Sprinklr v15.11.0 - Sprinklr Service Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!


Universal Search | Support of From, To, CC, BCC Email Fields in Search

After the emails are received and sent from the Sprinklr platform, you can now search for those emails using the Universal Search option and entering the Email Ids that are present in the From, To, CC, and BCC fields. To perform a search, click the Search icon on the navigation bar, select Message from the dropdown on the left, and enter the email addresses you want to search the emails for.

Write explicitly from:emailId, to:emailId, cc:emailId, or bcc:emailId if you want to search for specific emails.

Support of From, To, CC, BCC Email Fields in Universal Search

​Audit Checklists | Support to Create and Edit Audit Checklists in Space UI

You will now be able to create and edit Audit Checklists in the Space UI. Additionally, while creating a checklist, you will be able to define condition(s) under the Property section, based on which the checklist will appear. For example, select where Case Type is Complaint or where Priority is Very High. Also, an email will be sent to the agents whenever the supervisors submit the audit for them.

To learn more about getting the Alert capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Create an Audit Checklist

Creating an Audit Checklist

​Platform | Visual Status Timer

The User Availability Status will now be visible in the top right corner of the Sprinklr platform along with the Status Timer for Sprinklr Service users. When a user changes his/her status, the timer will start to track the total amount of time the user spends in the current status. Note that if the user is logged out, the timer will still run in the background. This will help in better time management for agents.


You can also get the colors configured for respective user statuses to appear in place of the first three characters of the status. To get it enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Color Configuration for Statuses

Agent Availability Status and Timer


Community Builder | Support to Receive In-Platform Notifications

While creating/editing a community in the Community Builder, you will now have an option to select the Notification Type as Platform. Selecting Platform will enable the bell icon on the navigation bar of the Community Forum for the community users to receive in-platform notifications for any activity performed such as Like and Comment on their posts.

In-Platform Notifications on Community

In-Platform Notifications on Community

Community Builder | OTP Validation via Email During Signup/Sign-in

While drafting and publishing a post on Community, if you are asked to signup/sign-in, you can do so by entering the OTP that you will receive on your email for verification without the need of going to a different page by clicking on a one-time link sent on your email.

Email Verification on Community

​Community Builder | Support to Add Two or More SSOs for Login

Within Community Builder, you can now add two or more SSOs for login to differentiate employees from customers based on user credentials. You can configure this within the Login Page section under the Content Configuration tab.

Add Two or More SSOs for Login in Community Builder

Support for Two or More SSOs for Login in Community

Community Builder | Block Users to Login/Signup into Community via IP Address

You can now block users to login/signup into the community by providing their IP addresses/emails. reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com with their IP details and the particular profiles will be blocked.

You can also view reporting on the IP addresses of users. You can create widgets to view the activities performed by the users through their IP Addresses.

Reporting to see IP address of community users

​Community Builder | Move All Posts from One Topic to Another

Within the Category Hierarchy Management section in the Community Builder, you can now move all the posts from one topic to another. After selecting the desired Topic to move the posts to, you will also see the number of posts that will be moved.

Users must have the appropriate Admin permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

Move All Posts from One Topic to Another Permission for Community

Moving posts from one topic to another in Community Builder

​Community Builder | Screener Questions on Sign-up Popup

You can now configure Screener questions to appear on the Signup popup also. While creating/editing a community, check the box alongside Show screener questions during sign up within the SignUp Page Settings under the Content Configuration tab. Note that, for existing users, the screener questions will appear after the login only.

Screener questions on Sign up page in Community

Sign up form on Community

​Community Builder | Configure Conversation Types for Topics

While creating/editing a Topic within Community Builder, you can now Configure Conversation Types. You can select the Conversation Types (Question, Comment, Announcement, Praise, etc.) for the respective topic and give permissions to the user profile to post or comment. For each conversation type, you can select the users who can post/comment.

For example, you can only allow a particular group of users to post problems and questions conversation types for any specific community topic.

