Sprinklr v15.5.0 – Sprinklr Insights Capabilities and Enhancements (Consolidated)


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Alert Manager

Sprinklr Insights | Introducing Alert Manager to Configure and Manager Alerts

We have introduced Alert Manager, a one-stop solution for creating and managing all your alerts with ease. Now you will have more flexibility in creating alerts in minimal possible time. With Alert Manager, the alerts creation process becomes simple, scalable, and flexible. We have a simple user interface to configure alerts for various modules.

Below are the key features of Alert Manager:

  • From the Alert Manager window, you can create new alerts and/or edit, delete, and/or clone the existing ones. This saves you the trouble of creating separate rules for getting email alerts.

  • You can also activate and deactivate existing alerts from the Alert Manager window. 

  • It also allows you to perform bulk actions like delete, enable, and disable multiple alerts. 

  • You will also see the Recipient Users, User Groups, and Recipient Email IDs on the Alert Manager window. You can also search on the Recipient Email IDs column to easily update external email IDs of recipients.

  • You can refine your alerts using conditions like Alert SeverityAlert LongevityTotal Retweets, and Retweets Gained.

Smart Theme Explorer

Sprinklr Insights | Introducing Smart Theme Explorer

We have introduced Smart Theme Explorer to understand your consumers' unmet needs, and top trends around your brand, product, or category. Powered by Sprinklr AI, the Smart Theme Explorer dashboard will enable you to discover top themes automatically synthesized from conversations using unsupervised clustering. You can be informed on the "unknowns" – underlying conversations, sentiments, shifts, and trends. The top keywords forming a cluster can be used to create themes to power existing setup for further analysis. Deep dive into clusters to get more context and find actionable insights.

Smart Theme Explorer dashboard in Modern Research


Listening | VK Firehose Enabled as a Listening Source

We have now enabled VK (social networking channel) firehose as a listening source. This will help in fetching the realtime data from VK such as posts, comments, shares, etc. Further, this firehose provides you with some new and upgraded features listed below:

  • Photo/video URLs and metadata.

  • Author level metadata - Follower Count etc.

  • Low Data Latency

  • Extensive coverage

Listening | Ability to Compare Data Across Two Custom Time Ranges in Single Widget/Dashboard 

With the help of this capability, you can now compare social data across two custom time ranges at widget and dashboard level. For example, you can compare engagement around 2 campaigns – one launched on Feb 20 vs the other on Nov 19 in a single widget. Similarly, you can compare brand mentions of March 2019 data with March 2020 and so on. Additionally, you can export and share these reports. The supported widget visualization types for this capability are Line, Spline, Counter, Summary Table, and Grouped Summary. This capability is available for Listening, Benchmarking, Reporting, Ads Reporting, etc.

Ability to compare data across two custom time ranges in a single widget or dashboard

Listening | Introduced New Operator "exactContent"

The new exact match operator "exactContent" will perform the exact matching in the title, message, and userbio. In case there is no operator, the query will match the message, title, and userbio by default.

Listening | Introduced Topic Preview Support for All Operators

We now support topic preview for all the operators that include Search Operators, Exact Match Operators, and Parent Operators. With operator support in topic preview, you can update queries accordingly, and also use it for consumption.

Introducing the topic preview support for all the operators

Listening | Support for Country Operator in Listening Topics & Themes

We now support the country operator in Listening topics and themes. The country operator will be used to find the location of the message.

Listening | VK Engagement Statistics Introduced in Listening

We have now introduced engagement statistics for social networking channel VK. Now you will be able to get the results on counts of Likes, Comments and Shares.

Listening | Enhanced Support for the Korean Language

We now have enhanced support for the Korean language in Listening. You will now have improved linguistic compatibility regarding Korean nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. This is achieved by incorporating ICU Tokenizer. ICU Tokenizer tokenizes text into words on word boundaries. It behaves much like the standard tokenizer (grammar-based tokenization), but adds better support for some Asian languages by using a dictionary-based approach to identify words in Thai, Lao, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Listening | Introduced Additional Data Points in Cross Tab Widget

In the Listening dashboard, the Cross Tab widget can now represent multiple metrics/dimensions. There is an option for adding a secondary value to the primary data point. It will now add more context to the information relayed. With this change, you can represent more data points in a single view. It is apt for multi-metric and multi-dimensional analysis.

