Sprinklr v15.11.0 - Sprinklr Social Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!


Advocacy | Ability to Monitor Natively Added Comments on Shared Posts

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

When an advocate posts content on a social channel via advocacy, Sprinklr wants to have those posts to be pulled in data and put that in listening, so that admins can analyze the data (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and make informed decisions. Since the APIs used in advocacy are public APIs of social networks, it is not possible to fetch that data via those APIs, although they provide some data (very small amount). As a result, we are now fetching posts and data related to those posts through Sprinklr Listening APIs and push in advocacy reporting, so that it can be analyzed over there. Thus, you can now monitor all the natively added comments on shared advocacy posts. As of now, this capability is only available for Twitter and LinkedIn social channels. 


​Advocacy | Support for UTM code Integration in Advocacy

Sprinklr now supports UTM code Integration in Advocacy. You can use this capability to measure the effectiveness of the content that you are posting and to highlight the ROI of Advocacy. It is especially important to be able to track which user/employee is generating the most successful engagement/leads. So we need automated and unique UTM codes per user share for tracking purposes. Thus, you will be able to generate UTM codes/link tags the same way you were able to do it in Sprinklr Social in the Advocacy publisher in order to effectively track.


Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing | Introduction to Influencer Communications

With the introduction of Influencer Communications capability, you can reach a wider prospective audience and make your content more compelling by getting advocates and influencers to promote content for you. You can now communicate with your influencers directly from Sprinklr using emails, manage all the influencers, update their stages and communicate with them from a single place.

​Influencer Marketing | Introduction to Influencer Campaign Management

With the introduction of Influencer Campaign Management capability, you can now run campaigns with influencers from Sprinklr.  Using Influencer Portal, you can now on-board influencers on a single platform and get extensive reporting when they link their accounts. This will help in reaching a wider prospective audience and make your content more compelling by getting advocates and influencers to promote content for you.


Digital Asset Manager

Digital Asset Manager | Deprecated Facebook Messenger Templates

On July 29, 2019, Facebook deprecated the following 3 features for Messenger V4.0 and removed it for all versions on October 29, 2019. Henceforth, you will not be able to create these chat templates in Sprinklr Digital Asset Manager:

  • The Ask for Location button in Quick Reply Templates that allowed the brands to request a customer's location.

  • The List Template which was a list of 3-4 structured items with an optional global button rendered at the bottom.

  • The Share button for Messenger in the templates that are Product/Multiple Products/List Template.

Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Update Published YouTube Video

After you have published a YouTube video, you now can update from your video's title, caption and more fields as per requirement. You cannot replace a video since any new video uploads will get a new URL, but you can make changes to the existing published video. You can update the following fields in a published YouTube video: 

  • Update Captions for the video

  • Change the Title and Description of the video

  • Change the Privacy settings

  • Update the License details

  • Change the Category for the video

  • Update Playlist

  • Mark the video, if it’s made for kids 


​Engagement Dashboards | Ability to ingest Story Mentions on Instagram DMs

With the Story Mention filter in Sprinklr, you will now be able to filter out if the Instagram direct message is a Story Mention. In this way, you won't be missing out any of your DMs. You can configure the Story Mention filter in the following modules:

  • Engagement Columns

  • Rule Engine

  • Reporting Widgets 

​Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Display a Tweet by Inputting URL in Sprinklr

You can now display a Tweet by inputting Tweet URLs into Sprinklr Search Bar. This will fetch the Tweet and the information associated with it. After fetching, you can perform actions like share, reply, retweet, etc. on that Tweet as per your requirement.


To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

​Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Hide and Unhide Twitter Replies

You can now hide or unhide Twitter replies in the Engagement Dashboards or via Rule Engine. Just like the native Twitter experience, replies will be hidden from the main conversation but still be visible on a separate page. This will improve the quality of the public conversations feed and will help in achieving reply moderation on social media.

