Sprinklr v15.5.0 – Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Capabilities and Enhancements (Consolidated)


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Ads Publishing

Ads Publishing | WCAG Compliant Ads Composer And Ads Manager

To ensure that the Ads Composer and Ads Manager are accessible to Sprinklr users living with disabilities, the most common workflows now comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. Some of the new capabilities that make them accessible are Screen Reader Support and Keyboard Navigation. The Tab key allows you to navigate through interactive elements and also provides a visual indicator of the element that currently has keyboard focus. To leverage the Screen Reader capability, add a WCAG compliant Screen Reader extension to your web browser.

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Support for Facebook Incremental Conversion Optimization

You can now use the Incremental Conversion Optimization (ICO) feature while composing a Facebook Conversion campaign within Ads Composer. It allows you to pair a conversion lift test with the explicit algorithmic command and optimize for incrementality. Using this capability, you can accurately measure the cause and effect of your marketing efforts in real-time. This action can also be executed within the Ads Manager. Note that the ICO capability is only available for the Facebook Conversion objective.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Optimizing Facebook Ads For Incremental Conversions

Ads Composer | Select Multiple Placements Per Asset using Placement Asset Customization

On enabling Placement Asset Customization for your ad creative, you can now select multiple placements or placement groups per creative field. This will allow you to provide a unique combination of placements for each asset, i.e. for Images/Videos, Destination URL, Headline, Text, and Link Description. This is also available while editing the Placement Asset Customization of your post from the Ads Manager.

These updates improve upon the native workflow, making it more efficient to select the placements you would like to use by allowing you to select groups of placements comprised of the same creative specs or individually select/deselect placements options.

Adding Multiple PAC

Ads Composer | Merged Facebook Image and Video Post as Media Post

The Image Post and Video Post have now been merged into Media Post type for Facebook Ads. Using Media Posts as a post type ensures that the Post fields such as Website URL, Headlines, etc. do not disappear each time while Cloning or Quick Cloning your ads within Ads Manager. You can also customize the placements for both media types in a single post while enabling Placement Asset Customization. Media Post type helps to select both images and videos for your post and customize their placements accordingly.

For example, while creating a media post, you can provide an image for the Facebook News Feed placement while a video for the In-Stream Videos placement. This can also be accomplished from the Ads Manager.

Media Post Type Facebook Ads in Ads Composer

Image and Video posts in Placement Asset Customization

Ads Composer | Language Customization for Facebook Catalog Sales

You can now customize the language of your Facebook Catalog Sales objective ads and deliver personalized content. This enables you to customize the different parts of your ad creative such as the Image, Video, Text, and Body of an ad to reach the speakers of different languages while maintaining cost-efficiency.

Language Customization For Facebook Catalog Sales

Ads Composer | Fill Facebook Carousel Ad Details Dynamically from a Product Set

While building a Facebook Carousel Ad for your Catalog Sales, Traffic (Website and App destination), Conversion (Website and App destination), or Store Visits campaign, you can now fill the carousel ad details dynamically from product sets. You can also add an Intro, Map, and Profile card to your carousel ads. This capability is also available within the Ads Manager for the supported objectives. Note that currently, you cannot perform Bulk Import using this capability.

Dynamically fill Details for Facebook Carousal Ads

Dynamically Fill Details for Other Objectives for Facebook Carousal Ads

Ads Composer | Updated LinkedIn Marketing API Breaking Changes

We have updated the following LinkedIn Marketing API changes within Sprinklr:

  • To make error messages more actionable in LinkedIn Ads, we have added a standardized error response schema. These changes will make it easier for you to debug effectively on your own. The standardized error response schema includes:

    • New error response fields: errorDetailType and errorDetails

    • Standard HTTP status codes that will be specific to the error 

    • Updated messages which are clear, actionable, and structured

  • We have disabled the Optimize for Performance option in Ad Rotation for Message Ads. Website Visits, Lead Generation, Sponsored (InMail Legacy), and Website Conversion campaigns will be impacted with this update.

  • Daily Budgets are no longer mandatory for LinkedIn campaigns. You can either use Daily/Lifetime Budgets or both.

You can select Block Lists when LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled. When you add a blocklist to your campaign, Sprinklr will avoid serving ads on apps or sites selected.

LinkedIn Marketing API breaking changes

LinkedIn Marketing API breaking changes

Ads Composer | Ability to Compose Twitter In-Stream Video Sponsorship Ads

While composing a Twitter Preroll Views (In-Stream) campaign, you now have the ability to select a sponsorship program you want to promote your pre-roll video ads with. You can choose to promote new tweets that will be added to the sponsorship program or tweets that are already added to the sponsorship from the Budget and Schedule section. You can also access this capability at the Ad Group level from the Ads Manager.

Twitter InStream Sponsorships campaign in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Set Social Issues, Elections, or Politics as a Facebook Special Ad Category

While creating Facebook Campaign within Ads Composer, you can now set Social Issues, Elections, or Politics as a Special Ad Category. This capability is also available within Ads Manager.

New Special Ad Category option

Ads Composer | New LinkedIn Company Targeting Options

While defining a target audience for your LinkedIn ad campaign, you can now choose from the following firmographic (Company) options within Detailed Targeting:

  • Company Category - This allows you to target a curated list from well-recognized publications and thought leaders like Forbes, Fortune, and LinkedIn.

  • Company Growth Rate - This is the measure of YoY (Year-over-Year) growth in employee count and can be used to reach companies that are in high growth of employee count and may be in need of a system or technology.

These options are also available within the Ads Manager and Audience Manager.

Company Targeting Option for LinkedIn

Ads Composer | Introduced TikTok as a Channel for Advertising

You can now compose ads and advertise on TikTok from the Sprinklr Ads Composer. With over 800 million active users worldwide, advertising on TikTok allows you to target relevant audiences predominantly belonging to Gen Z with higher purchase potential. You can improve the performance of your TikTok in-feed video campaigns with AI-powered, real-time optimizations across campaigns using standard channel metrics, custom brand calculations, and third-party analytics. You can also manage your TikTok ads from the Ads Manager and view insights in Ads Reporting.

Compose TikTok Ads

Ads Composer | WhatsApp as a Destination for Facebook Ads

You can now select WhatsApp as a destination for your ad while composing Facebook Conversion or Traffic objective Campaign within Ads Composer. These ads are designed to be shown to the people who are more likely to open WhatsApp. Selecting WhatsApp as a destination for your ad will open a message thread in WhatsApp when a person clicks your ad.

