Sprinklr v15.11.0 - Sprinklr Marketing Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Omni-channel Journey

Omni-channel Journey | Availability of Journey Facilitator to All Sprinklr Marketing Customers

Journey Facilitator, a Marketing Automation capability across channels, is now available for use to all the Sprinklr Marketing customers. With the help of Journey Facilitator, you can create and map the entire customer journey in a seamless flow to send automated and personalized content on preferred channels. You can schedule messages either at specific hours in various time zones or in response to specific events. Automated omni-channel marketing campaigns will enhance your brand’s overall marketing efficiency, which will ensure higher conversions and greater ROI.


You can use Journey Facilitator only if you have access to Sprinklr Marketing.
The number of messages allowed by default is 10K per month. To increase the messaging limit, connect with your Success Manager or Account Executive.

Journey Facilitator

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Share Current View

You will now be able to share the current view of your Production Dashboard which will include the following:

  • The specific tab you are viewing in the Production Dashboard.

  • The filters applied to the Production Dashboard.

  • The view selected (List, Kanban, Timeline) in the Production Dashboard.

  • The group-by applied in the Production Dashboard.

  • The columns visible in the Production Dashboard.

  • The selected duration for the Production Dashboard.

  • Any sorting that has been applied either in columns or in group-by of the Production Dashboard.

After you have shared the current view of your Production Dashboard, the user you have shared the view with will be able to update or remove fields or items mentioned above. Apart from this, the shared view will not reflect any changes that you will make to your current view. You can share your current Production Dashboard view either within Sprinklr or by a link to other users. 

Note: This is also applicable for the Production Dashboards tab within Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns.

Sharing Current View of the Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Ability to View the Audit Trail

You will now be able to view the audit trail of a Production Dashboard within the Dashboard Activity pane. In the Dashboard Activity pane, you will be able to view the following:

  • User created a dashboard <dashboard name>

  • User edited the dashboard <dashboard name>

  • Name change

  • Tags change

  • User added a column in tab <tabname>

  • Column: Not Set → Column Name

  • User removed a column in tab <tabname>

  • Column: Column Name → Not Set

  • User added a new tab <tabname>

  • User removed the tab <tabname>

  • User shared the dashboard <dashboard name>

  • Visibility: User group A → User Group B

  • User locked the dashboard <dashboard name>

  • User unlocked the dashboard <dashboard name>

  • User - applied the following filters in tab <tabname>

  • filtername: A → B

Dashboard Activity Option

​Production Dashboards | Support for Message and Sub-Campaign Count Columns

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to Add and Remove columns to view the Total Number of Messages and Sub-Campaigns associated with a campaign. This will enable you to gain additional context with respect to the campaign without opening an additional tab. Apart from this, you will also be able to export these columns. The same is available in the Production Dashboards tab of the Campaigns as well.

Viewing Total Number of Messages and Sub-Campaign Associated with Campaigns

​Production Dashboards | Support for Message Count Column

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to Add and Remove columns to view the Total Number of Messages associated with a sub-campaign. This will enable you to gain additional context with respect to the sub-campaign without opening an additional tab. Apart from this, you will also be able to export the column. 

Viewing Total Number of Messages Associated with Sub-Campaigns

​Production Dashboards | Support for Not Set as a Group By Dimension 

Any message, campaign, or sub-campaign that has no workflow triggered on it will now be grouped under the Not Set dimension within the Production Dashboards.

Production Dashboards | Support for Assets Tab

You can now add and view Assets in the Production Dashboards along with the ability to filter, refresh, sort, and group-by assets. In addition to this, you will also be able to:

  • Search for asset names and columns values

  • Add or remove asset columns

  • Reorder asset columns

  • View tasks on their respective due dates

  • View milestones on their respective due dates

  • View the progress of completion of milestones

  • View if the asset workflow is delayed or early

  • Search by Asset Name

  • View the name of the asset on the bar

  • View the name of the milestones on the milestone due date

  • View whether milestones are early or delayed

You will also be able to view Assets in the Timeline View of the Editorial Calendar as you view messages. The workflow progress bar for assets will start from the workflow initiated date and end on the predicted workflow end date.

Creating Assets Tab in the Production Dashboards
List View of Assets in the Production Dashboards
Assets in Timeline View of the Production Dashboards

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | Ability to Search Within the Third Pane

You will now be able to perform Search by keywords within the Third Pane of an entity. This will enable you to easily navigate to the desired comments or replies including those in a thread. You will also be able to search for @mentions within the threads. Clicking on a comment or reply in the search result will take you to a particular comment or reply. If the comment or reply is in a thread then you will be redirected to the reply within the thread. 

