Sprinklr Release v15.5.0 - May/June/July 2020 New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain features, hover over the linked keywords/phrases within the note and click to open an overlay of the feature. If you want to view the article in a separate tab, click Open Article in the header of the overlay. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. 

Sprinklr Social Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: Publisher | Engagement Dashboards | Governance | Digital Asset Management | Reporting


Publisher | Enhancements in YouTube Publishing

We have enhanced some capabilities to publish on YouTube. You can now notify your subscribers on every video you publish on your channel. You can also specify whether the videos can be embedded in an external site and auto-played on the site itself. You can specify whether a video is made of kids or not; features like personalized ads and notifications won’t be available for videos made for kids and recommendations of further videos will also be suitable for kids. Also, in order to protect you, we have implemented a rate limit of 20 simultaneous video uploads at a time on one channel. This will reduce any off-brand publishing and prevent other issues with the platform. 


Publisher | Introduction of Instagram Shoppable Store in Sprinklr Platform

Sprinklr now allows brands to link shoppable store sites with their social media accounts. Brands can tag products with its shoppable link while publishing a photo or video on Instagram. This will provide all the brands with the ability to create and manage their own personalized shoppable storefronts and tag products with its shoppable link while publishing on Instagram. Brand followers can easily purchase their favorite products. Brands can also track their sales via store reporting in Sprinklr. 



Publisher | Twitter Video Monetization and Additional Capabilities

Sprinklr has integrated with Twitter Pro Media API which allows brands to monetize the videos on their tweets. While monetizing a video, brands will be able to choose which countries they want to monetize the video for. In addition to that, we have also added some extra features for publishing video tweets on Twitter. Brands will now be able to add title & description of the video, add CTA, and URL on the video. Brands can also decide whether the videos can be embedded for playback on external sites.  


Publisher | Ability to Post Photos and Videos on Instagram 

Sprinklr now allows brands to publish photos and videos together while publishing an Instagram post or story. This will allow you to compose more engaging content for your audience. The current limitation of being able to publish a maximum of 10 media at a time will still be applicable to your posts. 


Publisher | Ability to Control Post Approval and Rejection Notifications

Now, you will be able to control who will receive a post rejection and approval notifications in case of multi-tiered approval. You can now control if you want to notify the approver of a post to get a rejection notification in case the post gets rejected at a later tier by someone. While creating an approval path, choose between Author only or Author and approvers to control this behavior. 


Publisher | Ability to Add Title and Description on Pinterest

You will now be able to add title and description while publishing a pin on Pinterest. You can also preview the pins in both desktop and mobile version to check how the pin will look on either of the platforms when your users are browsing Pinterest. 


Publisher | Added Support for Rich Text Format for WeChat Article Publishing

Sprinklr now allows you to add GIFs and write in rich text format while publishing an article on WeChat. You can also insert images in the middle of the article to draft it better. You will have the ability to add author names and the web URL to drive your users to a particular site. You can also control whether the article you are publishing will be available for every user or just for a user group. 


Publisher | Integration of Giphy on Sprinklr Platfrom

Sprinklr has now integrated with Giphy. You can now utilize the GIF repository of Giphy to interact with your customers. You can use Giphy to send GIFs when you are interacting with users from either Engagement Dashboards or in an Agent Console. You can also control the ability to use Giphy based on the user or user group via permission control. Please note, the ability to attach GIFs via Digital Asset Manager is still available for you to utilize.


Publisher | Ability to Resize Image to the Recommended Ratio for Instagram 

Sprinklr publisher now prompts you whenever you will attach an image on Instagram whose aspect ratio is not as per channel guidelines. You can directly click on the image and go to the image editor and correct the aspect ratio of the image. This will allow you to publish an image as per the aspect ratio of the channel.


Publisher | Added Support for Automatic Refresh of Profile Name for Twitter

When a customer updates their profile name on Twitter, we will automatically refresh the profile name in the engagement column when your agent is replying to that customer. This way we are making sure your agent is drafting the correct response for the customer based on their name on Twitter. 

Publisher | Ability to Publish Video to Sina Weibo 

Sprinklr now supports the publishing of videos to Sina Weibo. Using this capability, you can share videos from the Digital Asset Manager to Sina Weibo through the Sprinklr platform. You will also be able to add thumbnails to the video you are publishing on Sina Weibo. Note that you can add video in the post only while creating a post using Publisher. The option to add video is not available for commenting and direct messaging from the Engagement Dashboards. 


Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Added Support for Modmails for Reddit Channel

With this capability, all the moderators will be able to communicate with each other or can handle incoming requests from their users through a shared messaging system known as the Modmail. You can view all the Modmail messages in the Modmail column for the Reddit Channel in the Engagement Dashboard. However, to access the modmail messages using the API, the account holder should be a moderator or must have the moderator's permission.

Engagement Dashboards | Folder Structure in Dashboards

You can now manage your respective dashboards in a more organized way using folders. Folders make it easy to view and manage all the dashboards that are created by you or shared with you in one place. You can create new folders to keep your dashboards organized.


Governance | Business Holiday List in Settings

You now have an option to set up or input the holiday list calendar in Platform Settings. You can then use the Business Holiday List as a Rule Condition and also in Business Hours. Hence, you can configure rules in the Rule Engine that place a condition on whether or not a message was received within the set business holiday list and then customize the actions such as inbound message triaging, assigning to agents, etc. according to your business needs and workflows.

Governance | Identifying Age-gating for Owned Social Media Accounts

Facebook pages are Age-gated (restricted to be viewed only for a certain age group) natively due to compliance and regulatory requirements. With this capability, we can check if the FB pages are age-gated or not via Rule Engine. There are also reporting capabilities to identify age-gating on the owned social media accounts. 

Governance | Queue Refactoring Changes

This enhancement is for improving the latency for the handling of queues (inbound, approval, suggestion, task, and case queues) within the Sprinklr platform. Previously, the queues were stored in a fragmented fashion in the backend, and in order to retrieve those queues, there was an overhead that has been optimized now. The queues are now structured to a generic queue architecture - achieving lower latency. There is no change in the existing behavior for the end-users. We shall be monitoring these changes at our end.

Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management | Added Support for Lithium Accepted Solutions While Replying to Your Customers

Sprinklr now creates a text asset of any answer that is marked as an accepted solution on your Lithium channel. The asset contains the link of the thread where the answer was marked as an accepted solution. Your customer support agent can use this as a canned response or attach it as a text asset while responding to a similar query. 


Digital Asset Management | Ability to Export Asset in PDF Format

Sprinklr now allows exporting annotations on an asset in PDF format. When exporting an asset, users will get a pdf for annotation which shows them the area marked under annotation and the annotation corresponding to each area. We also provide notes written on assets as part of asset exports. This will allow greater collaboration among team members to keep track of the asset changes suggested even outside of Sprinklr. 

Digital Asset Management | Added Support for Auto-scroll to the Error Section

Sprinklr will now auto-scroll the form to the error section when a user is adding/editing an asset and has not filled the required fields correctly. This will save time for the users to identify the area of the error quickly. 


Digital Asset Management | Ability to View Similar Assets & Associated Asset Directly Below the Original Asset

Sprinklr now allows you to view similar and associated assets of a photo or video asset directly below the asset itself. This provides greater visibility in the type of similar assets that are available for the asset that the user is browsing. This also reduces the number of clicks for the user to add an associated asset. 


Digital Asset Management | Added Support for Smart Image Tags

Sprinklr has now expanded its Artificial intelligence capabilities to improve the discoverability of the assets in Digital Asset Manager. We have provided smart image tags which assign around 5000 tags to all the image and video assets based on what objects are present in it. Using this filter, you can find the type of asset you are looking for very quickly. You can use the filter option or just search for the tag in the search bar to identify the assets that are related to it. 


Digital Asset Management | Enhanced Features for Asset Updates

We have enhanced the process and features related to asset updates. Now, whenever someone is trying to click update a new version of an asset, the desktop modal for attaching assets will open automatically when the user clicks on the uploaded new version of an asset. Users can now also access older versions of assets by just clicking on the version date. In case you need even better governance, we have also provided the option to configure a rule to update you periodically if any asset is updated in your environment.



Digital Asset Management | Introduction of Digital Asset Manager Folders 

Sprinklr has now introduced folders in the Digital Asset Manager. Users can now segment and keep their assets in a structured manner in folders. Users will be able to create a folder, add assets to the folder, share the folder with other users, etc. This will allow users to organize the Digital Asset Manager at a greater level and make it faster to identify an asset related to a project. 


Digital Asset Management | External Sharing of Assets

Sprinklr now allows you to create public boards that can be shared outside Sprinklr as well. In order to enhance the performance of the public shared boards, we have done some enhancements on the same. We have introduced a new design for the asset cards rendering in public boards to mimic a similar look as Sprinklr. We have also reduced the amount of data we are transferring to public boards in order to make it faster. Now, you will be able to copy the link of the assets by clicking on the clip icon on the asset directly. Also, we have removed the asset description and type of information on the cards.



Reporting | Ability to Set the Previous Period's Date and Time for Year-on-Year Reporting  

For Year-on-Year reporting, you can now set the date/time on the Previous period in the Summary Table Widget. You can select the current and previous date in the Widget header or in the Dashboard Time Duration Selector and create efficient reports comparing the data values from two different time periods. For example, you can create a widget in the reporting dashboards to find out how much sales increased or decreased since the previous time period. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Reporting | Reporting on Profile Lists Utilizing Profile Tags

You now have the ability to report on Profile Lists utilizing certain Profile Tags with these two new dimensions Client Profile Lists and Partner Profile Lists in Inbound Analytics. This will help you in filtering and reporting on the message custom properties that pertain to each profile list.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Reporting | Ability to Filter SLA Present on Custom Dashboard

With this capability, you are now able to filter the custom dashboards by SLA Preset at the dashboard level. Hence, this removes the hassle of filtering at the individual widget level in the custom dashboard and saves time.


Reporting | Deprecation of Old Widget Editor from Widget Builder (Deprecated August 1, 2020)

In our continuous endeavor to improve overall user experience, we are removing the option to switch back to old Widget Editor from the Widget Builder.

This essentially means, with 15.5 release, users using the new Widget Editor will no longer see the option to return to the old Widget Editor and the users who are still using the old Widget Editor will automatically be switched to the new Widget Editor.

Reporting | Added Support for Sina Weibo Post Reads Metric in Reporting

To help you better understand the number of reads on a post for your Sina Weibo audience, we have added new Weibo Post Reads and Weibo Post Reads Trends metrics in Social Analytics. This will help in tracking the performance of your post and improving the overall productivity of your channel.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.





Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Journey Facilitator

Journey Facilitator | Ability to Send Facebook DMs & Quick Replies on Journey Facilitator

You can now add and schedule Facebook DMs and Quick Replies as messages in Customer Journeys on Journey Facilitator. This helps you not only send automated messages, but also run marketing campaigns or sales promotions like quiz based discount offers or customer retention/nurturing programs.

Journey Facilitator | Dynamic Scheduling of Messages on Journey Facilitator

While creating a customer journey on Journey Facilitator, Sprinklr now allows dynamic scheduling of messages, enabling you schedule a message at any particular time according to the timezone of the respective country. In addition, messaged can be scheduled, based on trigger event or conditions like entry or exit of customers in the journey.



Journey Facilitator | Ability to Remove Users from A Journey on Journey Facilitator

While running a customer journey on Journey Facilitator, customers will automatically get removed from the journey, based on external trigger event or condition. This capability will help you to exit customers from the journey and make them re-enter into a different journey. 

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support for Predictive Search

Sprinklr now supports the Predictive Search option while searching for content within the Production Dashboards. The predictive search option in the Production Dashboard will differ based on entity type you are searching for:

Outbound Tab:

  • Shows recent search keywords.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching message names which will directly open message details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Tasks Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching task names which will directly open task details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Campaign Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching campaign names which will directly open campaign details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Sub-Campaign Tab:

  • Shows recent search results.

  • Auto-completes search keywords.

  • Shows matching sub-campaign names which will directly open sub-campaign details.

  • Shows filter names and values predictively while searching for properties and applies filter automatically. It will not be applicable for Date and Number type custom fields.

Predictive Searching by Description of Campaign

Production Dashboards | Support for Workflow Name as Column for Campaign/Sub-Campaign Tab   

While viewing campaign and sub-campaign tabs within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to add Workflow Name columns within the respective tabs. Apart from this, you will be able to filter, group-by, and sort-by these tabs by Workflow Name dimension.