Configure Conversation Types for Topics

​Community Builder | Community Stats on Home Page

You can now configure Community Stats widgets to appear on the Community Home Page - Body and Sidebar. While creating/editing a community, select Community Stats within the Home Page - Body and Sidebar section under the Content Configuration tab. Note that for Home Page - Body, select any 3 values only.

Community Stats on Home Page

​Community Builder | Upvote/Downvote Idea Posts

For the Idea posts on the Community Forum, you will now have an option to upvote or downvote the idea instead of liking the post. This will help you understand how many users support the idea.

Upvote/Downvote Ideas Posts on Community

​Community Builder | Blocking User Without Marking User's Content as Spam and Also Specifying Reason

While blocking any user on the Community Forum, you will now get an option to keep the user's content on the community even after blocking them. Also, you can now specify the reason for blocking them. This reason will be visible within the Custom Properties section of the Profile third pane in Agent Console.

Users must have the appropriate Admin permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

Blocking user on community

Community Block Reason in Agent Console

Community Builder | Surveys for Unauthenticated Users

You can now send the Survey popup to unauthenticated users (who have now signed up on Community) as well, depending upon the following criteria:

  • Time Period that the users have spent on the community. For example, you can send a Survey popup after the user has spent 2 minutes on the community.

  • Any Sort of Activity that they have performed on the community. For example, after hitting the Like button on any post.

  • You can further get a condition added to show the survey popup only after a defined time period to the users who have already filled the survey once. For example, if a user has filled the survey today then you can configure to not show the Survey popup for the next 10 days.

To get it enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Community Survey Pop-up

​Community Builder | Support to Create Canned Responses on Forum

On Community Forum, you can now create Text and Image Canned Responses within Profile Settings. You can use these image templates while publishing any post or comment on Community by clicking the Image icon and selecting the Canned Images option.

Canned Responses in Community

Text Canned Response in Community
Image Canned Response in Community

Community Builder | Auto Close Conversations Based on Predefined Conditions

Within Agent Console or Community Forum, you now have support to auto-close the conversation based on the predefined conditions i.e. if there is no activity on a particular post for a certain amount of time. The activities can be Read Count, Comments, Likes, etc. For example, in the last 20 days, if the number of comments received on a given post is less than 5 then the post can be closed automatically. Note that the users with the Close Post permission will be able to re-open the closed conversation.

To enable this capability, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com with all the desired conditions.

Auto Close Conversations Based on Predefined Conditions in Community

​Community Builder | Customize Labels of the Actions/Tags

Within the Label Customization section in the Community Builder, you can now customize any label (static text such as “Like”, “Comment”, “Sign in”) shown on the Community Forum. For example, you can change "Mark as Accepted

Answer" to "Best Answer" and "Like" to "Kudos" via Label Customization.


Original Label should be the exact text match of what is shown on the Community.

Label Customization in Community

Label Customization in Community

​Community Builder | Add Featured Images for Articles and Announcements on Community Forum

While creating an article or announcement post on the Community Forum, you can now add a Featured Image directly on the forum without the need to go back to the Sprinklr platform to add an image for the announcement and article posts.

Posting an announcement on community

​Community Builder | Merging Activities When Posts are Merged

When merging two community posts on Community Forum or from Sprinklr Agent Console, all the activities performed on the posts such as comments, replies, etc. will also be merged within a single post. A note highlighting the same will be shown on the Community Forum after merging the posts.

Merging Posts in Community

​Community Builder | Support for Nofollowed Links

You can now control whether you want the search engines to read the links mentioned in Community posts/comments/replies or not by using nofollowed links. The nofollowed links are hyperlinks with a rel=“nofollow” tag. These links do not influence the search engine rankings of the destination URL because Google does not crawl nofollowed links. Note that you can whitelist particular domains and profile lists who can post links without the “rel” tag. To do this, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Community Builder | Customize Error Message and Regex for Validation of Employee ID

While creating/editing a community, you can enable the Capture employee information capability, within the SignUp Page section under the Content Configuration tab, to capture employee information that includes Confirmation Question and Employee ID. You can now also set the Label, Regex for validation, and Error Message for Employee ID.