Compose Click-to-WhatsApp Ads

Ads Composer | Support for Call to Action in LinkedIn Image Ads

While composing a LinkedIn Image Ad format campaign, you can now provide an Ad Call to Action to your Link posts. This will allow you to choose the action you want people to take when they see your ad. You will also find this capability within Ads Manager, Creative Library, and Bulk Import/Export. The following actions will be available for you to select from:

  • Register

  • Learn More

  • Get Quote

  • Apply Now

  • Download

  • Sign Up

  • Subscribe

Call to Action for LinkedIn Image Ads

Ads Composer | Ability to Compose Snapchat Commercial Ads

You can now compose a Snapchat Commercial Ad from the Ads Composer for Awareness and Video Views campaigns. Commercials are non-skippable six-second video Snap ads that allow you to drive awareness within high-quality premium content. A commercial ad must include a video media type of 3-6 seconds in length. Note that commercials can only target the following countries: US, UK, AU, CA, FR, SA, AE, DE, NO, IE, KU. You can also Bulk Import commercial ads and edit draft commercial ad variants from the Ads Manager.

Compose Snapchat Commercial Ads

Ads Composer | Set Minimum ROAS Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization

While composing a Facebook Conversions, App Install, or Product Catalog Sales campaign, you can now set Minimum ROAS as your campaign bid strategy. This will enable you to keep your minimum ROAS (return on ad spend) per optimization event above a certain amount. The minimum ROAS campaign bid strategy is only available if you are eligible for value optimization. You can also find this capability within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

Setting Minimum ROAS Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaigns

Ads Composer | Improved Ad Entities Approval Workflow

An overall audit of the Approval functionality has been implemented within Sprinklr to ensure the seamlessness of the workflow. The enhancement ensures a smooth workflow when ad entities are sent to approval Manually or via Rule. Additionally, we have enabled the Preview of the link URL of the creatives within the Engagement Dashboard. Using this URL, the approver can directly review the creative parameters from the Engagement Dashboard and does not have to switch over to Ads Manager to do so.

Improved Ads Approval Workflow in Ads Manager

Improved Ads Approval Workflow in Engagement Dashboard

Ads Composer | Ability to Clone LinkedIn Lead Forms from the Selection Menu

While composing a LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign, you can now clone an existing Lead Form and make necessary changes from the selection menu itself. This will effectively save your time from creating lead forms from scratch to use within your campaign. This capability is also available for LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads within the Ads Manager.

Clone existing Lead Forms from Selection Menu

Ads Composer | Ability to Use Additional Images in Dynamic Product Ads

While creating a Facebook Dynamic Product Ad, you now have the ability to use additional images from your feed as per your ad requirements. You can specify which image index (1-10) from the Additional Image column of your product data feed should be used as the ad image. This will allow you to use different images of the product for different ads. Note that this is an API only capability.

Use Additional Images in DPA ads

Ads Composer | Migration of Snapchat Placements to V2 Specifications

Snapchat has deprecated its placement specifications and migrated to placement v2. The placement v2 gives you more options and control over the location and context of where ads are placed and includes all the advanced placement options that Snapchat has to offer. While composing a Snap Ad campaign in Ads Composer, you will now find these changes reflected to edit your ad placements from Between Content and/or Within Content. Note that these placement specifications are only applicable for non-commercial Snap Ads.

Snapchat Placement Migrations to V2

Ads Composer | Updated Pinterest Bidding Option for Traffic Campaigns

You now have the ability to select Automatic Bidding for Pinterest Traffic campaigns within Ads Composer and Ads Manager. Automatic bids are managed and updated by Pinterest. It automatically updates the bids several times in a day. Note that the Ad Group level budgets are still required. 


Keyword Level bidding is no longer supported. Hence, the Ad Sets where Keyword Bidding has been specified, Pinterest will start ignoring those Keyword-level bids from 30th April 2020 onwards.

Automatic Bidding for Pinterest Traffic campaigns

Ads Composer | Updated Facebook Mobile App Ads Targeting to Maintain Parity

While creating a target audience for your Facebook Traffic, Post Engagement, or App Installs campaign, you will now find the following updates reflecting within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Audience Manager.

  • You can now include/exclude people who liked your page/used your app within Advanced connection targeting.

  • We have updated the maximum iOS versions to include versions 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, & 13.0 within Mobile targeting.

Mobile App Parity

Ads Composer | Updated Snapchat Optimization Goals to Maintain Parity

To maintain parity with Snapchat, we have updated the Ad Squad Optimization Goals to include the following objective-wise optimizations:

  • Drive Traffic to Website (Snap Ads) - Page View

  • Lead Gen and Website Conversions (Snap Ads) - Pixel Sign Up

  • Website Conversions (Story Ad) - Pixel Purchase

  • App Install (Snap Ads) - App Add to Cart, App Sign Up, App Purchase

  • App Install (Story Ad) - App Purchase

These goals will also reflect within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

To learn more about enabling App Add to Cart, App Sign Up, App Purchase as optimization goals for App Install campaigns in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ads Composer | Updated Facebook Placements to Maintain Parity

To maintain parity with Facebook, we have made few objective-wise placement updates. The following changes will now reflect within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Bulk Import:

Added -

  • Reach - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Video Views - Messenger Stories

  • Messages (Click to Messenger) - Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories

  • Product Catalog Sales - In-Stream Videos, Facebook Stories

  • Traffic (Website or Messenger) - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Conversions (Website or Messenger) - Facebook Groups Feed

  • Conversions (App) - Audience Network In-Stream Videos, In-Stream Videos

Removed -

  • Messages (Sponsored Message) - Messenger Stories

Ads Composer | Set Highest Value Bid Strategy for Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization

While composing a Facebook Conversions, App Install, or Product Catalog Sales campaign, you can now set Highest Value as your campaign bid strategy. This will enable you to optimize your ad delivery towards Value and pay based on purchases, i.e. show your ads to people who are likely to maximize the amount of value they generate. You can also find this capability within the Ads Manager and Bulk Ads Import.

Set Highest Value as Bid Strategy for Facebook CBO

Ads Composer | Renamed Offsite Delivery Option with LinkedIn Audience Network

We have renamed the Offsite Delivery option with the LinkedIn Audience Network option for audience targeting within Ads Composer. This will allow your Sponsored Content to reach your defined target audience beyond the LinkedIn feed within the bid and budget parameters you have established for your campaign. This capability is available for campaigns objectives with ad formats as a single image ad or video ad, except Lead Generation.

LinkedIn Audience Network Option

Ads Composer | Twitter Bidding and Targeting Nomenclature Parity with Native

To enhance parity with native, we have incorporated various bid options for Twitter App Installs objective that are Bid unit, Charge by, and Optimization preference. Additionally, we have maintained the nomenclature for Twitter bidding and targeting similar to native. These changes will be visible within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, Audience Manager, and Quick Ad Publish.