Workflow Names Column within the Campaigns Tab

Production Dashboards | Ability to Distinguish Columns by Object Names  

While adding columns within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to distinguish the columns by object types. 

For example, if you are adding a Campaign column within the Tasks tab of the Production Dashboards, you can visually identify or distinguish which object’s campaign column you are adding such as a campaign associated with the message or a parent campaign of a sub-campaign.

Campaign Column for Message and Sub-Campaign

Production Dashboards | Support for Infinite Scrolling in Grouped View  

Sprinklr now supports infinite scrolling within the grouped view of the Production Dashboards

Infinite Scrolling GroupBy

Production Dashboards | Removed Redundant Permissions 

Sprinklr has removed the redundant permissions from the Production Dashboards that are Create Column, Edit Column, and Clone Column.

Removing Permissions for the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Export Column Permission Renamed

Sprinklr has renamed the Export Column permission to Export Dashboard within the Production Dashboards permissions.  

 Export Dashboard Permission for Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Updated Behavior for View Only Permission

If you only have the View permission of the Production Dashboards, you will now not be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze Columns. 

The permissions and actions will function as follows:

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for dashboards created by you.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will not be able to rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard but will not be able to create a new dashboard.

  • View 

  • Create

  • Edit 


You will be able to Rearrange, Manage, and Freeze columns for any dashboard. You will also be able to create a new dashboard.

Production Dashboards | Switch View Types with View Permission

You will now be able to switch the Production Dashboard view from Tabular to Kanban or to Timeline with only the View permission enabled for your user. Please note, you will be able to perform this action even if the dashboard is locked.

Production Dashboards | New Simplified Group-By UX 

While grouping by the content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to re-order and sort the selected dimensions within the Group-By window itself. Apart from this, you will also be able to add a Group-By dimension directly from the column header. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to quickly apply group-by and manage your content within the Production Dashboard.

Grouping By Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Consistency in Permissions

Sprinklr has modified roles for Production Dashboards permissions. The new modified permissions will function as follows:

  • With View only permission, you will not be able to change the Production Dashboard for any other user. Changes made by you will only be visible to you. 

  • With View, Edit, and Create permissions, you will be able to toggle between Tabular, Kanban, or Timeline View of the Production Dashboard.

  • With View only permission, you will be able to Filter, Group-By, Search, Refresh, Mark as Favourite, Change Duration and Sort Columns within the Production Dashboard. 

  • With access to Edit permission, you will be able to Add, Remove, and Freeze Columns within the Production Dashboards.

Production Dashboards | Improved Filtering Capabilities

Filtering within the Production Dashboards was not consistent with missing filtering dimensions. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to view and filter the Production Dashboards with All possible dimensions allowing you to search and find content with ease. Apart from this, you will also be able to visually differentiate between tab configuration filters and filters applied to the tab. 

Filters to be shown in the Messages tab:

  • Outbound Message Filters

  • Campaign filters

  • Sub-Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Task tab:

  • Outbound Message Filters

  • Task filters

  • Sub campaign filters

  • Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Campaign tab:

  • Campaign filters

Filters to be shown in the Sub-Campaign tab:

  • Sub Campaign Filters

Filters Applied on Tab
Filters Applied During Tab Configuration
Filters within the Production Dashboards
Tab Configuration Filters

Production Dashboards | Improved Navigation and Visualization 

Sprinklr has improved the navigation and visualization within the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to have the context of what you are viewing within the dashboard saving you a lot of time and effort. Apart from this, you will able to:

  • View the full name of users in the List View along with avatars. 

  • View the header of the Production Dashboard while performing bulk actions on selected entities. 

  • View and navigate between sub-tabs within a dashboard.

  • Visually identify the Dashboard and Tab you are viewing.

  • Hide columns directly from the List View without opening Manage Columns.

Improved Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Sort By and In-Line Edit Tasks List

While viewing tasks in the list view of the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to add and view the Sub-Campaign details column within the Tasks Tab. With sub-campaign details of a task available in the list view, you will be able to sort by, filter, and group tasks on the basis of Sub-Campaign's system and custom fields. Apart from this, you will also be able to in-line edit sub-campaigns fields directly from the list view. With this capability enabled you will be able to manage your tasks and sub-campaign without navigating to other panes, tabs, or views.

In-Line Editing of Due Date within the Task List View

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Sort By Capability

Sprinklr has enhanced the Sort By capability within the Production Dashboards. With the enablement of this capability, the tasks tab within the Production Dashboards will be sorted by the due date by default and not by name. Apart from this, you will also be able to have multidimensional sorting within the list view. The columns in the list view can be sorted irrespective of the object type.

Production Dashboard Tasks Tab List View

Production Dashboards | Ability to Add Date/Time Format in Exports 

While generating exports for the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to format the date/time output. With this capability enabled, the date format will not show the timezone.

Production Dashboards | Schedule Date as a Group By Dimension 

While grouping the Kanban View of the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to use Schedule Date as a group-by dimension, irrespective of the status of the message. Messages will appear in the respective groups based on the scheduled date in their timezones.

Production Dashboards | Ability to Filter and Group Content by Workflow Names 

You will now be able to filter and group content within the Production Dashboards by the Workflows associated with a message. Apart from this, you will also be able to view the status of the workflow running on a message such as In-Progress, Completed, and Stopped.

Filter by Workflow Name
Group-By by Workflow Name
 Filtering Messages by Workflow Names
Grouping Messages by Workflow Names

Production Dashboards | Support to Retain the Last Opened Tab

Production Dashboards will now retain the last tab you were viewing, enabling you to save time and effort. With the enhancement of this capability, you will be able to quickly navigate to the same tab, in case, you:

  • Refresh your dashboard

  • Navigate to any other dashboard from the sidebar

  • Open two dashboards simultaneously

  • Open Production Dashboard along with some other module

This is also applicable to the Production Dashboards within the Campaigns.

Production Dashboards | Support for Sub-Campaign, Campaign, and Message Columns in the Tasks Tab

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to view and manage the sub-campaigns, campaigns, and message system and custom field columns within the Tasks Tab of the Production Dashboard. With this capability enabled, you will be able to view these columns as <Propertyname> while adding or removing columns from the Manage Columns window. Apart from this, you will also be able to configure the Sub-Campaign and Campaign label to Story in Manage Columns and Column Headers as per your business requirements. 

Similarly, you can view and manage the columns for system and custom fields of the sub-campaigns, tasks, messages, and campaigns in the Message tab and Campaigns tab as per their availability.

Sub-Campaign, Campaign, and Message Fields as Column Options

Production Dashboards | Ability to Copy Paste Fields

You will now be able to copy fields within the Production Dashboards without losing formatting. Note that you will not be able to copy fields that can’t be edited.

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Cell Selection and Navigation Functionality

While viewing the content within the Tabular View of the Production Dashboards, you will be able to navigate using the keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard keys will function as described below:

  • Tab - Navigate left to right between cells.

  • Arrow Keys - Navigate left, right, above, and below between cells.

  • Enter - Enable in-line editing for editable fields.

  • Command/Control + A - Select content for number and text type fields.

Apart from this, the clicks in the Production Dashboard will behave as follows:

  • Single Click - Select the cell and highlight the selected cell’s row.

  • Double Click - Select the cell, highlight the selected cell’s row, and for editable fields enable in-line edit.

Cell Navigation and Selection

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Cloning Capability 

You will now be able to quickly clone messages within the environment without requiring you to refill the system and custom fields. With the enablement of this capability, you can now clone messages within the environment without requiring you to refill the system and custom fields. With the enablement of this capability, you can now skip the pop-up window which appears while cloning messages. You will able to clone a message from the:

  • Production Dashboards via bulk uploading.

  • Option actions on a message from within the Production Dashboards.

  • Option actions on a message from the Advanced Publisher.

  • Option actions on a message from within the Message Third Pane.

The cloning can be done in two ways:

Bulk Cloning - While bulk cloning a message you can save time by skipping the intermediate steps. Bulk Cloning can only be performed from a dashboard view. 

Individual Cloning - While individually cloning a message the same behavior will be reflected.

Bulk Cloning Messages in Production Dashboard

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Production Dashboards | Enhanced UI for Dashboard Bar

Sprinklr has enhanced the UI of the Dashboard Bar within the Production Dashboards. The dashboard bar and its functionalities will be consistent across the Production Dashboards and the Production Tab within the Campaign and Sub-Campaigns details window. 

With this UI enhancement the Sort By, Manage Columns, and Export icons are updated. The position of the Search Bar has been changed. Apart from this, you will be able to view the Tab Summary by hovering over the i icon.

For more information, see Tabular View of the Production Dashboards.

Tabular View of the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Access Campaign and Sub-Campaign Details in Message Third Pane

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to view Campaign and Sub-Campaign’s card summary in the Message Third Pane. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to navigate to Campaign and Sub-campaign Quick Views directly from Message View. You will be able to view the following details:

If a message is associated with a Campaign: 

  • Campaign Name

  • Campaign Start and End Date

  • Sub-Campaign Count

  • Event Count 

  • Message Count

  • Paid Initiative Count 

  • Campaign Avatar

  • Campaign Color Coding

If a message is associated with a Sub-Campaign:

  • Sub-Campaign Name

  • Sub-Campaign Start and End Date

  • Event Count

  • Message Count

  • Sub-Campaign Icon

  • Sub-Campaign Color

  • Parent Campaign’s Avatar

  • Parent Campaign’s Name

Viewing Campaign Details in Associated Message’s Third Pane

Production Dashboards | Ability to Group-By Unassigned Tasks

While grouping tasks based on the Assigned To dimension within the Production Dashboards, all the tasks that are not assigned to any user will now be sorted under the Not Set dimension by default.  

For example, There are 1000 tasks in a Tasks Tab within the Production Dashboard. Out of these 1000 tasks, 50 are not assigned to any user. While grouping tasks by the Assigned To dimension, these 50 unassigned tasks will be grouped under the Not Set dimension by default.

Not Set as a Value for Assigned To Dimension

Production Dashboards | Ability to Sort Campaign Columns in Message Tab

You will now be able to Sort Campaign Columns within the Message Tab of the Production Dashboards. Note that you will not be able to sort all columns within the Message Tab. Only columns that are sortable within the Campaigns Tab can be sorted within the Message Tab.

Sorting Campaign Name Column within the Message Tab

Production Dashboards | Ability to View Sub-Campaign ID Column

With the Sub-Campaign ID column enabled within the Production Dashboards, you can now search, filter, and export the Production Dashboards with Sub-Campaign IDs. Apart from this, you will also be able to view the Sub-Campaign ID in the overview tab of the Sub-Campaigns details. Additionally, the label Sub-Campaign will be configurable and the Sub-Campaign IDs will appear in numerical order. The Sub-Campaign ID will also be visible in the Properties sections of the View Details (Third Pane) of Sub-campaign.

Viewing Sub-Campaign ID Column within the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Inline Edit Campaign Properties from Message Tab

While viewing the content within the Message tab of the Production Dashboards, you will be able to Inline Edit the campaign properties. The properties that are inline edited will be automatically updated in the Third Pane. 

Inlining Editing Campaign Properties from the Message Tab

Production Dashboards | Inline Edit Message Columns within the Tasks Tab

You will now be able to Inline Edit Message Columns from the Tasks tab within the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to manage tasks and messages from the same tab without opening another pane.

Inlining Editing Message Columns within the Taska Tab

Production Dashboards | Ability to Sort Message Columns within the Tasks Tab 

You will now be able to Sort Message Columns within the Tasks tab in the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to manage tasks and messages from the same tab, without opening another pane.

Sorting Message Column

Production Dashboards | Inline Edit Sub-Campaign Columns within the Tasks Tab

You will now be able to Inline Edit Sub-Campaign Columns from the Tasks tab within the Production Dashboards. This capability will enable you to manage tasks and messages from the same tab without opening another pane.

Production Dashboards | Ability to Reorder Columns from Manage Columns Section

You will now be able to Reorder Columns by drag and drop within the Manage Columns section. With this capability enabled, the Manage Columns section will behave as follows:

  • Cross-object grouped columns will show as flat with object names.

  • The lock icon will indicate frozen columns.

  • If you drag and drop a column between frozen columns, that column also gets frozen.

  • If you drag and drop a column outside of the frozen columns, that column also gets unfrozen.

  • If you drag and drop in the disabled section, the column also gets disabled.

  • If you drag and drop in the enabled section, the column also gets enabled.

  • If you disable a column, it moves down as per current behaviour.

  • If you enable a column, it moves up as the last column as per current behaviour.

