Sprinklr v15.5.0 – Sprinklr Marketing Capabilities and Enhancements (Consolidated)


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

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Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below or click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. To dive deep into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and the action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Journey Facilitator

Journey Facilitator | Ability to Send Facebook DMs & Quick Replies on Journey Facilitator

You can now add and schedule Facebook DMs and Quick Replies as messages in Customer Journeys on Journey Facilitator. This helps you not only send automated messages but also run marketing campaigns or sales promotions like quiz based discount offers or customer retention/nurturing programs.

Journey Facilitator | Dynamic Scheduling of Messages on Journey Facilitator

While creating a customer journey on Journey Facilitator, Sprinklr now allows dynamic scheduling of messages, enabling you to schedule a message at any particular time according to the timezone of the respective country. In addition, messages can be scheduled, based on trigger events or conditions like entry or exit of customers in the journey.



Journey Facilitator | Ability to Remove Users from A Journey on Journey Facilitator

While running a customer journey on Journey Facilitator, customers will automatically get removed from the journey, based on external trigger event or condition. This capability will help you to exit customers from the journey and make them re-enter into a different journey.


Campaigns | Ability to Change Default Visibility Settings 

While adding a campaign, you will now be able to set its visibility as per your requirement. It will not be set as your current Workspace by default now. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Setting Visibility Settings for Campaign

Campaigns | Navigate to Campaign or Sub-Campaign from the Associated Entity

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Advanced Publisher, Production Dashboards, and Editorial Calendar without opening a new tab. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Overview and Review tabs of the Advanced Publisher. 

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the Outbound Message and Tasks columns within the Production Dashboards. 

  • Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the List view of the Editorial Calendar.

This capability will help you to easily navigate to the associated Campaign and Sub-Campaign to gain additional context related to an outbound message.

Navigating to Associated Campaign from the Outbound Message tab within the Production Dashboard

Navigating to Campaigns from the Advanced Publisher

Campaigns | Ability to Clone Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns

You will now be able to clone campaigns and sub-campaigns. With this capability enabled you will:

  • Be able to clone: Name, Description, Start & End Date, Status, Share Configuration, Tags, and Custom Properties associated with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns.

  • Not be able to clone: Brief, Tasks, Notes, Activity, Assets, Messages, Message Briefs, Themes, Analytics, Production Dashboard, and Workflows associated with Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns. 

Apart from this, while cloning Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns you will be able to change or update any standard or custom fields as per your business requirements.

Cloning a Campaign

Cloning a Sub-Campaign

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Restrict Posts from Shared Accounts Across All Workspaces

While viewing the content within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to see the posts created from an account only in that particular workspace where the account is added and not across all workspaces. 

For example, if there is a LinkedIn Company account and you want to see the posts from this account to be visible only in the workspace where this account was added, then you can get it enabled by contacting your Success Manager.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Editorial Calendar | Timeline View Enabled for Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr has enabled the Timeline View for Sprinklr Social as well. With this capability enabled, you are no longer required to enable Sprinklr Marketing to use this feature.

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Filter Tasks

You will now be able to filter tasks within the Editorial Calendar based on the following:

  • Task Type

  • Task Status

  • Task Queues

  • Assignee

  • Task Custom Fields

  • Asset

  • Campaign

  • Campaign ID

  • Creator

  • Sub-Campaign

Task Filters in the Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Sort Group By Dimensions

While grouping content within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to sort the grouping dimensions. The groups will be sorted in the following manner:

  • In case of system properties like Campaign, Sub-campaign, Account Types, Template, Channel, etc. it should be alphabetically sorted.

  • In the case of custom properties, the groups should be sorted in the order they are defined in the custom fields.

  • Groups can be sorted in the ascending or descending order OR first to last.

Sorting Grouping Dimensions within the Editorial Calendar

Digital Asset Manager

Digital Asset Manager | Ability to Bulk Initiate Workflow on Assets

You will now be able to bulk initiate workflow on assets in the grid and list view within the Digital Asset Manager. This capability will save your time and effort. 

Bulk Initiating Workflow on Assets in Grid View

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support for Predictive Search

Sprinklr now supports the Predictive Search option while searching for content within the Production Dashboards. The predictive search option in the Production Dashboard will differ based on entity type you are searching for:

Outbound Tab:

  • Shows recent search keywords.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching message names which will directly open message details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Tasks Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching task names which will directly open task details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Campaign Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching campaign names which will directly open campaign details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Sub-Campaign Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching sub-campaign names which will directly open sub-campaign details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Predictive Searching by Description of Campaign

Production Dashboards | Removed Redundant Permissions 

Sprinklr has removed the redundant permissions from the Production Dashboards that are Create Column, Edit Column, and Clone Column.

Removing Permissions for the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Export Column Permission Renamed

Sprinklr has renamed the Export Column permission to Export Dashboard within the Production Dashboard permissions.  

 Export Dashboard Permission for Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Updated Behavior for View Only Permission

If you only have the View permission of the Production Dashboards, you will now not be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze Columns. 

The permissions and actions will function as follows:

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for dashboards created by you.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will not be able to rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard but will not be able to create a new dashboard.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard. You will also be able to create a new dashboard.

Production Dashboards | Switch View Types with View Permission

You will now be able to switch the Production Dashboard view from Tabular to Kanban or to Timeline with only the View permission enabled for your user. Please note, you will be able to perform this action even if the dashboard is locked.