Introducing additional data points in the Cross Tab widget

Introducing additional data points in the Cross Tab widget

Listening | Ability to Customize Y-Axis Scale in Widgets

We have introduced a new capability called Define Y-Axis Scale under the Configurations section of the Widget editor window. While adding a widget to your dashboard, you can now define the custom values given below:

  • Minimum Y-Axis Bound: This is the minimum value from which you want to start your Y-Axis Scale.

  • Maximum Y-Axis Bound: This is the maximum value up to which you want to keep your Y-Axis Scale.

  • Step Size (Interval) on Y-Axis: This is the step size for the number of divisions you want to use for the Y-Axis Scale.

Ability to customize Y-Axis scale in widgets

The dashboard widgets supporting this feature are Column, Stacked Column, Bar, Stacked Bar, Line, Spline, Area, Area Spline, Bubble, Stacked Twin Axis, Combination, and Dual Axis. Using this feature will give you better control over the Y-axis scales for the supported dashboard widgets.

Listening | Support for S3 in First Party Data Ingestion

We have added the support for S3 in import data. You can now set up an S3 source in First Party Data Ingestion to ingest the data automatically.

Support for S3 in First Party Data Ingestion

Listening | Support for Channel Level Listening for YouTube 

With the new listening enhancements, you can now listen to the URLs that contain channel ID, for instance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Y...VaEcmNQH0Qlkfg. This feature extends the flexibility of setting up queries.

Listening | Ability to Use Minimum Post Likes, Retweets, and Replies as Filters in Listening Columns

While adding a Listening Column in an Engagement Dashboard, you will now be able to enter the following values

  • Minimum Likes

  • Minimum Retweets

  • Minimum Replies

If you provide these values, only the posts that satisfy these conditions will appear on the dashboard.

Adding Minimum Retweets, Minimum Likes, and Minimum Relies as Filters in Listening Columns

Listening | Support for Quoted Retweets in Listening Columns 

We have now introduced support for quoted retweets in listening columns. Quoted retweets filter will be available in listening columns to filter the results.

Quoted Retweets

Listening | Support of Volumetric Alerts Based on Number of Mentions 

We now support Volumetric Alerts for a specified number of mentions configured by the users in volumetric rules, irrespective of the time duration. For example, if you configure a volumetric rule with 50 mentions, you will receive an email alert as soon as the number of mentions reaches 50. This will be helpful for managing the crises or real-time events when you do not want time-bound alerts but would rather like to set the volume of mentions only based on the urgency.

creating volumetric alert based on the number of mentions

Listening | Support of Volumetric Alerts Based on Specified Time Period 

We now support the Volumetric Alerts for a specified time period configured by the users in volumetric rules, irrespective of the volume of mentions. For example, if you configure a volumetric rule with 15 minutes time duration, you will receive an email alert containing all the mentions every 15 minutes. This will be very helpful to have time-based crisis management for any particular campaign or event where time is the major criterion and not the volume.

creating volumetric alert based on a specified time period

Listening | Ability to Receive Mobile App Notification for Volumetric Alerts

We now support Mobile App Notification besides email for Volumetric Alerts. This means you will now receive notifications for Volumetric Alerts through email as well as mobile app notification. With this capability, you will be able to receive alerts during office and non-office hours.

Ability to receive mobile app notification for volumetric alerts

Listening | Audit Trail for Instagram Hashtags in Instagram Hashtag Dashboard

In the Instagram Hashtag dashboard, you can now check the Audit Trail of each specific Instagram hashtag with the historical perspective of hashtag volume, activity per-authenticated/active hashtag, as well as the legacy hashtags that are no longer active.

