Sprinklr Release v15.3.0 - March 2020 New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Social Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: Publisher| Governance | Reporting | Engagement Dashboards 


Publisher | Support for Facebook Live in Sprinklr

Sprinklr leverages Facebook’s API support of Facebook Live, which means you can now manage your Facebook live streaming content through Sprinklr alongside other social content. You can publish and report on your Facebook Live video, all within Sprinklr. Use Sprinklr’s management of Facebook Live to capture real-time fan responses and engage, making your audience a part of the experience. 


Publisher | Ability to Publish Video to Sina Weibo

Sprinklr now supports the publishing of video to Sina Weibo. Using this capability, you can share videos from the Digital Asset Manager to Sina Weibo through the Sprinklr app and use Sprinklr's reporting to gain valuable information on your video posts. Note that you can add video in the post only while creating a post using Publisher. The option to add video is not available for commenting and direct messaging in the Engagement Dashboards.  



Channel | Addition of Custom Menus in Sina Weibo 

Sprinklr now lets you create Sina Weibo custom menus, allowing you to trigger automatic templated interactions with customers through a menu option in Sina Weibo messages. Using custom menus, you can provide customers with information about your brand. The custom menu option allows you to enhance one-to-one engagements with customers, even when your team members aren’t available to respond in real-time, leading to better customer experiences and improved efficiency for your team. Use the Sina Weibo custom menu capability of Sprinklr to lead customers through a self-guided workflow. 


Channel | Ability to Create QR Code for WeChat  

Sprinklr now allows you to create WeChat QR code in Digital Asset Management. WeChat uses QR Codes to allow you to easily connect with each other without the need to save others as a contact. You can now publish the WeChat QR Code using Quick Publisher and create WeChat columns for QR Code Messages. 



Export | Removed the Dynamic Property for Time Format

Sprinklr's reporting exports display time in text format. In exports, this will appear as 2h 5m 58s, for example. Whether you're uploading exports into your organization's CRM or creating reports in a numeric format, you may prefer time dimensions to display numerically (hh:mm:ss). Sprinklr now allows this option to be enabled in all environments, which will reformat the display of time dimensions in all reporting exports.

Reporting | Added Support for Cross-Post Metrics in Reporting

We have added new cross-post metrics that are Post Video View Time By Age Bucket and Gender, Post Video View Time By Region Id, Post Video Views By Distribution Type, Post Video View Time By Distribution Type, and Post Video View Time By Country Id. These metrics will help in quick reporting and lead to a better generation of reports.

Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Removed the Processing Clock Notification on Opening or Closing Third Pane 

While opening or closing the third pane of both messages and cases, you will now not see a notification like I have started the processing clock or I have paused the processing clock. However, The processing clock capability will work as it is.


Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area: Campaigns | Production Dashboards | Advanced PublisherNotifications | Manage Rules


Campaigns | Navigate to Campaign or Sub-Campaign from the Associated Entity

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Advanced Publisher, Production Dashboards, and Editorial Calendar without opening a new tab. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Overview and Review tabs of the Advanced Publisher. 

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Outbound Message and Tasks columns within the Production Dashboards. 

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the List view of the Editorial Calendar.

This capability will help you to easily navigate to the associated Campaign and Sub-Campaign to gain additional context related to an outbound message. 

Navigating to Associated Campaign from the Outbound Message tab within the Production Dashboard

Navigating to Campaigns from the Advanced Publisher

Campaigns | Ability to Clone Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns

You will now be able to clone campaigns and sub-campaigns. With this capability enabled you will:

  • Be able to clone: Name, Description, Start & End Date, Status, Share Configuration, Tags, and Custom Properties associated with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns.

  • Not be able to clone: Brief, Tasks, Notes, Activity, Assets, Messages, Message Briefs, Themes, Analytics, Production Dashboard, and Workflows associated with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns. 

Apart from this, while cloning Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns you will be able to change or update any standard or custom fields as per your business requirements. 

Cloning a Campaign

Cloning a Sub-Campaign

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support for Enhanced Search Criteria

While viewing the content within the Production Dashboards, you will now have the ability to:

  • Search the Outbound Message tabs by Status ID, Message ID, and Sub-Campaigns.