Ads Composer | View Filtered Twitter Posts Relevant to Campaign Objective

While composing a Twitter campaign and selecting from existing creatives, you will now find the posts filtered out to display only those that are compatible with your selected ad objective. For example, you can only select Image Tweet or Status Tweet post for a Followers campaign. This will allow you to only select from the valid post types for your ad creative.

Ads Composer | Migration of LinkedIn Geo-Location API to Bing Geo (Phase 2 & 3)

LinkedIn is migrating its geo-location API to a new geo-data source, i.e. Bing Geo. This new geo-targeting update will enable you to target millions of new geo-locations, including countries and cities, providing a more comprehensive and accurate geo-targeting experience. In the past, there were approximately 6k standardized locations, primarily in the U.S. With Bing Geo, around 2.6 million locations will be available and a large number of international locations will become available for geo-targeting. The same will also reflect within the Audience Manager and Ads Manager.

Ads Composer | Support for Impressions Optimization Goal for Snapchat Audience Filter Ad Squads

While composing a Snapchat Engagement campaign, you can now optimize your Ad Squads for Impressions, Pay for Impressions. Note that this is only available for the Audience Filter ad format.

Impressions Optimization Goal for Snapchat Audience Filter

Ads Composer | Ability to Send LinkedIn Sponsored InMail from a Company Name

While building a Message Ad (previously InMail Ad) for your LinkedIn campaign, you can now use a Company name as the sender of your message ad. The same will also reflect within the Ads Manager for LinkedIn Sponsored Inmail creatives. Note that this capability is only available for users who have their company sender set up by their LinkedIn representatives.

For more information on the sender permissions, see Sponsored Messaging Sender Permissions.

LinkedIn Sponsored InMail Add Sender from Company Account Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Multiple Store Types for Facebook App Install Objective

While composing a Facebook App Install campaign, you can now select from multiple Store Types. This will allow you to send people to the desired online store where they can purchase the app. You can select from the following store types to promote your app:

  • Google Play

  • Windows Store

  • Amazon AppStore

  • iTunes

  • Facebook Canvas

  • iTunes for iPad

Multiple Store Types for Facebook App Install Objective

Ads Composer | Additional Maximum Age Range Options for Snapchat Targeting

While creating a new target audience for your Snapchat campaign, you can now select a maximum Age Range targeting from 36 up to 50+ additional options. This will define a cap to the maximum age range for targeting an audience. Note that if you do not specify a maximum age range, the targeting will result in no age cap. These options will also reflect within Ads Manager and Audience Manager for Snapchat.

Snapchat Age Range Parity for Target Audience

Ads Composer | Search Facebook Video Post Using Video Post ID

While composing a Facebook campaign and selecting an existing creative within Ads Composer, you now have the ability to search for the existing Facebook Video Post using Video Post ID associated with that post. You can also use the Video Post ID to search your desired Facebook video post in Creative Library. This capability will allow you to easily find the video you need to boost even if you don't have the organic post id.

Using Video Post Id to search specific Video Post for Facebook in Ads Composer

Using Video Post Id to search specific Video Post for Facebook in Creative Library

Ads Composer | Removed Certain Facebook Call to Action Options for Parity

To maintain parity with native, we have removed certain Call to Action options for Facebook. These changes can also be viewed within the Creative Library and Ads Manager. Following are the removed Call to Action options for their respective ad objectives –

  • Get Quote - Brand Awareness and Video Views

  • Request Time - Reach

  • Send Message - Store Visits

Ads Composer | Smart Bidding Integration in Sprinklr UI

Smart Bidding has now been integrated within Sprinklr UI and available for all Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) customers. Smart Bidding works on an enhanced machine learning algorithm that provides you a greater outcome for your investment by keeping costs low and results high. This capability will allow you to increase return on ad spend by leveraging AI to automatically adjust bids. You can apply Smart Bidding to your ad campaigns from Ads Composer and Ads Manager.


Smart Bidding is now supported for all the available channels within Sprinklr.

Smart Bidding Integration in Sprinklr UI Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Updated Facebook Conversion Window Options

While composing the Facebook Website Conversion campaign within Ads Composer, you will now see updated Conversion Window options. The default Conversion Window option will now be 7 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing. This update has been done to maintain parity with native. You will also view the updated conversion window options within Ads Manager and Quick Ad Publish. The updated Conversion Window options will appear as follows:

  • 1 day after clicking

  • 7 days after clicking

  • 28 days after clicking

  • 1 day after clicking or viewing

  • 7 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing

  • 28 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing

Conversion Window Nomenclature Parity for Facebook

Ads Composer | Set Sprinklr Campaign at Campaign Details Section

We have now moved the Set Sprinklr Campaign field from the Advanced Configuration section to the Campaign Details section within Ads Composer. This will enhance visibility and provide you with a better user experience.

Setting Sprinklr Campaign at Campaign Details Section

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Reimagined Ads Manager

Ads Manager has now been updated with a simple and intuitive interface to help you view and manage all your ad entities irrespective of channels in one platform. The latest extensive UI will make it easier for you and your team to execute your daily tasks, such as:

  • Creating campaigns in bulk and making quick changes to already published campaigns. This will save you time and effort.

  • Reorganizing of content for a compact view and easy navigation of frequently used capabilities. 

  • Improved cloning workflows for Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads to quickly and easily edit directly from a single workflow.

In addition, the Quick Ad Publish capability has been deprecated from Ads Manager.

Reimagined Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Enhanced and Efficient Bulk Import

We have enhanced the Bulk Imports workflow with several improvements aimed towards improved usability and increased efficiency. The major enhancements include the following:

  • Alignment with the Ads Composer flow

  • Color codes to view mandatory fields upfront

  • Simplified field formats and field descriptions

  • Automatic handling of field dependencies

  • Drop-down guides to minimize user errors

  • Automatic handling of case sensitive validations

  • Export customized templates tailored to use cases

  • Download Standard Templates by Objective and Post type

  • Support for Placement Asset Customization

  • Support for Dynamic Language Optimization

Note that the Bulk Import templates that are not updated will result in an error upon import.

Enhanced Bulk Import Usability Download Template

Enhanced Bulk Import Usability

Ads Manager | Skin and Filter Changes with Reimagined Ads Manager

We have removed the option to change Skin from the Ads Manager window. Alternatively, you can now select a standard Channel and Account filter from the options upfront. The channel and account filters will show up in the filter summary as labeled blocks and behave like the other filters. Additional filters within Simple Filters will automatically get filtered based on the channel/account selections, such as the objective, buying type, bid strategy, etc. You will also have a separate tab for Custom Field filters within Simple Filters. In addition to the above changes, the Objective filter will now have the corresponding channel icons next to each objective for quick identification.