Production Dashboards | New Simplified Group-By UX 

While grouping by the content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to re-order and sort the selected dimensions within the Group-By window itself. Apart from this, you will also be able to add a Group-By dimension directly from the column header. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to quickly apply group-by and manage your content within the Production Dashboard.

Grouping By Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Consistency in Permissions

Sprinklr has modified roles for Production Dashboard permissions. The new modified permissions will function as follows:

  • With View only permission, you will not be able to change the Production Dashboard for any other user. Changes made by you will only be visible to you. 

  • With View only permission, you will be able to toggle between Tabular, Kanban, or Timeline View of the Production Dashboard.

  • With View only permission, you will be able to Filter, Group-By, Search, Refresh, Mark as Favourite, Change Duration, and Sort Columns within the Production Dashboard. 

  • With access to Edit permission, you will be able to Add, Remove, and Freeze Columns within the Production Dashboards.

Production Dashboards | Ability to Distinguish Columns by Object Names

While adding columns within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to distinguish the columns by object types. 

For example, if you are adding a Campaign column within the Tasks tab of the Production Dashboards, you can visually identify or distinguish which object’s campaign column you are adding such as a campaign associated with the message or a parent campaign of a sub-campaign.

Campaign Column for Message and Sub-Campaign

Production Dashboards | Support for Infinite Scrolling in Grouped View

Sprinklr now supports infinite scrolling within the grouped view of the Production Dashboards.

Infinite Scrolling in Grouped View

Production Dashboards | Improved Filtering Capabilities

Filtering within the Production Dashboards was not consistent with missing filtering dimensions. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to view and filter the Production Dashboards with All possible dimensions allowing you to search and find content with ease. Apart from this, you will also be able to distinguish between the tab configuration filters and the filters applied on the tab.

Filters to be shown in the Messages tab:

  • Outbound Message Filters

  • Campaign filters

  • Sub-Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Task tab:

  • Outbound Message Filters

  • Task filters

  • Sub campaign filters

  • Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Campaign tab:

  • Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Sub-Campaign tab:

  • Sub Campaign Filters

Filters within the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Improved Navigation and Visualization 

Sprinklr has improved the navigation and visualization within the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to have the context of what you are viewing within the dashboard saving you a lot of time and effort. Apart from this, you will able to:

  • View the full name of users in the List view along with avatars. 

  • View the header of the Production Dashboard while performing bulk actions on selected entities. 

  • View and navigate between sub-tabs within a dashboard.

  • Visually identify the Dashboard and Tab you are viewing.

  • Hide columns directly from the List view without opening Manage Columns.

Improved Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Sort By and In-Line Edit Tasks List

While viewing tasks in the list view of the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to add and view Sub-Campaign details column within the Tasks Tab. With sub-campaign details of a task available in the list view, you will be able to sort by, filter, and group tasks on the basis of Sub-Campaign's system and custom fields. Apart from this, you will also be able to in-line edit sub-campaigns fields directly from the list view. With this capability enabled you will be able to manage your tasks and sub-campaign without navigating to other panes, tabs, or views.

In-Line Editing of Due Date within the Task List View

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Sort By Capability

Sprinklr has enhanced the Sort By capability within the Production Dashboards. With the enablement of this capability, the tasks tab within the Production Dashboards will be sorted by the due date by default and not by name. Apart from this, you will also be able to have multidimensional sorting within the list view. The columns in the list view can be sorted irrespective of the object type.

Production Dashboard Tasks Tab List View

Production Dashboards | Support to Retain the Last Opened Tab

Production Dashboards will now retain the last tab you were viewing, enabling you to save time and effort. With the enhancement of this capability, you will be able to quickly navigate to the same tab, in case, you:

  • Refresh your dashboard

  • Navigate to any other dashboard from the sidebar

  • Open two dashboards simultaneously

  • Open Production Dashboard along with some other module

This is also applicable to the Production Dashboards within the Campaigns.

Production Dashboards | Support for Sub-Campaign, Campaign, and Message Columns in the Tasks Tab

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to view and manage the sub-campaigns, campaigns, and message system, and custom field columns within the Tasks Tab of the Production Dashboard. With this capability enabled, you will be able to view these columns as <Propertyname> while adding or removing columns from the Manage Columns window. Apart from this, you will also be able to configure the Sub-Campaign and Campaign label to Story in Manage Columns and Column Headers as per your business requirements. 

Similarly, you can view and manage the columns for system and custom fields of the sub-campaigns, tasks, messages, and campaigns in the Message tab and Campaigns tab as per their availability.Object Columns in the Tasks tab

Production Dashboards | Ability to Copy Paste Fields

You will now be able to copy fields within the Production Dashboards without losing formatting. Note that you will not be able to copy fields that can’t be edited.

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Cell Selection and Navigation Functionality

While viewing the content within the Tabular View of the Production Dashboards, you will be able to navigate using the keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard keys will function as described below:

  • Tab - Navigate left to right between cells.

  • Arrow Keys - Navigate left, right, above, and below between cells.

  • Enter - Enable in-line editing for editable fields.

  • Command/Control + A - Select content for number and text type fields.

Apart from this, the clicks in the Production Dashboard will behave as follows:

  • Single Click - Select the cell and highlight the selected cell’s row.

  • Double Click - Select the cell, highlight the selected cell’s row, and for editable fields enable in-line edit.