  • Search the Tasks tabs by the associated Entity Name.

This capability will enable you to find and narrow down the rows that match the text you have entered in the search field.

Production Dashboards | Support for Additional Duration Filters

Sprinklr now allows you to have additional duration filters in the Production Dashboards. For Outbound Message tabs, the messages will be filtered based on the Message Schedule date. On the other hand, the Tasks tab will be filtered based on Task Due Date. Below is the list of new values and updates in the existing duration filters are:

  • Tomorrow

  • Next Month

  • Next Year

  • Date Range within the current week

  • Date Range within the next week

  • Date Range within the last 30 days

  • Date Range within the last 60 days

  • Date Range within the next 60 days

  • Date Range within the last 120 days

  • Date Range within the last 365 days

  • Date Range within the next 365 days

The enablement of this capability will help you to easily manage and plan your content as per your business requirements.

Support for Additional Duration Filters

Advanced Publisher

Advanced Publisher | Ability to Export Content Template Data in Excel Sheet

While generating an export of a message from the Advanced Publisher, Editorial Calendar, and Production Dashboards, you will now be able to include text fields of a content template in the excel sheet. The export for content templates will include an extra excel sheet for content template text data. 


Notifications | Only Task Assignees to Receive Task Follow-Up Notifications

After enabling task follow-up notifications under Notification Preferences within Sprinklr, only the task assignees will receive such notifications. The creator, the user who initiated the workflow, or the subscriber of the task will not receive any such notifications. Apart from this, if you have Task Reminder enabled, then the reminders will be sent only to the task assignee.

Setting Notification Preferences for Tasks

Manage Rules

Manage Rules | Set Campaign and Sub-Campaign Properties as Conditions in Rule Engine

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Campaign and Sub-Campaign properties as conditions while creating Draft, Draft Update, Autofill, Pre-Publishing, Post-Publishing, and Outbound rules. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the flow.

Setting Sub-Campaign Properties as Condition for Outbound Message Rule


Settings | Ability to Bulk Import and Export Customer Journey Stages

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to import and export the customer journey stages in an excel via the Configurator within Platform Settings. Please note that if a customer journey stage has multiple sharing types, the values will be exported in different rows. This capability will enable you to create customer journey stages by bulk uploading and downloading, saving your time and effort.

Export of Customer Journey Stage in Excel

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) area: Ads Composer | Ads Manager | Audience Manager | Ads Reporting

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | View Filtered Twitter Posts Relevant to Campaign Objective

While composing a Twitter campaign and selecting from existing creatives, you will now find the posts filtered out to display only those that are compatible with your selected ad objective. For example, you can only select Image Tweet or Status Tweet post for a Followers campaign. This will allow you to only select from the valid post types for your ad creative.

Ads Composer | Migration of LinkedIn Geo-Location API to Bing Geo (Phase 2 & 3)

LinkedIn is migrating its geo-location API to a new geo-data source, i.e. Bing Geo. This new geo-targeting update will enable you to target millions of new geo-locations, including countries and cities, providing a more comprehensive and accurate geo-targeting experience. In the past, there were approximately 6k standardized locations, primarily in the U.S. With Bing Geo, around 2.6 million locations will be available and a large number of international locations will become available for geo-targeting. The same will also reflect within the Audience Manager and Ads Manager.

Ads Composer | Support for Impressions Optimization Goal for Snapchat Audience Filter Ad Squads

While composing a Snapchat Engagement campaign, you can now optimize your Ad Squads for Impressions, Pay for Impressions. Note that this is only available for the Audience Filter ad format.

Impressions Optimization Goal for Snapchat Audience Filter

Ads Composer | Ability to Send LinkedIn Sponsored InMail from a Company Name

While building a Message Ad (previously InMail Ad) for your LinkedIn campaign, you can now use a Company name as the sender of your message ad. The same will also reflect within the Ads Manager for LinkedIn Sponsored Inmail creatives. Note that this capability is only available for users who have their company sender set up by their LinkedIn representatives.

For more information on the sender permissions, see Sponsored Messaging Sender Permissions.