  • Both enabled and disabled lists are alphabetically sorted as per current behaviour.

  • The Manage Column icon has been updated as per the new UI.

  • All the changes are applied once you click Save.

  • Clicking outside or Cancel will close the Manage Column section and you will lose any intermediate changes done.

  • Reset action has the same behaviour as you have today.

  • The object name of the column will be indicated (Sub-campaign will change to Story).

Manage Columns within the Production Dashboard

Production Dashboards | Support for Visibility of Group-By Dimensions

While grouping content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to view the dimensions used to Group-By the content upfront. This will help you to understand the basis on which the content is grouped.

Visibility for Group By Dimension

Production Dashboards | Remove Object Name from the Filters

Filtering within the Production Dashboards was not consistent with object type showing at the end of some filters. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to view and filter the Production Dashboards with all possible dimensions allowing you to search and find content with ease.

Filters within the Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Support for Tab Name Visibility 

While performing bulk actions within the Production Dashboards, you will be able to view the name and other details of the tab you are working in. This will be consistent, irrespective of the view type you are in. With this enhancement, the bulk actions will not overlap the name of the tab.

Tab Name Visible while performing Bulk Actions

Production Dashboards | Set Start Date as Default Duration Filter 

The duration filter will now be set to campaign/sub-campaign Start Date by default within the campaign and sub-campaign tabs of the Production Dashboards. This will enable you to focus on upcoming campaigns and sub-campaigns and plan your workflow accordingly. 

Start Date Set as Default Duration Filter

Production Dashboards | Ability to Export Applied Filters and Group-By Dimensions 

The excel export of the Production Dashboards view will now include the applied filters, group-by dimensions, quick filters, and duration filters. The export will also include color-coding enabled within the dashboards. This will help you to have a better idea of how the data is visualized within the Production Dashboards. Apart from this, this allows you to share the excel export and collaboration with other team members.

Filters in the Excel Export of Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Updated Behavior for Manage Tabs Permission  

If you have only Create permission and no Manage Tabs permission, you will not be able to manage tabs for dashboards created by another user. In order to manage tabs for dashboards created by other users, you need to have Manage Tabs permission, along with the Create permission.

The permissions and actions will function as follows:

  • Create 

  • Manage Tabs


You will be able to create a dashboard and manage tabs within it. However, you will not be able to manage tabs for dashboards created by other users.

  • Create 

  • Manage Tabs


You will be able to create dashboards and manage tabs for any dashboard even if they are not created by you.

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Sort Group By Dimensions 

While grouping content within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to sort the grouping dimensions. The groups will be sorted in the following manner:

  • In case of system properties like Campaign, Sub-campaign, Account Types, Template, Channel, etc. it should be alphabetically sorted.

  • In the case of custom properties, the groups should be sorted in the order they are defined in the custom fields.

  • Groups can be sorted in the ascending or descending order OR first to last.

Sorting Grouping Dimensions within the Editorial Calendar


Publisher | Support to Disable Auto-Fill of Title and Description for Video Assets

Sprinklr has disabled the auto-fill of the Title and Description fields of video assets while creating a post within the Publisher. This will allow you to prevent other users from publishing videos to Facebook, YouTube, or any other channel, without first changing the Title and Description of the video asset.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Email Marketing

Email Marketing | Ability to Add Intended Email Address in Email Body

Sprinklr now allows you to include email address of the intended recipient in the email body. You may include it at the beginning of the mail, or in the footer, or at any other space of your preference in the mail body.

Sometimes, you may send out emails to users or subscribers who subscribed using their official email addresses. When they leave, the emails sent out to them may be redirected to a different email address, the owner of which may find your email to be irrelevant. It is necessary that the recipient of the mail knows who this mail is intended for. 

Include Intended Email Address

Email Marketing | Ability to Open Emails in a New Browser

Sprinklr now allows you to create and send emails that recipients can open in a new web browser. You may include the CTA at the beginning of the mail, or in the footer, or at any other space of your preference in the mail body. You can include this CTA in the email body while creating the Email Template.



Email Marketing | Ability to Add Subject Line in Test Email

You can now send test emails with a subject line. This will give you a clear picture of what the email looks like in the inbox of the recipient. You can make changes accordingly, if necessary, before sending the emails. 

Add Subject in Test Emails

Email Marketing | Ability to Include Sender Information in Test Email

Sprinklr now allows you to include the sender information in test emails. It will be exactly the same as the Account you choose while sending the Test Email.

Sender Details in Test Email

Email Marketing | Ability to Use Dynamic Tokens (Custom Fields) in Test Emails

While creating or editing Email Templates, you can use Merge Tokens to create dynamic content while sending Test Emails. The Merged Tokens are Attributes that you can select as necessary. These attributes may include, intended email address, first name of the recipient, last name of the recipient, mobile number, city, etc. Start typing curly bracket and the related word, and select the appropriate option. 

Use Dynamic Content in Test Email

Use Dynamic Content in Test Email

Email Marketing | Target Audience Segments for Email Marketing

You can now target Audience Segments for your email marketing campaigns on Sprinklr. This capability will save you time and effort, making the process seamless and effortless.

Target Audience Segments For Email Marketing

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Campaign Third Pane

You will now be able to open campaigns in a quick view or Third Pane to perform Campaign specific actions such as initiating workflow, clone, lock, edit, view analytics, etc. The campaign third pane will have: 

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: In the Overview tab of the campaigns you will be able to view 

  • Campaign Card

  • Campaign Name

  • Description

  • Start & End Dates

  • Status

  • Number of Sub-campaigns, Messages, and Events

  • Colour coding (from calendar configuration)

  • Tags

  • Avatar Image

  • Properties

Overview Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the campaigns you will be able to view:
  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

Properties Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the campaigns, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the campaigns you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks on a Campaign.
Tasks Tab in Campaign Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the campaigns you will be able to view the Activity trail of the Campaign.
Activity Tab in Campaign Third Pane

Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Sub-Campaign Third Pane 

You will now be able to open the Sub-Campaigns Third Pane to perform Sub-Campaign specific actions such as initiating workflow, clone, lock, edit, view analytics, etc. The sub-campaign third pane will have:

Visual Description

Overview Tab: You will be able to navigate to the associated parent campaign. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Sub-Campaign Card

  • Sub-Campaign Name

  • Description

  • Start & End Dates

  • Status

  • Number of Messages, Events, and Paid Initiatives

  • Colour coding 

  • Parent Campaign Details

  • Tags

  • Avatar Image

Overview Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view 

  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

Properties Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the sub-campaigns, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks on a Sub-Campaign.
Tasks Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the sub-campaigns you will be able to view the Activity trail of the Sub-Campaign.
Activity Tab in Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Sub-Campaign Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enabled Expired as New Task Status

You will now have Expired added as a new value in the Task Status system field by default. This new task status will be visible in the Production Dashboards, Engagement Dashboards, Tasks Tab within the Collaboration Pane, Editorial Calendar, and entity-specific Third Pane. Apart from this, you will also be able to:

  • Filter the Tasks by Expired status in all the above-mentioned views.

  • Use this new value of Task Status for color-coding within the Production Dashboards.

  • View Expired as a value if the Production Dashboard is grouped by Task Status dimension.

  • View the Expired value of Task Status while creating quick filters within the Production Dashboards.

  • View the Expired value of Task Status in Decision Box within the Workflow Engine.

Note that, if a task gets cancelled from timers in the workflow engine it will be marked as Expired instead of Cancelled.

Selecting Expired as Task Status in Production Dashboards

Content Marketing | Support for Tasks Preview in the Overview Tab 

You will now be able to have a preview of the task in the Overview tab of the associated entity’s Third Pane. This capability will enable you to take quick actions such as add a new task, apply macro, delete, edit, collaborate, open the Task Third Pane, etc. without navigating to the Task tab. Apart from this, you will also be able to update:

  • The Status of the Task

  • The Assignee

  • The Due Date

  • The Task Queue

Editing a Task from the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | Ability to Customize Visible Properties within the Overview Tab

You can now customize the properties to be visible within the Overview tab of the Third Pane of an entity. This can be achieved by marking the desired properties as favorite. To view all the properties, you can always navigate to the Properties tab.

Customized Properties Visible within the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | My Queues as a Filter Value for Task Queues 

Sprinklr now supports the My Queues value for the task queue filters. This capability will enable you to filter and view tasks assigned to you alongside the tasks assigned to task queues that you have been subscribed to.

My Queues as Filter Value for Task Queue

Content Marketing | Ability to Copy Properties from the Third Pane

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to quickly copy properties associated with Campaigns, Messages, Tasks, and Sub-Campaigns from the Quick View (Third Pane) without going into the edit mode. The complete content of a property will be copied to the clipboard to be pasted anywhere without having you to click into the field. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamlines the workflow.

Copying Properties from the Third Pane

Content Marketing | Auto-Scroll to the Latest Note 

The collaboration section within the Third Pane of an entity will auto-scroll to the latest note added by you or any other user. 

Content Marketing | Ability to Visually Identify My Notes in the Collaboration Pane

You will now be able to distinguish between your notes and notes made by other users on tasks within the Overview and Collaboration tabs of the Third Pane. Apart from this, you will also be able to view the avatar with a highlight along with the user icon. By hovering over the user icon of a note added by you it will show My Comment.

Distinguishing your Comment in the Collaboration Pane

Content Marketing | Navigate to Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns from the List View

You can now navigate to the associated campaign and sub-campaign by clicking the respective campaign and sub-campaign links from the list view of the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar. This enables you to gain additional context related to an outbound message.

Content Marketing | Ability to Navigate Between Multiple Templates

Within the Message Third Pane, you can navigate between various templates of a post with multiple account types. 

For example, if you have created a post with multiple account types such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WeChat, etc. then you can navigate to their respective templates while viewing the post in a Third Pane.

 Navigating Between Different Templates

Content Marketing | Support for Long Text within the Collaborate Tab 

While collaborating via notes, messages, and attachments within the Third Pane of an entity, the notes field will expand now on adding a long text. Apart from this, the notes box will expand up to 60% within the Collaborate tab as the notes are being typed in. 

Adding Notes with Long Text in the Collaborate Tab

Content Marketing | Preview of Collaboration within the Overview Tab 

You will now be able to get a Preview of the collaboration done on an entity within the Overview tab of the Third Pane. With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • View the most recent comments made on the message.

  • View replies in a collapsed form. Clicking on it will open the reply.

  • Switch to Collaborate tab by clicking Show All.

  • Delete a comment from the Overview tab.

  • Delete, edit, and reply to the comment and replies.

This capability will keep you updated with the latest collaboration happening on a post.

Replying on a Comment from the Overview Tab

Content Marketing | Outbound Message Renamed to Message in the Third Pane

Outbound Message has been renamed to Message within the Third Pane everywhere within the environment.

Message Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Tasks Third Pane  

You will now be able to open tasks in a quick view or Third Pane to perform task-specific actions, such as apply macro, edit, delete, update status, etc. The task third pane will have:

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: You will able to navigate to the associated entity from the Overview tab. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Assigned To

  • Due Date

  • Assigned By

  • Task Queue

  • Associated Properties

  • Latest Collaboration

Navigating to Associated Message from the Task Third Pane

Properties Tab: Within the Properties tab, you will be able to: 

  • View and edit system and custom properties.

  • Copy field values.

Properties Tab in Task Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: Within the Collaborate tab, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions
Collaborate Tab in Task Third Pane
Activity Tab: Within the Activity tab, you will be able to view the activity trail or actions taken on the task
Activity Tab in Task Third Pane

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Tasks Third Pane

Content Marketing | Enhanced UI for Message Third Pane  

Sprinklr has enhanced the UI for Message Third Pane. The enhancements made in the quick view or Third Pane will be consistent within the Sprinklr platform. Also, the Outbound Message has been renamed to Message within the Third Pane everywhere within the environment. The Message Third Pane will have:

Visual Representation

Overview Tab: The Overview Tab will have vertical tab navigation to provide you a large screen, thus reducing scrolling for tasks, notes, activity, etc. Apart from this, you will able to: 

  • View Campaign and Sub-Campaign’s card summary in the Message Third Pane.

  • Navigate to Campaign and Sub-campaign Quick Views directly from Message View.

  • Take actions on the message such as Edit, Initiate Workflow, Clone, etc.

  • View and edit the scheduled date for the message.

  • Have a preview of the content and edit the message name. 

  • View and edit the scheduled date for the message. This can be done irrespective of the status of the message.

  • View and update the required custom properties of the message.  