For example, set the Regex in the following form: [A-Za-z][A-Za-z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9A-Za-z]

This implies that the Employee ID should only be a max of 6 characters, where the first 2 are alphabets followed by 3 numerical characters and the last character can either be alphabetic or numerical.

Customize Error Message and Regex for Validation of Employee ID in Community Builder

​Community Builder | Customize Title and Description for Login and Signup Pages

While creating/editing a community, you can now customize the Title and Description for the Login Page and the SignUp Page, under the Content Configuration tab, which will be visible to users on the Community Forum.

Login Page Settings in Community Builder

Sign Up Page Settings in Community Builder

​Community Builder | Add Default Time Range and Sort Filter Values and Exclude Profile Lists on Leaderboard Page/Widget

While creating/editing a community, you can now set the default Time Range and Sort filter values, within the Leaderboard Page section under the Content Configuration tab, to be selected on the Community Forum. You can also select the Profile Lists, if any, that you want to be excluded from the leaderboard page/widget.

Leaderboard configuration on Community

Leaderboard page on community

Community Builder | Moved Comment Box to the End of the Conversation Thread

When you open a conversation in the Community Forum, you will now get the option to Comment at the end of the thread (after the last comment). So now, the users are not required to scroll up the whole conversation thread to post the comment.

Comment Box on Community Forum

​Community Builder | Time Range Filter to Show Relevant User Profiles on Leaderboard

On applying the Time Range filter on the Community Leaderboard, it will now filter the data only for the user profiles who joined the community in that time period. For example, if you select Last 7 days as a time range then only the users who joined the community in the last 7 days will show up.

Time Range Filter in Community Leaderboard

​Community Builder | Hide Post Tabs on Topic Page

While creating/editing a community, you can now enable the Hide Post Tabs option, within the Topic Page - Body section. It will hide the post tabs viz. Question, Problem, Idea, etc on the Topic page.

Hide Post Tabs on Topic Page

Topic Page on Community Forum

​Community Builder | Customize Label for Post Privately Option

While creating/editing a community, you can enable the Allow users to post privately option, within the Conversation Create Page section under the Content Configuration tab, for community users to post privately. You can now also set the label for the checkbox field.

Note that a user must have the Manage Self Private Messages permission to view the option to post privately. These privates posts will only be visible to those users who have the Manage Private Messages permission.

 Customization for allowing users to post privately on Community

Publishing Post Privately in Community

​Community Builder | Support for Center Alignment, Code Block, and Tables in TinyMCE Editor

While creating a post or replying to any post on the Community Forum, you can now centrally align the text in the description field and also add code blocks and tables.

Creating a Community post

Code blocks in description on Community

​Community Builder | Support of Custom HTML in TinyMCE Editor

While creating a post or replying to any post on the Community Forum, you can now view and edit the Source Code within the Description field.

Users must have the appropriate Admin permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

Support of Custom HTML in Community Builder

Support of Custom HTML in Community Builder

​Community Builder | Exposed Two New Metrics for Assigning Badges and Ranks

While creating badges and ranks in Community Builder, you can now add the following two new metrics that can be used as a condition to assign badges and ranks.

  • Posts View Count By User - Total number of messages e.g. posts, comments, etc. that a user has viewed on the community.

  • Tags Used Count By User - Total number of tags a user associates while creating a post.

Exposed Two New Metrics for Assigning Badges and Ranks in Community Builder

​Community Builder | Combine Categories and Topics on Category Page

While creating/editing a community, you can now enable the Show categories and topics in single list option, within the Category Page section. So, the Topics will not be shown under a different title on the Category page.

Combining Categories and Topics on Category page

Category Page in Community Forum

​Community Builder | Automatically Revoke Points and Badges if User Posts a Spam

On the Community Forum, if a user's post is marked as Spam then all the points and badges earned by that particular user will be revoked now and s/he will have to earn the badges and points again.