Checking audit trail for Instagram hashtags in Instagram Hashtag dashboard


The audit report will not have logs for previous updates. It will only consider the newly created hashtags.

Listening | Ability to Delete FTP/SFTP Setup in First Party Data Ingestion

We have now added a Delete option for the FTP/SFTP setup option (external setup) in First Party Data Ingestion. In order to delete the FTP/SFTP, you will have to first pause the FTP/SFTP and then, you can click the Options icon to see see the Delete option.

Ability to delete FTP/SFTP setup in First Party Data Ingestion

Listening | Introduced New Metrics "Reddit Score" and "Reddit Author Karma" for Reddit Posts & Comments

While creating or editing a widget within the Listening dashboard, you can now use the two new Listening metricsReddit Score and Reddit Author Karma

  1. Reddit Score: This metric reflects the updated net vote scores for Reddit posts and comments. By using this metric, you can gauge how popular a Reddit post or comment is. The Reddit score shown by this metric is a net score that equals Upvotes minus Downvotes for a particular post/comment. For example, if a post or comment receives 10 upvotes and 5 downvotes, then the Reddit score will 5.

  2. Reddit Author Karma: This metric reflects the total votes a Reddit user has earned on his/her posts and comments. When posts or comments get upvoted, the user gains some karma.

Reddit Score
Introducing new metric "Reddit Score" for Reddit posts & comments
Reddit Author Karma
Introducing new metric "Reddit Author Karma" for Reddit posts & comments

Listening | Feature "Blacklist" Renamed to "Blocklist" in Listening Settings

In the Listening Settings, we have renamed the feature Blacklist to Blocklist.

Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings
Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings
Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings

Listening | Age Category for Listening and Explorer Changed from 0-18 to 1-18 

You will now have an upgraded age bracket for listening which will be available as 1-18.

Listening | Ability to Create Dashboard & Folder Directly from Dashboard Home Screen

You can now create a new dashboard and/or folder directly from the home screen of the dashboard. This will make the dashboard/folder creation so easy and convenient for you. This feature is available for Listening, Benchmarking, Insights, Reporting, and Ads Reporting dashboards.

Ability to create new dashboard and/or folder directly from the dashboard home screen

Listening | Added New Column "Folder" in Dashboard Manager

In the Dashboard Manager, we have added Folder as a new column that will show you the folder path in which a particular dashboard is available. This capability is available for Listening and Reporting.

Added a new column "Folder in Dashboard Manager

Listening | Ability to Add Dashboard into Folder from Dashboard Manager

In the Dashboard Manager, you can now add any dashboard into a particular folder. We have added a new field, named Folder, that can be used while creating/adding a new dashboard or editing an existing dashboard. Since this capability is only available for Listening and Reporting, the Folder field will only show the module-specific folders, i.e. Listening and Reporting.

While creating a dashboard

Ability to add new dashboard into folder from Dashboard Manager
While editing an existing dashboard

Ability to add existing dashboard into folder from Dashboard Manager

Listening | Ability to Go Back to Sub-Folder & Parent Folder

You can now go back to the sub-folder and parent folder with the help of navigation (shown on the screen itself) and by using the back button of your browser. For example:

  • You open a parent folder, and then a sub-folder. Now you want to go back to the parent folder or to the home screen. In that case, you can either use the navigation shown on the screen or the back button of your browser.

  • You open a dashboard that resides in a sub-folder of a parent folder. Now you want to to go back to the home screen. In that case, you can simply use the back button of your browser.

This capability is available for the all the dashboards that include Listening, Benchmarking, Reporting, Insights, and Ads Reporting.

Listening | Ability to Report on Last 90 Days & Last 180 Days

We have added 2 new time filters – Last 90 Days and Last 180 Days, in the Date Range section of a dashboard, widget, dynamic time range, and advanced & scheduled exports. These two new time filters are supported by all the dashboards, such as Listening, Benchmarking, Insights, Reporting, and Ads Reporting.