  • View the most recently created tasks and navigate to the Tasks tab.

  • View the most recent notes and comments added via collaboration and navigate to the collaborate tab.

Overview Tab in Message Third Pane

Properties Tab: In the Properties tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view all the system and custom properties associated with the message. Apart from this, you will be able to view:

  • Custom Properties with the ability to edit

  • Link to Brief

Properties Tab in Message Third Pane
Collaborate Tab: In the Collaborate tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view Collaboration and add notes and replies with rich text, threading, sharing files, and @mentions.
Collaborate Tab in Message Third Pane
Tasks Tab: In the Tasks tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view, add, and edit tasks created on a message.
Tasks Tab in Message Third Pane
Activity Tab: In the Activity tab of the message third pane, you will be able to view the Activity trail of all the actions taken on the message. You can also view the changes or updates made to the Account Type of a message.
Activity Tab in Message Third Pane

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Message Third Pane

Content Marketing | Ability to Show Sub-Campaign in Properties Tab of Message Third Pane   

You will now be able to view and edit the associated sub-campaign in the Properties tab of the Message Third Pane. Note that only sub-campaigns associated with the selected campaign will appear in the dropdown.

Sub-Campaign in Properties Tab of Message Third Pane

Content Marketing | Ability to View Confidential Messages Regardless of Sharing Permissions    

You will now get provided with confidential admin permissions, without removing or restricting other permissions. This will enable you to view messages that are not shared with you. 


Enable View Confidential under Outbound Message Permissions to view confidential messages.

Enabling View Confidential Permission for Outbound Message

Content Marketing | Ability to Sort and Search within the Tasks Tab 

You will now be able to Sort and Search tasks in the Tasks tab from the third pane of an entity. The sorting of tasks can be done on three levels. Additionally, you can sort the dimensions individually as well. Apart from this, the search can be done by the Task Name and Task Description.

Sorting and Searching within the Tasks Tab

Content Marketing | Support for Tasks Preview in the Overview Tab    

You will now be able to have a preview of the task in the Overview tab of the associated entity’s Third Pane. This capability will enable you to take quick actions such as add a new task, apply macro, delete, edit, collaborate, open the Task Third Pane, etc. without navigating to the Task tab. Apart from this, you will also be able to update:

  • The Status of the Task

  • The Assignee

  • The Due Date

  • The Task Queue

Editing a Task from the Overview Tab

Content Templates

Content Templates | Ability to Archive Content Templates

You will now be able to archive and unarchive content templates without losing any data associated with it. While creating a post using the Publisher, the archived content template will not appear in the dropdown. Apart from this, you will also be able to filter content templates by using the Archived filter. 

Archiving a Content Template

Content Templates | HTML Export for Content Template Form

While exporting a message within Sprinklr, you will now be able to download a .html file for content template form. The .html file will contain the content added within the template. While generating export for a message with multiple templates, multiple .html files will be exported in a zipped folder. This capability will enable you to share your content with other users exactly the way it looks in Sprinklr. 

The .html export will show:

  • Message Form in the Content tab on the left side

  • Labels of the text box

  • Text in the text box

  • Media thumbnails

  • Preview of content on right side

Downloading .html Export of a Message

.html Export of a Message

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Support for Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as Conditions in Decision Box 

While creating workflows for media assets, you will now be able to use Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns as conditions within the decision box. Please note that the value field next to the condition will be a multi picklist type, therefore, you can select more than one value of campaign and sub-campaign. On initiating the workflow on an asset, the set campaign and sub-campaign will get selected. 

Campaign And Sub-Campaign As Conditions in Decision Box


Settings | Permission to Access Production Dashboard and Editorial Calendar 

As an admin, you will now be able to view all the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar (Planner) boards whether they are shared with you or not. To access this capability, your role should be given Production Dashboard and Editorial Calendar (Planner) permissions under the Config Admin category in order to access all the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar boards.

Note that this permission depends on your role and not the user type.

Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar as Config Admin Permissions

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Set Is Variant and Author as Conditions

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Is Variant and Author as conditions while creating Auto-fill, Draft, Draft Update, Pre-Publishing, Post-Publishing, and Outbound rules. 

  • Is Variant - Refers to whether the message is a variant or not.

  • Author - The creator of the message.

Is Variant

Setting Author Name as Condition in Draft Rule


Setting Is Variant as Condition in Draft Rule


Rule Engine | Ability to Select Create Variant as Action 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to select Create Variant as action while creating Draft and Draft Update rules. You can select Set, Merge, or Copy as operator values while creating a workflow. The enablement of this capability will save time and streamline the workflow.

Create Variant as Action in Draft Rule

Rule Engine | Ability to Set Workflow Calendar as Action

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set Workflow Calendar as an action while creating Draft, Draft Update, Sub-Campaign, Sub-Campaign Update, Campaign, and Campaign Update rules. This capability will enable you to trigger workflows containing milestone due dates based on conditional logic from the Rule Engine. 

Setting Workflow Calendar as Action in Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Autofill Custom Fields based on User Group Sharing 

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to set client and user visibility as Conditions and Actions while creating Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Campaign Update, and Sub-Campaign Update rules. This will autofill custom fields while creating or updating Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns based on user group sharing.

Setting Client and User Visibility as Conditions in Campaign Rules


Macros | Ability to Execute Draft Rules on Outbound Messages

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to execute Draft Rules on Outbound Messages via Macros. The Draft Rules will appear as Automated and Manual actions while creating or editing macros for the Outbound Messages. This capability will enable you to apply rules on messages that are not yet published.

Executing Draft Rules in Macros

Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Sub-Campaigns via Macros

You can now bulk update Sub-Campaigns via macros that allow you to make consistent changes across multiple Sub-Campaigns. With this capability enabled, you can apply manual and automated actions on Sub-Campaigns within the List View of the Production Dashboards, Third Pane, and Overview Tab of the Sub-Campaigns. Apart from this, you will also be able to set sub-campaign rules as actions while creating sub-campaign macros.

Bulk Updating Sub-Campaigns via Macros

Macros | Ability to @Mention Users/User Groups in Comments

While creating Outbound Message macros, you will now be able to @Mention Users/User Groups for Add Comment action in Manual and Automated actions. The @mention in the comment can be applied to multiple draft messages and the users/user groups mentioned will be notified of the same. Apart from this, comments with @mention made via macro can be threaded from the third pane or the collaboration pane within the Advanced Publisher.

@Mentioning Users in Add Comment Action in Outbound Message Macro

Macros | Ability to Bulk Update Campaigns via Macros

You can now bulk update Campaigns via macros that allow you to make consistent changes across multiple Campaigns. With this capability enabled, you can apply manual and automated actions on Campaigns within the List/Kanban View of the Production Dashboards for Campaigns, Campaigns List View, Campaigns Detail View (Third Pane), and Overview Tab of the Campaign Full View. Apart from this, you will also be able to set campaign rules as actions while creating campaign macros. 

Following campaign actions can be bulk updated via macros:

  • Set Custom Fields

  • Set Rules to Execute

  • Add Comment

  • Archive

  • Add Tags

  • Set Status

  • Set Start Date

  • Set End Date

 Bulk Updating Campaigns via Macros

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) area: Ads PublishingOptimization | Audience Manager | Tools and SettingsAds Reporting | Ads Composer | Ads Manager | Pacing Groups

Ads Publishing

Ads Publishing | WCAG Compliant Ads Composer And Ads Manager

To ensure that the Ads Composer and Ads Manager are accessible to Sprinklr users living with disabilities, the most common workflows now comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. Some of the new capabilities that make them accessible are Screen Reader Support and Keyboard Navigation. The Tab key allows you to navigate through interactive elements and also provides a visual indicator of the element that currently has keyboard focus. To leverage the Screen Reader capability, add a WCAG compliant Screen Reader extension to your web browser.


Smart Budget Allocation | Budget Distribution between Paid Initiatives and Ad Sets for Facebook CBO Enabled Campaigns

While applying Smart Budget Allocation (SBA) to Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) enabled campaigns, you can now choose to distribute your campaign budget between Paid Initiatives or Ad Sets. This will allow you to leverage SBA to optimize across campaigns or ad sets while simultaneously allowing CBO to optimize across ad sets.

Distributing Budget in CBO Enabled Campaigns

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Create Facebook Special Ad Custom Audience

You can now create Special Ad Custom Audience for your Facebook campaigns in the Audience Manager. A Special Ad Custom Audience is similar to a Lookalike Audience because it uses the similarities of people from online behavior within your source to form a new audience. This will allow you to reach new people specifically when your campaign is about Credit, Employment, or Housing.

Create Special Ad Custom Audience in Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Share Saved Audiences Created in Sprinklr

You can now Share a Saved Audience created in Sprinklr between different ad accounts. This will allow you to use consistent targeting across multiple ad accounts without manually having to build the audience for each account.


  • If the Saved Audience includes a Custom Audience, then it can only be shared if the custom audience has been shared previously. 

  • Auto Imported Saved Audiences and Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audiences cannot be shared across ad accounts.

  • The Saved Audience must be Active for it to be shared.

Share a Saved Audience from the Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Create Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audience

While creating a Saved Audience for Facebook, you can now select a Special Ad Category and define your audience. On selecting a special ad category for your audience, certain targeting options will be restricted such as Age Range, Gender, etc. to remain in compliance with targeting policies. You can also filter out your Saved Special Ad Category audiences from the Audience Manager window. These audiences can then be selected for targeting for your Special Ad Category campaigns in the Ads Composer.

Create Facebook Special Ad Category Saved Audience in Audience Manager

Tools and Settings

Stats Imports | Import Stats from an FTP Server

You can now upload your data to an FTP server and import them into Sprinklr directly from the Stat Imports Template window. Sprinklr will automatically import data from the given source every 2 hours. This enables you to optimize and fetch advanced analytics based on your import data. You can customize your brand's dashboard and widget in the platform so that you can map your data for an enhanced reporting. You can also view the data in Ads Manager columns.

Import Stats using FTP setup

Stats Imports | View Cohort Reports for Imported Stats

You can now import your data into Sprinklr via FTP/SFTP and cohort the data based on Attribution/Revenue dates from the Stat Imports Template window. With Cohort analysis, you can isolate users with similar behavior (i.e. install, attribution date) and report on the sequence of events or revenue within a particular time frame. The Cohort metrics and dimensions can also be used within Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, and Smart Budget/Optimizations on the Ad Variant, Ad Set, Paid Initiative, Account, and Channel levels.

Cohort Data in Stats Import

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | View Percentage Symbols and Currency Formats in Exported Reports

On performing an export of your widgets or dashboard having currency or percentage data, you will now find the currency/percentage symbols/values included within the report. The same is also applicable for the different aggregation of reporting data.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ads Reporting | Granularity for Snapchat Segmented Reports

While reporting on Snapchat segmented dimensions within Ads Reporting, you will now be able to view the data at any desired Time Range such as daily, weekly, monthly, or a custom time range. Previously, while breaking down Snapchat data by segmented dimensions, data were being shown only on Lifetime. This update will increase granularity for Snapchat segmented reports.


The historical segmented data for deactivated Snapchat accounts will only populate when such accounts are re-added.

Granularity Data for Snapchat Segmented Reporting

Ads Reporting | Minimize Inconsistency in LinkedIn Demographics Data

Previously, the data was not consistent with the native while reporting on LinkedIn Demographic data points such as Company, Job Title, etc. due to approximations by channel to protect its member privacy. Now, we have improved this behavior and enabled you to view Demographic data accurately. You can use specific Time Ranges (Weekly and Monthly) and Ad Entity level (Ad Set) to view accurate data while breaking out by LinkedIn Demographic dimensions.

  • Weekly Range - Select a Time Frame from Sunday to Saturday of any week.

  • Monthly Range - Select a Time Frame from the 1st of any month till the end of the month.


The above change reflects only when data is broken out by Demographic dimensions otherwise, the Data will always be accurate when viewed entirely or while breaking out by other dimensions.

Ads Reporting | Standardized Dimensions for Destination URL and Landing Page URL

You can now see the Campaign Manager click tag link, the website URL that the click tag drives to (including web analytics), and the base website URL using the following dimensions within Ads Reporting and Ads Manager (customized columns):

  • Landing Page URL: The base URL that users are driven to. When Google Campaign Manager and/or Web Analytics is applied to an ad, it will not be represented in this dimension.

  • Ad Creative Link URL: The URL that is present within an ad. When Google Campaign Manager and/or Web Analytics is applied to an ad, it will be represented in this dimension.