To enable this capability, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Automatically Revoke Points and Badges if User Posts a Spam on Community

Agent Console

Agent Console | Bulk Associate/Dissociate Messages to Case

From Engagement Dashboards and Agent Console, you can now associate/dissociate messages to a case in bulk. On the Agent Console window, select the desired messages you'd like to associate/dissociate to a case in the middle pane, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Horizontal).png from the top of the middle pane, and select Associate / Dissociate Cases.

Bulk Associate/Dissociate Messages to a Case in Agent Console

​Agent Console | Support to Search by Additional Field IDs in the Message Columns

Within Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, you can now search the content within message columns by the additional values by putting their unique IDs within the Include Keywords field. Along with this, you can also search for the content by the custom field values.

To enable this capability, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Support to Filter the Columns by Additional Field IDs in Agent Console

​Agent Console | Search Bar Support on Smart Responses Window

While using smart responses in Agent Console, if you click the View All option, you will now be able to search for the desired response by entering the keyword in the search bar at the top of the Smart Responses window.

Search Bar for Smart Responses in Agent Console

​Agent Console | User Availability Status While Assigning Cases/Messages

While assigning cases/messages to other agents, manually or via macro, from the third pane of Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, you will now be able to view the current availability status of the agents. The respective status will appear alongside the agent's name allowing you to assign cases to available agents resulting in decreased handling time and case SLA.

User Availability Status While Assigning Cases/Messages in Agent Console

​Agent Console | Historical Conversations in Case Third Pane

Within the Case third pane of the Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, a new tab Historical Conversations has been added where you can view all the historical cases along with the messages and attachments associated with that particular user profile.

By default, the feature is enabled for all. To learn more about getting this capability disabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Conversation History in Case Third Pane of Agent Console

​Agent Console | Prevent Users from Creating a Case on Brand Messages

Within Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, you can now configure to not show the Create Case option for the brand messages, preventing agents to create a case.

To enable this, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com with the partner details you want to enable this functionality for.

The option Create Case shown in the image below will not be visible for brand messages.

Preventing Users from Creating a Case on Brand Messages in Agent Console

Agent Console | Error Messages for Failed Messages in Activity Pane

Within Agent Console, while viewing the activity stream of the changes made to the message/case in the Activity pane (third pane), you will also see the error messages/reasons for the messages failed to send for any reason such as Invalid/Expired Token, Permissions error, etc.

For Google Play Store messages, if a fan makes an edit in a Google Play Store review then it will also be shown in the activity trail.

To learn more about viewing fan edits in Google Play Store reviews in the activity trail, please work with your Success Manager.

Error Messages for Unpublished Messages in Activity Pane of Agent Console

​Agent Console | Support to Show the Sender's Name for Outbound Messages

Within the Case third pane of the Agent Console, you will now be able to view the name of the agent who sent the outbound message under the Associated Messages tab.

To enable this capability, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Sender's Name in Case third pane of the Agent Console

Agent Console | Mask PII Content in Messages and Make it Visible for Permissioned Users

You can now give the Mask permission under View Unmasked PII Entity to users to make the masked content visible to them. Configure an inbound or queue rule in Rule Engine to mask the PII content in messages and add another action "Add to PII entities" to add the messages to PII entities. Adding this action will mask the content as xxxx for the users who do not have this permission.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

View Unmasked PII Entity Permission

Add to PII entities action in Rule Engine

Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Conversations Tab in Case Third Pane

Within the Case third pane of the Engagement Dashboards, a new tab Conversations has been added where you can view the conversation history associated with that particular case.

By default, the feature is enabled for all. To learn more about getting this capability disabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Conversations Tab for Cases in Engagement Dashboards

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Live Chat Deflection to SMS/WhatsApp Business

While interacting with your customers on Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now share important information with them on SMS or WhatsApp in real-time. The customer can choose to continue the conversation on their preferred channel.