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Pull in Replies Made on Instagram Dark Post Comments

You can now fetch and engage on replies made on Instagram Dark Post Comments by creating a column for Instagram Dark Post Replies in Engagement Dashboards. This will help you enhance customer experience by not missing out on any important conversations and grabbing all the relevant information on Instagram.


Governance | Ability to Show Policy Every Time Any User Logs In

For a smooth security audit, you can now choose to show your security and privacy policy every time a user logs in. Currently, the policy is shown only once when the user logs in for the first time. Going forward, you can now choose to show this policy every time a user logs in. 


​Governance | Added Support to Send Reminder Emails to the Inactive User

To enhance the platform usage and user engagement, you can manage and automate emails for users who are inactive on the Sprinklr platform. You can customize the number of days after which the users receive an email to log back into the platform.


​Governance | Support for Message Category and Engageable Criteria for Visual Message Tags

We now support the option to select Message Category and Engageable status as Criteria while creating Message Tags. Hence, you will have the new options for Engageable status and Message Category to add visual tags as per your requirement. 

​Governance | Ability to Export Files in their Original Extensions from Sprinklr

To ensure security from internal malware systems, etc. and to maintain the document confidentiality, you can now export files in their original extensions from Sprinklr. Hence, the files are exported in their original extensions i.e. directly in PDF,  Excel, CSV, or in PNG format instead of a ZIP file. Note that this capability is only available when we export a single file. If more than one file is downloaded, it will be exported as a ZIP file.

Governance | Support to Update Default Handles in User’s Edit Screen

Default handles are now a part of the Edit screen for the Users. You can now update any user’s Default Handles from the Options menu next to their Name in the user list. Hence, they can be added when you are importing or exporting an excel file using the configurator.

​Channel | Add and Manage Discourse in Sprinklr

You can now add Discourse as a channel into Sprinklr and manage it in the same capacity as you do for any social channel. By integrating Discourse account into Sprinklr you can extend your brand’s audience and engage with even more users from a single, unified platform.


​Channel | Addition of WordPress Accounts through Auth0 Credentials

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

You can now add your WordPress account in Sprinklr through Auth0 Credentials. Adding a WordPress account in Sprinklr allows your team to engage, publish, report, and monitor your brand’s WordPress account from the Sprinklr platform. 

Adding a WordPress Account in Sprinklr


Publisher | Ability to Select Default Option for Privacy while Publishing YouTube Videos 

You now have an option to select the default option for Privacy while publishing YouTube videos. For each YouTube account whenever you set a default value it will become the default for that YouTube account for all the other users. 


​Publisher | Ability to Publish as Drafts to WordPress

You can now publish content on WordPress as a draft so that you can make the final changes on WordPress and publish the content. While defining the WordPress account within Sprinklr, you will be able to select whether the account will be used for publishing posts as a draft or direct publish (default). Apart from this, you will also be able to differentiate between posts whether they are published from Sprinklr or WordPress. Status of a post which is published from Sprinklr to WordPress as draft will have Draft status in WordPress and Sent status in Sprinklr.


You cannot edit a post in Sprinklr that is sent as a draft to WordPress.


Publisher | Support for Automatic Publishing of Pre-Approved Canned Responses

Canned Responses can now be published/scheduled without having to go through the approval workflow. However, if you edit a canned response, it will go through the approval workflow. In other words, while creating a post, if you edit one of the pre-approved canned responses, it should go through the approval workflow but if you just publish the post, it should automatically publish to your social media page.

Media Uploader | Ability to Add an Animated GIF from GIPHY in a Post

You can now attach GIFs from Giphy while creating/drafting a post in Publisher. Channels that support Gifs have a Giphy tab in the Media Uploader. You will be able to search and attach GIFs while drafting/editing a post. Creating appealing visual content is essential in social media, and the ability to publish GIFs allows you to publish compelling and exciting content directly through Publisher. 