Ads Manager Skin Filters Changes

Ads Manager | Bulk Import Options for Advanced Features

You now have the ability to import Facebook Dynamic Creative, Language Optimization, and Placement Asset Customization using the Bulk Import/Export workflow. Supported objectives are given below:

  • Placement Asset Customization - Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, App Install, Conversions, Video Views, Lead Generation, Post Engagement. 

  • Language Customization - Traffic, App Installs, Conversions, Brand Awareness, Reach, Video Views, Catalog Sales.

  • Dynamic Creatives - Traffic, App Installs, Conversions, Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, Reach, Video Views.

Ads Manager | Create New Ad Sets and Ads from the View and Edit Pane

With a reimagined third pane of the Ads Manager, you can now create new Ad Sets and Ads from the View and Edit workflow. This will allow you to build a new Ad Set and Ad within an existing Campaign or a new Ad within an existing Ad Set from scratch in a single flow. Note that a few ad entity actions like Duplicate, Copy, Paste, and Copy Links will not be supported for the new entities.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Creating New Ads and Ad Sets from View and Edit Pane

Ads Manager | Updated Facebook Dynamic Product Ads Parity

We have updated Facebook Dynamic Product Ads to reflect the following Parity within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Ads Settings

  • General Updates

    • Renamed the objective Product Catalog Sales to Catalog Sales.

    • Renamed Commerce Catalog type to Products.

    • Updated Placement options to include Instagram Explore, Messenger Inbox, Facebook Stories, and Instagram Stories.

  • Targeting Updates

    • Easily create Retargeting and Broad audiences in a similar fashion to Facebook Ads Manager.

    • Streamlined creation of Retargeting Audiences using standard pre-created pixel audiences including the ability to select between the Retargeting and Broad audiences.

Set Product Audiences Catalog Sales for Facebook Objective

Ads Manager | Enhanced Search and Filter Functionalities

The Ads Manager has been reimagined with improvements aiming towards better workflows and usability. This will make it easier for you and your team to execute your daily tasks. The following enhancements have been implemented to the Ads Manager:

  • A Smart Search that allows you to navigate across multiple levels with an easier and intuitive workflow.

  • Easily apply Quick Filters and Simple/Advanced Filters to your Ads Manager window in fewer clicks without having to save them after every selection.

  • Reorganization of content for a compact view and easy navigation of frequently used capabilities.

Ads Manager Search and Filter Enhancements

Ads Manager | Ability to Edit Text for Published LinkedIn Image and Link Ads

You can now edit your published LinkedIn Image/Link ads and make changes to the content within the Text field. This will allow you to edit the post content even after it has been published.

Edit LinkedIn Image/Link Ads Text in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Support for Reverse Application of Naming Conventions Using Macros

You can now reverse the application of Naming Conventions using the Map Custom Fields macro action. This will map elements of the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Variant name to the corresponding custom fields in the selected naming convention. Note that the macro will only process for entities where a naming convention has not been applied at the Campaign level.

Example of reverse Naming Convention:

  • A Naming Convention called FB_Name is created.

  • Naming convention configured for the Campaign level: Channel_PO#_Brand_Quarter.

    • PO# is a text custom field & Brand and Quarter are picklist custom fields.

  • Name of the Campaign in Ads Manager on which the macro will be applied: FB_2345_Bot_Q2.

  • When the Macro is initiated with the naming convention FB_Name, the custom fields will be mapped with the following values:

    • PO# = 2345

    • Brand = Bot

    • Quarter = Q2

Reverse Application of Naming Convention via Macros in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Ability to Save a Macro without Applying to Ad Entities

Using the Save Macro without Applying option within Ads Manager, you can now build a Macro and save it for future use without applying it to your ad entities.

Save Macro Without Applying

Ads Manager | Facebook Minimum and Maximum Budget as Default Column Configuration

In addition to the Daily Budget and Lifetime Budget columns, you will now have the following Ad Set budget columns as part of the Default column configuration for Facebook:

  • Minimum Lifetime Budget

  • Maximum Lifetime Budget

  • Minimum Daily Budget

  • Maximum Daily Budget

These columns will allow you to view the minimum and maximum budget based on your campaign budget optimization.

Facebook default Ad Set new Budget columns

Ads Manager | Improved LinkedIn Sponsored InMail (Legacy) Ad Preview

We have improved the LinkedIn Sponsored InMail ad preview to provide you with a more user-friendly interface. This update will showcase an accurate representation of how your ad will appear once published. We have made the following changes that can be viewed within the Ads Composer and Ads Manager:

  • Aligned Formatting and Background Color of the Post

  • Click through URL for all Post Types

  • Post Date available in the top right corner of the Post

  • Added Hyperlinks such as Unsubscribe, Manage your ad preferences and Learn More

Updated LinkedIn Sponsored InMail (Legacy) Ad Preview AdsManager

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Create Facebook Special Ad Custom Audience

You can now create Special Ad Custom Audience for your Facebook campaigns in the Audience Manager. A Special Ad Custom Audience is similar to a Lookalike Audience because it uses the similarities of people from online behavior within your source to form a new audience. This will allow you to reach new people specifically when your campaign is about Credit, Employment, or Housing.

Create Special Ad Custom Audience in Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Share Saved Audiences Created in Sprinklr

You can now Share a Saved Audience created in Sprinklr between different ad accounts. This will allow you to use consistent targeting across multiple ad accounts without manually having to build the audience for each account.


  • If the Saved Audience includes a Custom Audience, then it can only be shared if the custom audience has been shared previously. 

  • Auto Imported Saved Audiences and Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audiences cannot be shared across ad accounts.

  • The Saved Audience must be Active for it to be shared.

Share a Saved Audience from the Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Create Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audience

While creating a Saved Audience for Facebook, you can now select a Special Ad Category and define your audience. On selecting a special ad category for your audience, certain targeting options will be restricted such as Age Range, Gender, etc. to remain in compliance with targeting policies. You can also filter out your Saved Special Ad Category audiences from the Audience Manager window. These audiences can then be selected for targeting for your Special Ad Category campaigns in the Ads Composer.

Create Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audience in Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Update Saved Audiences

You can now edit your Saved Audiences and update the relevant targeting fields for all applicable Ad Sets. This will automatically update the targeting for all Active, Paused, or Draft Ad Sets. There will be no change in targeting for any deleted or archived Ad Sets. You will be notified once all the applicable Ad Sets have been updated successfully. Note that you cannot update saved audiences for Facebook Special Ad Category campaigns.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Updating Saved Audience Targeting Fields

Audience Manager | Ability to Export Target Audience

You now have the ability to Export your Target Audience from the Audience Manager. This capability enables you to export all and/or specific data fields in the audience manager for a selected set of audiences.

