Sprinklr Release v15.4.0 - April 2020 New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Social Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: Publisher | Engagement Dashboards | GovernanceDigital Asset Management | Reporting


Publisher | Ability to View Instagram Post in Desktop Preview

You can now view a live desktop preview simultaneously while you type for an Instagram Post in the right pane. By default, the Mobile preview is enabled in the right pane and you can always change it to Desktop preview at your convenience. This will allow you to check how your post will look on different platforms. 


Publisher | Ability to Add Different Media in a Single Instagram Post 

For Instagram Story and Carousel post, you can now upload photos and videos together (up to 10 media assets) and share them as a single post on Instagram using the Publisher. Please keep in mind that the orientation you choose (square, portrait, or landscape) affects all of the photos or videos in your post. You can't select a different orientation for each photo or video.


Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Support for Referral in Facebook Messenger  

When a person clicks m.me link that contains a ref parameter and is taken into an existing thread, it will now open the standard messaging window. This allows pages to reply to people based on the context that the ref parameter provides. This can be used for many purposes, such as tracking different links placed in different pages or tying a Messenger user to a session or Universal profile under accounts. Also, you can do Reporting on it.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Channel | Deprecation of Facebook API Endpoint 

Facebook plans to deprecate multiple endpoints for all API versions as of ​May 5th, 2020. ​Due to these deprecations, the following changes will be made in the Sprinklr platform by May 5th. 

  1. Reporting metrics that involve obtaining likes on posts for Facebook profiles will be deprecated.

  2. Sprinklr will no longer be able to support fetching comments and replies on Facebook Group posts or the publishing of comments and replies on Facebook Group posts and comments. 

  3. Sprinklr will no longer be able to support the fetching of branded content for posts that have co-sponsors added as the "with" tag.

Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management | New Design for Similar Assets Window

While creating an asset within the Asset Manager, you can view similar assets with respect to what you are uploading using Sprinklr AI-powered filters. Apart from content creation, this helps you to locate copies of your assets and hence avoids repetition. Now, in the digital asset management, we have introduced a new design for similar assets window. Additionally, you can now view similar assets for photos as well while creating an asset in the digital asset manager.


Reporting | Ability to Store Sprinklr Exports Externally in S3

You can now opt to store Sprinklr Reporting Exports in a Non-Sprinklr Environment i.e. S3, which will save time and thereby increase productivity. Earlier one could download the export to the FTP/SFTP servers. Now, there are three storage options: 

  1. Default (receive & download file from the email notification) 


  3. S3

Export | Ability to Schedule Export Based on Time

You will now have an option to select a specific time to trigger a scheduled export. Hence, you can control the starting time for the export as per your requirement and download the Sprinklr Reporting Dashboard whenever you want.


Reporting | Added Support for Canned Responses in Asset Manager Reporting

While viewing reporting for SAM (Digital Asset Manager) assets, it is now possible to filter the text assets that are marked as canned responses, i.e. pre-defined template responses. This will provide an insight into how many text messages have used the pre-defined templates.

Reporting | Added Support for Controlling Custom Fields

Within Reporting, you will now be able to validate the custom fields against the parent custom fields. Based on the filter value for a certain filter, you will be able to restrict values visible for other custom filters at the dashboard and widget level. This capability is also applicable for widget filter, target metric filter, custom metric filter, and scheduled export filter.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Reporting | Introduction of Smart Content Intelligence Dashboard

Sprinklr has introduced a new Standard Dashboard within Reporting called Smart Content Intelligence Dashboard. Smart Content Intelligence Dashboard helps in identifying what content type is used in brand posts with the help of Sprinklr AI-powered Classification Machine Learning model. Sprinklr’s AI model classifies all brand posts under the most appropriate themes and tones based on set predefined categories. These predefined categories have been finalized using clustering analysis of a large dataset of brand outbound posts across different industries.


Reporting | Ability to View Hourly Aggregation in Reporting

You now have the ability to view cumulative data on an hourly basis with the addition of Hourly aggregation in Report time. Hence, aggregation at an hourly level will provide insights on metric behavior over the day.


To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Sprinklr Marketing Updates


Campaigns | Ability to Change Default Visibility Settings 

While adding a campaign, you will now be able to set its visibility as per your requirement. It will not be set as your current Workspace by default now. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Setting Visibility Settings for Campaign

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Restrict Posts from Shared Accounts Across All Workspaces

You will now be able to see the posts created from an account only in that particular workspace where the account is added and not across all workspaces. 

