Sprinklr v15.2.0 - Sprinklr Marketing Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touch-point. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area:  Journey Facilitator | Campaigns | Editorial Calendar | Brief Templates | Production Dashboards | Publisher | Reporting | MacrosEmail Notifications | Notifications | Settings

Journey Facilitator

Journey Facilitator | Introduction to Sprinklr's Marketing Automation 

Sprinklr launches Journey Facilitator, a Marketing Automation capability across channels. Sprinklr’s Journey Facilitator empowers you to map the entire customer journey in a unified flow to send automated and personalized content on customer's preferred channel and time. Executing omni-channel automated campaigns fuels the overall marketing efficiency; drives customer satisfaction and loyalty, thus resulting in higher conversions and greater revenue.

Key Features

Key Differentiators

 Available Channels

  • Automate Marketing Messages across Channels by creating journeys

    • Orchestrate Life-cycle Campaigns

    • Identify lead/customer scoring 

  • Unify Asset Management for Email, Social and Messaging channels

  • Reuse content by building brand-compliant templates across channels

  • Marketing Automation in Modern channels like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter 

  • Unified Social Paid, Marketing and Customer Care functions with Case and Audience Management

  • AI-powered Content review using Smart Compliance


This capability currently comes with limited availability. To know more about this capability, get in touch with your Success Manager or Account Executive.


Campaigns | Create Campaign and Sub-Campaign from the Navigation Bar

Sprinklr now allows you to create Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Navigation Bar. This capability will also enable you to create Sub-Campaigns without navigating to a specific campaign. However, you require permissions to create campaigns and sub-campaigns to access this capability. Users must have the appropriate Admin permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions

Creating Campaign and Sub-Campaign from the Navigation Bar

Campaigns | Ability to View Campaign and Sub-Campaign Description in Overview Tab

You will now be able to view the description of Campaign and Sub-Campaign in their respective Overview tabs. This capability will save time by reducing the number of clicks and increasing user visibility to provide more context.

Viewing Campaign Description in the Overview Tab

Campaigns | Generate Evergreen Campaign by Default while creating an Owned Brand 

While creating an owned brand, a campaign of the same name will be created automatically by default. This capability will enable you to easily set up owned, earned, and paid dashboards at the brand level. This will increase productivity by saving you time and effort thus enhancing the overall workflow.

Campaigns | Ability to Associate Events with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns

Sprinklr now provides you with the capability to associate events with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as non-mandatory fields. The associated events will be visible in the Overview and Editorial Calendar tabs of the respective Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns. Additionally, you will be able to filter Events in the Editorial Calendar by Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns they are associated with.

Associating an Event with a Campaign

Campaigns | Export Campaign and Sub-Campaign Overview Tab as PDF

You will now be able to export Campaign and Sub-Campaign’s Overview tabs as PDF files. The PDF file will include details such as, Description, Campaign ID, Status, Sub-Campaigns, Events, Custom Properties, etc. This capability will help you have better collaboration between different teams and team members.

Viewing PDF Export of Campaign’s Overview Tab

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Support for Account Group as a Group By Dimension

While grouping content within the Editorial Calendar, you now have the ability to use Account Group as a Group By dimension. This capability will enable you to view content published from a particular account group and the accounts added in that group. 

Account Groups as a Group By Dimension in the Editorial Calendar

Brief Templates

Brief Templates | Support for Text Highlight and Word Count in Long Form Editor

While creating content in the Long-Form Editor within Brief Templates, you will now be able to Highlight Text and view total Word Count. Apart from this, you will be able to view the word count of the selected text as part of the overall text.  

Viewing Word Count and Highlighting Text in Long Form Editor within Brief Templates

Brief Templates | Editing and Suggesting Content in the Long-Form Editor

While reviewing content in the Long-Form Editor, you now have the ability to select the suggesting or editing mode to track all the changes done by you, such as deletion, addition, etc. Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • View the summary of changes done corresponding to each section of the text. 

  • The added or formatted content will be reflected as a red-lined section of the text with red-highlighted or red-font text.

  • The removed content will be reflected with a strikethrough.

  • View when the changes were made and by whom with red-line or red-highlighted text corresponding to each section of the text.

  • As an author of the content, accept or reject the changes or suggestions made. They will be automatically reflected as changes in the text and the red-line will be removed. 


This capability is available only in the Brief tab of the Campaign overview window.

Editinga and Suggesting Content in the Long Form Editor within Brief Templates

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support for Timeline View

Within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to switch to timeline view (Gantt chart view) and see the active workflows on messages that will help you track their progress against the scheduled date. This capability will allow smooth scrolling with an infinite timeline, zoom-in, and zoom-out, improving the overall usability of the content plan visualization.

For Outbound Messages, you will be able to:

  • View the scheduled date and channel icon of the message.