Cell Navigation and Editing

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Cloning Capability 

You will now be able to quickly clone messages within the environment without requiring you to refill the system and custom fields. With the enablement of this capability, you can now clone messages within the environment without requiring you to refill the system and custom fields. With the enablement of this capability, you can now skip the pop-up window which appears while cloning messages. You will able to clone a message from the:

  • Production Dashboards via bulk uploading.

  • Option actions on a message from within the Production Dashboards.

  • Option actions on a message from the Advanced Publisher.

  • Option actions on a message from within the Message Third Pane.

The cloning can be done in two ways:

Bulk Cloning - While bulk cloning a message you can save time by skipping the intermediate steps. Bulk Cloning can only be performed from a dashboard view. 

Individual Cloning - While individually cloning a message the same behavior will be reflected.

Bulk Cloning

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Production Dashboards | Enhanced UI for Dashboard Bar

Sprinklr has enhanced the UI of the Dashboard Bar within the Production Dashboards. The dashboard bar and its functionalities will be consistent across the Production Dashboards and the Production Tab within the Campaign and Sub-Campaigns details window. 

With this UI enhancement the Sort By, Manage Columns, and Export icons are updated. The position of the Search Bar has been changed. Apart from this, you will be able to view the Tab Summary by hovering over the i icon.

For more information, see Tabular View of the Production Dashboards.

Tabular View of the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Access Campaign and Sub-Campaign Details in Message Third Pane

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to view Campaign and Sub-Campaign’s card summary in the Message Third Pane. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to navigate to Campaign and Sub-campaign Quick Views directly from Message View. You will be able to view the following details:

If a message is associated with a Campaign: 

  • Campaign Name

  • Campaign Start and End Date

  • Sub-Campaign Count

  • Event Count 

  • Message Count

  • Paid Initiative Count 

  • Campaign Avatar

  • Campaign Color Coding

If a message is associated with a Sub-Campaign:

  • Sub-Campaign Name

  • Sub-Campaign Start and End Date

  • Event Count

  • Message Count

  • Sub-Campaign Icon

  • Sub-Campaign Color

  • Parent Campaign’s Avatar

  • Parent Campaign’s Name

Viewing Campaign Details in Associated Message’s Third Pane

Production Dashboards | Ability to Group-By Unassigned Tasks

While grouping tasks based on the Assigned To dimension within the Production Dashboards, all the tasks that are not assigned to any user will now be sorted under the Not Set dimension by default.  

For example, There are 1000 tasks in a Tasks Tab within the Production Dashboard. Out of these 1000 tasks, 50 are not assigned to any user. While grouping tasks by the Assigned To dimension, these 50 unassigned tasks will be grouped under the Not Set dimension by default.

Not Set as a Value for Assigned To Dimension

Production Dashboards | Ability to Sort Campaign Columns in Message Tab

You will now be able to Sort Campaign Columns within the Message Tab of the Production Dashboards. Note that you will not be able to sort all columns within the Message Tab. Only columns that are sortable within the Campaigns Tab can be sorted within the Message Tab.

Sorting Campaign Name Column within the Message Tab

Production Dashboards | Change in Behavior of Duration Filters

Sprinklr has now updated the behavior of the following duration filters within Production Dashboards:

  • This Week: Sunday till Saturday of the current week

  • This Month: 1st till the last date of the current month

  • This Year: 1st till the last date of the current yearApplying Duration Filter for Current Month

Production Dashboards | Show Full Username for Single and Multipicklist Custom Field

Sprinklr now provides you with the capability to view the usernames for single and multi-picklist type custom fields along with their avatars in their respective columns. The enablement of this capability will help you quickly identify the users, thus saving your time and effort. 

Production Dashboards | Support for Enhanced Search Criteria

While viewing the content within the Production Dashboards, you will now have the ability to:

  • Search the Outbound Message tabs by Status ID, Message ID, and Sub-Campaigns.

  • Search the Tasks tabs by the associated Entity Name.

This capability will enable you to find and narrow down the rows that match the text you have entered in the search field.

Enhanced Search Criteria

Searching Task via Entity Name

Production Dashboards | Support for Additional Duration Filters

Sprinklr now allows you to have additional duration filters in the Production Dashboards. For Outbound Message tabs, the messages will be filtered based on the Message Schedule date. On the other hand, the Tasks tab will be filtered based on Task Due Date. Below is the list of new values and updates in the existing duration filters are:

  • Tomorrow

  • Next Month

  • Next Year

  • Date Range within the current week

  • Date Range within the next week

  • Date Range within the last 30 days

  • Date Range within the last 60 days

  • Date Range within the next 60 days

  • Date Range within the last 120 days

  • Date Range within the last 365 days

  • Date Range within the next 365 days

The enablement of this capability will help you to easily manage and plan your content as per your business requirements.

Additional Filters in the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to View Sub-Campaign ID Column

With the Sub-Campaign ID column enabled within the Production Dashboards, you can now search, filter, and export the Production Dashboards with Sub-Campaign IDs. Apart from this, you will also be able to view the Sub-Campaign ID in the overview tab of the Sub-Campaigns details. Additionally, the label Sub-Campaign will be configurable and the Sub-Campaign IDs will appear in numerical order. The Sub-Campaign ID will also be visible in the Properties sections of the View Details (Third Pane) of Sub-campaign.

Viewing Sub-Campaign ID Column within the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Inline Edit Campaign Properties from Message Tab

While viewing the content within the Message tab of the Production Dashboards, you will be able to Inline Edit the campaign properties. The properties that are inline edited will be automatically updated in the Third Pane. 