Export Audiences from the Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Sort Custom Audiences by Creation Date

Custom Audiences will now be sorted by their creation date so that most recent audiences will display at the top while creating a Saved Audience within the Audience Manager. We have also added a Creation Date column while selecting Saved Audiences in Ads Composer to make the sorting experience consistent across the platform.

Sort Custom Audience by creation date

Custom Audience Creation Date column in Ads Composer


Strategy Group | Create and Apply Strategy Groups

Sprinklr now supports Strategy Groups that give advertisers the opportunity to combine Smart Budget Allocation, Smart Bidding, Stop Loss, Ad Rotation, and Pacing Control in one group that can be applied to your Campaigns. This capability improves return on ad spend by combining optimizations tactics that have a compounded effect on your results. You can use this capability within Ads Manager and Ads Composer.

This can be enabled only after approval from the Ads Product Manager.

Create and Apply Strategy Groups

Smart Budget Allocation | Budget Distribution between Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets for Facebook CBO Enabled Campaigns

While applying Smart Budget Allocation (SBA) to Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) enabled campaigns, you can now choose to distribute your campaign budget between Paid Initiatives or Ad Sets. This will allow you to leverage SBA to optimize across campaigns or ad sets while simultaneously allowing CBO to optimize across ad sets.

Distributing Budget in CBO Enabled Campaigns

Tools and Settings

Stats Imports | Import Stats from an FTP Server

You can now upload your data to an FTP server and import them into Sprinklr directly from the Stat Imports Template window. Sprinklr will automatically import data from the given source every 2 hours. This enables you to optimize and fetch advanced analytics based on your import data. You can customize your brand's dashboard and widget in the platform so that you can map your data for an enhanced reporting. You can also view the data in Ads Manager columns.

Import Stats using FTP setup

Stats Imports | View Cohort Reports for Imported Stats

You can now import your data into Sprinklr via FTP/SFTP and cohort the data based on Attribution/Revenue dates from the Stat Imports Template window. With Cohort analysis, you can isolate users with similar behavior (i.e. install, attribution date) and report on the sequence of events or revenue within a particular time frame. The Cohort metrics and dimensions can also be used within Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, and Smart Budget/Optimizations on the Ad Variant, Ad Set, Paid Initiative, Account, and Channel levels.

Cohort Data in Stats Import

Lead Forms | Ability to Set Role Permissions for Lead Forms

You can now control the visibility of Lead Forms and the associated actions by assigning View, Edit, Create, and Download permissions to users. Anyone having the Tools & Settings View permission will be able to view and edit the Lead Forms. You can subsequently update their roles and permissions to provide All or specific permissions. These permissions will also impact the Lead Forms in Ads Composer and Ads Manager.


Users should also have the corresponding account-level access to be able to view the Lead Forms corresponding to that account.

Set Lead Form Permissions for Users

Naming Conventions | External Dynamic Naming Conventions Parameters

While creating an Ad Entity within Sprinklr, you can now use external Naming Conventions parameters and ensure that the ad entities you are creating are unique across all channels. Sprinklr constantly monitors and maintains the provided repository of parameters and removes the used parameter to ensure the uniqueness of the entity. It also sends an email alert when the provided parameters are running low in numbers.

If you want to explore this capability, please reach out to your Success Manager.

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | View Percentage Symbols and Currency Formats in Exported Reports

On performing an export of your widgets or dashboard having currency or percentage data, you will now find the currency/percentage symbols/values included within the report. The same is also applicable for the different aggregation of reporting data.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ads Reporting | Granularity for Snapchat Segmented Reports

While reporting on Snapchat segmented dimensions within Ads Reporting, you will now be able to view the data at any desired Time Range such as daily, weekly, monthly, or a custom time range. Previously, while breaking down Snapchat data by segmented dimensions, data were being shown only on Lifetime. This update will increase granularity for Snapchat segmented reports.


The historical segmented data for deactivated Snapchat accounts will only populate when such accounts are re-added.

Granularity Data for Snapchat Segmented Reporting

Ads Reporting | Minimize Inconsistency in LinkedIn Demographics Data

Previously, the data was not consistent with the native while reporting on LinkedIn Demographic data points such as Company, Job Title, etc. due to approximations by channel to protect its member privacy. Now, we have improved this behavior and enabled you to view Demographic data accurately. You can use specific Time Ranges (Weekly and Monthly) and Ad Entity level (Ad Set) to view accurate data while breaking out by LinkedIn Demographic dimensions.

  • Weekly Range - Select a Time Frame from Sunday to Saturday of any week.

  • Monthly Range - Select a Time Frame from the 1st of any month till the end of the month.


The above change reflects only when data is broken out by Demographic dimensions otherwise, the Data will always be accurate when viewed entirely or while breaking out by other dimensions.

Ads Reporting | Standardized Dimensions for Destination URL and Landing Page URL

You can now see the Campaign Manager click tag link, the website URL that the click tag drives to (including web analytics), and the base website URL using the following dimensions within Ads Reporting and Ads Manager (customized columns):

  • Landing Page URL: The base URL that users are driven to. When Google Campaign Manager and/or Web Analytics is applied to an ad, it will not be represented in this dimension.

  • Ad Creative Link URL: The URL that is present within an ad. When Google Campaign Manager and/or Web Analytics is applied to an ad, it will be represented in this dimension.

  • DCM Ad Destination URL: The URL that users are driven to after clicking on a Google Campaign Manager Click Tag. This dimension will also include the Web Analytics strings within the URL.

Standardized dimensions for Campaign Manager URLs

Ads Reporting | Update Reporting Dashboard While Generating External Link

While Generating External Link for your reporting dashboard, you now have the ability to update the dashboard on the Shareable Link. You can use the Update Now option to allow viewers to view the most updated dashboard. Generally, the External Shareable Link gets updated every 2 hours. But if you do not want to wait for 2 hours and want to update the changes while generating the shareable link, you can use this capability.

Updating Reporting Dashboard While Generating External Link

Ads Reporting | Ability to Manually Change Y-Axis Scale for Trend Widgets

Previously, for trend widget types such as Line and Combination widgets, the Y-axis scale was dynamically configured and could not be manually changed. You can now enable the Define Y/X Axis Scale configuration and manually change your scale in terms of the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis. You can also configure the Step Size (Interval) on Y-Axis between the minimum and maximum values as desired for optimized visualization.