You can send a post/text template created in Digital Asset Manager on SMS (Twilio) or an HSM template on WhatsApp Business. In Rule Engine, create a Case Update rule and under Actions To "Auto respond to a message", select Send SMS to action with Twilio or WhatsApp Business channel and select the desired template from DAM.

Ensure that you have their valid phone number captured via Contact Details Form.

Live Chat Deflection to SMS/WhatsApp Business

Sprinklr Live Chat | IVR Deflection to Sprinklr Live Chat

You can now use the IVR deflection feature in Sprinklr to reduce the number of inbound calls in the call center by directing customers to Sprinklr Live Chat. This will help you save time, decrease cost, and increase customer satisfaction. It also decreases the Case Handling Time by shifting customers to the more interactive and user-friendly channel Sprinklr Live Chat. It can be done by sending a Live Chat link to them via SMS on the same phone number they are calling from.

IVR Deflection to Sprinklr Live Chat

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Create Proactive Prompts

Proactive Prompts is a capability that allows you to create and show the Popup widgets to your website visitors to notify them about any upcoming or ongoing updates, planned website maintenance, new terms, to announce a webinar or a new product, or anything else deserving attention. You can also use these popups to send surveys to them.

These prompts can be triggered based on the visitor information and behavior metrics such as browser, device type, current URL, time spent on the website, visit times, and more. You can also configure them to appear based on the previous intercepts and surveys triggered.

Note that these popups can only be displayed on the webpage where the Sprinklr Live Chat application is hosted.

Proactive Prompt on the website

Creating Proactive Prompt

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Add Rich Text Using HTML Text Formatting Elements

In the various elements of Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now add rich text by using HTML text formatting elements, such as –

  • <b> - Bold text,
    <u> - Underline text,
    <i> - Italic text,
    <a href="https://www.youtube.com">click here</a> - Hyperlink, etc.

Following are the elements of Sprinklr Live Chat that support Rich Text formatting:

HTML Rich Text in Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Users' Active/Inactive Status in Agent Console

For Live Chat cases, you will now be able to see the users' online/offline status in the middle pane of the Agent Console. When a user is active on the tab where Sprinklr Live Chat is hosted, s/he will appear online with a green indicator alongside their name. If they close the tab/browser, they will appear offline with a grey indicator. The users will also appear offline if they are on another tab and not on the Live Chat tab for more than 30 minutes.

Online Indicator on Live Chat Cases
Offline Indicator on Live Chat Cases

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Restricted Browser Access for Social To Live Chat Link

The Live Chat link that you send to transfer the conversation from Social Channels to Sprinklr Live Chat can now be restricted to open in more than one browser by using OTT. So this one time link will be expired once opened in a browser and the users will not be able to access it in another browser. If the user tries to use the same URL in another browser, the following message will be displayed saying "Sorry, This link is no longer valid". Additionally, you can choose to set an expiration time for this link which by default is 7 days.

LIve Chat Link Expiration

​Sprinklr Live Chat Support Icon | Configure Live Chat Support App in Sprinklr Platform

You can now get the desired Live Chat support app integrated to Sprinklr Platform for your internal team communication by reaching out to Support. It can be done by providing the App Id and App Key that are generated after creating the Live Chat app. Previously, the Live Chat Support icon was only used to reach out to Sprinklr Support.

Sprinklr Live chat support icon

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Show Disclaimer Card

While configuring the Live Chat application, you can now add a disclaimer card to show at the bottom of the Live Chat conversation. You can also make the disclaimer card dismissible, i.e. the card will have the cross icon and the users can remove it if they wish to. Note that the disclaimer card will not be visible in the old conversations.

Disclaimer Card in Sprinklr Live Chat

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Disable Multiple Submissions for Card and Carousel Templates

While creating a card or carousel template for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager, you can now Disable Multiple Submissions allowing users to submit their response only once. So, the users will not be able to click any button other than the URL button on the card/carousel template if they have already made the selection once. The options will be greyed out once clicked.