  • DCM Ad Destination URL: The URL that users are driven to after clicking on a Google Campaign Manager Click Tag. This dimension will also include the Web Analytics strings within the URL.

Standardized dimensions for Campaign Manager URLs

Ads Reporting | Update Reporting Dashboard While Generating External Link

While Generating External Link for your reporting dashboard, you now have the ability to update the dashboard on the Shareable Link. You can use the Update Now option to allow viewers to view the most updated dashboard. Generally, the External Shareable Link gets updated every 2 hours. But if you do not want to wait for 2 hours and want to update the changes while generating the shareable link, you can use this capability.

Updating Reporting Dashboard While Generating External Link

Ads Reporting | Ability to Manually Change Y-Axis Scale for Trend Widgets

Previously, for trend widget types such as Line and Combination widgets, the Y-axis scale was dynamically configured and could not be manually changed. You can now enable the Define Y/X Axis Scale configuration and manually change your scale in terms of the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis. You can also configure the Step Size (Interval) on Y-Axis between the minimum and maximum values as desired for optimized visualization.

Defining Y/X Axis Scale for Line and Combination Widgets

Ads Reporting | Ability to Compare Data Across Two Custom Time Ranges in Single Widget/Dashboard

You can now compare reporting data across two custom time ranges at the widget and dashboard level using the Compare Mode capability. For example, you can compare the Spent around 2 campaigns – one launched on Feb 20 vs the other on Nov 19 in a single widget. Similarly, you can compare the Impressions of March 2019 with the data of March 2020 and so on. Additionally, you can export and share these reports. This will provide an overview of the comparable performance of the data and will lead to better decision making. The supported Widget Visualization Types for this capability are Line, Spline, Counter, Summary Table, and Grouped Summary.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Compare Yearly Data in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Additional Facebook Reporting Metrics

You can now view reporting insights for the following additional Facebook metrics and their corresponding attribution windows:

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Total - The total number of Subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Mobile App - The number of Subscribe events received on mobile apps attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

  • Facebook Conversions Subscribe Website - The number of Subscribe events received on a website attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business tools.

These metrics are also compatible with all the available Facebook breakdown dimensions.

Ads Reporting | Support for New Facebook Dimensions

With the migration of Facebook Marketing API to v5.0, we have added new dimensions within Ads Reporting. These dimensions can also be used within the Ads Manager. Following are the new dimensions:

  • Facebook Quality Ranking - Quality ranking explains how your ad's perceived quality is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. It is measured via various signals, including feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad and assessments of low-quality attributes in the ad, such as too much text in the ad's image, withholding information, sensationalized language, and engagement bait.

  • Facebook Conversion Rate Ranking - Conversion rate ranking explains how your ad's expected conversion rate is compared to the ads with the same optimization goal competing for the same audience. The expected conversion rate calculates the likelihood that a person who viewed your ad will complete your optimization goal.

  • Facebook Engagement Rate Ranking - Engagement rate ranking explains how your ad's expected engagement rate is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. The expected engagement rate calculates the likelihood that a person will click, react to, comment on, share or expand an ad.

Ads Reporting | Pinterest Attribution Windows Metrics for Reporting

You will now be able to view reporting on the Pinterest attribution windows using Pinterest Attribution Window metrics within Ads Reporting. The set of Attribution Windows metrics will be available for Conversion measurements and the format of each attribution window combination will be <View Window in Days>: <Engagement Window in Days> : <Click Window in Days>. For example, Pinterest Checkout Quantity (Click Through)(1 Day View 1 Day Engagement 1 Day Click).

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

New Pinterest Attribution Window Metrics in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Snapchat API Breaking Changes

Snapchat has introduced the following breaking changes from June 2020:

  • You can now use different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions for reporting.

  • The following Dimensions and Metrics have now been deprecated:

    • Dimension - Snapchat Device Model.

    • Metrics - Snapchat Uniques, Snapchat Unique Composition, Snapchat Impression Composition.

Ads Reporting | Additional Ad Post Dimensions

While adding a Paid widget within Ads Reporting, you can now use the following additional dimensions for enhanced reporting experience:

  • Ad Post Campaign Id - Breakdown data by Campaign Id associated with the Post.

  • Ad Post Id - Breakdown data by Outbound Id of the Ad Post.

Additional Ad Post Dimensions in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Adjust Integration in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads)

In Sprinklr Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, Rule Engine, and Smart Budget Allocation, we have now integrated Adjust to report and optimize via Adjust metrics. You can report on Adjust event metrics and optimize using a number of events and revenue associated with that event. The Adjust metrics are categorized into the following three Key Performance Indices (KPIs):

  • App KPI

  • Events KPI

  • Cohort KPI

Adjust Integration Metrics in Modern Advertising

Ads Reporting | Additional Unified Analytics Metrics and Dimensions

We have added certain Unified Analytics metrics and dimensions within Sprinklr Reporting to enhance your reporting experience. These metrics and dimensions will allow you to analyze and compare metrics of Organic Posts vs. Paid Posts in the same reporting widget. For example, if you would like to view Organic vs. Paid Impressions post-wise, you can create a dashboard using Unified Analytics metrics.

Ads Reporting | Support for Data Labels in Bubble Charts

In addition to all the applicable widget types, you now have an option to include Data Labels within Bubble charts as well in Ads Reporting. This will allow you to view the individual reporting data labeled on each bubble.

Including Data Labels within Bubble Chart

Ads Reporting | Ability to Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports

While using Advanced & Scheduled Export Settings, you now have the ability to export the Ads Reporting dashboard in PPT file format along with PDF, Excel, and PNG.

Exporting Reporting Dashboard in PPT File Format

Ads Reporting | Format the Decimal Places in Additional Widget Types

You can now change the number of decimal places for your reporting data using the Auto-Format Decimal Digits option in Bubble, Column, Bar, Stacked Bar, Stacked Column, Line, Spline, Area Spline, Combination, Dual Axis, and Dual Axis Multiple Metrics widget types. Additionally, for widgets with Include Data Labels configured, the reporting data having percentage aggregation will now have a '%' symbol appear alongside the label.

Formatting the Decimal Places in Additional Widget Types

Ads Reporting | Ability to Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

You now have the ability to stop sharing a reporting dashboard via an external link by sliding the Link Sharing toggle Off. This option will appear once you have generated the external shareable link and will revoke the ability to view the dashboard via that link.

Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

Ads Reporting | Dashboard Accessibility Page in General Availability

The dashboard accessibility page is now in general availability for all. This capability allows you to Request Access or switch workspaces for a particular dashboard for which you do not have the required permission to view.

Dashboard Accessibility Page General Availability

Dashboard Accessibility Page General Avaialability

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Support for Facebook Incremental Conversion Optimization

You can now use the Incremental Conversion Optimization (ICO) feature while composing a Facebook Conversion campaign within Ads Composer. It allows you to pair a conversion lift test with the explicit algorithmic command and optimize for incrementality. Using this capability, you can accurately measure the cause and effect of your marketing efforts in real-time. This action can also be executed within the Ads Manager. Note that the ICO capability is only available for the Facebook Conversion objective.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Optimizing Facebook Ads For Incremental Conversions

Ads Composer | Select Multiple Placements Per Asset using Placement Asset Customization

On enabling Placement Asset Customization for your ad creative, you can now select multiple placements or placement groups per creative field. This will allow you to provide a unique combination of placements for each asset, i.e. for Images/Videos, Destination URL, Headline, Text, and Link Description. This is also available while editing the Placement Asset Customization of your post from the Ads Manager.

These updates improve upon the native workflow, making it more efficient to select the placements you would like to use by allowing you to select groups of placements comprised of the same creative specs or individually select/deselect placements options.

Adding Multiple PAC

Ads Composer | Merged Facebook Image and Video Post as Media Post

The Image Post and Video Post have now been merged into Media Post type for Facebook Ads. Using Media Posts as a post type ensures that the Post fields such as Website URL, Headlines, etc. do not disappear each time while Cloning or Quick Cloning your ads within Ads Manager. You can also customize the placements for both media types in a single post while enabling Placement Asset Customization. Media Post type helps to select both images and videos for your post and customize their placements accordingly.

For example, while creating a media post, you can provide an image for the Facebook News Feed placement while a video for the In-Stream Videos placement. This can also be accomplished from the Ads Manager.

Media Post Type Facebook Ads in Ads Composer

Image and Video posts in Placement Asset Customization

Ads Composer | Language Customization for Facebook Catalog Sales

You can now customize the language of your Facebook Catalog Sales objective ads and deliver personalized content. This enables you to customize the different parts of your ad creative such as the Image, Video, Text, and Body of an ad to reach the speakers of different languages while maintaining cost-efficiency.

Language Customization For Facebook Catalog Sales

Ads Composer | Fill Facebook Carousel Ad Details Dynamically from a Product Set

While building a Facebook Carousel Ad for your Catalog Sales, Traffic (Website and App destination), Conversion (Website and App destination), or Store Visits campaign, you can now fill the carousel ad details dynamically from product sets. You can also add an Intro, Map, and Profile card to your carousel ads. This capability is also available within the Ads Manager for the supported objectives. Note that currently, you cannot perform Bulk Import using this capability.

Dynamically fill Details for Facebook Carousal Ads

Dynamically Fill Details for Other Objectives for Facebook Carousal Ads

Ads Composer | Updated LinkedIn Marketing API Breaking Changes

We have updated the following LinkedIn Marketing API changes within Sprinklr:

  • To make error messages more actionable in LinkedIn Ads, we have added a standardized error response schema. These changes will make it easier for you to debug effectively on your own. The standardized error response schema includes:

    • New error response fields: errorDetailType and errorDetails

    • Standard HTTP status codes that will be specific to the error 

    • Updated messages which are clear, actionable, and structured

  • We have disabled the Optimize for Performance option in Ad Rotation for Message Ads. Website Visits, Lead Generation, Sponsored (InMail Legacy), and Website Conversion campaigns will be impacted with this update.

  • Daily Budgets are no longer mandatory for LinkedIn campaigns. You can either use Daily/Lifetime Budgets or both.

You can select Block Lists when LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled. When you add a blocklist to your campaign, Sprinklr will avoid serving ads on apps or sites selected.

LinkedIn Marketing API breaking changes

LinkedIn Marketing API breaking changes

Ads Composer | Ability to Compose Twitter In-Stream Video Sponsorship Ads

While composing a Twitter Preroll Views (In-Stream) campaign, you now have the ability to select a sponsorship program you want to promote your pre-roll video ads with. You can choose to promote new tweets that will be added to the sponsorship program or tweets that are already added to the sponsorship from the Budget and Schedule section. You can also access this capability at the Ad Group level from the Ads Manager.

Twitter InStream Sponsorships campaign in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | New LinkedIn Company Targeting Options

While defining a target audience for your LinkedIn ad campaign, you can now choose from the following firmographic (Company) options within Detailed Targeting:

  • Company Category - This allows you to target a curated list from well-recognized publications and thought leaders like Forbes, Fortune, and LinkedIn.

  • Company Growth Rate - This is the measure of YoY (Year-over-Year) growth in employee count and can be used to reach companies that are in high growth of employee count and may be in need of a system or technology.

These options are also available within the Ads Manager and Audience Manager.

Company Targeting Option for LinkedIn

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Create New Ad Sets and Ads from the View and Edit Pane

With a reimagined third pane of the Ads Manager, you can now create new Ad Sets and Ads from the View and Edit workflow. This will allow you to build a new Ad Set and Ad within an existing Campaign or a new Ad within an existing Ad Set from scratch in a single flow. Note that a few ad entity actions like Duplicate, Copy, Paste, and Copy Links will not be supported for the new entities.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Creating New Ads and Ad Sets from View and Edit Pane

Ads Manager | Updated Facebook Dynamic Product Ads Parity

We have updated Facebook Dynamic Product Ads to reflect the following Parity within Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Ads Settings:

General Updates

  • Renamed the objective Product Catalog Sales to Catalog Sales.

  • Renamed Commerce Catalog type to Products.

  • Updated Placement options to include Instagram Explore, Messenger Inbox, Facebook Stories, and Instagram Stories.

Targeting Updates

  • Easily create Retargeting and Broad audiences in a similar fashion to Facebook Ads Manager.

  • Streamlined creation of Retargeting Audiences using standard pre-created pixel audiences including the ability to select between the Retargeting and Broad audiences.