Defining Y/X Axis Scale for Line and Combination Widgets

Ads Reporting | Ability to Compare Data Across Two Custom Time Ranges in Single Widget/Dashboard

You can now compare reporting data across two custom time ranges at the widget and dashboard level using the Compare Mode capability. For example, you can compare the Spent around 2 campaigns – one launched on Feb 20 vs the other on Nov 19 in a single widget. Similarly, you can compare the Impressions of March 2019 with the data of March 2020 and so on. Additionally, you can export and share these reports. This will provide an overview of the comparable performance of the data and will lead to better decision making. The supported Widget Visualization Types for this capability are Line, Spline, Counter, Summary Table, and Grouped Summary.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Compare Yearly Data in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Additional Facebook Reporting Metrics

You can now view reporting insights for the following additional Facebook metrics and their corresponding attribution windows:

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Total - The total number of Subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Mobile App - The number of Subscribe events received on mobile apps attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Website - The number of Subscribe events received on a website attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

These metrics are also compatible with all the available Facebook breakdown dimensions.

Ads Reporting | Support for New Facebook Dimensions

With the migration of Facebook Marketing API to v5.0, we have added new dimensions within Ads Reporting. These dimensions can also be used within the Ads Manager. Following are the new dimensions:

  • Facebook Quality Ranking - Quality ranking explains how your ad's perceived quality is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. It is measured via various signals, including feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad and assessments of low-quality attributes in the ad, such as too much text in the ad's image, withholding information, sensationalized language, and engagement bait.

  • Facebook Conversion Rate Ranking - Conversion rate ranking explains how your ad's expected conversion rate is compared to the ads with the same optimization goal competing for the same audience. The expected conversion rate calculates the likelihood that a person who viewed your ad will complete your optimization goal.

  • Facebook Engagement Rate Ranking - Engagement rate ranking explains how your ad's expected engagement rate is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. The expected engagement rate calculates the likelihood that a person will click, react to, comment on, share or expand an ad.

Ads Reporting | Pinterest Attribution Windows Metrics for Reporting

You will now be able to view reporting on the Pinterest attribution windows using Pinterest Attribution Window metrics within Ads Reporting. The set of Attribution Windows metrics will be available for Conversion measurements and the format of each attribution window combination will be <View Window in Days>: <Engagement Window in Days> : <Click Window in Days>. For example, Pinterest Checkout Quantity (Click Through)(1 Day View 1 Day Engagement 1 Day Click).

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

New Pinterest Attribution Window Metrics in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Snapchat API Breaking Changes

Snapchat has introduced the following breaking changes from June 2020:

  • You can now use different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions for reporting.

  • The following Dimensions and Metrics have now been deprecated –

    • Dimension: Snapchat Device Model

    • Metrics: Snapchat Uniques, Snapchat Unique Composition, Snapchat Impression Composition.

Ads Reporting | Additional Ad Post Dimensions

While adding a Paid widget within Ads Reporting, you can now use the following additional dimensions for enhanced reporting experience:

  • Ad Post Campaign Id - Breakdown data by Campaign Id associated with the Post.

  • Ad Post Id - Breakdown data by Outbound Id of the Ad Post.

Additional Ad Post Dimensions in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Adjust Integration in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads)

In Sprinklr Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, Rule Engine, and Smart Budget Allocation, we have now integrated Adjust to report and optimize via Adjust metrics. You can report on Adjust event metrics and optimize using a number of events and revenue associated with that event. The Adjust metrics are categorized into the following three Key Performance Indices (KPIs):

  • App KPI

  • Events KPI

  • Cohort KPI

Adjust Integration Metrics in Modern Advertising

Ads Reporting | Additional Unified Analytics Metrics and Dimensions

We have added certain Unified Analytics metrics and dimensions within Sprinklr Reporting to enhance your reporting experience. These metrics and dimensions will allow you to analyze and compare metrics of Organic Posts vs. Paid Posts in the same reporting widget. For example, if you would like to view Organic vs. Paid Impressions post-wise, you can create a dashboard using Unified Analytics metrics.

Ads Reporting | Support for Data Labels in Bubble Charts

In addition to all the applicable widget types, you now have an option to include Data Labels within Bubble charts as well in Ads Reporting. This will allow you to view the individual reporting data labeled on each bubble.

Including Data Labels within Bubble Chart

Ads Reporting | Ability to Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports

While using Advanced & Scheduled Export Settings, you now have the ability to export the Ads Reporting dashboard in PPT file format along with PDF, Excel, and PNG.

Exporting Reporting Dashboard in PPT File Format

Ads Reporting | Format the Decimal Places in Additional Widget Types

You can now change the number of decimal places for your reporting data using the Auto-Format Decimal Digits option in Bubble, Column, Bar, Stacked Bar, Stacked Column, Line, Spline, Area Spline, Combination, Dual Axis, and Dual Axis Multiple Metrics widget types. Additionally, for widgets with Include Data Labels configured, the reporting data having percentage aggregation will now have a '%' symbol appear alongside the label.

Formatting the Decimal Places in Additional Widget Types

Ads Reporting | Ability to Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

You now have the ability to stop sharing a reporting dashboard via an external link by sliding the Link Sharing toggle Off. This option will appear once you have generated the external shareable link and will revoke the ability to view the dashboard via that link.

Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

Ads Reporting | Dashboard Accessibility Page in General Availability

The dashboard accessibility page is now in general availability for all. This capability allows you to Request Access or switch workspaces for a particular dashboard for which you do not have the required permission to view.

Dashboard Accessibility Page General Availability

Dashboard Accessibility Page General Avaialability

Ads Reporting | Improved Post Card Widget Previews

For a seamless experience, while reporting on ad posts, we have enhanced the post card widget previews. You will now have an Ad Preview option for all post types along with a link to the Ads Manager for reference in just one click.

Enhanced Post Card Reporting Previews

Ads Reporting | Improved Behavior of Ad Creative Type Dimension

We have improved the behavior of the Ad Creative Type dimension to help you breakdown the ad performance based on the post type. As a part of this change, we have also deprecated the Ad Post Type dimension. Using Ad Creative Type dimension along with Ad Media Type dimension provides a better visualization of your ad performance enabling you to breakdown separately by post types and media types.

Using Ad Creative Type Dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | New Dimensions to Identify Entities Using Sprinklr Value Added Features

We have added new dimensions within Ads Reporting for you to filter your reporting data at Paid Initiative, Ad Set, and Ad Variant levels. These dimensions will help you measure the added values more accurately and efficiently, for example, comparing the CPA of Campaigns using SBA to those campaigns that are not using SBA. You can save time, increase ROAS, and manage risk by using these dimensions. Click the desired level to view the respective dimensions below:

► Paid Initiative Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Smart Budget Allocation - Is this Campaign using Smart Budget Allocation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Benchmarking - Is this Campaign using Benchmarking?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Naming Convention - Is this Campaign using Naming Convention?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Pacing Groups - Is this Campaign using Pacing Groups?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Approvals - Is this Campaign using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Budget Sources - Is this Campaign using Budget Sources?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Any Tool - Is this Campaign using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Campaign using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Campaign: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Campaign using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

► Ad Set Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Ad Rotation - Is this Ad Set using Smart Ad Rotation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Bidding - Is this Ad Set using Smart Bidding?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Budget Allocation - Is this Ad Set using Smart Budget Allocation?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Day Parting - Is this Ad Set using Smart Day Parting?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Smart Audience Engine - Is this Ad Set using a Smart Audience?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: R&F Planner - Is this Ad Set using R&F Planner?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Approvals - Is this Ad Set using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Any Tool - Is this Ad Set using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Ad Set using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Set: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Ad Set using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

► Ad Variant Level 

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Smart Day Parting - Is this Ad using Smart Day Parting?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Auto Boost - Is this Ad using Auto Boost?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Benchmarking - Is this Ad using Benchmarking?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: DCM - Is this Ad using DCM?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Web Analytics - Is this Ad using Web Analytics?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Approvals - Is this Ad using Approvals?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Any Tool - Is this Ad using Any Tool (except Rules Engine)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Rule Engine (Standard) - Is this Ad using Rule Engine (Standard)?