For example, if there is a LinkedIn Company account and you want to see the posts from this account to be visible only in the workspace where this account was added, then you can get it enabled by contacting your Success Manager.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Editorial Calendar | Timeline View Enabled for Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr has enabled the Timeline View for Sprinklr Social as well. With this capability enabled, you are no longer required to enable Sprinklr Marketing to use this feature.

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Filter Tasks

You will now be able to filter tasks within the Editorial Calendar based on the following:

  • Task Type

  • Task Status

  • Task Queues

  • Assignee

  • Task Custom Fields

  • Asset

  • Campaign

  • Campaign ID

  • Creator

  • Sub-Campaign

Task Filters in the Editorial Calendar

Digital Asset Manager

Digital Asset Manager | Ability to Bulk Initiate Workflow on Assets

You will now be able to bulk initiate workflow on assets in the grid and list view within the Digital Asset Manager. This capability will save your time and effort. 

Bulk Initiating Workflow on Assets in Grid View

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Change in Behavior of Duration Filters

Sprinklr has now updated the behavior of the following duration filters within Production Dashboards:

  • This Week: Sunday till Saturday of the current week

  • This Month: 1st till the last date of the current month

  • This Year: 1st till the last date of the current year

Applying Duration Filter for Current Month

Production Dashboards | Show Full Username for Single and Multipicklist Custom Field

Sprinklr now provides you with the capability to view the usernames for single and multi-picklist type custom fields along with their avatars in their respective columns. The enablement of this capability will help you quickly identify the users, thus saving your time and effort. 

User Generated Content

User Generated Content | Enabled for Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr has enabled the User Generated Content module for Sprinklr Social as well. With this capability enabled, User Generated Content and UGC Templates modules will be moved under Sprinklr Social. However, it will remain a part of Sprinklr Marketing. In the navigation menu, UGC will be shown under Sprinklr Marketing if Marketing is enabled, otherwise it will be shown under Sprinklr Social.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Publisher | Ability to Associate Message Shells to Sub-Campaigns

You will now be able to select Sub-Campaigns while creating Message Shells. Please note that only the sub-campaigns that belong to the selected campaign associated with the message shell will appear. With this capability, you will be able to filter and group-by message shells by sub-campaigns. Apart from this, you can also add message shells from the Sub-Campaign’s Overview tab. On adding a message shell from the overview tab of the sub-campaign, the campaign and sub-campaign names will be auto-filled. 

Associating Message Shell to a Sub-Campaign

Creating Message Shell from Sub-Campaign Overview Tab

Value Realization

Value Realization | Support for Value Realization Dashboard

With the enablement of Value Realization within Sprinklr Marketing, you will be able to measure the dollar value of Sprinklr PBOs and PBUCs. 

  • Sprinklr PBOs - PBOs are Positive Business Outcomes. These are the specific and measurable business results that occur as a consequence of taking certain actions, e.g. executing PBUCs.

  • Sprinklr PBUCs - PBUCs are the Primary Business Use Cases. It is a summarized list of many use cases that highlight Sprinklr’s most important capabilities, demonstrate value, and lead to Positive Business Outcomes.

Apart from this, you will also be able to measure the value and adoption metric for each PBUC. Value Realization Dashboard consists of various input fields that help to calculate ROI, Cost Saving, Risk Assessment, etc. along with the formulae to calculate each value. These formulas have blank fields for metrics to be filled in by the user. Certain in-built metrics are also being provided to calculate these values by Sprinklr. Every formula consists of 3 types of values:

  • Sprinklr Metrics: These values are derived from the Sprinklr reporting metrics.

  • Customer Input: Users can input the values based on their use case and organization. Sprinklr provides default values that reflect industry benchmarks.

  • System Calculated: These values are calculated based on the formula of Sprinklr metric and customer input.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Modern Marketing - Value Realization Dashboard


Reporting | Support for Notes Count as a Consumption Metric

While analyzing collaboration within Reporting, you will now be able to use Notes Count as a Consumption Metric. Apart from this, you will also be able to filter the notes and comments by its associated entity such as Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Outbound Message, Tasks, Media Assets, etc. This will help you measure collaboration in the platform.

Adding Notes Count as a Consumption Metric

Reporting | Support for Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric

While analyzing consumption within Reporting, you will now be able to use Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric. Apart from this, you will also be able to filter the Sub-Campaign Count data by Sub-Campaign system and custom properties.