Comment text containing any of the following is searchable:

  • Alphabets

  • Numbers

  • Special characters

  • Hashtags

  • Mentions (user /user groups)

  • URL

The searchable comment text format:

  • Bold

  • Italic

  • Underline

  • Bullet list

  • Number list

Searching Within the Third Pane

​Content Marketing | Exceed Character Limit in Breadcrumbs Up To 60

The character limit in the breadcrumbs is extended up to 60. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • View at least 60 characters for the variant name and 60 for the parent name before trimming.

  • View up to 60 characters in the parent message name and variant message name breadcrumb.

  • Have back navigation with only variant names instead of breadcrumbs with parent message names.

  • View 60 characters for the parent name when hovering over the back icon.

  • View at least 60 characters for the sub-campaign name before trimming.

  • View 60 characters for the campaign name when hovering over the back icon.

  • Have back navigation with only sub-campaign name instead of breadcrumb with a parent campaign name.

Character Limit in Breadcrumbs

Content Marketing | Support for @here Functionality

You can now notify all users/user groups who commented/replied or have been @mentioned before in the collaboration pane by commenting using @here. This enables you to easily mention all users during collaboration on Messages, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, and Tasks. You can also manage notifications for these group mentions by enabling or disabling the following Notification Preferences:

  • Notification Preference Name - @here Group Notifications

  • Notification Preference Description - Notify user/user groups who have commented/replied or have been @mentioned before in collaboration when a user comments with @here.

@here Group Notifications
@here Mention in Collaboration

Content Marketing | Support for Plan Tab in Third Pane

The Plan tab within the Sub-Campaign Third Pane will enable you to view and navigate to all the messages associated with a particular sub-campaign. You can also view message details such as account name, account icon, creation time, content, etc. within the Plan tab. Also, you can search within the list view of the associated messages. 

Plan Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Support for Plan Tab in Third Pane

The Plan tab within the Campaign Third Pane will enable you to view and navigate to all the messages and sub-campaigns associated with a particular campaign. You can also view the total number of messages and sub-campaigns along with their basic details such as name, creation date and time, etc. Apart from this, you can also search within the list view of the associated messages and sub-campaigns.

Plan Tab in Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Ability to Search for @Mentions in Notes   

You will now be able to search for @mentions in the notes within the Third Pane. This will enable you to easily view the notes and replies where you are mentioned. While searching for @mention, the dropdown will show options to search by keywords and a list of users.

In addition to this, you cannot @mention users from outside of your workspace in notes during collaboration. With this capability enabled, you will only be able to @mention users that share the same workspace you are in. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

@Mnetion Search in Notes

Content Marketing | Ability to Clone Tasks

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to Clone Tasks. With this capability enabled, you will be able to create and save a task with just a single click. While cloning a task, the following fields will be cloned:

  • Entity associated with the Task

  • Task Name - Adds Copy of in the name

  • Task Description 

  • Task Type

  • Task Assignee

  • Task Queue

  • Task Due Date

  • Task Custom Fields

However, some fields as mentioned below will not be cloned:

  • Task Status - It will be set as New by default.

  • Task Notes and Activity - It will not be cloned.

  • Created By - It will be the person who cloned the task.

Apart from this, you will be able to view the audit trail of the cloned task within the Activity tab of the Task Third Pane in the following format:

username cloned a task which made following changes

Admin Set-up 

The users must have the appropriate permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

Cloning a Task in the Production Dashboard

​Content Marketing | Audit Trail of the Cloned Message

You will now be able to view the username and name of the parent message in the audit trail of the cloned message within the Activity tab. The name of the parent message will be hyperlinked to the URL of the message clicking on which will open the message in the third pane.

Activity Tab of Cloned Message

​Content Marketing | Ability to View Audit of Workflow Actions in Chronological Order 

You will now be able to view the multiple changes made via workflows in chronological order within the Activity tab of the third pane. This will enable you to identify the recent changes made on an entity.

Workflow Actions in Chronological Order

Content Marketing | Support for Emoji Reactions in Collaborate Tab

While collaborating on an entity via the third pane, you will now be able to add and remove Emoji Reactions on comments and replies. This capability will enable you to mark a comment as read without actually replying to it. Other users can also add the same emoji by clicking on the added emoji once more. Apart from this, you will be able to view the total count of emojis next to it.