Set Product Audiences Catalog Sales for Facebook Objective

Ads Manager | Enhanced Search and Filter Functionalities

The Ads Manager has been reimagined with improvements aiming towards better workflows and usability. This will make it easier for you and your team to execute your daily tasks. The following enhancements have been implemented to the Ads Manager:

  • A Smart Search that allows you to navigate across multiple levels with an easier and intuitive workflow.

  • Easily apply Quick Filters and Simple/Advanced Filters to your Ads Manager window in fewer clicks without having to save them after every selection.

  • Reorganization of content for a compact view and easy navigation of frequently used capabilities.

Ads Manager Search and Filter Enhancements

Ads Manager | Ability to Edit Text for Published LinkedIn Image and Link Ads

You can now edit your published LinkedIn Image/Link ads and make changes to the content within the Text field. This will allow you to edit the post content even after it has been published.

Edit LinkedIn Image/Link Ads Text in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Support for Reverse Application of Naming Conventions Using Macros

You can now reverse the application of Naming Conventions using the Map Custom Fields macro action. This will map elements of the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Variant name to the corresponding custom fields in the selected naming convention. Note that the macro will only process for entities where a naming convention has not been applied at the Campaign level.

Example of reverse Naming Convention:

  • A Naming Convention called FB_Name is created.

  • Naming convention configured for the Campaign level: Channel_PO#_Brand_Quarter.

    • PO# is a text custom field & Brand and Quarter are picklist custom fields.

  • Name of the Campaign in Ads Manager on which the macro will be applied: FB_2345_Bot_Q2.

  • When the Macro is initiated with the naming convention FB_Name, the custom fields will be mapped with the following values:

    • PO# = 2345

    • Brand = Bot

    • Quarter = Q2

Reverse Application of Naming Convention via Macros in Ads Manager

Pacing Groups

Pacing Groups | Ability to Track Completion Rate Against Goal Metric

We have added the following metric columns within the Pacing Groups dashboard so that you can leverage Pacing Groups insights for goal metrics and track the completion rate against the Goal metric.

  • Expected Goal Metric Value - The Goal metric value expected by the Pacing Group. It is calculated as (Total Goal metric value) * (Time Elapsed Percentage).

  • Goal Metric Value Achieved - The Goal metric value achieved by the Pacing Group so far.

  • Goal Metric Value Remaining - The remaining Goal metric value of the Pacing Group. It is calculated as (Goal metric) - (Goal Metric Value Achieved).

These metrics can also be used to view Pacing Insights within the Pacing Groups Standard Dashboard and Ads Manager Customized Columns.


  • You will not be able to report against individual Paid Initiative as the goal metric is assigned to a Pacing Group.

  • The Goal metric calculations will be done in the Pacing Group timezone.

Pacing Groups Goal Based Analysis

Pacing Groups Goal Based Analysis in Ads Reporting

Pacing Groups | Pacing Group Calculation Enhancement 

Once this Dynamic Property (DP) is enabled, all calculations for various Pacing metrics will exclude data from the Current Day. For example, let’s say, today is 11th May. If you have a Pacing Group that is set to active between 1st May to 31st May and you want to view the data of 1st May to 10th May excluding the Current Day spend, i.e. 11th May, then you are able to do that now.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Sprinklr Insights Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Insights area: Alert Manager | ListeningBenchmarking | Value Realization | Scheduled Exports | Listening Explorer | Visual Insights | AI Models

Alert Manager

Sprinklr Insights | Introducing Alert Manager to Configure and Manager Alerts

We have introduced Alert Manager, a one-stop solution for creating and managing all your alerts with ease. Now you will have more flexibility in creating alerts in minimal possible time. With Alert Manager, the alerts creation process becomes simple, scalable, and flexible. We have a simple user interface to configure alerts for various modules.

Below are the key features of Alert Manager:

  • From the Alert Manager window, you can create new alerts and/or edit, delete, and/or clone the existing ones. This saves you the trouble of creating separate rules for getting email alerts.

  • You can also activate and deactivate existing alerts from the Alert Manager window. 

  • It also allows you to perform bulk actions like delete, enable, and disable multiple alerts. 

  • You will also see the Recipient Users, User Groups, and Recipient Email IDs on the Alert Manager window. You can also search on the Recipient Email IDs column to easily update external email IDs of recipients.

  • You can refine your alerts using conditions like Alert Severity, Alert Longevity, Total Retweets, and Retweets Gained


Currently, the feature Alert Manager is under limited availability. It will be available to all the users by 15.5 Release.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Listening | Introducing Smart Theme Explorer

We have introduced Smart Theme Explorer to understand your consumers' unmet needs, and top trends around your brand, product, or category. Powered by Sprinklr AI, the Smart Theme Explorer dashboard will enable you to discover top themes automatically synthesized from conversations using unsupervised clustering. You can be informed on the "unknowns" – underlying conversations, sentiments, shifts, and trends. The top keywords forming a cluster can be used to create themes to power existing setup for further analysis. Deep dive into clusters to get more context and find actionable insights.

Smart Theme Explorer dashboard in Modern Research

Listening | Ability to Customize Y-Axis Scale in Widgets

We have introduced a new capability called Define Y-Axis Scale under the Configurations section of the Widget editor window. While adding a widget to your dashboard, you can now define the custom values given below:

  • Minimum Y-Axis Bound: This is the minimum value from which you want to start your Y-Axis Scale.

  • Maximum Y-Axis Bound: This is the maximum value up to which you want to keep your Y-Axis Scale.

  • Step Size (Interval) on Y-Axis: This is the step size for the number of divisions you want to use for the Y-Axis Scale.

Ability to customize Y-Axis scale in widgets

The dashboard widgets supporting this feature are ColumnStacked ColumnBarStacked BarLineSplineAreaArea SplineBubbleStacked Twin AxisCombination, and Dual Axis. Using this feature will give you better control over the Y-axis scales for the supported dashboard widgets.

Listening | Ability to Compare Data Across Two Custom Time Ranges in Single Widget/Dashboard

With the help of this capability, you can now compare social data across two custom time ranges at widget and dashboard level. For example, you can compare engagement around 2 campaigns – one launched on Feb 20 vs the other on Nov 19 in a single widget. Similarly, you can compare brand mentions of March 2019 data with March 2020 and so on. Additionally, you can export and share these reports. The supported widget visualization types for this capability are Line, Spline, Counter, Summary Table, and Grouped Summary. This capability is available for Listening, Benchmarking, Reporting, Ads Reporting, etc.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Currently, the availability of this feature is limited.

Listening | Ability to Choose Specific Columns for Excel Export in Conversation Stream

We have introduced a new export option, called Export as Excel (Custom), to export specific columns into an Excel sheet. You can now choose which columns you want to export and in which order. This will save the time that you might have spent on rearranging the columns and deleting the unwanted ones manually. The recent changes that you make will be the default settings until the next time you make changes to it. 

This capability is only available for the Conversation Stream widget, and it can be used from the Widget section, Scheduled Export, and the Advanced Export screen.


This capability will only work for Listening Dashboards, not for Listening Widgets in the Reporting Dashboard.

Configuring columns for Excel export in Conversation Stream from the Widget section

Configuring columns for Excel export in Conversation Stream from the Advanced Export screen

Listening | Added New Column "Folder" in Dashboard Manager

In the Dashboard Manager, we have added Folder as a new column that will show you the folder path in which a particular dashboard is available. This capability is available for Listening and Reporting.

Added new column "Folder" in the Dashboard Manager

Listening | Ability to Stop Sharing an External Shareable Dashboard Link

We have introduced an option to stop sharing the External Shareable Link. By using this capability, you can stop users from viewing the dashboard that has been shared through the shareable link. On the Get External Link popup window, slide the Link Sharing: On toggle to left.

Ability to stop sharing an external shareable dashboard link

Listening | Ability to Instantly Update Dashboard Shared Through External Link

By using this feature, you will allow the viewers to view the most updated dashboard. Generally, the External Shareable Link gets updated every 2 hours. But if you do not want to wait for 2 hours and want to update the changes right after you make them, you can use this feature.

Ability to update dashboard shared through external link

Listening | Introduced New Operator "exactContent"

The new exact match operator "exactContent" will perform the exact matching in the title, message, and userbio. In case there is no operator, the query will match the messagetitle, and userbio by default.

Listening | Ability to assign Color Code (Red, Green) for Growth or Decline in Relation to the Business Impact

In the Summary Table and Counter widgets, color coding can now be customized according to the type of business impact. This capability can also be used with both Standard and Custom metrics. For example, if a brand’s negative mentions are going down, it will be treated as a positive business impact, and hence the value will be shown in Green color. But if it goes up, it will be treated as negative and the value will be shown in Red color.

Ability to Show Color Code in Relation to the Business Impact

In order to use this capability, you must check the option "Decrease in metric value is a Positive Business Impact" while creating a custom metric.

Enabling the "Decrease in Metric Value is a Positive Business Impact" option

Listening | Updates in Navigating Shared Dashboards

The new updates will help you navigate to the correct dashboards in case you come across the following errors while accessing the shared dashboards:

  • When a user shares an invalid dashboard URL.

  • When a user shares the dashboard without giving you the dashboard permissions.

  • When the dashboard is shared through a workspace level user group.

  • When you access a dashboard from an incorrect workspace (being the dashboard owner).

  • When you access a dashboard from an incorrect workspace.

  • When a dashboard resides on multiple workspaces and you access it from an incorrect workspace.


The updates have made for all the insights dashboards, such as Listening, Listening Explorer, Benchmarking, Reporting, Ads Reporting, Distributed, etc.

Listening | Dashboard and Widget Filters Made Consistent

We have now made Dashboard and Widget level Filters consistent. Some of the filters have been renamed as shown below:

  • Client Profile lists have been renamed as Workspace Profile list.

  • Partner Profile lists have been renamed as Global Profile list.

  • Client queues have been renamed as Workspace queue.

  • Partner queues have been renamed as Global queue.

Listening | Enhanced Support for the Korean Language

We now have enhanced support for the Korean language in Listening. You will now have improved linguistic compatibility regarding Korean nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. This is achieved by incorporating ICU Tokenizer. ICU Tokenizer tokenizes text into words on word boundaries. It behaves much like the standard tokenizer (grammar-based tokenization), but adds better support for some Asian languages by using a dictionary-based approach to identify words in Thai, Lao, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Listening | Audit Trail for Instagram Hashtags in Instagram Hashtag Dashboard

In the Instagram Hashtag dashboard, you can now check the Audit Trail of each specific Instagram hashtag with the historical perspective of hashtag volume, activity per-authenticated/active hashtag, as well as the legacy hashtags that are no longer active.

Checking audit trail for Instagram hashtags in Instagram Hashtag dashboard


The audit report will not have logs for previous updates. It will only consider the newly created hashtags.

Listening | VK Firehose Enabled as a Listening Source

We have now enabled VK (social networking channel) firehose as a listening source. This will help in fetching the realtime data from VK such as posts, comments, shares, etc. Further, this firehose provides you with some new and upgraded features listed below:

  • Photo/video URLs and metadata.

  • Author level metadata - Follower Count etc.

  • Low Data Latency

  • Extensive coverage

Listening | Ability to Export Retweets Along With Original Author and Profile Link

By exporting the widget into an Excel sheet, you will now see the name of the users who have retweeted, the retweet mention, the original author, and the profile link. Along with this, you will also see RT (stands for retweet) as a prefix before the text in the Message column, sender name, message type, etc. This capability is only supported for the Conversation Stream widget.

Listening | Introduced New Metric "Reddit Score" for Reddit Posts & Comments

While creating or editing a widget within the Listening dashboard, you can now use the Reddit Score metric from the Engagement metrics list. This newly added metric will show you the updated net vote scores for Reddit posts and comments. By using this metric, you can gauge how popular a Reddit post or comment is.

The Reddit score shown by this metric is a net score that equals Upvotes minus Downvotes for a particular post/comment. For example, if a post or comment receives 10 upvotes and 5 downvotes, then the Reddit score will 5.

New metric "Reddit Score" for Reddit Posts & Comments

Listening | Feature "Blacklist" Renamed to "Blocklist" in Listening Settings

In the Listening Settings, we have renamed the feature Blacklist to Blocklist.

Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings
Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings
Blacklist renamed to Blocklist in Listening Settings


Listening | Support for Quoted Retweets in Listening Columns 

We have now introduced support for quoted retweets in listening columns. Quoted retweets filter will be available in listening columns to filter the results.

Quoted Retweets

Listening | VK Engagement Statistics Introduced in Listening

We have now introduced engagement statistics for social networking channel VK. Now you will be able to get the results on counts of Likes, Comments and Shares.