Adding Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric

Reporting | Support for Task Due Filter

While reporting on tasks within Sprinklr, you will now be able to use Task Due as a filter and dimension. This will enable you to follow up on tasks that are overdue. Apart from this, you will also be able to add Task Due as a condition in Task Rules with Early Completion and Delayed Completion as its values. 

The Task Due Filter and Dimension will have the following values:

  • Overdue - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is in the past

  • Early Completion - When a Task is in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Completed Date is less than Due Date

  • Delayed Completion - When a Task is in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Completed Date is greater than Due Date

  • Due Future - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is in the future

  • Due Today - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is Today

Task Widget with Task Due Dimension

Adding Task Due as Condition in Task Rule

Content Builder

Content Builder | Ability to Limit the Number of Characters in Text Widget

While creating a new content template, you will now be able to limit the number of characters for the text widget. This will indicate the number of characters remaining when a user types in the publisher using this template. Additionally, the users will not be able to save as draft or schedule if the character limit has not been adhered to.

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Support for Operators Based on Condition Types

While creating a workflow within the Workflow Engine, you will now be able to select operators as per the condition type selected. With the enablement of this capability, you will view only the relevant operators on selecting a particular condition. As per this capability:

Operator Type

If the condition to be applied is Date or Number type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Greater than

  • Greater than or Equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or Equal to

  • Equals

If the condition type to be applied is Text or TextArea type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Equals

  • Starts With

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Picklist type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Containing

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Textmulti or Picklist Multiselect type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Containing 

  • Not Containing

Selecting Operators for Text Type Custom Field


Notifications | Updated Labels and Descriptions for Task Notifications

Following labels and descriptions for Tasks in Notification Preferences have been updated:

Task Creation and Assignment

Alerts assignee, task, and task queue subscribers if the task is created and assigned to a user or queue.

Task Status Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task status is updated.

Task Queue Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and new task queue subscribes if the task queue is updated.

Task Assignee Updates 

Alerts new assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task assignee is updated on an existing task.

Task Due Date Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task due date is updated.

Other Task Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if task attachment, name, description or custom fields are updated.

Task Assignee Reminders

Alerts task assignee if a task is due.

@Mentions on Tasks

Alert users/user groups who are mentioned on the task notes.

Setting Notification Preferences for Tasks

Email Notifications

Email Notifications | Redirect Task and Outbound Email Notifications to Production Tab of Campaigns

Now, the Task and Outbound Email Notification links can be configured to open in the Production tab of the specific Campaign the outbound message is associated with. This will be extremely relevant for users who work from the Production tab of the Campaign.


Settings | Support for Personas in Configurator

Sprinklr now provides you the capability to import and export Personas via excel from Configurator within the Platform Settings. This capability will enable you to create personas by bulk uploading and downloading, saving your time and effort.

Exporting Persona from Configurator

Manage Rules

Manage Rules | Ability to Have Task Custom Fields as Actions and Conditions

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set task custom fields as actions and conditions while creating Task Rules. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the workflow.

Selecting Task Custom Fields as Conditions for Task Rule


Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Campaign and Sub-Campaign in SAM Assets

While creating SAM Asset macros, you will now be able to add, remove, and set Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as automated and manual actions. This will enable you to bulk update Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns on SAM Assets via macros. 

Adding Campaigns and Sub-Campaign in Bulk on SAM Macro

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) area: Ads Publishing | Audience Manager | Tools and Settings | Audience Study| Ads Reporting

Ads Publishing

Ads Publishing | Introduced TikTok as a Channel for Advertising

You can now compose ads and advertise on TikTok from the Sprinklr Ads Composer. With over 800 million active users worldwide, advertising on TikTok allows you to target relevant audiences predominantly belonging to Gen Z with higher purchase potential. You can improve the performance of your TikTok in-feed video campaigns with AI-powered, real-time optimizations across campaigns using standard channel metrics, custom brand calculations, and third-party analytics. You can also manage your TikTok ads from the Ads Manager and view insights in Ads Reporting.

Compose TikTok Ads

Ads Publishing | WhatsApp as a Destination for Facebook Ads

You can now select WhatsApp as a destination for your ad while composing Facebook Conversion or Traffic objective Campaign within Ads Composer. These ads are designed to be shown to the people who are more likely to open WhatsApp. Selecting WhatsApp as a destination for your ad will open a message thread in WhatsApp when a person clicks your ad.

