren’t supported for the creation of custom audiences via API.

Additional video filter options for Facebook Video Engagement Custom Audience

Creative Library

Creative Library | Fixed the Data Loss Issue On Switching Tabs

While adding a creative in the Ads Creative Library, you may have come across the data loss issue on switching tabs. However, now, the data will remain intact if you switch between tabs. This issue has also been fixed in the Ads Composer.

Data Loss Issue Fixed in Ads Creative Library on switching tabs

Creative Library | Mandatory Campaign Tagging

While adding a creative within the Creative Library, you will now have a mandatory field to tag your Campaign. With the help of campaign tagging, you can determine the campaigns that are driving the most traffic, analyze the data and then improve your marketing efforts based on your analysis. This capability will also be enabled in the Ads Manager and Ads Composer.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Making Campaign Tag Mandatory for Creatives within the Creative Library

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Outbound Post ID in Reporting

You can now obtain the Outbound Post ID in the Ad Post reporting widget without having to export it. Using the Outbound Post ID dimension, you can view the ID of the corresponding outbound post for the ad post. Please note that this dimension is only supported when Ad Post is plotted in the reporting widget.

Outbound Post ID as dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to Use Spent Metric with LinkedIn Breakdown Dimensions

You can now use the Spent metric along with LinkedIn breakdown dimensions to view reporting data. Previously, this was not supported by the LinkedIn API. Breakdown reports allow you to view the breakdown of a particular measure by its category for a specified date range. These insights will help you make the most of your LinkedIn ads experience and ensure that your campaigns are performing effectively.

Support LinkedIn Breakdown Dimensions with Spent metric

Ads Reporting | Adjusted Color Change for Cost Per Metrics

We have now adjusted the color change for standard and custom cost per metrics to reflect the correct color, i.e. red for an increase and green for a decrease in cost, irrespective of their label axis.

Cost per Metrics Color Adjusted

Ads Reporting | Syncing Custom Metrics Data in Real-Time

While creating a widget within Ads Reporting using Custom metrics, you now have the support to get a real-time syncing for Custom metrics data. This capability will automate the data syncing process so that you can monitor and calculate the changes across various Paid metrics in real-time.

Ads Reporting | Updated Cost Per 1,000 Impressions Metric (CPM)

We have updated the Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM) metric for all channels. It will now be calculated as the amount spent for every 1000 impressions i.e. CPM = (Spent / Impressions) * 1000. This change will also be reflected within the Ads Manager under the Cost Per Result (Impressions) column.

Updated Cost per 1000 Impressions Metric in Ads Reporting

Updated Cost per Result metric column in Ads Manager

Ads Reporting | Added Dimensions to Fit the Search Ads 360 Template

You now have the ability to use Reporting Starts and Reporting Ends dimensions in Ads Reporting. This will allow you to pull an export of the specific columns that fit the Search Ads 360 template to create and schedule a report on performance data. You can also configure columns in Ads Manager using the Reporting Starts and Reporting Ends dimensions. These dimensions depict the date and time selected in the Ads Reporting or Ads Manager date range.

Learn more on how to use Sprinklr Ads Manager to generate a social performance and engagement report for Search Ads 360

Ads Reporting dimensions to fit Search Ads 360 template

Ads Reporting | Filter Reporting Data with YouTube as Channel Type

Previously, the reporting data for YouTube would come along as a placement while filtering with Google Ads as the Channel. However, now, you can filter the reporting data using YouTube as the channel type in your Ads Reporting widget.


Reporting data with Channel filter as YouTube is only supported for data from January 1st, 2020 onwards.

Filter YouTube as a channel type in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Text-Based Filtering at any Ad Entity Level

You now have the ability to narrow down the reporting data within an Ads Reporting widget based on the names of Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants. Following are the text-based filter types:

  • Starts with - For example, Paid Initiative starts with Evoltobor.

  • Ends with - For example, Ad Set ends with BumblebeeBot.

  • Text contains - For example, Ad Variant text contains Card.


This is only supported for filter results less than or equal to 2000. You will receive a message to refine your search if the results of the filter exceed 2000.

Text based filtering in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Integration of AppsFlyer Data Locker

We have integrated the AppsFlyer Data Locker within Sprinklr to empower marketers maximize the return on their marketing investments. Now, you can add dimensions in your Data Locker reports corresponding to Social Channel Ad, Ad Set, and Campaign ID. Sprinklr maps the data in the following ways:

  • Data Fetching - Sprinklr fetches data from Data Locker every hour, while events are updated within the Data Locker every 6 hours.