Disable multiple submissions for Live Chat Card and Carousel Templates

Sending Card Template in Live Chat Widget via SDK

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Click Tracking

You can now track the click activities on the Sprinklr Live Chat widget. You can get the exact number of users who performed the following activities on the Sprinklr Live Chat widget in the last 30 minutes:

  1. Conversation window opened

  2. Conversation window closed

  3. Conversation exported

  4. Conversation deleted

  5. Conversation closed

  6. New conversation started

  7. Existing conversation opened

These event details can be viewed and monitored within Google Analytics and not in Sprinklr reporting.

To get it enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com with the respective App Id and Tracker Id of Google Analytics.

Support for Click Tracking on Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Assets Visible in Case Third Pane Under Associated Messages

The templated assets sent by the agents to your customers on Sprinklr Live Chat will now be visible under the Associated Messages section in the Case third pane of Agent Console.

Sprinklr Live Chat Assets in Case Third Pane of Agent Console

​Sprinklr Live Chat | Full-screen Modal View for YouTube Videos

Within the Live Chat widget, your customers will now be able to view the YouTube videos received by them in a Full-screen Modal View once they click on them. The preview of the video will also be visible on the widget.

Full-screen Modal View for Images/Videos/YouTube Videos in Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Add a Case Update Rule to be Executed Once Feedback is Submitted

While creating a Feedback template for Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now select a Case Update rule from the Rule to execute when feedback is submitted dropdown. This rule will be executed on the case once the feedback is submitted, for example, adding a note, closing the case, etc.

Case Update Rule to be Executed Once Feedback is Submitted for Live Chat

Email Care

Email Care | Support to Automatically Break BCC Recipients in Batches of 50 from Backend for Amazon SES

While sending an email via Sprinklr platform using Amazon SES, if you need to send an email message to a larger audience (more than 50) using Amazon SES, you are required to divide your recipient list into groups of 50 across the To, CC, and BCC fields. However, you can now get this capability enabled to add more than 50 recipients in the BCC field and we will automatically split the recipients into the batches of 50 [BCC = 50 - (To+CC)] at the Sprinklr backend before sending the mail. Note that only the first batch will have the ‘to’ & ‘cc’ addresses filled.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

​Email Care | Support to Attach EML Files in Replies

While sending an email via Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, you can now attach the .eml files by clicking the Add Document option. You can either select these files from the Digital Asset Manager or directly upload from your desktop.

Support to Attach EML Files in Emails

​Email Care | Error Messages for Failed Emails in Middle Pane of Agent Console

While sending an email via Agent Console, you will now see the error messages/reasons for the emails failed to send for the reasons being Email message length exceeded, Illegal filename in email, and Message may have been deleted natively. Earlier, it was shown as an unexpected error, and brands were required to raise a support ticket to know the reason.Emails Failed Reasons in Agent Console Middle Pane


Facebook | Deprecated Messenger Templates in Digital Asset Manager

On July 29, 2019, Facebook deprecated the following 3 features for Messenger V4.0 and removed it for all versions on October 29, 2019. Henceforth, you will not be able to create these chat templates in Sprinklr Digital Asset Manager:

  • The Ask for Location button in Quick Reply Templates that allowed the brands to request a customer's location.

  • The List Template which was a list of 3-4 structured items with an optional global button rendered at the bottom.

  • The Share button for Messenger in the templates that are Product/Multiple Products/List Template.

​Facebook | Messenger's Guest Mode Support

Facebook Guest Mode allows your customers to start chatting with your brand via the Chat Plugin on your brand website in the Guest Mode without logging into their Facebook account. The Chat Plugin allows you to integrate your Messenger experience directly into your website.

These “guest users” are temporary accounts that can send/receive messages when they are on your website. “Guest chats” will end when the user decides to end the chat from the More menu, or 24 hours from the start of the conversation, whichever comes first.

Henceforth, the conversations that happened in the Guest Mode on Messenger will be grabbed in Sprinklr, and the agents will be able to engage with the guest users. In Sprinklr, the profile name of the guest user will appear as “Guest XXXX”. If the conversation is ended by the user, the agent will no longer be able to send any message from Agent Console.