Compose Click-to-WhatsApp Ads

Ads Publishing | Support for Call to Action in LinkedIn Image Ads

While composing a LinkedIn Image Ad format campaign, you can now provide an Ad Call to Action to your Link posts. This will allow you to choose the action you want people to take when they see your ad. You will also find this capability within Ads Manager, Creative Library, and Bulk Import/Export. The following actions will be available for you to select from:

  • Register

  • Learn More

  • Get Quote

  • Apply Now

  • Download

  • Sign Up

  • Subscribe

Call to Action for LinkedIn Image Ads

Ads Publishing | Ability to Compose Snapchat Commercial Ads

You can now compose a Snapchat Commercial Ad from the Ads Composer for Awareness and Video Views campaigns. Commercials are non-skippable six-second video Snap ads that allow you to drive awareness within high-quality premium content. A commercial ad must include a video media type of 3-6 seconds in length. Note that commercials can only target the following countries: US, UK, AU, CA, FR, SA, AE, DE, NO, IE, KU. You can also Bulk Import commercial ads and edit draft commercial ad variants from the Ads Manager.

Compose Snapchat Commercial Ads

Ads Publishing | Set Minimum ROAS Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization

While composing a Facebook Conversions, App Install, or Product Catalog Sales campaign, you can now set Minimum ROAS as your campaign bid strategy. This will enable you to keep your minimum ROAS (return on ad spend) per optimization event above a certain amount. The minimum ROAS campaign bid strategy is only available if you are eligible for value optimization. You can also find this capability within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

Setting Minimum ROAS Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaigns

Ads Publishing | Improved Ad Entities Approval Workflow

An overall audit of the Approval functionality has been implemented within Sprinklr to ensure the seamlessness of the workflow. The enhancement ensures a smooth workflow when ad entities are sent to approval Manually or via Rule. Additionally, we have enabled the Preview of the link URL of the creatives within the Engagement Dashboard. Using this URL, the approver can directly review the creative parameters from the Engagement Dashboard and does not have to switch over to Ads Manager to do so.

Improved Ads Approval Workflow in Ads Manager

Improved Ads Approval Workflow in Engagement Dashboard

Ads Publishing | Ability to Clone LinkedIn Lead Forms from the Selection Menu

While composing a LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign, you can now clone an existing Lead Form and make necessary changes from the selection menu itself. This will effectively save your time from creating lead forms from scratch to use within your campaign. This capability is also available for LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads within the Ads Manager.

Clone existing Lead Forms from Selection Menu

Ads Publishing | Ability to Use Additional Images in Dynamic Product Ads

While creating a Facebook Dynamic Product Ad, you now have the ability to use additional images from your feed as per your ad requirements. You can specify which image index (1-10) from the Additional Image column of your product data feed should be used as the ad image. This will allow you to use different images of the product for different ads. Note that this is an API only capability.

Use Additional Images in DPA ads

Ads Publishing | Migration of Snapchat Placements to V2 Specifications

Snapchat has deprecated its placement specifications and migrated to placement v2. The placement v2 gives you more options and control over the location and context of where ads are placed and includes all the advanced placement options that Snapchat has to offer. While composing a Snap Ad campaign in Ads Composer, you will now find these changes reflected to edit your ad placements from Between Content and/or Within Content. Note that these placement specifications are only applicable for non-commercial Snap Ads.

Snapchat Placement Migrations to V2

Ads Publishing | Updated Pinterest Bidding Option for Traffic Campaigns

You now have the ability to select Automatic Bidding for Pinterest Traffic campaigns within Ads Composer and Ads Manager. Automatic bids are managed and updated by Pinterest. It automatically updates the bids several times in a day. Note that the Ad Group level budgets are still required. 


Keyword Level bidding is no longer supported. Hence, the Ad Sets where Keyword Bidding has been specified, Pinterest will start ignoring those Keyword-level bids from 30th April 2020 onwards.

Automatic Bidding for Pinterest Traffic campaigns

Ads Publishing | Updated Facebook Mobile App Ads Targeting to Maintain Parity

While creating a target audience for your Facebook Traffic, Post Engagement, or App Installs campaign, you will now find the following updates reflecting within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Audience Manager.

  • You can now include/exclude people who liked your page/used your app within Advanced connection targeting.

  • We have updated the maximum iOS versions to include versions 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, & 13.0 within Mobile targeting.