Ability to report on Last 90 Days and Last 180 Days

Listening | Ability to assign Color Code (Red, Green) for Growth or Decline in Relation to the Business Impact

In the Summary Table and Counter widgets, color coding can now be customized according to the type of business impact. This capability can also be used with both Standard and Custom metrics. For example, if a brand’s negative mentions are going down, it will be treated as a positive business impact, and hence the value will be shown in Green color. But if it goes up, it will be treated as negative and the value will be shown in Red color.

Ability to Show Color Code in Relation to the Business Impact

In order to use this capability, you must check the option "Decrease in metric value is a Positive Business Impact" while creating a custom metric.

Enabling the "Decrease in Metric Value is a Positive Business Impact" option

Listening | Updates in Navigating Shared Dashboards

The new updates will help you navigate to the correct dashboards in case you come across the following errors while accessing the shared dashboards:

  • When a user shares an invalid dashboard URL.

  • When a user shares the dashboard without giving you the dashboard permissions.

  • When the dashboard is shared through a workspace level user group.

  • When you access a dashboard from an incorrect workspace (being the dashboard owner).

  • When you access a dashboard from an incorrect workspace.

  • When a dashboard resides on multiple workspaces and you access it from an incorrect workspace.


The updates have made for all the insights dashboards, such as Listening, Listening Explorer, Benchmarking, Reporting, Ads Reporting, Distributed, etc.

Listening | Added New Widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard

In Listening Dashboard, we have added a new widget type – Review Table. This has been added as a permanent widget that will give you more readability to view reviews. In this widget, you can add new measurements just like you do while creating a Table widget. Being a dashboard widget, this can be exported as PNG, PDF, Excel, and CSV. This new widget can also be added to any custom dashboard directly from the original dashboard.

Added new widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard

Added new widget "Review Table" in Listening Dashboard


This capability is only available for Product Insights/Location Insights customers.

Topics and Themes | Change in Topic and Theme Searching Mechanism within Topic and Theme List View 

There is an update in topic and theme searching mechanism in the topic and theme search field. The keywords/phrase provided in the search field will only fetch the results that match every word of that phrase/keyword. For instance, a topic/theme search for US Gillette (no quotes) will fetch the result for topics/themes that have both the words US and Gillette in the name - ie, "US Gillette", "Gillette US", "Super long name with the words US and Gillette", etc., and will exclude the topics/themes having only the word ‘US’ or only the word ‘Gillette’.

Put another way, our topic/theme search will now follow the 'ALL' logic between words, i.e if 3 words are typed, only the topics having all the 3 words will appear.

Topic Search

Theme Search

Listening | Dashboard and Widget Filters Made Consistent

We have now made Dashboard and Widget level Filters consistent. Some of the filters have been renamed as shown below:

  • Client Profile lists have been renamed as Workspace Profile list.

  • Partner Profile lists have been renamed as Global Profile list.

  • Client queues have been renamed as Workspace queue.

  • Partner queues have been renamed as Global queue.

filters made consistent
filters made consistent

Listening | Option Added to Hide Message Properties in Stream Widget

We have now added the option to hide message properties while creating or editing a stream widget. By checking the option - Hide Message Properties message properties will not be visible in the stream. The Hide Message Properties option is also available on the widget action menu.

Hide Message Properties In Widget
Hide and show Message Properties 


This option will have effect on the actual widget on creation and not on the widget preview, which has message properties hidden always.

Location Insights

Location Insights | Enhancement in Scheduled Reports

We have enhanced Scheduled Reports to include information specific to business locations. You can now schedule reports for the location managers, and these reports will be embedded in the email body. The report will show the following information:

  • Review title, if applicable.

  • Review content with NLP insights.

  • Date and Time of the review (time zone will be based on the user who schedules the report).

  • Star rating of the review, if applicable.

  • Experience score of the review, if applicable.

  • Review source icon and name.

  • View Post button to take the user to native, if applicable.

Below screenshots show how reviews will appear in the email:

email preview of scheduled reports
email preview of scheduled reports


Scheduled Reports can be accessed from Listening Settings.