  • Sprinklr Tool Use: Ad Variant: Rule Engine (External) - Is this Ad using rules with data from external sources (Weather, TV, Sports, Sentiment, Listening)?

Ads Reporting | Support for Twitter In-Stream Video Views Metrics

You can now leverage the Twitter In-Stream Video Views metrics given below to view insights for your pre-roll objective campaigns. These metrics can also be used for optimization purposes within Ads Manager, Smart Budget Allocation, Rule Engine, Pacing Groups, and Benchmarking.

  • Twitter Post Video Content Starts (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of video content starts as a result of your post

  • Twitter Post Video Mrc Views - The number of MRC Video Views. MRC Video Views are video views that are at least 50% in-view for 2 seconds, as per the MRC standard.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 25% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 25% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 50% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 50% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 75% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 75% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video Views 100% (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - Total number of videos viewed until 100% completion as a result of your post.

  • Twitter Post Video 3s/100% Views (In-Stream views for Pre-roll) - Total number of video views based on a view of 100% in-view on a user’s device and watched at least for 3 seconds through unpaid post distribution.

  • Twitter Post Video 6s Views (In-Stream views for Pre-Roll) - A “6s video view” is when your video is watched at 50% view for 6 seconds or more, or when a user expands or unmutes your video.

Support for Twitter In-Stream Video Views Metrics

Ads Reporting | Support for ‘Is Dark Post’ Dimension

While creating a reporting widget within Ads Reporting, we now support a dimension named Is Dark Post. You can filter your widget and dashboard using this filter as it is available at both levels. It also helps to easily distinguish between boosted and dark posts. This dimension will also reflect in your Exports.

Support for Is Dark Post Dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to Store Reporting Exports Externally in S3 Servers

You can now opt to externally store your reporting exports in an S3 (Simple Storage Service) server which will save time and thereby increase productivity. Earlier you could only provide an external storage source of either FTP or SFTP.

Support for S3 Storage for Reporting Exports

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Complete Filter Values with Large Names

While filtering your data within Ads Reporting, you can now view the complete names of the filter values without putting an extra effort. This enhancement will enable you to easily view filtering values such as Paid Initiative, Outbound Posts, etc. which have large names.

Viewing Large Filtering Values Names

Ads Reporting | Reporting on Facebook Conversion Lift Data

Sprinklr now provides various metrics and dimensions apart from traditional ones for Facebook Conversion Lift Study reporting. You can break down your conversion lift data by Age and Gender. However, in Sprinklr, Day wise breakdown of your conversion lift study data is also supported. This will enhance your reporting experience by improving the incrementality of your social ads and will reduce the cost per incremental subscriber as measured by the Facebook conversion lift studies.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Ads Reporting | Support for New Lead Form Reporting Dimensions

You can now use the following dimensions to breakdown Facebook and LinkedIn Lead Form reporting insights:

  • Lead Form Id - Breakdown data by Lead Form ID/Plot Lead Form ID while viewing reporting data.

  • Lead Form Name - Breakdown data by Lead Form Name/Plot Lead Form while viewing reporting data.

You can also use them as customized columns at the ad variant level within Ads Manager. Note that the data will only populate for the ads having Lead Generation as their objective.

Lead Form Reporting Dimensions

Ads Reporting | Support for New Google Ads Impression Share Metrics

You can now use the following new metrics to view insights on your Google Ads Impression Share within Ads Reporting:

  • Google Search Impression Share: The impressions you have received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "< 10%".

  • Google Search Lost Impression Share (rank): The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "> 90%".

  • Google Search Lost Impression Share (budget): The estimated percentage of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. A percentage returned as "xx.xx%", or the special value "> 90%".

Google Ads Reporting Impression Share metrics

Ads Reporting | Last Used Currency Filter Selected by Default

You will now find the last used Currency filter selected by default on visiting your Ads Reporting dashboard again. The default currency filter will always be pre-selected when creating a new dashboard or visiting any other dashboard for the first time. You will no longer have to change the currency filter every time you revisit your reporting dashboard. Note that if you manually change the currency filter, it will then retain the changed currency for that dashboard.

Modern Ads default Reporting Currency Filter

Ads Reporting | Support for Twitter Post Level Metrics for Preroll Views Objective

You can now report data at the Ad Variant level for Twitter Preroll Views objective within Ads Reporting. Previously, it was not possible due to API limitations. You can now use the existing Twitter Post (ad variant level) metrics for reporting. Also, all the historical data will be backfilled for your previous Preroll campaigns to simplify your yearly/quarterly reporting.

Ads Reporting | Conversion Event Metrics for Snapchat

We have added Conversion Event metrics for Snapchat within Ads Reporting to reflect the Pixel Conversion Events. These metrics can also be used within Ads Manager, Rule Engine, and Benchmarking. Click the link below to view the metrics along with their definitions:

Conversion Event Metrics

  • Snapchat Conversion Subscribe - Number of attributed “SUBSCRIBE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Ad Click - Number of attributed “AD_CLICK” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Ad View - Number of attributed “AD_VIEW” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Complete Tutorial - Number of attributed “COMPLETE_TUTORIAL” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Invite - Number of attributed “INVITE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Login - Number of attributed “LOGIN” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Share - Number of attributed “SHARE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Reserve - Number of attributed “RESERVE” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Achievement Unlocked - Number of attributed “ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Add To Wishlist - Number of attributed “ADD_TO_WISHLIST” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Spend Credits - Number of attributed “SPENT_CREDITS” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Rate - Number of attributed “RATE” conversion events

  • Snapchat Conversion Start Trial - Number of attributed “START_TRIAL” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion List View - Number of attributed “LIST_VIEW” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 1 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_1” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 2 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_2” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 3 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_3” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 4 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_4” conversion events.