Mobile App Parity

Ads Publishing | Updated Snapchat Optimization Goals to Maintain Parity

To maintain parity with Snapchat, we have updated the Ad Squad Optimization Goals to include the following objective-wise optimizations:

  • Drive Traffic to Website (Snap Ads) - Page View

  • Lead Gen and Website Conversions (Snap Ads) - Pixel Sign Up

  • Website Conversions (Story Ad) - Pixel Purchase

  • App Install (Snap Ads) - App Add to Cart, App Sign Up, App Purchase

  • App Install (Story Ad) - App Purchase

These goals will also reflect within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

To learn more about enabling App Add to Cart, App Sign Up, App Purchase as optimization goals for App Install campaigns in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ads Publishing | Updated Facebook Placements to Maintain Parity

To maintain parity with Facebook, we have made few objective-wise placement updates. The following changes will now reflect within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Bulk Import:

Added -

  • Reach - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Video Views - Messenger Stories

  • Messages (Click to Messenger) - Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories

  • Product Catalog Sales - In-Stream Videos, Facebook Stories

  • Traffic (Website or Messenger) - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Conversions (Website or Messenger) - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Conversions (App) - Audience Network In-Stream Videos, In-Stream Videos

Removed -

  • Messages (Sponsored Message) - Messenger Stories

Ads Publishing | Set Highest Value Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization

While composing a Facebook Conversions, App Install, or Product Catalog Sales campaign, you can now set Highest Value as your campaign bid strategy. This will enable you to optimize your ad delivery towards Value and pay based on purchases, i.e. show your ads to people who are likely to maximize the amount of value they generate. You can also find this capability within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

Set Highest Value as Bid Strategy for Facebook CBO

Ads Publishing | Renamed Offsite Delivery Option with LinkedIn Audience Network

We have renamed the Offsite Delivery option with the LinkedIn Audience Network option for audience targeting within Ads Composer. This will allow your Sponsored Content to reach your defined target audience beyond the LinkedIn feed within the bid and budget parameters you have established for your campaign. This capability is available for campaigns objectives with ad formats as a single image ad or video ad, except Lead Generation.

LinkedIn Audience Network Option

Ads Publishing | Twitter Bidding and Targeting Nomenclature Parity with Native

To enhance parity with native, we have incorporated various bid options for Twitter App Installs objective that are Bid unit, Charge by, and Optimization preference. Additionally, we have maintained the nomenclature for Twitter bidding and targeting similar to native. These changes will be visible within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, Audience Manager, and Quick Ad Publish.

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Update Saved Audiences

You can now edit your Saved Audiences and update the relevant targeting fields for all applicable Ad Sets. This will automatically update the targeting for all Active, Paused, or Draft Ad Sets. There will be no change in targeting for any deleted or archived Ad Sets. You will be notified once all the applicable Ad Sets have been updated successfully. Note that you cannot update saved audiences for Facebook Special Ad Category campaigns.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Updating Saved Audience Targeting Fields

Audience Manager | Ability to Export Target Audience

You now have the ability to Export your Target Audience from the Audience Manager. This capability enables you to export all and/or specific data fields in the audience manager for a selected set of audiences.

Export Audiences from the Audience Manager

Tools and Settings

Lead Forms | Ability to Set Role Permissions for Lead Forms

You can now control the visibility of Lead Forms and the associated actions by assigning View, Edit, Create, and Download permissions to users. Anyone having the Tools & Settings View permission will be able to view and edit the Lead Forms. You can subsequently update their roles and permissions to provide All or specific permissions. These permissions will also impact the Lead Forms in Ads Composer and Ads Manager.


Users should also have the corresponding account-level access to be able to view the Lead Forms corresponding to that account.

Set Lead Form Permissions for Users

Audience Study

Audience Study | COVID-19 Related Topics Added in LinkedIn Audience Study

4 COVID-19 related Topics have been added in LinkedIn Audience Study, namely:

  • Working at Home

  • Collaboration and Communication Tools

  • Global Economy 

  • Infectious Disease Control

You can create a LinkedIn Audience Study for COVID-19 related information. While creating LinkedIn Audience Study, choose Create relevant content around a topic or Amplify content by finding right audience for the What is the Business Objective behind your study? field. Under Content Topics, select Working at Home or Collaboration or Communication Tools or Global Economy or Infectious Disease Control

COVID Related Topics in LinkedIn Audience Study

COVID Related Topics in LinkedIn Audience Study

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Improved Post Card Widget Previews

For a seamless experience, while reporting on ad posts, we have enhanced the post card widget previews. You will now have an Ad Preview option for all post types along with a link to the Ads Manager for reference in just one click.