This is available only for Location Insights. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Location Insights | Introduced New NLP Model for Dental Category

We have introduced a new NLP Model for Dental Category. The subject categories and attribute categories are tailored towards Dental Clients.

Product Insights

Product Insights | Added New Dimension "Product Insights Phrase" in Listening Dashboard 

While creating a widget in the Listening Dashboard, you can now use Product Insights Phrase as a dimension to plot the occurrence of the insights generated.

Added Product Insights Phrase as a new dimension

After adding this new dimension, the message in the table widget will now appear based on the number of insights in it.

Showing Product Insights Phrase in the table widget

Audience Insights

Audience Insights | Added New Filter "Segment Manager" in Audience Filters

We have added a new filter called Segment Manager in the Audience Insights filters. While creating an audience study, you can now select an audience segment under the Segment Manager Filter section. But before that, you need to create segments in the Segment Manger. And then, you can get the audience insights of those segments. By using the segment filter, you can create audience studies based on location, tweet text, age, gender, interests, etc.

Added new filter "Segment Manager" in the Audience filters

Audience Insights | Improved Data Population Reliability & Coverage

With the new release, Sprinklr’s Audience Insights is now bolstered by enhanced demographics coverage. With this upgrade, data population reliability and its coverage will see an even more comprehensive span, imparting superior geographical data.

Scheduled Exports & External Shareable Link

Listening | Ability to Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

We have introduced an option to stop sharing the External Shareable Link. By using this capability, you can stop users from viewing the dashboard that has been shared through the shareable link. On the Get External Link popup window, slide the Link Sharing: On toggle to left to disable like sharing.

Ability to stop sharing an external shareable dashboard link

Listening | Ability to Instantly Update Dashboard Shared Through External Link

By using this feature, you will allow the viewers to view the most updated dashboard. Generally, the External Shareable Link gets updated every 2 hours. But if you do not want to wait for 2 hours and want to update the changes right after you make them, you can use this feature.

Ability to update dashboard shared through external link

Listening | Ability to Choose Specific Columns for Excel Export in Conversation Stream

We have introduced a new export option, called Export as Excel (Custom), to export specific columns into an Excel sheet. You can now choose which columns you want to export and in which order. This will save the time that you might have spent on rearranging the columns and deleting the unwanted ones manually. The recent changes that you make will be the default settings until the next time you make changes to it. 

This capability is only available for the Conversation Stream widget, and it can be used from the Widget section, Scheduled Export, and the Advanced Export screen.


This capability will only work for Listening Dashboards, not for Listening Widgets in the Reporting Dashboard.

Ability to choose specific columns for Excel Export in Conversation Stream

Listening | Ability to Export Retweets Along With Original Author and Profile Link

By exporting the widget into an Excel sheet, you will now see the name of the users who have retweeted, the retweet mention, the original author, and the profile link. Along with this, you will also see RT (stands for retweet) as a prefix before the text in the Message column, sender name, message type, etc. This capability is only supported for the Conversation Stream widget.

Listening | Introduced S3 as a Storage Option to Store Sprinklr Exports Externally

In order to store Sprinklr exports externally in a Non-Sprinklr environment, we have added a new storage option – S3 (Simple Storage Service). Now, you can store your Sprinklr exports not only in FTP/SFTP but also in S3 storage. By storing your data in the S3 storage, you will get reliable security, all-time availability, easy migration, and simple management. This capability is available for all the dashboards within Sprinklr.

Introducing new storage option S3 to store Sprinklr exports externally

Scheduled Exports | Ability to Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports

In Advanced & Schedule Export Settings, we have added a new option PPT to export the dashboard. Now, you can export your dashboard in PPT (PowerPoint) file format other than PDF, Excel, and PNG formats. This capability is supported in all the Sprinklr Insights dashboards as well as Reporting and Ads Reporting dashboards. The Cover Page option is only supported with PDF export.

Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports


This capability is only available for Product Insights/Location Insights customers.