Topics and Themes | Change in Topic and Theme Searching Mechanism within Topic and Theme List View 

There is an update in topic and theme searching mechanism in the topic and theme search field. The keywords/phrase provided in the search field will only fetch the results that match every word of that phrase/keyword. For instance, a topic/theme search for US Gillette (no quotes) will fetch the result for topics/themes that have both the words US and Gillette in the name - ie, "US Gillette", "Gillette US", "Super long name with the words US and Gillette", etc., and will exclude the topics/themes having only the word ‘US’ or only the word ‘Gillette’.

Put another way, our topic/theme search will now follow the 'ALL' logic between words, i.e if 3 words are typed, only the topics having all the 3 words will appear.

Topic Search

Theme Search


Benchmarking | Deprecation of LinkedIn as Social Network

Due to the deprecation of LinkedIn Benchmarking API, you will not be able to access new LinkedIn data in Sprinklr Benchmarking from June 1st, 2020. Note that the historical data (before June 1st) will remain accessible until December 31st, 2020. Additionally, you will not be able to add new LinkedIn accounts, neither from the UI nor by importing the Excel sheet.

Benchmarking | Sina Weibo and VK Available in Benchmarking 

We have now added support for two new social channels - Sina Weibo and VK in Benchmarking. The new channels will be visible in the Benchmarking dashboard and widget social network filter. You can also add specific message types for the two channels, such as Weibo repost, VK post reply, etc. Addition of new channels will provide a wider view of any brand's social presence that a brand manager or content manager wants to monitor.

Benchmarking weibo and Vk FilterBenchmarking weibo and Vk widget Filter

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Internal Note:

Use this DP for adding VK account: BMK_VK_SOCIAL_NETWORK_ENABLED("bmk.vk.social.network.enabled", BOOLEAN, PARTNER)

Use this DP for adding Sina Weibo account:
BMK_WEIBO_SOCIAL_NETWORK_ENABLED("bmk.weibo.social.network.enabled", BOOLEAN, PARTNER)

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Benchmarking | Ability to Create Alert with Brand Group Dimension in Alert Manager

While creating an alert in the Alert Manager, you can now use the newly added dimension Brand Group among other filters present from the Alert On field, i.e. Accounts & Brand.

Value Realization

Value Realization | Introducing Value Realization Dashboard for Sprinklr Insights 

We have now introduced the Value Realization Dashboard for Sprinklr Insights. Powered by Sprinklr’s robust AI, the VRD for Sprinklr Insights provides a measure of the value realized in terms of revenue increased, cost saved, and risks averted. It gives measures on different business KPIs which are based on the Sprinklr Platform usage data. It covers all the PBUCs (Primary Business Use Cases) served by Sprinklr Insights and gives estimates of value realization in terms of dollars saved or earned.

This will help you in planning your strategies to grow your business, enhance customer experience, and take pre-emptive measures to avert risks and unwanted brand associations.

Scheduled Exports 

Scheduled Exports | Ability to Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports

In Advanced & Schedule Export Settings, we have added a new option PPT to export the dashboard. Now, you can export your dashboard in PPT (PowerPoint) file format other than PDF, Excel, and PNG formats. This capability is supported in all the Sprinklr Insights dashboards as well as Reporting and Ads Reporting dashboards. The Cover Page option is only supported with PDF export.

Export Dashboard in PPT from Advanced Exports


This capability is only available for Product Insights/Location Insights customers.

Scheduled Exports | Ability to Add Date Range on Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Basis

You can now define a custom interval date range to export the dashboard. The custom interval can be set on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. For example, if you want to start your week from Wednesday, you can simply set the custom interval on a weekly basis and select Wednesday as the start day. As a result, your customized week will be Wednesday to Tuesday.

Adding Date Range for Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly in Scheduled Exports

Listening Explorer

Listening Explorer | Option Added to Hide Message Properties in the Stream Widget

We have now added the option to hide message properties while creating or editing a stream widget. By checking the option - Hide Message Properties message properties will not be visible in the stream. The Hide Message Properties option is also available on the widget action menu. For drill down on a conversation stream, message properties will be hidden by default; you have to manually select Show Message Properties to view the message properties.

Hide Message Properties In Widget
Hide and show Message Properties

Visual Insights

Visual Insights | Ability to Detect More Objects, Activities and Scenes Added

We have now added more objects, activities and scenes to the existing list (Currently 33 objects, 9 activities and 18 scenes) in visual insights. Sprinklr's machine learning powered objects/scenes/activities detection in images has now been extended to a predefined list of objects/scenes/activities with 4400+ entries. This will allow brands to identify common scenes like
airports, tennis, etc. which were previously not available. These changes will be reflected in photo objects, photo activities and photo scenes. 

AI Models 

AI Model Validation Interface | Ability to Validate the Accuracy of Product Insights and Sentiment Analysis Models 

You can now test the accuracy of our AI-powered models using your own datasets through our new AI Model Validation Interface. You just need to create a Validation Project and provide feedback on our model’s predictions. While providing the feedback on the selected messages, you can edit, add, and delete the insights at multiple levels.
Showing Validate Model window
Showing how to edit phrase level insights while validating messages


This capability is currently available only for Product Insights and Sentiment Analysis. However, we will soon be extending this capability for our other models like Emotion Analysis, Content Categorisation, Location Insights and Intents.

You can view the changes made by generating the Validation Report. After all the messages selected for the project have been validated, you can approve the Validation Feedback. As soon as the Validation Feedback is approved, the admin can initiate the training of the model. Once the model is trained, you can deploy the model.
Showing how to deploy model once the model is trained

Before deploying the model, you can compare the Precision, Recall and F1 Scores of the old model vis a vis the new model trained on the feedback provided. To get better results while training the model, it is advisable that the clients prepare a golden dataset in association with our team.
Showing Accuracy Report of the old versus new model 

Sprinklr Service Updates


Community Builder | Create a Self-service Online Forum for Customer Care

Within Sprinklr Community Builder, you can now create a Community, a self-service online forum for your customers to ask questions, share ideas, and solve support issues. You can easily link a customer community on your brand's website, and use this self-service space to reduce churn, decrease costs and unlock customer value with insights on improving products and services. 

Sprinklr Community includes the following benefits:

  1. One platform for consistent customer support: You can reduce churn by providing consistent support across digital channels.

  2. AI to decrease costs and reduce case resolution times: AI-driven Intuition Moderation identifies which messages need to be addressed while Smart Responses help moderators provide quick and relevant responses. A CSAT Prediction score is generated based on the context of a customer message and Smart Alerts analyze brand conversations to detect anomalies based on volume and sentiment.

  3. Insight to improve products and services: Easily share insight from customer interactions with marketing and R&D teams to improve content, products, and services. 

  4. Customized community builder: Create community pages, customize branding, configure content layouts, plan a gamification strategy, and manage granular user roles and permissions.

Community Builder in Modern Care

Agent Console

Agent Console | WCAG Compliant

To ensure that the Agent Console is accessible to Sprinklr users living with disabilities, the most common workflows now comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. Some of the new features that make the Agent Console accessible are Screen Reader Support and Keyboard Navigation.

A keyboard user can use the Tab key to navigate through interactive elements and also provided with the screen reader support and a visual indicator of the element that currently has keyboard focus. To leverage the Screen Reader capability, add a WCAG-compliant Screen Reader extension to your web browser.

Agent Console | Differentiate Between Public and Private Messages

While replying to a message in the middle pane of the Agent Console, you can now easily differentiate whether the reply that you are sending is a Public or Private message. Just above the Reply box, a Public message will be highlighted in Purple whereas a Private message will be highlighted in Green.

Reply box in agent console

Agent Console | Share Likelihood Score on Cases
Within the Agent Console, you can now view the Share Likelihood Score on the cases which will be calculated with the help of Sprinklr AI Model. The Share Likelihood Score, calculated on the basis of previous activities, tells the probability of a customer sharing the brand content publicly on social media channels. For example, if a customer has shared the brand post publicly on their Facebook wall in the past, the likelihood score on the next post will be high.


It is supported for Facebook and Twitter only.

Share Likelihood Score prediction relies on the CSAT score. If the CSAT score is not identified on any case then the share-score will also not be calculated. Also, it will be supported for the languages the CSAT score is supported for.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Share Likelihood Score in Agent Console

Agent Console | Engagement Score on Cases

Within the Agent Console, you can now view the Engagement Score on the cases. The Engagement Score helps in evaluating how engaged your existing customers are based upon the activities performed by them that include likes, comments, and shares on their social media channels like Facebook. You can also sort the columns based on the Engagement Score in the ascending or descending order. The score ranges from 0 to 100.


  • It is supported for Facebook and Twitter only.

  • The Engagement Score is language agnostic.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Engagement Score in Agent Console

Agent Console | Pause Processing Clock on Switching the Tab

While working on a case or message, if an agent opens another tab in the browser i.e. when the Agent Console or Engagement Dashboard tab is inactive, then the Processing Clock will stop automatically. This will help you calculate the accurate SLAs for agents and the team.

Note that the processing clock will stop if you change the tab manually for both Windows and Mac. It will also work for the following shortcuts:

In Mac
- Shift+⌘Command and press the right or left arrow key
- Control+Tab
- Control+Shift+Tab
- ⌘Command + press 1-9
- ⌘Command + N
- ⌘Command + TAB

In Windows
- CTRL+Tab
- CTRL+Shift+Tab
- CTRL + press 1-9

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Case Processing Clock in Agent Console

Agent Console | Dropdown Options for a URL Placeholder in Smart Responses

Within Agent Console, if you select a smart response that has a URL placeholder, you will now be able to select the desired URL from the dropdown list that appears after clicking the placeholder %urllink%. Note that you can either type a new URL or select from the dropdown. You will not be able to make changes to the predefined URLs that appear in the dropdown.


In order to get more URLs added in the dropdown, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Smart Response URL Placeholder

Agent Console | Case Assignment Time on Cases

Within Agent Console, you will now be able to view the Case Assignment Time to view the duration for how long each case has been assigned to you. To view the Case Assignment Time, create an Assign To Me column for cases where you will be able to see the duration. The time will be visible in the left pane and the third pane of the Agent Console.

AHT on cases

Agent Console | Improved Integration Between Case Management and Approval Workflows

The Approval Workflow for cases will be supported along with case management now. The supervisor will be able to reject the case and also send a comment that will be visible in the middle pane of the Agent Console.

To learn more about viewing rejected posts/comments in Agent Console, please work with your Success Manager.

Rejecting Comment in Agent Console

Reject Comments in Agent Console

Email Care

Email Care | Send Attachments Larger than 10 MB in the form of URL

While sending an email from Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, you can now send the attachments that are larger than 10 MB in size. The attachments will be sent in the form of a URL clicking on which the user will be redirected to the media link.

Sending attachment along with email in Agent Console


Chat Templates | Create Omni Chat Templates via API

You can now create Omni Chat (Card, Carousel, and Quick Reply) templates via Sprinklr API as well. Note that, to add an image in the template, add the URL of the image in the curl command.

Google Business Messaging | Support for Typing Indicator

For Google Business Messaging, you and your customers will now be able to know when the other one is typing. When your customers are typing, the typing indicator will be visible in the middle pane of the Agent Console.

Typing Indicator for Google Business Messaging

Google Business Messaging | Send CSAT Survey

Within Rule Engine, you can now create a rule to send a CSAT survey on Google Business Messaging channel after the conversation is closed. While creating a rule, select action Send Survey under "Request Google Business Survey". Note that the survey cannot be triggered twice within 24 hours.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Sending CSAT Survey on Google Business Messaging

Google Business Messaging | Create and Send Card, Carousel, and Quick Reply Template

You can now create card, carousel, and quick reply templates in the Digital Asset Manager and configure an auto-response rule to send these to the Google Business Messaging channel. You can add up to 13 buttons in a quick reply template and up to 10 carousel elements in a carousel template. The button action can be set as Open URL clicking on which the users will be redirected to the specified page.

Card Template for Google Business Messaging

Quick Reply Template in Google Business Messaging

Google Business Messaging | Copy Survey Rating Score and Survey Feedback Text into Custom Properties via Rule Engine

By creating a Case Update rule for Google Business Messaging in the Rule Engine, you can now set actions under Actions to ‘Copy properties from source to destination’, to copy the Survey Rating Score and Survey Feedback Text given by customers into custom properties fields. The two new copy action sources added are Case Rating Score and Case Feedback Text.