​Publisher | Ability to switch to the Direct Message option after the last received message was a public comment

For Instagram, say, if a fan makes a public comment, then sends a direct message to the brand, and again makes another public comment, in such a case, you can switch to the Direct Message option even when the last received message was a public comment. As DMs are only visible to customers, hence brands can shield themselves from getting into PR issues by responding to customers on public comments.This will enhance customer relationship and brands can reach out to their users on a more personal level.

​Publisher | Ability to Publish the Twitter Threaded Tweet(s)

You can now create the Twitter Threaded Tweet(s) using the Publisher. A Twitter thread is a series of tweets posted on Twitter that are connected to one another and can be read as one continuous post. With a thread, you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, get in touch with your Success Manager.


​Publisher | Ability to Create and Schedule Video Pins to Pinterest 

You can now create and schedule video pins to Pinterest using Publisher. To create and schedule video pins to Pinterest, your Pinterest account should be a business account and whitelisted on Pinterest. Video Pins are a great way to tell a more comprehensive story about your brand, idea, or project. Video Pins have a thumbnail that captures your audience’s attention. Video pins play in users’ feeds, so keep in mind that your audience may or may not have their volume on when they see your video.  

Publishing video pins on Pinterest

​Publisher | Support for Alt Text in Facebook Post and Album 

You can now add Alt Text to your photos in a Facebook Post and Album. Adding alternative text to photos is the first and foremost principle of web accessibility. Visually impaired users using screen readers will be able to read an Alt attribute to better understand the Facebook post photo. 


​Publisher | Ability to Share a Contact Card with Viber Community 

You can now share a contact card with your Viber Community. This capability will enhance your experience of interacting with the members of the community. 

Sharing a Contact Card with Viber Community

​Publisher | Ability to Mute Video Play Back Within Publisher 

We have now added a mute button to publisher previews for videos on different social channels, such as Instagram and Sina Weibo. When you add a video, the video plays automatically in the publisher previews. Thus for such channels whenever any video asset is attached, by default, auto-preview will be muted. You will have an option to unmute the video. 

Muting the video in preview

​Publisher | Ability to Create an Offer and Event Post for Google My Business

You can now create and share an offer post and event post for Google My Business. 

  • With an Offer post, you can promote sales, coupons, discounts, or specials that your business is currently providing. You can even run an exclusive promotion just for your Google My Business listing if you wish.


  • An Event post can be used to promote any event you are involved in, attending, hosting, or supporting. It can be something in-store, part of your neighborhood, or even a local charity event that your business may be passionate about.


Publisher | Shoppable Store Customization

While creating your Shoppable Store, you will now have additional configuration options. For example, you now have the option to enable or disable the Product Type icon or Post Type icon, view the most recent post as a Banner Post and also add a label for the Call to Action (CTA) button on the banner image. This enhances the usability and more traffic is generated on the platform.

​Publisher | Ability to Link Assets while Publishing on LINE and WeChat

You can now add link assets while publishing on WeChat and LINE from Sprinklr. Links are a great source of sharing correct reliable content with your customers that will help in increasing quality of interaction over time. Using link assets, you can save a lot of your agents’ time on finding the relevant links to share across the channel.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Ability to Filter out Story Mentions on Instagram DMs 

With the Story Mention filter in Sprinklr, you will now be able to filter out if the Instagram direct message is a Story Mention. In this way, you won't be missing out any of your DMs. You can configure the Story Mention filter in the following modules:

  • Engagement Columns

  • Rule Engine

  • Reporting Widgets 


Rule Engine | Adding a Condition Is Dark Post for Outbound Rules and Pre Publishing Rules 

You will now be able to treat dark posts and organic posts easily and accurately, using the pre-publishing and outbound rules. The desired benefits of implementing this condition are that end-users will no longer need to spend time tagging posts in this way, and the system will be able to differentiate dark/sponsored posts and organic posts, and a result action on each appropriately and accurately. Without this condition, end users have to take additional steps to tag posts with custom properties, so that the Rule Engine can differentiate between the two, and this method introduces human error as it relies on the end-users’ ability to tag posts accurately. This increases the time it takes to draft posts, while also increasing risk by not being able to take action accurately on dark posts vs organic posts.