Guest Mode on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Guest Mode Conversations in Agent Console

​Google Business Messaging | Support to Show Display Name of Users

Previously, for Google Business Messaging, there was no support for receiving the display name of the users for inbound messages in Agent Console as it was restricted by Google. It was being displayed as "Google User 1", "Google User 2", and so on. However, the username will now be reflecting in Agent Console. For old user profiles, the username will be updated once a new message is received from them.

Google Business Messaging in Agent Console

​WhatsApp Business & Apple Business Chat | Send PDF Assets via Auto Response Rule

By creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine, you can now send PDF assets created in the Digital Asset Manager to WhatsApp Business & Apple Business Chat.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Sending PDF Assets via Auto-Response Rule to WhatsApp Business & Apple Business Chat

​Facebook | Create and Send Feedback Template

You can now create a Feedback template for Facebook in the Digital Asset Manager and send it to your customers by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine. While creating, you will have the option to choose from CSAT Form, NPS Form, and CES Form templates. These templates will help you to measure help desk efficiency and customers' satisfaction with your brand’s product and/or services.

Facebook Feedback Template

Bots Manager

FAQ Bots | Support to Rearrange Answers

While creating an FAQ bot in Bots Manager, you can now easily change the sequence and rearrange the answers with the help of the Rearrange icon added on the left side of the answers.

Rearrange Sequence of answers in FAQ Bot

​FAQ Bots | Support to Send Most Used Answer by Using Support By Usage Option

While adding answers for your FAQ bot in Bots Manager, if you choose to send answers as One At Random, you will now get an option to select Sort by usage to send that one answer which is used most by the agents.

Support to Send Most Used Answer by Using Support By Usage Option in FAQ Bots

Supervisor Console

Supervisor Console | Made Manage Columns, Filter & Export Actions Permission-Based

Within Supervisor Console, the actions Manage Columns, Filter & Export will now be driven by roles and permissions. The new permissions have been added for these actions that can be controlled at the user's/user group's level.

Manage Columns, Filter & Export Actions Permission-Based in Supervisor Console

Permissions for Supervisor Console

​Supervisor Console | Comprehensive Agent’s Activity Log

While viewing the agents’ activity stream within Supervisor Console, you will now have a detailed view of the macros run and the cases assigned/unassigned along with the case ID and time.

Comprehensive Agent’s Activity Log in Supervisor Console

Operations Dashboards

Operations Dashboards | Added Subject and Sender Columns

Within Operations Dashboards, the two new columns Subject and Sender have been added. The Subject of the case is defined while creating a case and the Sender is the account/profile name of the customer who sent the message.

Operations Dashboard Overview

​Operations Dashboards | Added New Columns and Sort By Capability

Within Operations Dashboards, the new columns Latest Fan Message Associated Time, Case Due Date, and Engagement Score have been added. Along with these new columns, you also have the support to Sort the dashboard by Case Creation Time, Latest Fan Message Associated Time, Case Due Date, and Engagement Score.

Added New Columns and Sort By Capability in Operations Dashboards

Care Reporting

Care Reporting | Added Initial CSAT Score and Net Sentiment Change Metrics

You can now view the reporting on Initial CSAT Score and Net Sentiment Change within Care Reporting. Initial CSAT Score is the latest CSAT score that was predicted before the agent responded whereas Net Sentiment Change is a difference between the current predicted CSAT score and the initial CSAT score.

CSAT Score Reporting

CSAT Score Reporting

​Care Reporting | Added Case Like SLA Metric

Within Care Reporting, you can now measure the time difference between the creation time of the first message added to a case and when the agent liked the customer's message. This enhancement will help you to measure the case response SLA when the agent simply liked the customer's message and no actual response was sent. Plot the Case Like SLA metric along with the Liked by User dimension to view the user-wise Case Like SLA. Additionally, while reporting on Case Like SLA, apply the Case Action Type filter with the new filter value Like.