LinkedIn Sponsored InMail Add Sender from Company Account Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Multiple Store Types for Facebook App Install Objective

While composing a Facebook App Install campaign, you can now select from multiple Store Types. This will allow you to send people to the desired online store where they can purchase the app. You can select from the following store types to promote your app:

  • Google Play

  • Windows Store

  • Amazon AppStore

  • iTunes

  • Facebook Canvas

  • iTunes for iPad

Multiple Store Types for Facebook App Install Objective

Ads Composer | Additional Maximum Age Range Options for Snapchat Targeting

While creating a new target audience for your Snapchat campaign, you can now select a maximum Age Range targeting from 36 up to 50+ additional options. This will define a cap to the maximum age range for targeting an audience. Note that if you do not specify a maximum age range, the targeting will result in no age cap. These options will also reflect within Ads Manager and Audience Manager for Snapchat.

Snapchat Age Range Parity for Target Audience

Ads Composer | Search Facebook Video Post Using Video Post ID

While composing a Facebook campaign and selecting an existing creative within Ads Composer, you now have the ability to search for the existing Facebook Video Post using Video Post ID associated with that post. You can also use the Video Post ID to search your desired Facebook video post in Creative Library. This capability will allow you to easily find the video you need to boost even if you don't have the organic post id.

Using Video Post Id to search specific Video Post for Facebook in Ads Composer

Using Video Post Id to search specific Video Post for Facebook in Creative Library

Ads Composer | Removed Certain Facebook Call to Action Options for Parity

To maintain parity with native, we have removed certain Call to Action options for Facebook. These changes can also be viewed within the Creative Library and Ads Manager. Following are the removed Call to Action options for their respective ad objectives:

  • Get Quote - Brand Awareness and Video Views.

  • Request Time - Reach.

  • Send Message - Store Visits.

Ads Composer | Smart Bidding Integration in Sprinklr UI

Smart Bidding has now been integrated within Sprinklr UI and available for all Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) customers. Smart Bidding works on an enhanced machine learning algorithm that provides you a greater outcome for your investment by keeping costs low and results high. This capability will allow you to increase return on ad spend by leveraging AI to automatically adjust bids. You can apply Smart Bidding to your ad campaigns from Ads Composer and Ads Manager.


Smart Bidding is now supported for all the available channels within Sprinklr.

Smart Bidding Integration in Sprinklr UI Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Updated Facebook Conversion Window Options

While composing the Facebook Website Conversion campaign within Ads Composer, you will now see updated Conversion Window options. The default Conversion Window option will now be 7 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing. This update has been done to maintain parity with native. You will also view the updated conversion window options within Ads Manager and Quick Ad Publish. The updated Conversion Window options will appear as follows:

  • 1 day after clicking

  • 7 days after clicking

  • 28 days after clicking

  • 1 day after clicking or viewing

  • 7 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing

  • 28 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing

Conversion Window Nomenclature Parity for Facebook

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Facebook Minimum and Maximum Budget as Default Column Configuration

In addition to the Daily Budget and Lifetime Budget columns, you will now have the following Ad Set budget columns as part of the Default column configuration for Facebook:

  • Minimum Lifetime Budget

  • Maximum Lifetime Budget

  • Minimum Daily Budget

  • Maximum Daily Budget

These columns will allow you to view the minimum and maximum budget based on your campaign budget optimization.

Facebook default Ad Set new Budget columns

Ads Manager | Improved LinkedIn Sponsored InMail (Legacy) Ad Preview

We have improved the LinkedIn Sponsored InMail ad preview to provide you with a more user-friendly interface. This update will showcase an accurate representation of how your ad will appear once published. We have made the following changes that can be viewed within the Ads Composer and Ads Manager:

  • Aligned Formatting and Background Color of the Post

  • Click through URL for all Post Types

  • Post Date available in the top right corner of the Post

  • Added Hyperlinks such as Unsubscribe, Manage your ad preferences and Learn More

Updated LinkedIn Sponsored InMail (Legacy) Ad Preview AdsManager

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Sort Custom Audiences by Creation Date

Custom Audiences will now be sorted by their creation date so that most recent audiences will display at the top while creating a Saved Audience within the Audience Manager. We have also added a Creation Date column while selecting Saved Audiences in Ads Composer to make the sorting experience consistent across the platform.