Scheduled Exports | Ability to Add Date Range on Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Basis

You can now define a custom interval date range to export the dashboard. The custom interval can be set on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. For example, if you want to start your week from Wednesday, you can simply set the custom interval on a weekly basis and select Wednesday as the start day. As a result, your customized week will be Wednesday to Tuesday.

Ability to add date range on weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis
Ability to add date range on weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis

Exports | New UI of Scheduled Exports Available for All

The old UI of Scheduled Exports has been deprecated from the environment, and now you will see the new UI as the default one.

New user interface of Scheduled Exports available for all

Listening | Enhanced Performance of External Share and Scheduled Exports

We have enhanced the performance of the External Share and Scheduled Export features. Now the database widgets will get loaded easily with no error or failure.


Benchmarking | Sina Weibo and VK Available in Benchmarking 

We have now added support for two new social channels - Sina Weibo and VK in Benchmarking. The new channels will be visible in the Benchmarking dashboard and widget social network filter. You can also add specific message types for the two channels, such as Weibo repost, VK post reply, etc. Addition of new channels will provide a wider view of any brand's social presence that a brand manager or content manager wants to monitor.

Benchmarking weibo and Vk Filter

Benchmarking weibo and Vk widget filter

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Internal Note:

Use this DP for adding VK account: BMK_VK_SOCIAL_NETWORK_ENABLED("bmk.vk.social.network.enabled", BOOLEAN, PARTNER)

Use this DP for adding Sina Weibo account:
BMK_WEIBO_SOCIAL_NETWORK_ENABLED("bmk.weibo.social.network.enabled", BOOLEAN, PARTNER)

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Benchmarking | Ability to View Comments/Replies of Brand Post on Conversation Tab

In the Benchmarking dashboard, you are now able to view the comments/replies made on a particular brand post by double-clicking on the post itself. The comments/replies will be shown on the Conversation tab within the third pane that appears on the right side of the dashboard right after you click on the post. The objective of this feature is to help you get an overview of the user experience, opinion, or reaction on the brand content. The supported social networks are – Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Viewing comments/replies of brand post on the conversation tab
Viewing comments/replies of brand post on the conversation tab

Benchmarking | Smart Content Intelligence Extended for 6 More Languages

We have now extended Smart Content Intelligence for the 6 languages mentioned below:

  • Spanish

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Portuguese

  • Arabic

With the help of Sprinklr's Robust AI algorithms, Smart Content Intelligence categorizes brand posts into themes, such as Motivation, Happiness, Inquisition, etc.

Benchmarking | Support for Alert Severity and Alert Longevity for Benchmarking Alerts

While creating a Benchmarking alert in the Alert Manager, you can now use two new conditions to refine your alert – Alert Severity and Alert Longevity. You can neglect the alerts with low spikes on engagement volume, brand activity, followers, etc. using these conditions, and you would rather focus only on high priority alerts. These two conditions can also be used in the while creating a Benchmarking alert in Rule Engine and Engagement Column.

Support Alert Severity and Alert Longevity for Benchmarking Alerts

Benchmarking | Enabled SMS Notification for Benchmarking Smart Alerts

We have now enabled SMS Notification for Benchmarking Smart Alerts on mobile devices. While creating Benchmarking smart alerts from Alert Manager, you can now use this feature available under the Perform the following actions section. The notifications will be received only when the anomaly is detected on the Benchmarking alert categories.

Enabled SMS notification for Benchmarking Smart Alerts


  • You must have permission to view the rules and engagement columns.

  • The partner must have Benchmarking brands and accounts enabled.

To learn more about getting SMS notification enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Benchmarking | Added Account Name & Type in Email Subject of Smart Alert

We have made an alteration to the email subject of BMK Smart Alerts. The Smart Alert email subject will now contain the account name and account type along with the alert type. For example, Account Name [Account Type] - Alert Type.