  • Data Mapping - Sprinklr maps data from the AppsFlyer Ad Id column present in the reporting file to the Ad Variant Channel ID in our system.

  • Time Zone - Data is imported into Sprinklr in UTC, however, we convert the data to the Ad Account timezone it is associated with. For example, if the conversion happened at 1 am GMT on Aug 1st and the Ad Account is in EST, we will show the event occurring at 8 pm EST on July 31st.


To enable AppsFlyer, please reach out to support@sprinklr.com with the following information:

  • AWS Access Key

  • Home Folder

  • Bucket Name

  • Bucket Secret

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Additional Operators for Custom Properties in Auto Boost Rules

Previously, while configuring custom property actions in an Auto Boost rule, you could only use the Set operator to replace custom properties. However, now, you can also use Set if absent, Unset, Merge, and Remove operators to append or remove custom properties. Also, while configuring a custom field condition in an Auto Boost rule, you can now use Is Not and Is Empty operators in addition to the existing Is operator.

Additional Custom Property Operators in Auto Boost Action

Additional Custom Property Operators in Auto Boost Condition

Rule Engine | Removed Email Subject as a Separate Action Field in Auto Boost Rules

In Rule Engine, while setting an Auto Boost Rule action to send email notifications, the Email Subject action will no longer be available as a separate action field. On selecting the email receiver(s) for Email action, the Email Subject field will automatically populate for you to set the subject of your email.

Removed Email Subject as a separate Auto Boost rule action

Rule Engine | Support for Reach Objective in Facebook Auto Boost Rule Action

You now have the ability to select Reach as a Facebook campaign Objective within Select Budget and Targeting for your Ad in Auto Boost rule action. This will allow you to create a new Facebook Reach campaign using Auto Boost rules.

Facebook Reach Objective in Auto Boost Rule action

Rule Engine | All Social Analytics Custom Metrics Available for Use in Auto Boost Rules

While creating an Auto Boost rule to boost your posts in Rule Engine, you will now be able to use all the available social analytics custom metrics.

Rule Engine | Support to Avoid Duplication of Ad Variants if Auto Boost Fails

Now, duplicate ad variants will not be created if Auto Boost of your post fails. If failed, a draft Ad (in error state) will be created. If there’s already a draft for a particular post created by that auto boost rule, the post will not be boosted again. However, the posts will be marked Sponsored immediately after successful publishing.

Sprinklr Insights Updates

Scheduled Exports

Scheduled Exports | Export Creation Usability Now Improved

We have revamped the Scheduled Exports screen for a better user experience. This new design will reduce the time spent by a user to schedule an export. Additionally, it has introduced new features like:

  • Storage Options: The two available options in the Advanced Exports screen are Default (email notification) and FTP/SFTP.

  • PDF Structure: You can combine the PDFs in case you want to get a single PDF for all sections/tabs.

  • New Cover Page: The PDF exports will have now have a cover page by default for branding (Brand logo) and context: title, filters which make the reports more informative & consumable.

  • End Date Support in Schedule Details: Ability to add/update end date support for Scheduled Reports/Exports.

  • Cover Page Title: Ability to add/update the filename of the downloaded report/excel/PDF.

  • Widget Settings: You can choose to expand widgets like conversation streams, postcard, table, etc. to 100% in order to reveal all data in the downloaded report or maintain the same widget structure in the report as in the dashboard. (v15.2)


  • The options for Scheduled Exports remain the same for the standard dashboard; only the Advanced Exports UI has been redesigned.

  • The feature is being enabled in phases and will be available to all by mid February.


Listening | Improved Email Template for Listening Alerts

We have revamped Listening Email Alerts completely for improved readability and actionability. Channel logos and Action Buttons are more prominent. The alignment of the posts has improved now. Posts containing images in native are also shown in Emails. You can also see verified blue ticks for Twitter verified profiles. The widgets in the email are also revamped for better visibility and look premium as they are aligned with our dashboard widgets. All emails are also mobile-friendly for improved user experience.