  • Snapchat Conversion Custom Event 5 - Number of attributed “CUSTOM_EVENT_5” conversion events.

Ads Reporting | New Pacing Group Metrics

We have added new Pacing Group metrics within Ads Reporting to provide you with a seamless reporting experience. These metrics will also be available as columns within Pacing Groups. The newly added metrics and their definitions are given below:

  • Projected Delivery % Based off Yesterday - It depicts your projected delivery percentage based on the spent yesterday i.e. ((Remaining days * (Pacing Group Yesterday Spent)) + spent)/total budget.

  • Projected Delivery % Based off Past 3 Days - It depicts your projected delivery percentage based on the past 3 days i.e. ((Remaining days * (3-day run rate)) + spent)*100/total budget.

  • Projected Spend Based off Yesterday - It depicts your projected spend based on the spent yesterday i.e. (Remaining days * (Pacing Group Yesterday Spent)) + spent.

  • Projected Spend Based off 3-day Run Rate - It depicts your projected spend based on the past 3 days i.e. (Remaining days * (Pacing Group 3 day run rate)) + spent.

  • Pacing Group 3 Day Run Rate - It depicts an average of the past 3 days worth of spend i.e. Past 3 days worth of Spend/3.

Enable Pacing Group metric visibility in Custom Metrics Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Ad Media Type Dimension

You can now use Ad Media Type dimension while reporting on your ad performance based on the Media Type i.e. Image/Video within Ads Reporting. Ad Media Type depicts the media type used in your ad, for example, if it is a carousel post with images, the value of this dimension will be Image. Note that you may see Unknown in the widget if the account you are using is recently added or deactivated. You will also get the following suggestion while creating a widget using Ad Post Type and Ad Creative Type dimensions:

We notice that you are using the dimension ''Ad Creative Type''. Please note that we will soon be changing the behavior of this dimension. We have also exposed a new dimension ''Ad Media Type'' which will depict the media type used in your creative.

Ad Media Type Dimension within Ads Reporting

Suggestion while Using Ad Media Type Dimension within Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Improved Reporting Preview for Facebook Dynamic Creatives

We have made improvements to the reporting preview of Dynamic Creatives, Placement Asset Customization, and Dynamic Product Ads. The following changes have been made to provide you with a better reporting experience:

  • Using the Dynamic Creative Image dimension, you will have the creative image preview generated instead of their names.

  • A total of three creative variations will be rendered in the Post Card visualization type along with an indication for whether the creative is part of a Dynamic Product Ad, using Dynamic Creative, or using Placement Asset Customization (PAC).

  • If the creative Body is not available, a variation of the Title will be displayed along with the post.

  • Dynamic Creatives and Placement Asset Customization having more than three variations will provide an option to View All ‘x’ Variations in Ads Manager. This will redirect you to the Ads Manager window showing all ads using that post.

  • For Dynamic Product Ads, you will find information about the catalog and product set to which this dynamic ad refers to. Additionally, rather than showing {product.brand}, you will now see Product.Brand with a highlighted color to convey that it is a dynamic text.


This improved representation will be reflected in your historic data as well.

Imporvements in reporting on Dynamic Creatives, PAC, and Dynamic Product Ads

Ads Reporting | Create Dashboard & Folder Directly from Dashboard Home Screen

You can now create a new Dashboard and/or Folder directly from the Ads Reporting window. This capability will smoothen the dashboard and folder creation by easy to use workflow.

Adding a New Dashboard or Folder

Value Realization

Value Realization | Introduced Value Realization Dashboard for Sprinklr Marketing (Ads)

We have introduced the Value Realization Dashboard (VRD) for Sprinklr Marketing (Ads). Powered by Sprinklr’s robust AI, the VRD for Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) provides a measure of the value realized in terms of revenue increased, cost saved, and risks averted. It gives measures on different business KPIs which are based on the Sprinklr Platform usage data. It covers all the PBUCs (Primary Business Use Cases) served by Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) and gives estimates of value realization in terms of dollars saved or earned. 

This will help you in planning your strategies to grow your business, enhance customer experience, and take preemptive measures to avert risks and unwanted brand associations.

Value Realization Dashboard in Modern Advertising

Pacing Groups

Pacing Groups | Ability to Track Completion Rate Against Goal Metric

We have added the following metric columns within the Pacing Groups dashboard so that you can leverage Pacing Groups insights for goal metrics and track the completion rate against the Goal metric.

  • Expected Goal Metric Value - The Goal metric value expected by the Pacing Group. It is calculated as (Total Goal metric value) * (Time Elapsed Percentage).

  • Goal Metric Value Achieved - The Goal metric value achieved by the Pacing Group so far.

  • Goal Metric Value Remaining - The remaining Goal metric value of the Pacing Group. It is calculated as (Goal metric) - (Goal Metric Value Achieved).

These metrics can also be used to view Pacing Insights within the Pacing Groups Standard Dashboard and Ads Manager Customized Columns.


  • You will not be able to report against individual Paid Initiative as the goal metric is assigned to a Pacing Group.

  • The Goal metric calculations will be done in the Pacing Group timezone.

Pacing Groups Goal Based Analysis

Pacing Groups Goal Based Analysis in Ads Reporting

Pacing Groups | Pacing Group Calculation Enhancement 

Once this Dynamic Property (DP) is enabled, all calculations for various Pacing metrics will exclude data from the Current Day. For example, let’s say, today is 11th May. If you have a Pacing Group that is set to active between 1st May to 31st May and you want to view the data of 1st May to 10th May excluding the Current Day spend, i.e. 11th May, then you are able to do that now.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Additional Weather Triggers in Paid Rules

While setting a Paid Rule condition within the Rule Engine, you now have two additional Weather triggers, Wind Speed (KPH) and Wind Speed (MPH), available for selection. This will allow you to optimize and manage your Paid campaigns based on conditions of the weather such as a storm or tornado. For example, you would like to enable rules when winds are > 40 mph to activate a specific set of campaigns. Similarly, you would like to set up rules when there are storm advisories in specific locations.

Additional Weather Triggers Paid Rules

Audience Study

Audience Study | COVID-19 Related Topics Added in LinkedIn Audience Study

4 COVID-19 related Topics have been added in LinkedIn Audience Study, namely:

  • Working at Home

  • Collaboration and Communication Tools

  • Global Economy 

  • Infectious Disease Control

You can create a LinkedIn Audience Study for COVID-19 related information. While creating LinkedIn Audience Study, choose Create relevant content around a topic or Amplify content by finding right audience for the What is the Business Objective behind your study? field. Under Content Topics, select Working at Home or Collaboration or Communication Tools or Global Economy or Infectious Disease Control

COVID Related Topics in LinkedIn Audience Study

COVID Related Topics in LinkedIn Audience Study