Added account name and type in the email subject of smart alert

Benchmarking | Added Two New Dimensions "Brand Group" and "Social Network" in Alert Manager

While creating an alert in the Alert Manager, you can now use the two newly added dimensions – Brand Group and Social Network among other filters present from the Alert On field, i.e. Accounts and Brand. Addition of these two dimensions will save your time when you are willing to monitor alerts on multiple brands or brands on a particular social channel.

New dimensions "Social Network" and "Brand Group" for Benchmarking in Alert Manager

Benchmarking | Ability to Filter SLA Preset on Custom Dashboards at Dashboard Level 

We have now added the support for SLA preset in the custom dashboards. You can now set or change the SLA at dashboard level using this feature, and would no longer be dependent on changing it at widget level which is time consuming.

Filtering SLA Preset on the custom dashboards at the dashboard level

Benchmarking | Added New Column "YouTube Video Views" for Social Engagement YouTube Dashboard

In the Social Engagement YouTube Dashboard, we have added YouTube Video Views as a new column that will show you the video views count along with other engagement stats.

New column "YouTube Video Views" for Social Engagement YouTube Dashboard

Benchmarking | Introduced New Change in Standard Benchmarking Dashboard Metrics

In a Standard Benchmarking Dashboard, the following widgets will now use the metric Fan Message Count instead of using the Message Count metric.

  • User Mentions by Channel

  • User Mentions by Sentiment

  • User Mentions by Location

  • User Mentions by Language

Benchmarking | Introduced New Widgets in Customer Service Dashboard

We have now added two widgets to show SLA and response rate comparison for Brands in the Standard Customer Service dashboard. One of the widgets plots Response Rate Vs Response SLA and the other shows Brand Response Rate and Average Response SLA for multiple brands at a time. 

This will help you to better understand in terms of visual and metrical representation, the percentage of Fan Messages replied by Brand with the response time adjusted for an SLA.

Response rate vs response SLA

Brand response rate and sla

Benchmarking | Added New Dimension "Brand Category" at Dashboard and Widget Levels

In the Benchmarking dashboard, we have added a new dimension – Brand Category. While creating or editing a Benchmarking dashboard, you can now use this newly added dimension to filter all your brands and/or all your competitors’ brands for comparison. It has two values: My Brand and Competitor Brand. This categorization is useful to compare your supported brands with your competitors’ brands.

The Brand Category dimension can be used at both the levels, i.e. dashboard level and widget level. It is also available on the Drill Data section.

At Dashboard Level
The new dimension "Brand Category" at dashboard level
At Widget Level
The new dimension "Brand Category" at widget level
On Drill Data
The new dimension "Brand Category" on drill data

Benchmarking | Deprecation of LinkedIn as Social Network

Due to the deprecation of LinkedIn Benchmarking API, you will not be able to access new LinkedIn data in Sprinklr Benchmarking from June 1st, 2020. Note that the historical data (before June 1st) will remain accessible until December 31st, 2020. Additionally, you will not be able to add new LinkedIn accounts, neither from the UI nor by importing the Excel sheet.

AI Models

AI Model Validation Interface | Ability to Validate the Accuracy of Product Insights and Sentiment Analysis Models
You can now test the accuracy of our AI-powered models using your own datasets through our new AI Model Validation Interface. You just need to create a Validation Project and provide feedback on our model’s predictions. While providing the feedback on the selected messages, you can edit, add, and delete the insights at multiple levels.
Showing Validate Model window
Showing how to edit phrase level insights while validating messages


This capability is currently available only for Product Insights and Sentiment Analysis. However, we will soon be extending this capability for our other models like Emotion Analysis, Content Categorization, Location Insights and Intents.

You can view the changes made by generating the Validation Report. After all the messages selected for the project have been validated, you can approve the Validation Feedback. As soon as the Validation Feedback is approved, the admin can initiate the training of the model. Once the model is trained, you can deploy the model.
Showing how to deploy model once the model is trained

Before deploying the model, you can compare the Precision, Recall and F1 Scores of the old model vis a vis the new model trained on the feedback provided. To get better results while training the model, it is advisable that the clients prepare a golden dataset in association with our team.
Showing Accuracy Report of the old versus new model