Sort Custom Audience by creation date

Custom Audience Creation Date column in Ads Composer

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for New Lead Form Reporting Dimensions

You can now use the following dimensions to breakdown Facebook and LinkedIn Lead Form reporting insights:

  • Lead Form Id - Breakdown data by Lead Form ID/Plot Lead Form ID while viewing reporting data.

  • Lead Form Name - Breakdown data by Lead Form Name/Plot Lead Form while viewing reporting data.

You can also use them as customized columns at the ad variant level within Ads Manager. Note that the data will only populate for the ads having Lead Generation as their objective.

Lead Form Reporting Dimensions

Ads Reporting | Support for New Google Ads Impression Share Metrics

You can now use the following new metrics to view insights on your Google Ads Impression Share within Ads Reporting:

  • Google Search Impression Share: The impressions you have received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "< 10%".

  • Google Search Lost Impression Share (rank): The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "> 90%".

  • Google Search Lost Impression Share (budget): The estimated percentage of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "> 90%".

Google Ads Reporting Impression Share metrics

Ads Reporting | Last Used Currency Filter Selected by Default

You will now find the last used Currency filter selected by default on visiting your Ads Reporting dashboard again. The default currency filter will always be pre-selected when creating a new dashboard or visiting any other dashboard for the first time. You will no longer have to change the currency filter every time you revisit your reporting dashboard. Note that if you manually change the currency filter, it will then retain the changed currency for that dashboard.

Modern Ads default Reporting Currency Filter

Ads Reporting | Support for Twitter Post Level Metrics for Preroll Views Objective

You can now report data at the Ad Variant level for Twitter Preroll Views objective within Ads Reporting. Previously, it was not possible due to API limitation. You can now use the existing Twitter Post (ad variant level) metrics for reporting. Also, all the historical data will be backfilled for your previous Preroll campaigns to simplify your yearly/quarterly reporting.

Ads Reporting | Conversion Event Metrics for Snapchat

We have added Conversion Event metrics for Snapchat within Ads Reporting to reflect the Pixel Conversion Events. These metrics can also be used within Ads Manager, Rule Engine, and Benchmarking. Click the link below to view the metrics along with their definitions:

Conversion Event Metrics

  • Snapchat Conversion Subscribe - Number of attributed “SUBSCRIBE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Ad Click - Number of attributed “AD_CLICK” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Ad View - Number of attributed “AD_VIEW” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Complete Tutorial - Number of attributed “COMPLETE_TUTORIAL” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Invite - Number of attributed “INVITE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Login - Number of attributed “LOGIN” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Share - Number of attributed “SHARE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Reserve - Number of attributed “RESERVE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Achievement Unlocked - Number of attributed “ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Add To Wishlist - Number of attributed “ADD_TO_WISHLIST” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Spend Credits - Number of attributed “SPENT_CREDITS” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Rate - Number of attributed “RATE” conversion events

  • Snapchat Conversion Start Trial - Number of attributed “START_TRIAL” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion List View - Number of attributed “LIST_VIEW” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 1 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_1” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 2 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_2” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 3 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_3” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 4 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_4” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 5 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_5” conversion events.

Ads Reporting | New Pacing Group Metrics

We have added new Pacing Group metrics within Ads Reporting to provide you with a seamless reporting experience. These metrics will also be available as columns within Pacing Groups. The newly added metrics and their definitions are given below:

  • Projected Delivery % Based off Yesterday - It depicts your projected delivery percentage based on the spent yesterday i.e. ((Remaining days * (Pacing Group Yesterday Spent)) + spent)/total budget.

  • Projected Delivery % Based off Past 3 Days - It depicts your projected delivery percentage based on the past 3 days i.e. ((Remaining days * (3-day run rate)) + spent)*100/total budget.

  • Projected Spend Based off Yesterday - It depicts your projected spend based on the spent yesterday i.e. (Remaining days * (Pacing Group Yesterday Spent)) + spent.

  • Projected Spend Based off 3-day Run Rate - It depicts your projected spend based on the past 3 days i.e. (Remaining days * (Pacing Group 3 day run rate)) + spent.