It is only for Next Gen Virality third panes.

Adding Emojis to a Comment

​Content Marketing | Support to View Calendar Name on Initiating Workflows 

You will now be able to view the calendar name along with the details of the workflow initiated on an entity within the audit trail of the Activity tab. The format of the audit trail will be as follows:

<username> initiated X workflow with Y calendar

Please note that the calendar name will be shown only when the calendar is selected or applied, otherwise not.

Workflow Initiated by a User

​Content Marketing | Audit Trail Usability Improvement for Localization 

On creating a localized copy of a message using a Localization Tool, the name of the editor in the audit trail within the collaboration pane and third pane will now be shown as Moderation User. This will help you easily distinguish between the original creator of the message and the changes made via the localization tool. 

Content Marketing | Fixed Audit Trail Issue for Sub-Workflow

If a sub-workflow is initiated by the system, it will show the Moderation User as the one who triggered the sub-workflow within the Activity tab. The name of the user who triggered the workflow with which the sub-workflow is associated will not appear.

The format within the audit trail will be: Moderation User Initiated Subworkflow <Sub-Workflow-Name> due to <Workflow-Name> Workflow

Viewing Sub Workflow Activity Details

​Content Marketing | Improvised Grouping Hierarchy for Custom Fields

When 2 level grouping of custom fields is done within the Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboards, the grouping will occur as following:

1. X1

2. X2

Where custom fields X and Y are defined as X1 → Y1, Y2, and X2 → Y3, Y4.

Grouping at 2 Level

​Content Marketing | Restriction to @Mention Users in Notes

You will not be allowed to @mention users from outside of your workspace in notes during collaboration within the Third Pane. With this capability enabled, you will only be able to @mention users that share the same workspace you are in. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Campaigns | Brief and Properties Section to Open by Default

While creating or updating an existing campaign or sub-campaign, the custom properties and brief sections will be opened by default. With this enhancement, the complete description of the campaign and sub-campaign within the Overview tab will appear now without the Show More option. Apart from this, the full values of custom properties associated with the campaigns and sub-campaigns will also appear without the Show More option. 

Brief and Custom Properties Section
Full Description of the Campaign
Custom Properties of the Campaign

​Campaigns | View the Audit of the Production Tab in the Third Pane

You will now be able to view the audit trail of the Production Tab of Campaigns in the Campaign Third Pane. The audit will appear as follows:

Username made the following changes to the Production tab > Production Dashboard before --> after

The same will be applicable to the Sub-Campaigns as well.

Audit of Production Tab within Collaboration Pane of Campaigns

​Campaigns | Ability to Create Sub-Campaign from Campaign Third Pane

You can now create Sub-Campaigns from the Campaign Third Pane. On creating a sub-campaign from the campaign third pane, the system and custom field properties of the parent campaign will be copied by default. The count of associated Sub-Campaigns in the Overview tab will get updated automatically once the sub-campaign is created successfully. The Add Sub-Campaign action can be configured via Persona.


the Add Sub-Campaign action will only come for Approved and Unarchived campaigns.

Admin Set-up 

To access this capability, make sure you have the Create permission enabled for Sub-Campaigns. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

Creating Sub-Campaign from Campaign Third Pane

​Campaigns | Add Campaign Column in Sub-Campaigns Production Dashboards Tab

You will now be able to add and remove Campaign columns in the Production Dashboards tab of the Sub-Campaign detailed view. With this capability enabled, you can take column actions like sort, group by, hide, freeze for Campaign columns in the Production Dashboards tab. In addition to this, you will also be able to:

  • Filter campaign fields

  • Inline edit campaign columns

  • Search by campaign filters

  • Quick filter campaign columns

  • Colour-code campaign columns

  • Export the Production Dashboard with campaign columns

Campaigns | Ability to Remove Validation

You will now be able to create sub-campaigns irrespective of the date range of the associated campaign. This will enable you to create, update, and schedule sub-campaigns outside the campaign’s date range.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

User Generated Content

User Generated Content | Enablement of UGC for All

If Sprinklr Marketing is enabled for you then the User Generated Content feature will also be available to you now, without any further enablement. However, if Marketing is not enabled then it can be accessed from Sprinklr Social.

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Configure Month View

You now have the ability to configure the Month View of the Editorial Calendar as per your requirement. With this capability enabled:

  • The template name will be configurable for a Large Card to show the system and custom properties of an outbound message. For example, Account Name or Campaign Name in place of Template Name.