This has also been revamped similar to other Smart Alerts:

  • Engagement Alerts 

  • Listening Rule Alerts 

  • Volumetric Rule Alerts

  • Volume Threshold Alerts

To receive Smart Alerts Emails, make sure you use Send Automatic Alert Email as a rule condition in the Rule Engine. Do not get confused with Send Email Notification. Additionally, to receive Push Notifications on mobile, use Send Automatic Alert Mobile Notification as a rule condition in the Rule Engine.

Topics | Support for Search Operators in Listening Advanced Queries

During the topic creation process in Listening Insights, you can enhance the flexibility and accuracy using Advanced Operators that are message, title, language, bio, author, and country. This will help you create more exhaustive yet accurate topics to fetch mentions with the data you intend to capture.

Below is the list of Search Operators supported in advanced queries:

  • Message: Message description/text

  • Title: Title of the message like review, heading, etc.

  • Language: Language of the text/message

  • Bio: User bio

  • Author: Author of the message (this operator is upcoming in the next release).

  • Country: Country mentioned in the user profile (this operator is upcoming in the next release).


This feature is still in beta phase, hence it is not globally available.

Listening | Ability to Store Sprinklr Exports Externally in FTP/SFTP

You can now store Sprinklr Exports in Non-Sprinklr Environment i.e. FTP/SFTP. There are two options for receiving files available in storage:

  • Default (receive & download file from the email notification)



The feature is being enabled in phases and will be available to all by mid February.

Storing Sprinklr exports externally in FTP/SFTP

Listening | Notification for FTP/SFTP File Export Failure

You will now get a notification if scheduled export for your Listening Dashboards using FTP/SFTP storage option fails. This functionality will also be available for Ads Reporting and Engagement Reporting.

Notification for FTP/SFTP File Export Failure

Listening | Ability to Show Blue Tick for Verified Twitter Users in All Email Types

We now show a verified blue tick beside the account name on any post in email for the verified Twitter accounts. This capability is supported for all the Listening alerts, such as Smart Alerts (Anomaly Alerts), Engagement Alerts, Listening Rule Alerts, and Volumetric Rule Alerts.

Showing blue tick for verified Twitter users in all email types

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Listening | Introduction of New Widget "Consumption Summary" in Consumption Report

We have introduced a new widget named Consumption Summary in the Consumption Export. This comprehensive export option will be able to map Topics, Topics IDs, Topic Groups, Topic Group IDs, and Workspace. You can export this new widget in PNG, PDF, Excel, and CSV formats.

Viewing Consumption Summary in the Consumption Report

Listening | Updated Age Breakup for Demographics in Listening and Explorer 

You now have a more granular age breakup for filtering the demographics in Listening as well as Explorer. The age breakup is available as 18 - 24 and 25 - 34. It will help you in refining the results by a specific age group. Please note that age categorization is only applicable to data going forward from January 2020.

Listening | Ability to Pick from FTP in First Party Data Ingestion

You can now import data from an external source in First Party Data Ingestion. Sprinklr now supports FTP integration to import data. You can set up FTP by entering the details in the platform itself. This will allow a seamless automated transfer of files from your internal FTP source to Sprinklr.

Listening | Support for Aggregation on Numeric Custom Fields

It is now possible to perform aggregations like Sum, Average, etc. on the numeric type custom fields in Sprinklr. As a result, you can plot numeric fields like sales against time as well.

Support for aggregation on numeric custom fields

Support for aggregation on numeric custom fields

Listening Dashboards

Listening Dashboards | Restriction of Color Change Option for Standard Field of Sentiment

In order to ensure hygiene, the color change for standard sentiment fields has been disabled.

Listening Dashboards | Detailed Country Wise Visual Representation for Demographics

We have now introduced an enhanced visual presentation of the demographics for a more granular display of the data to be fetched. With the Detailed Country View filter, you will now get a comprehensive state wise presentation of the amount/concentration of the result as per your filters applied in the dashboard. The country map will show the state wise distribution of the post which can be clicked to reveal the name of the state, giving you details of the number of posts on a certain topic from a particular state.

Detailed Country view

Location Analysis

UK map

Listening Explorer

Listening Explorer | Default Time Filter for Smart Quick Insights Updated

You now have an updated time filter for the Smart Quick Insights dashboard, fetching the data for the Last 7 Days by default.

Listening Explorer | Age Support Introduced

You now have Age support in Listening Explorer. Age categories are supported in the standard explorer dashboard with new categories in the Audience section.


Benchmarking | Access to Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard Through Platform

With this capability, you can now access the Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard directly through the Sprinklr platform. There are three conditions required to be met for accessing the Benchmarking Smart Alerts Dashboard:

  • Benchmarking alerts should be enabled in the partner environment.