  • Pacing Group 3 Day Run Rate - It depicts an average of the past 3 days worth of spend i.e. Past 3 days worth of Spend/3.

Enable Pacing Group metric visibility in Custom Metrics Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Ad Media Type Dimension

You can now use Ad Media Type dimension while reporting on your ad performance based on the Media Type i.e. Image/Video within Ads Reporting. Ad Media Type depicts the media type used in your ad, for example, if it is a carousel post with images, the value of this dimension will be Image. Note that you may see Unknown in the widget if the account you are using is recently added or deactivated. You will also get the following suggestion while creating a widget using Ad Post Type and Ad Creative Type dimensions:

We notice that you are using the dimension ''Ad Creative Type''. Please note that we will soon be changing the behavior of this dimension. We have also exposed a new dimension ''Ad Media Type'' which will depict the media type used in your creative.

Ad Media Type Dimension within Ads Reporting

Suggestion while Using Ad Media Type Dimension within Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Improved Reporting Preview for Facebook Dynamic Creatives

We have made improvements to the reporting preview of Dynamic Creatives, Placement Asset Customization, and Dynamic Product Ads. The following changes have been made to provide you with a better reporting experience:

  • Using the Dynamic Creative Image dimension, you will have the creative image preview generated instead of their names.

  • A total of three creative variations will be rendered in the Post Card visualization type along with an indication for whether the creative is part of a Dynamic Product Ad, using Dynamic Creative, or using Placement Asset Customization (PAC).

  • If the creative Body is not available, a variation of the Title will be displayed along with the post.

  • Dynamic Creatives and Placement Asset Customization having more than three variations will provide an option to View All ‘x’ Variations in Ads Manager. This will redirect you to the Ads Manager window showing all ads using that post.

  • For Dynamic Product Ads, you will find information about the catalog and product set to which this dynamic ad refers to. Additionally, rather than showing {product.brand}, you will now see Product.Brand with a highlighted color to convey that it is a dynamic text.


This improved representation will be reflected in your historic data as well.

Imporvements in reporting on Dynamic Creatives, PAC, and Dynamic Product Ads

Sprinklr Insights Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Insights area: ListeningProduct Insights | Benchmarking | Artificial Intelligence Models


Listening | Support for Channel Level Listening for YouTube

With the new listening enhancements, you can now listen to the URLs that contain channel ID, for instance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Y...VaEcmNQH0Qlkfg. This has further extended the expanse of YouTube coverage, i.e. more YouTube pages and channels will be fetched.  

Listening | Ability to Use Minimum Post Likes, Retweets, and Replies as Filters in Listening Columns

While adding a Listening Column in an Engagement Dashboard, you will now be able to enter the following values

  • Minimum Likes

  • Minimum Retweets

  • Minimum Replies

If you provide these values, only the posts that satisfy these conditions will appear on the dashboard.

Adding Minimum Retweets, Minimum Likes, and Minimum Relies as Filters in Listening Columns

Listening | Age Category for Listening and Explorer Changed from 0-18 to 1-18

You will now have an upgraded age bracket for listening which will be available as 1-18.

Listening | Support of Volumetric Alerts Based on the Number of Mentions

We now support Volumetric Alerts for a specified number of mentions configured by the users in volumetric rules, irrespective of the time duration. For example, if you configure a volumetric rule with 50 mentions, you will receive an email alert as soon as the number of mentions reaches 50. This will be helpful for managing the crises or real-time events when you do not want time-bound alerts but would rather like to set the volume of mentions only based on the urgency.

creating volumetric alert based on the number of mentions

Listening | Support of Volumetric Alerts Based on Specified Time Period

We now support the Volumetric Alerts for a specified time period configured by the users in volumetric rules, irrespective of the volume of mentions. For example, if you configure a volumetric rule with 15 minutes time duration, you will receive an email alert containing all the mentions every 15 minutes. This will be very helpful to have time-based crisis management for any particular campaign or event where time is the major criterion and not the volume.

creating volumetric alert based on a specified time period

Product Insights

Product Insights | Added New Dimension "Product Insights Phrase" in Listening Dashboard

While creating a widget in the Listening Dashboard, you can now use Product Insights Phrase as a dimension to plot the occurrence of the insights generated.