  • The content or message name will be configurable for the Large + Small Cards to show any system and custom properties of an outbound message.

Month View of the Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to Create Quick Filters for Sub-Campaigns

You now have the ability to create Quick Filters for sub-campaigns within the Editorial Calendar. These quick filters will be available in all View types of both Calendar and Timeline views. Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • View the entity associated with the Sub-Campaign in brackets along with the quick filter.

  • Use sub-campaign based attributes and dimensions as filter options while creating quick filters.

  • Incorporate sub-campaign’s system and custom fields while creating quick filters.

The method of creating sub-campaign quick filters will be consistent across the platform similar to Production Dashboards.

Creating Quick Filters for Sub-Campaigns

​Editorial Calendar | Support for Campaign and Sub-Campaign Navigation

You now have the ability to navigate to a campaign or sub-campaign from the Editorial Calendar and Timeline views. With this capability enabled, the Calendar and Timeline views will show the following behavior:

  • Calendar View

    • Campaign Preview Cards will not open on a single click on a campaign.

    • Single and double click on a Campaign will open a new campaign third pane in place of a full view in the next tab.

    • Clicking View Details (Full View) will open the Overview tab of Campaign/Sub-campaign in a new tab.

  • Timeline View

    • Single and double click on a Campaign will open a new campaign third pane in place of a full view in the next tab.

    • Single or double click on a Sub-campaign will open a new sub-campaign third pane in place of a full view in the next tab.

    • Clicking View Details will open the Overview tab of Campaign/Sub-campaign in a new tab.

Navigating to Campaign Third Pane from the Editorial Calendar
Navigating to Campaign and Sub-Campaign Third Pane from the Editorial Timeline

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to Bulk Import Sub-Campaigns

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to bulk import Sub-Campaigns into the Editorial Calendar via excel. The excel import sub-campaign will include sub-campaign name, parent campaign name, start date, end date, tags, status, visibility, custom fields, etc. Apart from this, the sub-campaign label in the import dropdown will be configurable.

Bulk-Importing Sub-Campaigns in Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to View Events in the Calendar and Timeline View

You can now view Events in the Editorial Calendar irrespective of the view type selected. This will enable you to view live update on creation, edition, and deletion of events. Also, a single click on an event will open the event card showing details such as region, description, start and end date. 


The campaign Editorial Timeline will show only campaign related events.

Viewing Events in the Timeline View of the Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to View Events Upfront in the Grouped View

You will now be able to view Events upfront in the grouped view in the day, week, month, quarter, and year view of the Editorial Calendar. 

Viewing Events in Grouped View of the Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to View Event Names in Week View

You will now be able to view the Event Names in the Week View of the Editorial Calendar. With this capability enabled, you can view up to 5 event names in the week view, and to view more events, click the Addition icon  (+n) similar to the month view.

Event Names in the Week View of the Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to Bulk Import Events

You will now be able to bulk import the events into the Editorial Calendar.

Importing Events in the Editorial Calendar

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to View Events in the Year and Quarter View

You will now be able to view events upfront in the Year and Quarter view of the Editorial Calendar. 20 events will be visible upfront if campaigns are not selected for view. If campaigns are selected then, only 10 events will be visible upfront.

Events in Year And Quarter View

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to Navigate to Campaign and Sub-Campaign Third Pane 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to navigate to the Campaign and Sub-Campaign Third Pane from the Editorial Calendar and Timeline views. With this capability enabled, a single and double click on a campaign will open the respective campaign or sub-campaign in the third pane. However, if you click View Details then it will open the respective campaign or sub-campaign’s Overview section in the next tab.

Navigating to Campaign Third Pane from Editorial Timeline View

​Editorial Calendar | Ability to Configure Fields Shown on an Event Card

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to configure fields that will be shown on the Events Cards via Experience Engine. With the enablement of this capability, you can:

  • Add and show any system and custom fields on the Event Card.

  • Show workspace and users/user groups visibility of the event.

  • Remove existing fields from the Event Card.

  • Show description of the event up to 3 lines before trimming the content.

  • Show tooltip for title and description of the event.

Also, the Event Card will have a maximum height after which you will be able to scroll through the card.

Event Card with Event Details in the Editorial Calendar


Publisher | Message Shell Renamed to Message Idea

Message Shell has been renamed to Message Idea throughout the Sprinklr platform. The description for the same has been updated to create an idea or raise a request for content. Note that the name and description for the same can be configured via Persona Configuration.