  • View the name and status of the message.

  • Color code message lines based on any custom property.

  • View the milestones of the workflow running on each outbound message as per their due dates. 

  • View the progress of the workflow in the progress bar indicating completion of the milestone.

  • View whether the messages will be delayed or are on-time as per their scheduled dates based on the comparison between the completion and due dates of the milestones.

  • If the Milestone Due Date is after or the same as the Completion Date then the message is on-time.

  • If the Milestone Due Date is before Completion Date, then the message is delayed. The delay can be calculated by subtracting the Due Date from the Completion Date. 

For Tasks, you will be able to:

  • View Tasks that are required to be completed before reaching a milestone for each outbound message. Future Tasks will be shown as placeholders on the Timeline. 

  • View created Tasks as dots on the Timeline based on their due dates. 

  • View the status of the Tasks as color-coded dots.

  • View the progress of the workflow in progress bar indicating completion of the tasks.

  • View basic details of Tasks such as Task Name, Assignee, Due Date, etc. 

  • View the number of Tasks completed versus the number of Tasks due on an outbound message based on the workflow running on it.

  • View the overall progress of the message.


This capability is available for the users of Sprinklr Marketing only.

Viewing Timeline View of the Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Support for Campaign Kanban View

Sprinklr now allows you to view Campaign Kanban view within the Production Dashboards. You can also view the Campaign Name, Campaign Description, Campaign Start Date and End Date, Status of Campaign - Grey (draft) and Green (approved), Color Coding of Campaign, and Tags. Within the Kanban View of the Campaigns, you will be able to:

  • View the total number of messages on a Campaign’s card.

  • Click on the Campaign to open the Campaign Overview Page.

  • Take various actions on the Campaign such as View Details, Edit, Archive, Initiate Workflow, Lock/Unlock, View Analytics.

  • Filter and Group By Campaigns by system and custom fields. 

  • Search on the Kanban board. 

  • Apply board level filters on the Kanban board.

  • Arrange columns of the Kanban board.

  • Color-code Kanban Board cards. 

With this capability enabled, you will be able to drag and drop campaign cards to quickly update and visualize the status of the campaigns. 

Viewing Campaigns in the Kanban View of the Production Dashboards


Publisher | Support for Text Highlight and Word Count in Long Form Editor

While creating content in the Long-Form Editor within the Advanced Publisher, you will now be able to Highlight Text and view total Word Count. Apart from this, you will be able to view the word count of the selected text as part of the overall text. Additionally, this capability enables you to track changes made in the content, view revision history, view page outline, and implement borders. The same capability is available in Campaign briefs as well.

Viewing Word Count and Highlighting Text in Long Form Editor within Publisher

Publisher | Editing and Suggesting Content in the Long-Form Editor

While reviewing content in the Long-Form Editor within the Advanced Publisher, you now have the ability to select the suggesting or editing mode to track all the changes done by you, such as deletion, addition, etc. Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • View the summary of changes done corresponding to each section of the text. 

  • The added or formatted content will be reflected as a red-lined section of the text with red-highlighted or red-font text.

  • The removed content will be reflected with a strikethrough.

  • View when the changes were made and by whom with red-line or red-highlighted text corresponding to each section of the text.

  • As an author of the content, accept or reject the changes or suggestions made. They will be automatically reflected as changes in the text and the red-line will be removed.

Editing and Suggesting Content in the Long Form Editor


Reporting | Support for Workflow Initiated as a Filter and Dimension 

While reporting on outbound messages, campaigns, or sub-campaigns, you will now be able to add Workflow Initiated as a Dimension at the widget level and Filter at the dashboard level. This capability will enable you to view the number of messages, campaigns, or sub-campaigns that have gone through a workflow or currently have a workflow running on them.

Applying Workflow Initiated as a Dimension

Reporting | Ability to Filter Outbound Messages Widget by Sub-Campaigns 

You will now be able to filter outbound messages by sub-campaigns at widget level for outbound and social analytics reporting. Apart from this, you will also be able to view analytics tab and import analytics dashboards from within the environment in details window of the Sub-Campaigns.


This capability is limited only for the users with access to Sprinklr Marketing.

Applying Sub-Campaign as a filter on Outbound Message Widget

Viewing Analytics Tab in Sub-Campaign Details Window

Reporting | Support for Key Objectives and Customer Journey Stages as Dimensions

While analyzing outbound content within Reporting, you will now be able to use Key Objectives and Customer Journey Stages as dimensions. This will help you classify your content based on its alignment with key objectives and customer journey stages. Enablement of this feature will improve your content effectiveness by allowing you to get ideas for top performing content.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, work with your Success Manager.

