Sprinklr v15.2.0 - Sprinklr Service Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Agent ConsoleLive Chat | Assignment Engine | Rule Engine | Bots ManagerMessaging | Surveys

Agent Console

Agent Console | Ability to Save Reply as a Canned Response

Within the Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, you can now save a reply as a Canned Response after sending it. Hover over the Options icon alongside the message and select Create Canned Response. It will redirect you to the Digital Asset Manager where you can save your reply as a Canned Response.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Saving a reply as a canned response in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Show the Link on Primary Profile for the Lithium Channel

In Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, you will now be able to click on the profile of the user which will open the Profile third pane directly. Note that this capability is supported for the Lithium channel only.

Support to Show the Link on Primary Profile

Live Chat

Live Chat | Support to Capture Additional Text Feedback with CSAT Form

While creating a CSAT card for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager, you can now enable Capture additional feedback comment. This will allow you to capture additional feedback by allowing customers to write feedback in the text box.

Capturing text feedback along with the CSAT form in Live Chat

Live Chat | Sprinklr Live Chat Installation for Android Devices

You will now be able to deploy Sprinklr Live Chat on your Android Mobile Applications. By installing Sprinklr Live chat on mobile, you can keep in touch with your website visitors anywhere, anytime and maximize your availability for your customers.

Live Chat | Support to Send Videos from Live Chat Widget by Customers

Your customers will now be able to attach and send a video from the Live Chat widget. Note that we support MP4 & M4V file formats and the limit for sending any media file is 10MB.

Customers sending videos from Live Chat Widget

Live Chat | Support to Capture Custom, Standard and Client Context of the Conversation

Within Sprinklr Live Chat, along with the APIs to open and close the chat widget, you can now capture the Custom, Standard and Client Context of the Conversation.

Live Chat | Create and Send Card Template

You can now create a Card template in the Digital Asset Manager and send it on Sprinklr Live Chat. You can also add custom external actions to the template. Using templates, your customers can easily send a message in the conversation thread just by clicking one of the options. After creating a template in the Digital Asset Manager, it can be sent to Live Chat by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine.

Creating Card Template for Sprinklr Live Chat

Live Chat | Create and Send Carousel Template

You can now create a Carousel template in the Digital Asset Manager and send it on Sprinklr Live Chat. Using templates, your customers can easily send a message in the conversation thread just by clicking one of the options. In a carousel template, you can add up to 10 carousel elements. After creating a template in the Digital Asset Manager, it can be sent to Live Chat by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine.

Carousel Template for Live Chat

Live Chat | Visibility of Date and Timestamp in Widget

In Sprinklr Live Chat widget, you will now get a clear and organized conversation structure with proper segregation of date and timestamp. It will help you to have clarity on the exact date and time of the conversation taking place between the agent and the user.

Visibility of Date and Timestamp in Live Chat Widget

Assignment Engine

Assignment Engine | Support of Skill Based Routing

Within the Assignment Engine, along with the queue-based routing, you can now assign messages/cases on the basis of the skills of agents. You can add the skills and the capacity of the users at the Users level in Platform Settings.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Defining User Skills and Assignment Capacity at Users level in Platform Settings

Skill Based Routing in Assignment Engine

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support to Add SAM Asset Used as a Condition

While creating an Inbound Rule in Rule Engine, you will now be able to select a new condition SAM Asset Used under Conditions Applies To "Messages related to Brand Posts". Hence, you can now view the asset contents used in the posts and take desired actions.

Adding SAM Asset Used Condition in Rule Engine

Bots Manager

Intents | Support of Sprinklr AI Inhouse Intent Engine AI Provider

While creating Intents in Bots Manager, you will now get an option to select the AI Provider as SPR AI Inhouse Intent Engine. Hence, the agents will now get more relevant Asset Recommendations and Smart Responses with high confidence scores in the middle pane of the Agent Console.

Selecting AI provider while creating an Intent in Bots Manager


Facebook Messenger | Support to Reply to Customer Inquiries After 24 Hours

On Facebook Messenger, the agents will now be able to respond to the user inquiries after 24 hours of the last message received. You will get a warning message while replying in the middle pane of the Agent Console, clicking on which you can read the Facebook Messenger Platform Policy. As per the Facebook Messenger Platform Policy, the messages are tagged as HUMAN-AGENT in Sprinklr from the backend to inform Facebook that the human agents are responding to user inquiries.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Replying after 24 hours of last message received in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger | Handover Protocol v2

Facebook has introduced version 2 of the Handover Protocol. In v2, whenever an app is in control of the thread, no other app will be able to interject the conversation by sending messages to the thread. A controlling app will have exclusive control of the thread. Additionally, the apps can pass additional data to each other to maintain context and control of threads. Also, any app that is in control of the thread can extend it’s expiration time from 24 hours.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Facebook Messenger Handover Protocol Version 2

Facebook Messenger | Create and Send Secure Forms

You can now create and send secure forms on Facebook Messenger to capture Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or any sensitive information of your customers so as to authenticate that the agents are conversing with the right customers. The PII information of the customers captured via secure forms will not be stored in the Sprinklr database. It will be directly communicated to the brands. Note that the customers will have 1 hour to fill and submit the form after they receive it as the form will auto-expire after 1-hour.

Secure Forms for Facebook Messenger

WhatsApp Business | Support to Add Header and Footer in HSM Template

While creating an HSM Template for WhatsApp Business in Digital Asset Manager, you can now add Header and Footer along with the Message. In Header, you can add Text, Image, and Document, whereas, in Footer, you can add only Text.

Adding Header and Footer in HSM Template for WhatsApp Business

Google Business Messaging | Support to Show the Place Address and Name in Agent Console

When a user sends a message via Google Business Messaging channel, the agents will now be able to view the Place Address and Place Name from where the user has sent a message under the Channel Custom Properties section of the Agent Console.

Showing the Place Address and Name from where the user has sent a message under the Channel Custom Properties section of the Agent Console


Surveys | Support to Add Additional Translations for a Given Language

While creating a survey in the Survey Builder, you can now add additional translations for a given language. For instance, French translation will vary for different countries such as France, Switzerland, and Canada. Now, French (France), French (Canada), or French (Switzerland) translations can be created for a given survey.

Support to Add Additional Translations for a Given Language of a survey