Creating Message Idea

​Publisher | Remember the Last Opened Tab

The Publisher will now remember the last opened tab, e.g. Overview tab if you switch between Sprinklr tabs or refresh the browser window. 

Last Opened Tab in Publisher

​Publisher | Support for Live Update by Multiple Users

You will now be able to get live updates when multiple users are updating a message at the same time within the Publisher. With this capability enabled, all the changes done by the users will be merged and saved. 

However, in scenarios where changes are not applicable, you will receive a notification stating “Some of your changes were not applied. Please update again”.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

​Publisher | UI Enhancement for Back Navigation

You will now be able to navigate back to the parent message with only the variant name instead of the usual breadcrumbs.

Publisher | Ability to Publish as Drafts to WordPress

You can now publish content on WordPress as a draft so that you can make the final changes on WordPress and publish the content. While defining the WordPress account within Sprinklr, you will be able to select whether the account will be used for publishing posts as a draft or direct publish (default). 

Apart from this, you will also be able to differentiate between posts whether they are published from Sprinklr or WordPress. Status of a post which is published from Sprinklr to WordPress as draft will have Draft status in WordPress and Sent status in Sprinklr. Note that you cannot edit a post in Sprinklr that is sent as a draft to WordPress.

WordPress Account
WordPress Posts
Publish Post as Draft
WordPress Posts in the Editorial Calendar

​Publisher | Update Button Disabled for Draft Messages

The Update button for a draft message will now be disabled by default until and unless any changes are made to the message.

Update Button Disabled for Draft Messages

Content Templates

Content Templates | Support for New Account Types for Planning

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to create content templates for the following new account types:

  • Tmall Brand Hub 

  • WeChat Mini Program (MP)

  • Douyin 

  • TikTok

  • Xiaohongshu

With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • Filter Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar boards by these new account types.

  • Use these account types for quick filters and color-coding.

  • View these account types in the custom field visibility.

  • Add these account types in the workflow engine conditions.

  • Access these account types in the Rule Engine for Draft, Outbound, Autofill, Pre-Publishing, and Post-Publishing rules.

  • Group-By content using these account types.

  • Access these account types in the Production Dashboard columns.

  • Add these account types while creating posts in Publisher and Message Shell.

  • Access these account types for account addition

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

New Account Types in Workflow Engine


Reporting | Ability to Report on Editorial Calendar Board Tags

You will now be able to report on the number of calendar boards based on tags. Also, you will be able to view the number of calendar boards filtered by tags in consumption analytics.

Reporting on Editorial Calendar Board Tags

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Ability to Control Number of Characters in Message Name

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Character Limit for message name via autofill, draft, and draft updated rules. Under Actions to “Actions which are applicable for the draft message”, there is a new action added named “Character Limit”. With this capability enabled, if the number of characters exceeds the prescribed limit then the text in the message name field will appear trimmed.

Setting Character Limit as Action

​Rule Engine | Support for Template as a Condition in Autofill Rules

While creating autofill, draft, and draft update rules for outbound messages, you will now be able to set Template as a condition under Condition Applies To “The channel properties of the Message”.

Setting Template as Condition

​Rule Engine | Autofill Campaign and Sub-Campaign Properties Based on User Profile

By creating Campaign Autofill and Sub-Campaign Autofill rules in the Rule Engine, you can now set actions to copy properties from User to Campaign and from Campaign to Sub-Campaign based on User Profile and Existing Properties. These actions can be set under Actions to “Copy properties from source to destination”. Apart from this, while creating a campaign, the campaign fields will be auto-filled based on conditions.

Creating Campaign Autofill Rule

Rule Engine | Ability to Define Naming Conventions Based on Message Properties

You will now be able to define naming conventions based on the properties associated with the message in Rule Engine. The naming convention will be based on picklist, multi-picklist, date, text, number, schedule date, campaign, sub-campaign, account type, and template and the date will appear in the format selected by the user. Apart from this, the autofill and draft rules will have an action to set 

  • Set Naming Convention Separator - <typeseparator>

  • <PropertyName Dropdown>.

  • <PropertyName Dropdown>.

  • …. so on

The naming convention will have the following scenarios:

  • If there are multiple values for a field, then all those values will be a part of the naming convention with a separator.

  • The naming convention will apply to the message variants as well.

  • While creating a message, you can select properties and the message name will be auto-filled. 

  • The naming convention can be set as a conditional rule so that it is auto-selected for the messages it is relevant to.