Enhanced Post Card Reporting Previews

Ads Reporting | Improved Behavior of Ad Creative Type Dimension

We have improved the behavior of the Ad Creative Type dimension to help you breakdown the ad performance based on the post type. As a part of this change, we have also deprecated the Ad Post Type dimension. Using Ad Creative Type dimension along with Ad Media Type dimension provides a better visualization of your ad performance enabling you to breakdown separately by post types and media types.

Using Ad Creative Type Dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | New Dimensions to Identify Entities Using Sprinklr Value Added Features

We have added new dimensions within Ads Reporting for you to filter your reporting data at Paid Initiative, Ad Set, and Ad Variant levels. These dimensions will help you measure the added values more accurately and efficiently, for example, comparing the CPA of Campaigns using SBA to those campaigns that are not using SBA. You can save time, increase ROAS, and manage risk by using these dimensions. Click the desired level to view the respective dimensions below:

► Paid Initiative Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Smart Budget Allocation - Is this Campaign using Smart Budget Allocation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Benchmarking - Is this Campaign using Benchmarking?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Naming Convention - Is this Campaign using Naming Convention?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Pacing Groups - Is this Campaign using Pacing Groups?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Approvals - Is this Campaign using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Budget Sources - Is this Campaign using Budget Sources?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Any Tool - Is this Campaign using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Campaign using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Campaign using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

► Ad Set Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Ad Rotation - Is this Ad Set using Smart Ad Rotation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Bidding - Is this Ad Set using Smart Bidding?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Budget Allocation - Is this Ad Set using Smart Budget Allocation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Day Parting - Is this Ad Set using Smart Day Parting?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Audience Engine - Is this Ad Set using a Smart Audience?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: R&F Planner - Is this Ad Set using R&F Planner?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Approvals - Is this Ad Set using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Any Tool - Is this Ad Set using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Ad Set using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Ad Set using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

► Ad Variant Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Smart Day Parting - Is this Ad using Smart Day Parting?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Auto Boost - Is this Ad using Auto Boost?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Benchmarking - Is this Ad using Benchmarking?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: DCM - Is this Ad using DCM?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Web Analytics - Is this Ad using Web Analytics?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Approvals - Is this Ad using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Any Tool - Is this Ad using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Ad using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Ad using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

Ads Reporting | Support for Twitter In-Stream Video Views Metrics

You can now leverage the Twitter In-Stream Video Views metrics given below to view insights for your pre-roll objective campaigns. These metrics can also be used for optimization purposes within Ads Manager, Smart Budget Allocation, Rule Engine, Pacing Groups, and Benchmarking.

  • Twitter Post Video Content Starts (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of video content starts as a result of your post

  • Twitter Post Video Mrc Views - The number of MRC Video Views. MRC Video Views are video views that are at least 50% in-view for 2 seconds, as per the MRC standard.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 25% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 25% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 50% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 50% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 75% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 75% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 100% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 100% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video 3s/100% Views (In-Stream views for Pre-roll) - Total number of video views based on a view of 100% in-view on a user’s device and watched at least for 3 seconds through unpaid post distribution.

  • Twitter Post Video 6s Views (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - A “6s video view” is when your video is watched at 50% view for 6 seconds or more, or when a user expands or unmutes your video.

Support for Twitter In-Stream Video Views Metrics

Ads Reporting | Support for ‘Is Dark Post’ Dimension

While creating a reporting widget within Ads Reporting, we now support a dimension named Is Dark Post. You can filter your widget and dashboard using this filter as it is available at both levels. It also helps to easily distinguish between boosted and dark posts. This dimension will also reflect in your Exports.

Support for Is Dark Post Dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to Store Reporting Exports Externally in S3 Servers

You can now opt to externally store your reporting exports in an S3 (Simple Storage Service) server which will save time and thereby increase productivity. Earlier you could only provide an external storage source of either FTP or SFTP.

Support for S3 Storage for Reporting Exports

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Complete Filter Values with Large Names

While filtering your data within Ads Reporting, you can now view the complete names of the filter values without putting an extra effort. This enhancement will enable you to easily view filtering values such as Paid Initiative, Outbound Posts, etc. which have large names.