Inline Editing Campaign Properties

Production Dashboards | Ability to Inline Edit and Sort Message Columns within the Tasks Tab

You will now be able to Inline Edit Message Columns from the Tasks tab within the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to manage tasks and messages from the same tab without opening another pane. Apart from this, you will also be able to Sort them to manage tasks and messages from the same tab, without opening another pane.

Similarly, you can also inline edit Sub-Campaign and Campaign columns within the Tasks tab.

Inlining Editing Message Columns within the Taska Tab

Sorting Message Column

Production Dashboards | Ability to Reorder Columns from Manage Columns Section

You will now be able to Reorder Columns by drag and drop within the Manage Columns section. With this capability enabled, the Manage Columns section will behave as follows:

  • Cross-object grouped columns will show as flat with object names.

  • The lock icon will indicate frozen columns.

  • If you drag and drop a column between frozen columns, that column also gets frozen.

  • If you drag and drop a column outside of the frozen columns, that column also gets unfrozen.

  • If you drag and drop in the disabled section, the column also gets disabled.

  • If you drag and drop in the enabled section, the column also gets enabled.

  • If you disable a column, it moves down as per current behaviour.

  • If you enable a column, it moves up as the last column as per current behaviour.

  • Both enabled and disabled lists are alphabetically sorted as per current behaviour.

  • The Manage Column icon has been updated as per the new UI.

  • All the changes are applied once you click Save.

  • Clicking outside or Cancel will close the Manage Column section and you will lose any intermediate changes done.

  • Reset action has the same behaviour as you have today.

  • The object name of the column will be indicated (Sub-campaign will change to Story).

Manage Columns within the Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Support for Visibility of Group-By Dimensions

While grouping content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to view the dimensions used to Group-By the content upfront. This will help you to understand the basis on which the content is grouped.

Group Dimension Visible

Production Dashboards | Support for Tab Name Visibility 

While performing bulk actions within the Production Dashboards, you will be able to view the name and other details of the tab you are working in. This will be consistent, irrespective of the view type you are in. With this enhancement, the bulk actions will not overlap the name of the tab.

Tab Name Visible while performing Bulk Actions

Production Dashboards | Set Start Date as Default Duration Filter 

The duration filter will now be set to campaign/sub-campaign Start Date by default within the campaign and sub-campaign tabs of the Production Dashboards. This will enable you to focus on upcoming campaigns and sub-campaigns and plan your workflow accordingly. 

Start Date Set as Default Duration Filter

Production Dashboards | Support for Workflow Name as Column for Campaign/Sub-Campaign Tab

While viewing campaign and sub-campaign tabs within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to add Workflow Name columns within the respective tabs. Apart from this, you will be able to filter, group-by, and sort-by these tabs by Workflow Name dimension.

Workflow Names Column within the Campaigns Tab

Production Dashboards | Ability to Export Applied Filters and Group-By Dimensions 

The excel export of the Production Dashboards view will now include the applied filters, group-by dimensions, quick filters, and duration filters. The export will also include color-coding enabled within the dashboards. This will help you to have a better idea of how the data is visualized within the Production Dashboards. Apart from this, this allows you to share the excel export and collaboration with other team members.

Filters in the Excel Export of Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Updated Behavior for Manage Tabs Permission 

If you have only Create permission and no Manage Tabs permission, you will not be able to manage tabs for dashboards created by another user. In order to manage tabs for dashboards created by other users, you need to have Manage Tabs permission, along with the Create permission.

The permissions and actions will function as follows:

  • Create

  • Manage Tabs


You will be able to create a dashboard and manage tabs within it. However, you will not be able to manage tabs for dashboards created by other users.

  • Create

  • Manage Tabs


You will be able to create dashboards and manage tabs for any dashboard even if they are not created by you.

Production Dashboards | Remove Object Name from the Filters

Filtering within the Production Dashboards was not consistent with object type showing at the end of some filters. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to view and filter the Production Dashboards with all possible dimensions allowing you to search and find content with ease.

Filters within the Production Dashboards

User Generated Content

User Generated Content | Enabled for Sprinklr Social

Sprinklr has enabled the User Generated Content module for Sprinklr Social as well. With this capability enabled, User Generated Content and UGC Templates modules will be moved under Sprinklr Social. However, it will remain a part of Sprinklr Marketing. In the navigation menu, UGC will be shown under Sprinklr Marketing if Marketing is enabled, otherwise it will be shown under Sprinklr Social.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Publisher | Support to Disable Auto-Fill of Title and Description for Video Assets

Sprinklr has disabled the auto-fill of the Title and Description fields of video assets while creating a post within the Publisher. This will allow you to prevent other users from publishing videos to Facebook, YouTube, or any other channel, without first changing the Title and Description of the video asset. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Publisher | Ability to Associate Message Shells to Sub-Campaigns

You will now be able to select Sub-Campaigns while creating Message Shells. Please note that only the sub-campaigns that belong to the selected campaign associated with the message shell will appear. With this capability, you will be able to filter and group-by message shells by sub-campaigns. Apart from this, you can also add message shells from the Sub-Campaign’s Overview tab. On adding a message shell from the overview tab of the sub-campaign, the campaign and sub-campaign names will be auto-filled. 

Associating Message Shell to a Sub-Campaign

Creating Message Shell from Sub-Campaign Overview Tab

Publisher | Ability to Export Content Template Data in Excel Sheet

While generating an export of a message from the Advanced Publisher, Editorial Calendar, and Production Dashboards, you will now be able to include text fields of a content template in the excel sheet. The export for content templates will include an extra excel sheet for content template text data.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing | Ability to Add Intended Email Address in Email Body

Sprinklr now allows you to include email address of the intended recipient in the email body. You may include it at the beginning of the mail, or in the footer, or at any other space of your preference in the mail body.