Suppose, a fan message got associated to a case at 16:00 and the brand liked the customer's message at 16:10, then the Case Like SLA will be 10 minutes.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Case Like SLA Reporting

​Care Reporting | Support to Report on Login Activities of Community Users

While viewing reporting on the activities of community users, you can now also view the Login activities of the users, for example, how many times a user logged in into the community over a particular time range. You can also filter the user data by the Login activity.

Reporting on Login Activities of Community Users

 Care Reporting | Introducing Smart Theme Explorer for Cases and Inbound Messages

We have introduced Smart Theme Explorer dashboards for you to understand your consumers' unmet needs and top trends around your brand or product. Powered by Sprinklr AI, the Smart Theme Explorer dashboard will enable you to discover top themes automatically synthesized from conversations using unsupervised clustering. You can be informed on the "unknowns" – underlying conversations, sentiments, shifts, and trends.

Users must have the appropriate permissions to access this feature.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Smart Theme Explorer for Cases and Inbound Messages

Survey Builder

Survey Builder | WCAG Compliant

To ensure that the Survey Builder is accessible to Sprinklr users living with disabilities, the most common workflows now comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. Some of the new features that make the Survey Builder accessible are Screen Reader Support and Keyboard Navigation.

A keyboard user can use the Tab key to navigate through interactive elements and also provided with screen reader support and a visual indicator of the element that currently has keyboard focus. To leverage the Screen Reader capability, add a WCAG-compliant Screen Reader extension to your web browser.

Survey Builder | Star and Emoji Options with Visual Variations in CSAT Rating Surveys

While creating a CSAT Rating survey in the Survey Builder, you can now configure the question to show Star and Emoji ratings with the visual variations.

Star and Emoji Options with Visual Variations in CSAT Rating Surveys

​Survey Builder | Number Question Type for Surveys

While creating a survey in the Survey Builder, you can now select the Number question type that will allow you to validate if the input is a valid number, for example, a mobile number. You can also add Format Condition inclusive of Regular Expression and Error Message.

Number Option in Survey Builder

​Survey Builder | Customize Logo Layout

While creating a survey in the Survey Builder, you can now customize the Logo Layout within the Styling tab. Also, the default height of the logo will be 100px (desktop) and 60px (mobile) and the width will be updated to maintain the aspect ratio of the logo image.

Logo Layout in Survey Builder

Survey Builder | Send an Email Notification with Survey Score and Verbatim

Once the survey response is received, you can configure a Case Update rule to send an email notification to customers.

You can now also send the email notification with Survey/CSAT Score, Survey/CSAT Verbatim, and ID of the Agent Attributed to Survey in the form of a template that will be created at the backend. You need to raise a support ticket at tickets@sprinklr.com with the questions IDs for the questions, you want to send the answers for.

Email Notification for Survey to Customers

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Case Association Based on Receiver Profile Custom Properties​​​​​

You can now associate a message that you send to your customer with the respective case based on the tagged custom field value on the receiver profile. In order to do this, a new condition Does Receiver Profile have associated case which matches this Custom fields is exposed in Inbound and Queue rules under Conditions Applies To "The cases attached to the messages".

Case Association Based on Receiver Profile Custom Properties in Rule Engine

​Rule Engine | Send Estimated Wait Time Updates Recursively

You can now create a rule to send wait time updates to your customers recursively. For example, if the wait time that you first sent was 20 mins, you can configure a rule and set the Relative % as 50 or so, to send the updates recursively i.e. the first update after 10 minutes, then 5 minutes, and so on until a brand agent engages with them.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Rule to send wait time recursively

Custom Fields

Custom Fields | Ability to Copy Field Name

From Custom Fields Manager, using the Copy Field Name option, you can now copy the fieldName of the custom field to the clipboard, which is used in API calls, content placeholders, live chat SDK, etc.

Copy Field Name of Custom Field

Copy Field Name of Custom Fields