Viewing Large Filtering Values Names

Ads Reporting | Reporting on Facebook Conversion Lift Data

Sprinklr now provides various metrics and dimensions apart from traditional ones for Facebook Conversion Lift Study reporting. You can break down your conversion lift data by Age and Gender. However, in Sprinklr, Day wise breakdown of your conversion lift study data is also supported. This will enhance your reporting experience by improving the incrementality of your social ads and will reduce the cost per incremental subscriber as measured by the Facebook conversion lift studies.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Sprinklr Insights Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Insights area: Listening | Exports | Audience Insights | Benchmarking


Listening | Added New Widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard

In Listening Dashboard, we have added a new widget type – Review Table. This has been added as a permanent widget that will give you more readability to view reviews. In this widget, you can add new measurements just like you do while creating a Table widget. Being a dashboard widget, this can be exported as PNG, PDF, Excel, and CSV. This new widget can also be added to any custom dashboard directly from the original dashboard.

Added new widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard

Added new widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard


This capability is only available for Product Insights/Location Insights customers.

Listening | Ability to Receive Mobile App Notification for Volumetric Alerts

We now support Mobile App Notification besides email for Volumetric Alerts. This means you will now receive notifications for Volumetric Alerts through email as well as mobile app notification. With this capability, you will be able to receive alerts during office and non-office hours.

Ability to receive mobile app notification for volumetric alerts

Listening | Introduced S3 as a Storage Option to Store Sprinklr Exports Externally

In order to store Sprinklr exports externally in a Non-Sprinklr environment, we have added a new storage option – S3 (Simple Storage Service). Now, you can store your Sprinklr exports not only in FTP/SFTP but also in S3 storage. By storing your data in the S3 storage, you will get reliable security, all-time availability, easy migration, and simple management. This capability is available for all the dashboards within Sprinklr.

Introducing new storage option S3 to store Sprinklr exports externally

Listening | Enhanced Performance of External Share and Scheduled Exports

We have enhanced the performance of the External Share and Scheduled Export features. Now the database widgets will get loaded easily with no error or failure.


Exports | New UI of Scheduled Exports Available for All

The old UI of Scheduled Exports has been deprecated from the environment, and now you will see the new UI as the default one. 

Audience Insights

Audience Insights|Improved Data Population reliability & Coverage

With the new release, Sprinklr’s Audience Insights is now bolstered by enhanced demographics coverage. With this upgrade, data population reliability and its coverage will see an even more comprehensive span, imparting superior geographical data.


Benchmarking | Added Account Name & Type in Email Subject of Smart Alert

We have made an alteration to the email subject of BMK Smart Alerts. The Smart Alert email subject will now contain the account name and account type along with the alert type, for example, Account Name [Account Type] - Alert Type.

Benchmarking | Smart Content Intelligence Extended for 6 More Languages

We have now extended Smart Content Intelligence for the 6 languages mentioned below:

  • Spanish

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Portuguese

  • Arabic

With the help of Sprinklr's Robust AI algorithms, Smart Content Intelligence categorizes brand posts into themes, such as Motivation, Happiness, Inquisition, etc.

Benchmarking | New Widgets Introduced in Customer Service Dashboard

We have now added two widgets to show SLA and response rate comparison for Brands in the Standard Customer Service dashboard. One of the widgets plots Response Rate Vs Response SLA and the other shows Brand Response Rate and Average Response SLA for multiple brands at a time. 

This will help you to better understand in terms of visual and metrical representation, the percentage of Fan Messages replied by Brand with the response time adjusted for an SLA.

Response rate vs response SLA

Brand response rate and sla


Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Agent ConsoleSprinklr Live Chat | Messaging

Agent Console

Agent Console | Warning Message on Applying Macro on the Updation of Message/Case Custom Field Values

Within Agent Console, if you are applying a Macro on a case/message and meanwhile the case/message custom field values get updated, then you will receive a warning message in the macro box as shown in the image below. Clicking on it will refresh and fetch the new values.

Warning Message on Applying Macro in Agent Console

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Show Timestamp Below Every Message

Within Sprinklr Live Chat widget, the timestamp will now be displayed below every message. If some messages belong to the same minute then they will be grouped together and only the time below the last message will be shown.

Timestamp below every message on live chat widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Forward Live Chat Conversation via Email

You can now send the chat transcript to your customers via email along with an RTFD template that can be created in Digital Asset Manager comprising all the details and attachments that you wish to send along with the transcript. Create a Case Update Rule and under "Actions on chat conversation associated to the case", select Forward Live Chat Conversation as Email and select the template that you have created in the Digital Asset Manager. When you apply this rule on a conversation, the user will receive an email containing all the conversation between him/her and the brand along with the attachments, if any, on the email id with which the user is registered for that particular conversation.