Sometimes, you may send out emails to users or subscribers who subscribed using their official email addresses. When they leave, the emails sent out to them may be redirected to a different email address, the owner of which may find your email to be irrelevant. It is necessary that the recipient of the mail knows who this mail is intended for. 

Include Intended Email Address

Email Marketing | Ability to Open Emails in a New Browser

Sprinklr now allows you to create and send emails that recipients can open in a new web browser. You may include the CTA at the beginning of the mail, or in the footer, or at any other space of your preference in the mail body. You can include this CTA in the email body while creating the Email Template.




Email Marketing | Ability to Add Subject Line in Test Email

You can now send test emails with a subject line. This will give you a clear picture of what the email looks like in the inbox of the recipient. You can make changes accordingly, if necessary, before sending the emails. 

Add Subject in Test Emails


Email Marketing | Ability to Include Sender Information in Test Email

Sprinklr now allows you to include the sender information in test emails. It will be exactly the same as the Account you choose while sending the Test Email.

Sender Details in Test Email


Email Marketing | Ability to Use Dynamic Tokens (Custom Fields) in Test Emails

While creating or editing Email Templates, you can use Merge Tokens to create dynamic content while sending Test Emails. The Merged Tokens are Attributes that you can select as necessary. These attributes may include, intended email address, first name of the recipient, last name of the recipient, mobile number, city, etc. Start typing curly bracket and the related word, and select the appropriate option. 

Use Dynamic Content in Test Email

Use Dynamic Content in Test Email

Email Marketing | Target Audience Segments for Email Marketing

You can now target Audience Segments for your email marketing campaigns on Sprinklr. This capability will save you time and effort, making the process seamless and effortless.

Target Audience Segments For Email Marketing

Email Marketing | Ability to See Details of Audience Activity on Salesforce

Sprinklr now allows you to view audience activity reports for the sent emails on Salesforce. This capability helps your sales team be updated about any sort of marketing pitch that has been communicated with the customer or how the customer has reacted to the communication, for instance Email View, Email Click, etc. So, this capability makes sure that your sales team is adequately informed before they take the next step with the leads.  

Salesforce Audience Activity

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Campaign Third Pane

You will now be able to open campaigns in a quick view or Third Pane to perform Campaign specific actions such as initiating workflow, clone, lock, edit, view analytics, etc. The campaign third pane will have: 

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: In the Overview tab of the campaigns you will be able to view 

  • Campaign Card

  • Campaign Name

  • Description

  • Start & End Dates

  • Status

  • Number of Sub-campaigns, Messages, and Events

  • Colour coding (from calendar configuration)

  • Tags

  • Avatar Image

  • Properties

Overview Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the campaigns you will be able to view:
  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

Properties Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the campaigns, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the campaigns you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks on a Campaign.
Tasks Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the campaigns you will be able to view the Activity trail of the Campaign.
Activity Tab in Campaign Third Pane

Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Sub-Campaign Third Pane 

You will now be able to open the Sub-Campaigns Third Pane to perform Sub-Campaign specific actions such as initiating workflow, clone, lock, edit, view analytics, etc. The sub-campaign third pane will have:

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: You will be able to navigate to the associated parent campaign. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Sub-Campaign Card

  • Sub-Campaign Name

  • Description

  • Start & End Dates

  • Status

  • Number of Messages, Events, and Paid Initiatives

  • Colour coding 

  • Parent Campaign Details

  • Tags

  • Avatar Image

Overview Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view 

  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

Properties Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the sub-campaigns, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks on a Sub-Campaign.
Tasks Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view the Activity trail of the Sub-Campaign.
Activity Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Tasks Third Pane  

You will now be able to open tasks in a quick view or Third Pane to perform task-specific actions, such as apply macro, edit, delete, update status, etc. The task third pane will have:

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: You will able to navigate to the associated entity from the Overview tab. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Assigned To

  • Due Date

  • Assigned By

  • Task Queue

  • Associated Properties

  • Latest Collaboration

Navigating to Associated Message from the Task Third Pane

Properties Tab: Within the Properties tab, you will be able to: 

  • View and edit system and custom properties.

  • Copy field values.

Properties Tab in Task Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: Within the Collaborate tab, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions
Collaborate Tab in Task Third Pane
Activity Tab: Within the Activity tab, you will be able to view the activity trail or actions taken on the task
Activity Tab in Task Third Pane

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Tasks Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Message Third Pane  

Sprinklr has enhanced the UI for Message Third Pane. The enhancements made in the quick view or Third Pane will be consistent within the Sprinklr platform. Also, the Outbound Message has been renamed to Message within the Third Pane everywhere within the environment. The Message Third Pane will have:

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: The Overview Tab will have vertical tab navigation to provide you a large screen, thus reducing scrolling for tasks, notes, activity, etc. Apart from this, you will able to: 

  • View Campaign and Sub-Campaign’s card summary in the Message Third Pane.

  • Navigate to Campaign and Sub-campaign Quick Views directly from Message View.

  • Take actions on the message such as Edit, Initiate Workflow, Clone, etc.

  • View and edit the scheduled date for the message.

  • Have a preview of the content and edit the message name. 

  • View and edit the scheduled date for the message. This can be done irrespective of the status of the message.