Added Product Insights Phrase as a new dimension

After adding this new dimension, the message in the table widget will now appear based on the number of insights in it.

Showing Product Insights Phrase in the table widget


Benchmarking | Added New Column "YouTube Video Views" for Social Engagement YouTube Dashboard

In the Social Engagement YouTube Dashboard, we have added YouTube Video Views as a new column that will show you the video views count along with other engagement stats.

Added the YouTube Video Views column for Social Engagement Dashboard in Benchmarking

Benchmarking | Introduced New Change in Standard Benchmarking Dashboard Metrics

In a Standard Benchmarking Dashboard, the following widgets will now use the metric Fan Message Count instead of using the Message Count metric.

  • User Mentions by Channel

  • User Mentions by Sentiment

  • User Mentions by Location

  • User Mentions by Language

Artificial Intelligence Models

Artificial Intelligence Models | Ability to Highlight the Edited, Deleted & Added Insights

While validating messages within AI Models, you will see the following labels if you make any changes to the product insights: 

  1. Edited: If you edit the insight, i.e. change the category and sentiment of the insight, it will be labeled as Edited. While editing an insight, the brand field will be disabled. 

  2. Deleted: If you delete the insight, it will be labeled as Deleted and the text will be shown in the strike-through format. The deleted insight will not be highlighted in the message, and it can be restored by using the Undo option.

  3. Added: If you add any new insight, it will be labeled as Added. While adding new insight, the brand field will be visible. 

Ability to show when insights get edited, deleted, or added in AI models

Whenever you add new insight, the option “The message has some missing Insights” will be enabled automatically. And when you delete the newly added insight, the same option will be disabled automatically. 

  • If you delete the newly added insight, it will be completely removed instead of being labeled as Deleted

  • If you edit the newly added insight, it will be labeled as Added

  • If you edit a deleted insight in the message, it will also be labeled as Added.

Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Agent Console | Sprinklr Live Chat

Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Download Emails in EML Format

Within Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards, you will now get an option to Download Email in EML format by hovering over the Options icon alongside an email message. Note that this option will appear only for new emails.

Download Emails in Agent Console

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Create Contact Details Form Template in Digital Asset Manager

You can now create a Contact Details Form template for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager and send it to the customers via Macro or Auto Response Rule like other templates if you want to authenticate them in the middle of a Live Chat conversation.

Support to Create Contact Details Form Template in Digital Asset Manager

Sprinklr Live Chat | Increased Button Limits for Card and Carousel Templates

While creating templates for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager, you can now add up to 10 buttons in a Card template and 5 buttons in a Carousel template.

Increased Button Limits for Card and Carousel Templates for Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | URL Action for Card and Carousel Templates

While creating a card or carousel template for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager, you can now set URL as an Action for a button. Providing a URL will redirect the users on the given page at the click of a button.

URL Action for Card and Carousel Templates for Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Select Template and Conditional Message as a Welcome Message

While configuring Live Chat in Sprinklr Live Chat Application Manager, along with a text message, you can now select a Live Chat template from Digital Asset Manager as a Welcome Message. You can also enable conditional welcome messages (with placeholders)/templates that will only appear when the standard conditions like if the user details are present, business hours, etc. are fulfilled.


In order to get more conditions enabled, you are required to raise a support ticket.

Support to Select Template and Conditional Message as a Welcome Message in Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Hide Attachment Icon in Web View Embedded Inside the Android App

You can now hide the Attachment icon in Live Chat widget i.e. your customers will not be able to view the icon and hence will not be able to send the attachments. This can be done in Sprinklr Live Chat Settings.

Hiding Attachment Icon in Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Disabled Email Address Copy and Paste Support in Contact Details Form in Widget

When a Contact Details Form is sent out to users in a Sprinklr Live Chat widget in order to authenticate them, the users will now not be able to copy the Email Address field and paste it in the Confirm Email Address field. Also, the Email Address field will not be masked now.

Disabled Email Address Copy and Paste Support in Contact Details Form in Live Chat Widget