Viewing Reporting on Analysis of Outbound Content


Macros | Ability to Apply Task Macros on Tasks from Message Third Pane

You can now apply macros on tasks from the collaboration pane of the associated entity. With this capability enabled, you will be able to apply task macros within the Tasks tab of the Outbound Message, Campaign, and Sub-Campaign’s collaboration pane. Once you have applied a macro on the task, it gets updated and can be viewed in the Tasks tab within the third pane. 

 Applying Task Macro from Message Third Pane


Notifications | Visual Indication of Read/Unread Notifications

Sprinklr notifications can now be Visually Differentiated based on their read or unread status. After you click on a notification, the dark background disappears and the notification is marked as read. You can also mark all the notifications as read by clicking Mark All as Read.

Marking Notifications as Read

Notifications | Ability to Separately View @Mention Notifications

Sprinklr now provides you with the capability to view @mention notifications separately within the in-platform Notifications pane. The @mention notifications will include the mentions of the users or the user groups they are the member of. 

Viewing @Mention Notes in Mentions Tab in Notifications Pane

Email Notifications 

Email Notifications | Task Notification Includes a Link to the Associated Task Entity

Email notifications for task updates will now include a link for the entity associated with the task. With this capability enabled, you will be able to directly open the entity related to the task without opening the task first. For example, if the task is associated with a message, the message link will open the Outbound Message Third Pane and if the link to Task is clicked, it will open the Task Third Pane. The enablement of this capability will save your time and efforts of navigating to find the message, campaign, sub-campaign, asset, etc. on which the task is assigned.

Task Notification on Email

Email Notifications | New Email Templates for Task Notifications

The Email Templates for task notifications have been updated which will now include a link for the entity associated with the task. The notification email will also include the entity type and its name along with the link of the entity. This will enable you to directly open the entity associated with the task in the third pane without opening the task first. The email notification will also include other task details such as task type, assigned to, updated by, status, due date, and task queue.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Pictorial Reference
Task Assigned 
Email Notification for Task Assigned
Task Assignee Updated 
Email Notification for Task Assigned
Task Comment Mentions
Viewing @Mention Notes in Mentions Tab in Notifications Pane
Task Due Date Updated 
Email Notification for Task Due Date Updated
Task Follow Up
Email Notification for Task Followup
Task Status Updated
Email Notification for Task Status Updated
Task Updated 
Email Notification for Task Updated
Task Subscriber Queue Updated 
Email Notification for Task Subscriber Queue Updated

Email Notifications | Task Approvals via Email for External Users

External Users who do not have an account on Sprinklr will now have the ability to take actions on Tasks via Emails without logging in on the Sprinklr platform. Once assigned with tasks via workflow engine or manually, the external users will receive emails along with required actions to update task status with Approved, Rejected, Completed, etc. They will also be able to view basic task details such as Task Name and Description, Task Type, Due Date, Status, Task Queue, and Task Asset Details. The external users can also reply and add comments (stating the reason for rejection or approval) via Email. 

  • For tasks associated with Outbound Messages, they will be able to view Message Name, Preview, Channel, Account, and Previous Notes. 

  • For tasks associated with Assets, they will be able to view Asset Name, Preview, Asset Type - Photo, GIF, or Video, and Previous Notes.

  • For tasks associated with Campaigns/Sub-Campaigns, they will be able to view Name, Description, Start & End Date, and Previous Notes.

External User Approving Task from Email

Email Notifications | Ability to Thread/Group Email Notification for the Same Message

Multiple email notifications for the same message and its tasks will now be threaded or grouped together under the original Email. You can change the view, for example, expanded or collapsed as per the requirements. The number of received threads in an email can also be viewed within the Email or in the thumbnail. 

The format of the email subject should be: [Sprinklr](Outbound Message)[Message ID]-Message Name


  • Changing the message name will not thread emails to the original email.

  • While scheduling when Message ID changes to Post ID, for example, MESSAGE_36564788 to POST_25457998, emails will not thread. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Viewing Emails for Same Message in a Single Thread


Settings | Enable Delete Permission for Outbound Messages 

Earlier, any user within the Sprinklr had the ability to delete an outbound message. However, now, only the users having the Delete permission are able to delete them. The permissions will function as described below:

  • View + Publish + Delete - The user is able to delete the messages from the Editorial Calendar and Outbound Columns within the Production Dashboards.

  • View + Publish (No Delete) - The user is not able to delete the messages from the Editorial Calendar and Outbound Columns within the Production Dashboards.

  • Publish + Delete (No View) - The user is able to delete the messages from the Editorial Calendar and Outbound Columns within the Production Dashboards.

  • Publish (No View/Delete) - The user is not able to delete the messages from the Editorial Calendar and Outbound Columns within the Production Dashboards.

  • View (No Publish/Delete) - The user is not able to delete the messages from the Editorial Calendar and Outbound Columns within the Production Dashboards

User with Delete Permission for Outbound Message