Rule Engine | Adding a Condition Is Live Video for Inbound Rules

Sprinklr now allows you to add Is Live Video conditions to The properties of the Message for Inbound rules in Rule Engine. With the help of this condition, you can identify live videos for Facebook channel.


Rule Engine | Ability to Identify Promoted Tweets by the Condition

You can now identify promoted tweets in Rule Engine for applicable rule contexts. To identify promoted tweets in Rule Engine, we have added a new condition Is Promotable in Inbound, Queue, Workflow Update context. This capability is applicable for Twitter channel only.


Rule Engine | Ability to Send Mobile Push Notifications

You can now send an alert non-actionable push notification to the mobile app. Sprinklr now allows you to add Send Mobile Push Notifications actions to Change Properties of Message for Inbound, Queue, Outbound, Auto Import, Listening and Workflow Update rules in Rule Engine. Using this new rule action, you are able to receive a push notification in the Sprinklr Mobile App with any notification that you have can create. 




Rule Engine | Ability to Add Properties of Parent Message and Profile Property in Outbound Rule 

For outbound rules now there are 2 new condition blocks introduced based on the parent message’s properties. The following are the condition blocks:

  1. The Properties of the In Reply to Message - The properties of the In Reply to Message contains the message level Custom Fields that validates the fan message on which the brand is replying. 

  2. Post When it is a Reply - The post when it is a reply condition contains the profile Custom Fields that validates the fan message sender profile on which the brand is replying. 


Reporting | Ability to Apply Section-Level Filtering in Reporting Dashboards 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To allow in-depth analysis of business data within the same report, in reports with multiple sections, in addition to the common top dashboard-level filters, you can now apply custom filtering at the section level. Section-level filtering can be used with or without the dashboard level filters. When both filters (dashboard-level and section-level) are set, the combination of filters is used. 


Reporting | Ability to Export Reporting Dashboards & Widgets in CSV Format 

You can now export reporting widgets and dashboards in the CSV format. This will help you to schedule CSV export of Dashboard to be uploaded to FTP/SFTP. Additionally, you can leverage CSV exports to build integrations with data warehouses, internal repositories, and more depending on your industry needs for data management and storage. 


Reporting | Ability to View Day Level Post Performance

Sprinklr now allows you to apply a cap to social reporting data within a certain timeframe (i.e. a filter for days 1-7 after a post is published). After about 1-week impressions continue to go up while engagements stay stagnant, driving a lower per-post and per-channel ER. Reporting for a specific timeframe will, therefore, give you accurate results. Thus, Sprinklr has exposed a new dimension Post Trend Day that will have values from Day 1, Day 2 and so on for each post. You can configure the dashboard/widget filters to include Day 1 to Day 7, Day 1 to Day 15 or individual days as per your requirement. 


Reporting | Ability to View Reporting on Mobile Application Adoption

You can now view consumption reporting for Sprinklr Space and Distributed Apps which will help in the growth of accounts. Hence, you will get a clear picture of how end-users are using/accessing Sprinklr by creating reports to view which members of their Distributed program have downloaded and logged in via the Sprinklr App. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Reporting | Added Support to View the Total Number of Impressions on External Dashboard Links

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

You can now use the Dashboard Module, URL Activity Count, Unique Activity Count, Dashboard Name, and External Dashboard Link metrics to view how many impressions are there on the external links used by the users in their company-wide emails and department updates.

​Reporting | Added Instagram Social Engagement Standard Dashboard 

We have added a dedicated section on the Instagram social engagement standard dashboard to understand how Instagram Stories are performing. You can now view insights for specific posts and stories you have created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them. 