  • The partner must have access to Sprinklr Insights.

  • You must have permission to view the anomaly dashboard.

Location Insights

Location Insights | Empty Message’s Experience Score Updated From 0 to Null

We have updated the message experience score from 0 to Null. Now, any message that does not have any text or any insight detected will not be assigned any experience score. Instead, the experience score will be Null. This will ensure that the key metrics like Experience Score is appropriate for all the locations. To know more about Experience Score, see Location Insights – Experience Score.

Empty message’s Experience Score updated from 0 to null

Visual Insights

Visual Insights | Ability to Perform Text Search on Images for Twitter 

You now have the ability to perform text/character based search on images for Twitter, aided by AI and machine learning algorithms. While creating visual topic queries, you will now have an option to perform the same query in images as well. Query will run on the images and fetch the images based on the keywords on which query is performed.

Text Search in Images

Visual Insights | Ability to Detect Primary Color in Images 

Sprinklr now supports the detection of primary colors in images. Photo Primary colors dimension is now available in the Dashboard Level Filters, Widget Level Filters, Themes, Rule Engine, and Engagement Dashboards.

The primary colors that can be detected are:

Maroon: [128, 0, 0]

Brown: [154, 99, 36]

Olive: [128, 128, 0]

Teal: [70, 153, 144]

Navy: [0, 0, 117]

Orange: [245, 130, 49]

Green: [60, 180, 75]

Cyan: [66, 212, 244]

Blue: [67, 99, 216]

Purple: [145, 30, 180]

Magenta: [240, 50, 230]

Grey: [169, 169, 169]

Pink: [250, 190, 190]

Apricot: [255, 216, 177]

Beige: [255, 250, 200]

Mint: [170, 255, 195]

Lavender: [230, 190, 255]

Casal: [65, 81, 88]

Dark Red: [71, 0, 0]

Light Red: [250, 128, 114]

Dark Orange: [255, 140, 0]

Dark Yellow: [255, 140, 0]

Light Yellow: [255, 255, 224]

Dark Green: [0, 100, 0]

Light Green: [144, 238, 144]

Light Cyan: [224, 255, 255]

Dark Cyan: [0, 139, 139]

Light Blue: [173, 216, 230]

Dark Blue: [0, 0, 139]

Light Gray: [211, 211, 211]

Dark Pink: [219, 112, 147]

Dark Brown: [51, 26, 0]

Dark Teal: [5, 42, 42]




Visual Insights | Ability to Detect Group/Individual in Images 

You can now detect whether a photo has a single face or multiple faces in it. This new feature is available as a new dimension called "Photo Figures" in Visual Insights. It shows two options - Single and Group.

Visual Insights | Support for Visual Dimensions in Rule Engine

We now support the following visual dimensions in the Rule Engine: 

  • Objects

  • Scenes

  • Activities

  • Gender

  • Photo brands

  • Sentiments

  • Photo Inappropriate Content 

This will help you improve your organization's crisis response SLA with a crisis management protocol in case of engagement with any visual content. It uses automated workflows to connect departments and stakeholders with mobile notifications and alerts.

Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Agent Console | Messaging

Agent Console

Agent Console | Categorized Smart Responses

While viewing smart responses and FAQ bot suggestions in the middle pane of the Agent Console, if you click View All, you will now find the recommendations categorized between the AI Generated Smart Replies and FAQ Bot Asset Recommendations. The categorization will be based upon the intents predicted in the messages sent by the customers.

Categorized Smart Responses in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Perform Case Search with Keywords that Include Special Characters

In Agent Console, the special characters will also be considered while performing the case search with keywords that include special characters.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Support to Perform Case Search with Keywords that Include Special Characters in Agent Console


WhatsApp Business | Dropdown Values Added to Business Profile Vertical Field to Select Industry From

While adding the industry for your WhatsApp Business account in Sprinklr, you will now have a dropdown list for the Business Profile Vertical field that contains the name of the industries.

Dropdown Values Added to Business Profile Vertical Field in WhatsApp Business

Google Business Messaging | Support to Fetch Images in Agent Console

The images that are sent via Google Business Messaging will now be visible in the Agent Console. Earlier, only the image link was visible which was not accessible after 7 days.

Support to show images sent via Google Business Messaging in Agent Console