  • View and update the required custom properties of the message.  

  • View the most recently created tasks and navigate to the Tasks tab.

  • View the most recent notes and comments added via collaboration and navigate to the collaborate tab.

Overview Tab in Message Third Pane

Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view all the system and custom properties associated with the message. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

  • View and edit the associated sub-campaign. Note that only sub-campaigns associated with the selected campaign will appear in the dropdown.

Properties Tab in Message Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Message Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks created on a message.
Tasks Tab in Message Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view the Activity trail of all the actions taken on the message. You can also view the changes or updates made to the Account Type of a message.
Activity Tab in Message Third Pane

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Message Third Pane

Content Marketing | Ability to View Confidential Messages Regardless of Sharing Permissions 

You will now get provided with confidential admin permissions, without removing or restricting other permissions. This will enable you to view messages that are not shared with you. 


Enable View Confidential under Outbound Message Permissions to view confidential messages.

Enabling View Confidential Permission for Outbound Message

Content Marketing | Enabled Expired as New Task Status

You will now have Expired added as a new value in the Task Status system field by default. This new task status will be visible in the Production Dashboards, Engagement Dashboards, Tasks Tab within the Collaboration Pane, Editorial Calendar, and entity-specific Third Pane. Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • Filter the Tasks by Expired status in all the above-mentioned views.

  • Use this new value of Task Status for color-coding within the Production Dashboards.

  • View Expired as a value if the Production Dashboard is grouped by Task Status dimension.

  • View the Expired value of Task Status while creating quick filters within the Production Dashboards.

  • View the Expired value of Task Status in Decision Box within the Workflow Engine.

Note that, if a task gets cancelled from timers in the workflow engine it will be marked as Expired instead of Cancelled.

Selecting Expired as Task Status in Production Dashboards

Content Marketing | Ability to Copy Properties from the Third Pane

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to quickly copy properties associated with Campaigns, Messages, Tasks, and Sub-Campaigns from the Quick View (Third Pane) without going into the edit mode. The complete content of a property will be copied to the clipboard to be pasted anywhere without having you to click into the field. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamlines the workflow.

Copying Properties from the Third Pane

Content Marketing | Ability to Sort and Search within the Tasks Tab 

You will now be able to Sort and Search tasks in the Tasks tab from the third pane of an entity. The sorting of tasks can be done on three levels. Additionally, you can sort the dimensions individually as well. Apart from this, the search can be done by the Task Name and Task Description.

Sorting and Searching within the Tasks Tab

Content Marketing | Ability to Visually Identify My Notes in the Collaboration Pane

You will now be able to distinguish between your notes and notes made by other users on tasks within the Overview and Collaboration tabs of the Third Pane. Apart from this, you will also be able to view the avatar with a highlight along with the user icon. By hovering over the user icon of a note added by you it will show My Comment.

Distinguishing your Comment in the Collaboration Pane

Content Marketing | Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the List View

You can now navigate to the associated campaign and sub-campaign by clicking the respective campaign and sub-campaign links from the list view of the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar. This enables you to gain additional context related to an outbound message.

Content Marketing | Support for Tasks Preview in the Overview Tab 

You will now be able to have a preview of the task in the Overview tab of the associated entity’s Third Pane. This capability will enable you to take quick actions such as add a new task, apply macro, delete, edit, collaborate, open the Task Third Pane, etc. without navigating to the Task tab. Apart from this, you will also be able to update:

  • The Status of the Task

  • The Assignee

  • The Due Date

  • The Task Queue

Editing a Task from the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | Ability to Customize Visible Properties within the Overview Tab 

You can now customize the properties to be visible within the Overview tab of the Third Pane of an entity. This can be achieved by marking the desired properties as favorite. To view all the properties, you can always navigate to the Properties tab.

Customized Properties Visible within the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | My Queues as a Filter Value for Task Queues 

Sprinklr now supports the My Queues value for the task queue filters. This capability will enable you to filter and view tasks assigned to you alongside the tasks assigned to task queues that you have been subscribed to.

My Queues as Filter Value for Task Queue

Content Marketing | Ability to Navigate Between Multiple Templates

Within the Message Third Pane, you can navigate between various templates of a post with multiple account types. 

For example, if you have created a post with multiple account types such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WeChat, etc. then you can navigate to their respective templates while viewing the post in a Third Pane.

Navigating Between Different Templates

Content Marketing | Support for Long Text within the Collaborate Tab 

While collaborating via notes, messages, and attachments within the Third Pane of an entity, the notes field will expand now on adding a long text. Apart from this, the notes box will expand up to 60% within the Collaborate tab as the notes are being typed in. 

Adding Notes with Long Text in the Collaborate Tab

Content Marketing | Preview of Collaboration within the Overview Tab 

You will now be able to get a Preview of the collaboration done on an entity within the Overview tab of the Third Pane. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • View the most recent comments made on the message.

  • View replies in a collapsed form. Clicking on it will open the reply.

  • Switch to Collaborate tab by clicking Show All.

  • Delete a comment from the Overview tab.

  • Delete, edit, and reply to the comment and replies.

This capability will keep you updated with the latest collaboration happening on a post.

Replying on a Comment from the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | Outbound Message Renamed to Message in the Third Pane

Outbound Message has been renamed to Message within the Third Pane everywhere within the environment.

Message Third Pane

Value Realization

Value Realization | Support for Value Realization Dashboard

With the enablement of Value Realization within Sprinklr Marketing, you will be able to measure the dollar value of Sprinklr PBOs and PBUCs. 

