Sprinklr v15.2.0 - Core Platform Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Core Platform Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Channel: Display | Rich Text Editor | Integrations  


Display | Introduction of Touchscreen Enabled Display

Sprinklr has introduced a touchscreen enabled Display, allowing you to interact with your charts, and helping you to gain additional insights with no additional setup required. You will be able to explore the data behind that segment, based on a list of dimensions. Touchscreen Display support includes the ability to drill down another dimension and show the data in a bar chart, trend the data in a line chart, show the influencers in a profile chart, top words/hashtags in a word cloud or show the posts for the given item in a post stream. 

Touchscreen events work for certain analytics charts only in Listening. The available dimensions vary for each engine. Analytics charts that Touchscreen events work for include: Top words (Word Cloud), Sentiment (Bar Chart), Trend View (Line Chart), Top Advocates (Profile), Content Stream (Grid), Source (Bar chart), and Media Type (Bar Chart).

Display | Ability to Create Custom Layout for Display and Storyboards

Sprinklr ensures high-quality visibility for Display and Storyboards by providing you with the capability to create Displays and Storyboards based on custom screen dimensions, with the exact appearance you expect on screen. You can now create a Single Display or Storyboard with pixels customized for your specific requirement.

Display | Improved Look and Faster Loading Time

We have now introduced the capability to scale images dynamically, based on the canvas size within Display and Presentations. The improvement comes as a result of a change in how we store images to save space in the final Display/Presentations for your benefit, when it comes to the look of the images as well as the loading time.

Display | Support for Japanese Prefecture Map

Sprinklr Display now has added the prefectures to the Japan map. They are visible once the Map by Cities option is selected. Note that if the city data is not selected, it will only show a map of Japan without prefecture lines drawn, and if city data is selected, then city data + prefecture lines will be shown.

Display | Availability of New Year to Date Time Range

Within Display, Gallery and Presentations, we have now added a new time option called ‘Year to Date’. This new option would plot data from the start of the current year to the end of the current day.



Rich Text Editor

Rich Text Editor | Support for Seamless Content Creation and Publishing Experience

Sprinklr has revamped its RTE (Rich Text Editor) to give you a more seamless experience during content creation and publishing. Top enhancements include:

  • Inline editing of font style (Bold, Italic)

  • Ability to link text to URL

  • Ability to add custom font color using Hexcode

  • Ability to add custom font style from the editor

In-line Editing of Font Style
Custom Font Color (Hexcode)
Custom Font style


Integrations | Ability to Connect with Google Data Studio 

You can now add Sprinklr as a data source in Data Studio to create data visualization reports. Sprinklr's built-in data connector will allow you to access out-of-the-box dashboards powered by Sprinklr to gain insights from across your brand’s social accounts to understand the full impact of your global campaigns, including reach, top content, and sentiment. The selected Sprinklr reporting dimensions and metrics are available. These reports can be securely shared with others in your organization or publicly.

Integrations | Ability to Connect with Tableau  

You can now connect your reporting data with Tableau to gain valuable insights and amplify your findings with compelling visualizations. This new integration with Tableau reduces the risk of data being lost in disparate tools or systems.

Integrations | Standardized Sprinklr Service Integration On ServiceNow

With an AI-powered, bi-directional integration to ServiceNow, your social team and care agents can now use their system of record to provide omni-channel engagement & support to customers and prospects, with a complete picture of the customer’s experience. This will reduce agent costs by leveraging your existing ServiceNow infrastructure with a comprehensive integration to Sprinklr for Modern Channels.

Integrations | Ability to Send all the Messages in Sprinklr Case to Salesforce Case 

Case in Sprinklr keeps related messages bundled together so that agents can see all messages that relate to a Case and all of the steps that have been taken to resolve it. This makes it much easier for various agents to collaborate on one Case, with all agents having a comprehensive view of the entire conversation workflow. Now Sprinklr sends all the Messages in Sprinklr Case to Salesforce Case upon creation. That will help the agents to be equipped with background information on your customers' issues and questions, your care agents can provide the best possible service, addressing questions and issues comprehensively and efficiently and providing real solutions.

Integrations | Enhancement in Zendesk Integrations  

Zendesk Integration is used to manage the messaging system of Zendesk through Sprinklr. You can respond directly to the social media by incorporating Sprinklr reply/comment window in an iframe added in Zendesk native account. The basic flow of Zendesk integration is used to provide the creation of Zendesk ticket and comments (both manually and via rule engine). This allows the user to use iframe for a social response. The following are the new enhancements in the Zendesk Integrations:

  1. If the users get updated on Sprinklr, it will be updated on the Zendesk in real-time.

  2. Zendesk will now have separate Fan Profile name and Brand Account name as the user profile on creating the case in Sprinklr.

Integrations | Support for an Approval Flow in the Qlite Publisher within the Agent Console   

Previously, if an agent's response tries to edit the approval flow from the agent console, it opens in the Quick Publisher instead of Qlite Publisher. Now, for all CRM iframes, the approval flow will open in the Qlite Publisher within the Agent Console. With this new enhancement, all the CRM iframe can render the same workflow and the agent can approve it directly without logging into the Sprinklr platform.

Integrations | Support to Prevent Multiple Cases on One Message    

Creating Cases allows you to begin tracking customer interactions as a bundled group of messages. Once a case has been created, subsequent responses can be kept together, organized as a single case, which can help streamline workflows, keep messages organized, and simplify reporting on customer interactions. Sprinklr now restricts you from creating more than one CRM case on a single message. This will prevent duplication of cases, saving a lot of your time. Once a CRM case (i.e. Salesforce, Zendesk, RightNow, etc.) is created on a message, you will not get an option to create a new CRM case on that same message again.

Integrations | Ability to Access Sprinklr UI component in the Salesforce Mobile App  

From the Salesforce Mobile App, you are now able to access the Sprinklr iframe in Salesforce Mobile App. This enhancement will help you to manage customer relationships and contacts in the same platform that you use to interact with customers through engagement workflows. You can leverage unified profiles within Sprinklr, creating the opportunity to provide your customers with personalized and insightful interactions and stellar experiences with your brand. 

Integrations | Removed Unnecessary Tabs under Social Profile in Sprinklr iframe 

Sprinklr Salesforce Connector provides a native integrated social care experience for Sprinklr users directly in Salesforce, supporting omnichannel case management. We have removed the unnecessary tabs under the Social profile in Sprinklr iframe. For Sprinklr Salesforce Connector, we have removed the unnecessary tabs under the Social profile in Sprinklr iframe. We only have the Overview tab under Social profile in Sprinklr iframe of Space UI.

Integrations | Added a Message Enrichment Action in Rule Engine  

Sprinklr has now added a new Message Enrichment action that allows you to select applications for Queue rules in Rule Engine. With the help of this capability, you will be able to push messages to Nexgate and get the disposition value and store that in the custom fields. Sprinklr will not check for the latest disposition value for the messages, once disposition value is set.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.