​Reporting | Ability to Search Widget by an Outbound Post ID 

You can now easily locate the posts in the Reporting widget by searching the post by Outbound Post ID in the search bar of the Table widget for Social or Outbound Analytics. Please note that the Post ID should be in the POST_ID format. 


​Reporting | Ability to Track Outbound Post URL in Inbound Analytics 

For Inbound Analytics, earlier you could plot Parent Outbound Post on which inbound Message is received. However, you can now find the Permalink of the Parent Post (Parent Post Permalink) in Inbound Analytics widget along with the Parent Outbound Post.


It has to be plotted in conjunction with the outbound post. 


​Reporting | Integrating Organic Only Reporting Stats for LinkedIn 

We have now integrated organic-only Likes, Comments analytics data for LinkedIn. As a result, mentioned metrics are integrated and available for reporting: 

  1. LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes Trend - This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement. 

  2. LinkedIn Company Post Organic Comments Trend - This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement. 

  3. LinkedIn Company Post Organic Comments - This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post. 

  4. LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes - This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post. 


​Reporting | Added Support for Dual Axis with Multiple Metrics and Counter Summary Visualizations 

Two new widget types called Dual Axis with Multiple Metrics and Counter Summary are now supported for reporting. To enhance it further, you can now plot any number of metrics in both the widget types, which was earlier restricted to 3 for Counter Summary and 2 for Dual Axis with Multiple Metrics, respectively.

Reporting | Ability to Filter SLA Preset on Custom Dashboards 

Sprinklr now allows you to filter by SLA preset at the dashboard level for custom dashboards. Previously, there was no easy way to filter by SLA preset and instead, it must be done at the individual widget level, which is very time-consuming. It was only possible to filter by SLA preset on the dashboard level on the pre-configured SLA dashboard. 

Reporting | New Metrics Exposed to Bit.ly 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

For customers leveraging Bit.ly and Sprinklr, we have now incorporated these new metrics into reporting.

  1. Click Count Trend by City: This metric is provided by Bitly API. It counts the number of clicks on the specified link by City. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of Engagement. Please note that it should be plotted in conjunction with the City dimension.

  2. Click Count Trend by Device: This metric is provided by Bitly API. It counts the number of clicks on the specified link by Device. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of Engagement. Please note that it should be plotted in conjunction with the Device Type dimension.


​Reporting | Ability to Report on Usage for Specific Account Groups 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Within Reporting, you will be now able to set up a widget showing all the posts that were published via an Account group, which account group, and which were published to individual pages. You would be able to see the volume of posts and ID the actual posts and associated performance of content that was bulk published via account groups vs. individual pages. 

To report on the usage of account groups, the following dimensions and metrics are available: 

  • Published Account Group — This is the name of the account group which published the post.

  • Unique Outbound Messages — This displays the Unique Outbound Message sent from an Account. 


​Reporting | Enhanced WeChat Reporting with Share Metrics

Enhance your WeChat message reporting with newly introduced metrics which helps you understand which section is bringing more reads to your message. For example, it tells if your message is popular among Weixin Friends (WeChat Readers of Forwards by Friends) or with-in Moments (WeChat Readers from Moments) and many more.

Reporting | Added Support for Tree Map Visualization

The Tree Map visualization is now supported in reporting. It represents hierarchical data in a tree-like structure using nested rectangles and squares. 

​Reporting | Added Support for Dynamic Table Charts

Dynamic Table is a new widget type introduced in Reporting, which can dynamically adjust the height/width of the cell according to the length of the text of the plotted dimension. This ensures that no text is truncated in the dashboard, usability is enhanced. 

​Reporting | Configurator Support for Scheduled Exports 

Within the Reporting Dashboards, you now have the ability to exports and import reporting data via Configurator within Sprinklr. 