  • Sprinklr PBOs - PBOs are Positive Business Outcomes. These are the specific and measurable business results that occur as a consequence of taking certain actions, e.g. executing PBUCs.

  • Sprinklr PBUCs - PBUCs are the Primary Business Use Cases. It is a summarized list of many use cases that highlight Sprinklr’s most important capabilities, demonstrate value, and lead to Positive Business Outcomes.

Apart from this, you will also be able to measure the value and adoption metric for each PBUC. Value Realization Dashboard consists of various input fields that help to calculate ROI, Cost Saving, Risk Assessment, etc. along with the formulae to calculate each value. These formulas have blank fields for metrics to be filled in by the user. Certain in-built metrics are also being provided to calculate these values by Sprinklr. Every formula consists of 3 types of values:

  • Sprinklr Metrics: These values are derived from the Sprinklr reporting metrics.

  • Customer Input: Users can input the values based on their use case and organization. Sprinklr provides default values that reflect industry benchmarks.

  • System Calculated: These values are calculated based on the formula of Sprinklr metric and customer input.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Modern Marketing - Value Realization Dashboard


Reporting | Support for Notes Count as a Consumption Metric

While analyzing collaboration within Reporting, you will now be able to use Notes Count as a Consumption Metric. Apart from this, you will also be able to filter the notes and comments by its associated entity such as Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Outbound Message, Tasks, Media Assets, etc. This will help you measure collaboration in the platform.

Adding Notes Count as a Consumption Metric

Reporting | Support for Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric

While analyzing consumption within Reporting, you will now be able to use Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric. Apart from this, you will also be able to filter the Sub-Campaign Count data by Sub-Campaign system and custom properties.

Adding Sub-Campaign Count as a Consumption Metric

Reporting | Support for Task Due Filter

While reporting on tasks within Sprinklr, you will now be able to use Task Due as a filter and dimension. This will enable you to follow up on tasks that are overdue. Apart from this, you will also be able to add Task Due as a condition in Task Rules with Early Completion and Delayed Completion as its values. 

The Task Due Filter and Dimension will have the following values:

  • Overdue - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is in the past

  • Early Completion - When a Task is in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Completed Date is less than Due Date

  • Delayed Completion - When a Task is in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Completed Date is greater than Due Date

  • Due Future - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is in the future

  • Due Today - When a Task is not in Completed, Closed, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and Invalid Status and Completed and Due Date is Today

Task Widget with Task Due Dimension

Adding Task Due as Condition in Task Rule

Content Builder

Content Builder | Ability to Limit the Number of Characters in Text Widget

While creating a new content template, you will now be able to limit the number of characters for the text widget. This will indicate the number of characters remaining when a user types in the publisher using this template. Additionally, the users will not be able to save as draft or schedule if the character limit has not been adhered to.

Content Builder | HTML Export for Content Template Form 

While exporting a message within Sprinklr, you will now be able to download a .html file for content template form. The .html file will contain the content added within the template. While generating export for a message with multiple templates, multiple .html files will be exported in a zipped folder. This capability will enable you to share your content with other users exactly the way it looks in Sprinklr. 

The .html export will show:

  • Message Form in the Content tab on the left side

  • Labels of the text box

  • Text in the text box

  • Media thumbnails

  • Preview of content on right side

 Downloading .html Export of a Message

.html Export of a Message

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Support for Operators Based on Condition Types

While creating a workflow within the Workflow Engine, you will now be able to select operators as per the condition type selected. With the enablement of this capability, you will view only the relevant operators on selecting a particular condition. As per this capability:

Operator Type

If the condition to be applied is Date or Number type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Greater than

  • Greater than or Equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or Equal to

  • Equals

If the condition type to be applied is Text or TextArea type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Equals

  • Starts With

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Picklist type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Containing

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Textmulti or Picklist Multiselect type custom field

The operator type will be:
  • Containing 

  • Not Containing

Selecting Operators for Text Type Custom Field

Workflow Engine | Support for Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as Conditions in Decision Box 

While creating workflows for media assets, you will now be able to use Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as conditions within the decision box. Please note that the value field next to the condition will be a multi picklist type, therefore, you can select more than one value of campaign and sub-campaign. On initiating the workflow on an asset, the set campaign and sub-campaign will get selected. 

Campaign And Sub-Campaign As Conditions in Decision Box


Notifications | Updated Labels and Descriptions for Task Notifications

Following labels and descriptions for Tasks in Notification Preferences have been updated:

Task Creation and Assignment

Alerts assignee, task, and task queue subscribers if the task is created and assigned to a user or queue.

Task Status Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task status is updated.

Task Queue Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and new task queue subscribes if the task queue is updated.

Task Assignee Updates 

Alerts new assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task assignee is updated on an existing task.

Task Due Date Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if the task due date is updated.

Other Task Updates

Alerts assignee, task creator, task, and task queue subscribers if task attachment, name, description or custom fields are updated.

Task Assignee Reminders

Alerts task assignee if a task is due.

@Mentions on Tasks

Alert users/user groups who are mentioned on the task notes.

Setting Notification Preferences for Tasks

Notifications | Only Task Assignees to Receive Task Follow-Up Notifications

After enabling task follow-up notifications under Notification Preferences within Sprinklr, only the task assignees will receive such notifications. The creator, the user who initiated the workflow, or the subscriber of the task will not receive any such notifications. Apart from this, if you have Task Reminder enabled, then the reminders will be sent only to the task assignee.