Forward Live Chat Conversation Via Email

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Clear Chat Session

You can now clear the sessions that include conversations and chat history between users and your brand. For example, you can configure to clear the conversation when the user signs out of the website. This can be configured via SDK.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Your Customers to Send Welcome Messages on Live Chat Widget

Your customers can now send messages as welcome messages on the Sprinklr Live Chat widget. This can be configured via SDK.

Support for Your Customers to Send Welcome Messages on Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Show the Loader on Home Screen

A loading screen will now be shown on the Home Screen of the Live Chat widget until the conversation is fetched to let the users know that the application is working and not stuck.

Support to Show the Loader in Home Screen of the Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Show Chat Trigger Icon Based on Agents' Availability

You can now show the Sprinklr Live Chat trigger icon depending upon the agents' availability. To do this, create a case work queue and select assignees & their capacity in the Assignment Engine. Then, based on their availability status, you can configure to hide the chat icon in Sprinklr Live Chat Care. Hiding the chat icon when the agents are not available to respond will save your customers’ time and improve their experience.

Show Live Chat Trigger Icon Based on Agents' Availability

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Show Contact Details in the Third Pane of Agent Console

If a user has filled the Contact Details Form that a brand sends for authentication on Sprinklr Live Chat widget then those details will appear as a tooltip within the Profile tab of the third pane of the Agent Console.

Support to Show Live Chat Contact Details in the Third Pane of Agent Console

Sprinklr Live Chat | Disable Header in CONVERSATION Scope

In Sprinklr Live Chat, you can disable the header for the app opened in the CONVERSATION scope. This can be done by updating Spr Chat Settings.

Disabled Header in Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Set Landing Screen

In Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now set the Landing Screen that will dictate the first page that should open when the app launches. The possible values are:

  • NEW_CONVERSATION - It will open the new conversation screen with all configured welcome messages whether the Scope is set as ALL or CONVERSATION. However, there will be no back button in the header if the Scope is set as CONVERSATION.

Live Chat Widget with New Conversation Landing Screen

  • LAST_CONVERSATION - It will open the last recent conversation. However, if there is no last conversation or all the conversations are closed, it will take the users to the new conversation screen in CONVERSATION Scope and to the home screen in ALL scope.

Live Chat Widget with Last Conversation Landing Screen

  • If the landing screen is not defined, it will open the home screen in ALL scope or the new conversation screen in CONVERSATION scope.

This can be done by updating Spr Chat Settings.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Ability to Customize Chat Trigger Icon Position

You can now change the Live Chat trigger icon position as per your website layout and requirements. It can be customized in the Styling section of Sprinklr Live Chat Care.

You can enter the values in px for the following components:

  1. Right padding

  2. Bottom padding

Customizing Live Chat Trigger Icon Position

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to be Opened Through a URL Given as a Source of an iframe or Directly in Browsers

Currently, Sprinklr Live Chat is embedded through JS code on your webpage. You can now add the Live chat widget to your application or web application through iframe instead. Sprinklr can configure a URL to be opened as a source of an iframe or by hitting directly in browsers. Note that AppId is a compulsory param while other params can be used by brands according to their requirements by using "&".

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Handle External Events via SDK

Sprinklr will expose two SDK functions for handling the external events within Sprinklr Live Chat. The first function allows Brand's Web App to Subscribe to external events sent by Sprinklr Live Chat and the second function allows Brand's Web App to send an external event to Sprinklr Live Chat.

You can trigger the below templates via SDK as an external event:

  1. Form Template

  2. Progress Bar

  3. Card Template

  4. Quick Reply Template

  5. Text Template

Sprinklr Live Chat | Bot Triggered External Event 

An external event can be listened to by registering with “onExternalEvent” using window.sprChat. After sending a message from the widget side, a brand can register the external event function by applying the rule from the agent console (via Macro). It can be done by setting up the actions External Event and External Payload in a Case Update rule under the "Actions on chat conversation associated to the case".

Setting up the actions External Event and External Payload in a Case Update rule for Live Chat External Events

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Send Users to the Last Screen via SDK

You can now send the users back to the last screen via SDK. Note that it cannot be done if the users are already on the initial page or when the Scope is CONVERSATION.


Google Business Messaging | Message Delivery Receipts in Agent Console

Within Agent Console, you will now get delivery receipts Delivery Receipt Icon for the messages sent from your Google Business Messaging account. It will be visible in all the three panes of the Agent Console i.e. message stream pane, middle pane, and third pane.

Message Delivery Receipts for Google Business Messaging in Agent Console