  • While creating a variant, you will not have the option to write the message name but the naming convention of the parent message will carry over. If the fields of variant messages are updated then the naming convention will also get updated. 

  • If remaining fields are not selected, the name will be generated as partial and will get added as the fields get filled in.

Defining Naming Convention as Action in Draft Rule

​Rule Engine | Support for Template as a Condition in Autofill Rules  

While creating autofill, draft, and draft update rules for outbound messages, you will now be able to set Template as a condition under Condition Applies To “The channel properties of the Message”.

Setting Template as Condition

Custom Fields

Custom Fields | Ability to Edit Custom Field Values

You will now be able to edit and update existing values in a custom field without breaking its connection with previous tags, filtering, rules, etc. The updated value will be reflected in the third panes of the following:

  • Inbound Message

  • Outbound Message

  • Profile

  • Task

  • Case

  • Ad Campaign

  • Ad Set

  • Ad Variant

  • Asset

Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • Update the value dynamically across the platform on current, future, and historic data.

  • View the updated values in the filter facet for Production Dashboards, Reporting, Listening, Benchmarking, and Editorial Calendar.

  • View the updated values in the group-by in Editorial Calendar, Production, and Reporting Dashboards.

  • View the updated values in Engagement Columns for Case, Task, Inbound, and Outbound Message.

  • View updated values in the Workflow or Rule Engine where the original value was first set.

  • Apply updated value via a macro which was built with the original value.

  • View updated values in the Publisher and Third Pane.

  • View updated values in Campaign and Sub-campaign details pane.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Editing Existing Custom Field Values


Macros | Ability to Bulk Update the Schedule Date Using Macros

You will now be able to set Schedule Date as an automatic or manual action while creating macros. With the enablement of this capability, you can update and change the schedule date, time, and time zone automatically and manually by applying macros.

Automatic Action to Set Schedule Date via Macros

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Ability to Calculate Task Due Dates from Date Custom Fields

Tasks on an asset will now be due based on the Date Custom Fields. While creating tasks in the Workflow Engine, you can set their due dates before or after the Date Custom Fields. This will enable you to plan your content on time avoiding any sort of inconsistency. 

Calculating Task Due Date by Date Custom Field


Notifications | Notifications Enabled for Comments in Thread for @Mentioned Users

You will now receive notifications even if a user forgets to @mention you while replying to your comments. This capability will enable you to reply to a comment without having to @mention the person who posted it. 

Based on the place where the reply is made, the notification preferences will be as follows:

  • Name: Direct Reply to Comments

  • Description: Alerts when your comment has been replied to.

  • Notification is sent to the user you are replying to without having to mention them in the reply.

  • Name: Thread Notifications

  • Description: Alerts user/user groups when a reply is added to a thread they are mentioned on or have replied to.

  • Notification is sent to the user or user groups without having to mention them in the reply if they are mentioned in that thread or have replied to that thread previously.

All Mentions, Direct Replies, and Thread Notifications will be shown within the Mentions tab of the Notifications pane. The notification will have the following formats:

  • In Platform: <username> has added a reply on X campaign - hello

  • Email/Mobile: <username> has added a reply on message X - hello

In Platform Notification for @Mention Users

​Notifications | Ability to Directly Navigate to the Note

You can now directly access the notes from the Notifications pane. Clicking the notification will take you to the particular note within the Collaborate tab of the outbound message, campaign, task, and sub-campaign. The note will be highlighted making it easier for you to distinguish it from other notes.

Note in the Collaboration Tab

​Notifications | Ability to Receive Notifications Summary in Email

With the ability to receive Summary Email Notifications for tasks and mentions, you can now manage multiple notifications in a consolidated view. The notifications summary will include:

  • Notifications for a given time frame

  • Number of tasks assigned to you

  • Tasks that are due and overdue

  • Number of notes that you are mentioned in

You can navigate to an individual notification or view all tasks/mentions within the Sprinklr platform. The particular task or mention will open in the respective Task or Mentions tab of the Notification pane. However, you can always select to receive an individual email in addition to the summary email for some specific notifications. Note that the Summary Email Notification is disabled for mobile and in-platform notifications by default. 

The Summary Email Notifications will be of two types:

  • Daily Notification Summary - Enable it to receive the Daily Notification Summary for your tasks and mentions.

  • Weekly Notification Summary - Enable it to receive the Weekly Notification Summary for your tasks and mentions.

To Enable Group Email Settings