Setting Notification Preferences for Tasks

Email Notifications

Email Notifications | Redirect Task and Outbound Email Notifications to Production Tab of Campaigns

Now, the Task and Outbound Email Notification links can be configured to open in the Production tab of the specific Campaign the outbound message is associated with. This will be extremely relevant for users who work from the Production tab of the Campaign.


Settings | Support for Personas in Configurator

Sprinklr now provides you the capability to import and export Personas via excel from Configurator within the Platform Settings. This capability will enable you to create personas by bulk uploading and downloading, saving your time and effort.

Exporting Persona from Configurator

Settings | Ability to Bulk Import and Export Customer Journey Stages

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to import and export the customer journey stages in an excel via the Configurator within Platform Settings. Please note that if a customer journey stage has multiple sharing types, the values will be exported in different rows. This capability will enable you to create customer journey stages by bulk uploading and downloading, saving your time and effort.

Export of Customer Journey Stage in Excel

Settings | Permission to Access Production Dashboard and Editorial Calendar 

As an admin, you will now be able to view all the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar (Planner) boards whether they are shared with you or not. To access this capability, your role should be given Production Dashboard and Editorial Calendar (Planner) permissions under the Config Admin category in order to access all the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar boards.

Note that this permission depends on your role and not the user type.

Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar as Config Admin Permissions

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Ability to Have Task Custom Fields as Actions and Conditions

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set task custom fields as actions and conditions while creating Task Rules. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the workflow.

Selecting Task Custom Fields as Conditions for Task Rule

Rule Engine | Set Campaign and Sub-Campaign Properties as Conditions in Rule Engine

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Campaign and Sub-Campaign properties as conditions while creating Draft, Draft Update, Autofill, Pre-Publishing, Post-Publishing, and Outbound rules. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the flow.

Setting Sub-Campaign Properties as Condition for Outbound Message Rule

Rule Engine | Set Is Variant and Author as Conditions

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Is Variant and Author as conditions while creating Auto-fill, Draft, Draft Update, Pre-Publishing, Post-Publishing, and Outbound rules. 

  • Is Variant - Refers to whether the message is a variant or not.

  • Author - The creator of the message.

Is Variant

Setting Author Name as Condition in Draft Rule


Setting Is Variant as Condition in Draft Rule


Rule Engine | Ability to Select Create Variant as Action 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to select Create Variant as action while creating Draft and Draft Update rules. You can select Set, Merge, or Copy as operator values while creating a workflow. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the workflow.

Create Variant as Action in Draft Rule

Rule Engine | Autofill Custom Fields based on User Group Sharing 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set client and user visibility as Conditions and Actions while creating Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Campaign Update, and Sub-Campaign Update rules. This will autofill custom fields while creating or updating Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns based on user group sharing.

Setting Client and User Visibility as Conditions in Campaign Rules

Rule Engine | Ability to Set Workflow Calendar as Action

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Workflow Calendar as an action while creating Draft, Draft Update, Sub-Campaign, Sub-Campaign Update, Campaign, and Campaign Update rules. This capability will enable you to trigger workflows containing milestone due dates based on conditional logic from the Rule Engine. 

Setting Workflow Calendar as Action in Rule Engine


Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Campaign and Sub-Campaign in SAM Assets

While creating SAM Asset macros, you will now be able to add, remove, and set Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as automated and manual actions. This will enable you to bulk update Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns on SAM Assets via macros. 

Adding Campaigns and Sub-Campaign in Bulk on SAM Macro 

Macros | Ability to Execute Draft Rules on Outbound Messages

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to execute Draft Rules on Outbound Messages via Macros. The Draft Rules will appear as Automated and Manual actions while creating or editing macros for the Outbound Messages. This capability will enable you to apply rules on messages that are not yet published.

Executing Draft Rules in Macros

Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Sub-Campaigns via Macros

You can now bulk update Sub-Campaigns via macros that allow you to make consistent changes across multiple Sub-Campaigns. With this capability enabled, you can apply manual and automated actions on Sub-Campaigns within the List View of the Production Dashboards, Third Pane, and Overview Tab of the Sub-Campaigns. Apart from this, you will also be able to set sub-campaign rules as actions while creating sub-campaign macros.

Bulk Updating Sub-Campaigns via Macros

Macros | Ability to @Mention Users/User Groups in Comments

While creating Outbound Message macros, you will now be able to @Mention Users/User Groups for Add Comment action in Manual and Automated actions. The @mention in the comment can be applied to multiple draft messages and the users/user groups mentioned will be notified of the same. Apart from this, comments with @mention made via macro can be threaded from the third pane or the collaboration pane within the Advanced Publisher.

@Mentioning Users in Add Comment Action in Outbound Message Macro

Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Campaigns via Macros

You can now bulk update Campaigns via macros that allows you to make consistent changes across multiple Campaigns. With this capability enabled, you can apply manual and automated actions on Campaigns within the List/Kanban View of the Production Dashboards for Campaigns, Campaigns List View, Campaigns Detail View (Third Pane), and Overview Tab of the Campaign Full View. Apart from this, you will also be able to set campaign rules as actions while creating campaign macros. 

Following campaign actions can be bulk updated via macros:

  • Set Custom Fields

  • Set Rules to Execute

  • Add Comment

  • Archive

  • Add Tags

  • Set Status

  • Set Start Date

  • Set End Date

 Bulk Updating Campaigns via Macros