Copying Survey Rating Score and Survey Feedback Text into Custom Properties via Rule Engine for Google Business Messaging

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | WCAG Compliant

To ensure that the Sprinklr Live Chat is accessible to your customers living with disabilities, the most common workflows now comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. Some of the new features that make the Live Chat accessible are Screen Reader Support and Keyboard Navigation.

A keyboard user can use the Tab key to navigate through interactive elements and also provided with the screen reader support and a visual indicator of the element that currently has keyboard focus. To leverage Screen Reader capability, your customers need to add a WCAG-compliant Screen Reader extension to their web browser.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Send Secure Forms

The Sprinklr Live Chat is PCI compliant now. You can send Secure Forms on Sprinklr Live Chat to allow for sensitive and confidential information to be passed from a customer to agent within a secure environment. For example, customers might need to provide their credit card information or PII information as a part of an identity validation process. The secure forms help in mitigating the risk of unapproved or fraudulent data access.


To get a Secure Form created, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Secure Form in Live Chat

Live Chat Secure Form in Agent Console

Sprinklr Live Chat | Transferring Conversation from Social Channels to Live Chat

While having a conversation with your customers on any social channel, e.g. Facebook or Twitter, you can now send the Sprinklr Live Chat link to them. The link will include authToken, caseId, and expiration time. By clicking on this link, the customers will be redirected from their existing conversation on the social channel to Sprinklr Live Chat. The conversation on Live Chat and the existing conversation on the social channel will be linked to the same case. Note that the previous messages on the social channel will not get transferred to the Sprinklr Live Chat.


The Live Chat link will be generated at the backend which will then be shown as a Canned Response. To enable this capability, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Social to live chat transfer of conversation

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support of Auto Login Using SSO

While adding the Live Chat application, you can now configure it to allow your customers to automatically log in to Sprinklr Live Chat using SSO when the application starts. The customers who are already signed in on your website will automatically be SSO authorized to access the Live Chat. You can add SSOs within Sprinklr Platform Settings.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

SSO login in live chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Word Cloud Visualization to View Reporting on Feedback Comments Captured via CSAT Form

Within Care Reporting, you can now create a report to view the most used feedback comments given by your customers via the Capture additional feedback comment field of the CSAT Form (Feedback) template. Select the Word Cloud visualization along with the Case Count metric and the Feedback Note Word Cloud dimension.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Sprinklr Live Chat CSAT Reporting in Word Cloud widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Star Rating Support in CSAT Card Template

While creating a CSAT Card (Feedback) template for Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now select the Feedback Rating Variant as Star. You will also get the option to customize the Background Color (When Selected, Not selected, Hovered) and Outline Color (When Selected, Not selected, Hovered) by simply typing the name of the color.

Star Rating for Feedback card in live chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Enable Sound Notification for Incoming Messages for Your Customers

While adding the Sprinklr Live Chat widget on your website, you can now enable sound notifications for your customers for incoming brand messages that they receive on the Live Chat widget. The users can mute/unmute the notifications by clicking the Sound Notification icon appearing in the top right corner of the widget. Note that the users will not receive the notification if they are on the same conversation when the message is received. Also, the notifications should be enabled in the users' browser settings.

Enabling sound notification for live chat
Mute Notification in Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Lock Live Chat Conversations

Within Rule Engine, you can now create a case update rule to lock or unlock the live chat conversation for your customers. When the lock event is applied, your customers will not be able to type/send a message, attach any image/video, perform any action on templates, or start a new conversation. This can be done while the integrations are running.

When the unlock event is applied, your customers will be able to perform all the functions normally. If the unlock event is missed, the conversation will be unlocked after the wait time, that you mention while creating the Lock event, is over.

Note that, on refreshing, the lock event will be lost and the customers will be able to perform all the functions.

For the External Payload field, enter the value in the following form:
{ "waitTime": 120000, "reason": "We're still working on an issue. Wait for some time." }

where waitTime is in milliseconds and the reason is the message that will be shown as a tooltip to your customers.

Lock Live Chat Conversation

Lock Live Chat Conversation

Sprinklr Live Chat | Description Field for Card and Carousel Template

While adding a card or carousel template for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager, you can now add a description for your card/carousel element.

Also, on the Live Chat widget, your customers will be able to view the template image in a Full-screen Modal View once they click on them.

Card Template for Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Disable Card Buttons Once Clicked via SDK

While sending a Card Template to your customers via SDK, you can now send reSubmittable as false making the buttons disabled for clicking for the second time. So, the users will not be able to click any button other than the URL button on the card template if they have already clicked it once. The options will be greyed out once clicked as shown in the GIF below.

Sending Card Template in Live Chat Widget via SDK

Sprinklr Live Chat | Auto Creation of Case While Sending First Message via SDK

While sending the first message to initiate the conversation on Sprinklr Live Chat via SDK, if you (brand) send autoInitiateConversation as true, then a new case will be created in Sprinklr.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Update Case Custom Field Values for any Conversation via SDK

You can now update the case custom field values for any Live Chat conversation via SDK. Note that if the conversationId is not provided then the last active Conversation Id will be used.

Updating live chat custom field via SDK

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Set Landing Screen as Conversation Id and Case Id

In Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now set the Landing Screen as Conversation Id and Case Id that will dictate the first page that should open when the app launches. This can be done by updating Spr Chat Settings.

CONVERSATION_%ConversationId% - It will open the conversation for which you provide the Conversation Id.
If the conversation is closed that you provide the Conversation Id for, then the closed conversation will be shown but the user will not able to send any message.
If the conversation is deleted that you provide the Conversation Id for, then an error message saying "This conversation does not exist" will appear on the screen.

CASE_%CaseId% - It will open the new conversation which will get associated with the case you provide the Case Id for. If the conversation associated with that Case Id has happened before on Live Chat then it will open the old conversation.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Hide Chat Trigger Icon

You can now hide the Sprinklr Live Chat trigger icon depending upon your agents' availability, business hours, or the number of pending cases in the queue. Hiding the chat icon when necessary will save your customers’ time and improve their experience.

Hide live chat trigger icon

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Your Customers to Delete Conversation

Your customers can now Delete the live chat conversation by clicking the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png appearing in the top right corner of the conversation screen and selecting the option Delete Conversation. Note that in case of no internet connectivity, the users will not be able to perform this action.

You can also get the Delete icon Space_Icon_Delete.png customized as desired.


In order to get this capability enabled, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Deleting the live chat conversation from the widget side Deleting the live chat conversation on the widget side

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Your Customers to End Conversation

Your customers can now End the live chat conversation by clicking the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png appearing in the top right corner of the conversation screen and selecting the option End Conversation. The closed conversation indicator will be visible to both the users and the agents on the widget as well as the platform i.e. Agent Console and Engagement Dashboards.

You can also get the Close/End icon Space_Icon_Exit or Close.png customized as desired.


In order to get this capability enabled, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Ending the Live Chat Conversation by customers End Live Chat Conversation Indicator

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Your Customers to Save Conversation

Your customers can now Save the live chat conversation transcript by clicking the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png appearing in the top right corner of the conversation screen and selecting the option Save Conversation. All the messages, templates, and attachments will be downloaded with accurate timestamps. Note that the attachments such as images and videos will be present in the form of URL.

You can also get the Save icon Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 3.05.09 PM.png customized as desired.


In order to get this capability enabled, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Save Conversation in Live ChatSave Conversation in Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | 'No Internet Connectivity' Status

Your customers will now be able to view the No Internet Connectivity status at the top of the Conversation screen or Home screen of the Live Chat widget when there is no internet connection. The Progress Bar will also be greyed out if any.

When the user's internet connectivity is back then the status will get changed to Back Online and all the messages in a pending state will be automatically sent.

Internet connectivity status on live chat widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Disable Manual Response for Templates via SDK

While sending any template via SDK on Sprinklr Live Chat, you can now disable the manual typing/response by sending disableManualResponse as true. Hence your customers will not be able to send/type any message after selecting a response from the template until you (brand) send a message again.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Disabled Manual Response Based on Last Brand Message

On Sprinklr Live Chat, if you send a template (created via Digital Asset Manager or via SDK) with the disabled manual response, then your customers will not be able to send/type any message even after selecting a response from the template until you (brand) send a message again.

Disable Manual Response in Live Chat Templates

Sprinklr Live Chat | Set Default Values Pre-selected in Templates via SDK

While sending any template on Sprinklr Live Chat via SDK, you can now set the default values pre-selected by sending defaultValue as desired.

Setting default value in templates for Sprinklr Live Chat via SDK

Sprinklr Live Chat | Capture the Context of Messages Sent via External Actions

By sending messageContext via SDK, you will now be able to capture the context for Live Chat messages that are sent via external actions. It will appear in the form of custom fields in the third pane of the Agent Console.

Capturing Context of Live Chat Messages

Sprinklr Live Chat | Custom Brand Fonts

You can now get the Live Chat widget customized in the desired font that aligns with your brand.


In order to get this capability enabled, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Sprinklr Live Chat widget in custom font

Sprinklr Live Chat | Full-screen Modal View for Images/Videos

Within the Live Chat widget, your customers will now be able to view the images/videos received or sent by them in a Full-screen Modal View once they click on them.

Modal View support in live chat widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Customize Functions for Modal View of Images/Videos via SDK

You get a Full-screen Modal View of images/videos by clicking on them. You can now customize any function for modal view via these SDKs - onShowMedia and offShowMedia, onCloseMedia, offCloseMedia.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Ability to Add Custom CSS

You can now add custom CSS in the Sprinklr Live Chat widget that will override the default styling. Custom CSS can be added for the following classes:

spr-chat__modal-box (for images or videos)

Bots Manager

Conversational Bots | Support to Add PDFs as an Existing Reply

While adding an existing reply in Conversational Bot, you can now select PDFs from Media Uploader using the Select Existing Reply option.

PDFs in Conversational Bots

Assignment Engine

Assignment Engine | Share the Visibility for Work Queues

While creating a work queue within Assignment Engine, you can now select the desired workspaces and users/user groups with whom you want to share the visibility of the work queue.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Visibility for work queue in Assignment Engine

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support to Apply Message Properties within Case Update Rules

While creating a Case Update Rule within Rule Engine, you can now set/unset Message Properties associated with the case, such as Engageable property, Message Category, and Partner custom properties, under Actions To "Case Associated Messages". You can select from the following case messages as desired:

All Associated Messages in Case
All Associated Fan Messages in Case
All Associated Brand Messages in Case
Last Associated fan message in Case
Last Associated brand message in Case
Last Associated message in Case

Set/Unset Message Properties within Case Update Rules in Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Copy Estimated Wait Time (User Handling Time) and Estimated Wait Time (Work Queue Wait Time) into Custom Fields

By creating a rule in the Rule Engine, you can now set actions under Actions to ‘Copy properties from source to destination’, to copy Estimated Wait Time (User Handling Time) and Estimated Wait Time (Work Queue Wait Time) into Case/Message custom properties fields.

 Copy Estimated Wait Time (User Handling Time) and Estimated Wait Time (Work Queue Wait Time) into Custom Fields via Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support to Copy Case Id to a Message Custom Field

By creating a rule in the Rule Engine, you can now set actions under Actions to ‘Copy properties from source to destination’ to copy the Case Id into a message custom field.

Copying Case ID to Message via Rule Engine

Supervisor Console

Supervisor Console | Improved Agent’s Activity Log

While viewing the agents’ activity stream within Supervisor Console, you will now have the detailed view of the audit activities along with the case details.Improved Agent’s Activity Log in Supervisor Console

Custom Fields

Custom Fields | Improved Behavior of Non-editable Custom Fields

A non-editable custom field that is a part of a macro will now remain non-editable whenever a macro is applied from anywhere in the platform.

Non Editable Custom Fields in Macro

Care Reporting

Care Reporting | View the Number of Cases for Aggregation Time Period of 15 Minutes

You can now view the total number of cases assigned to agents based on fair and direct assignments for the aggregation period of 15 minutes. You can set the aggregation period, which determines the period of time between data points on the widget, by hovering over the Options icon in the top right corner of the widget and selecting Aggregation.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


15 minutes aggregation of reporting widget

Care Reporting | Pause Case SLA Macro Action to Calculate Accurate Case SLA

You will now be able to calculate the accurate case response SLA for cases that were not responded to earlier and got reopened later. To do this, create a Case Macro and select a new action Pause Case SLA. Apply this macro on the case where no actual response was sent. It will pause the SLA so that the accurate SLA can be calculated if the case gets reopened.

Within the Reporting Dashboard, select Case Response SLA from oldest unactioned metric along with other metrics and dimensions such as Case, Case Count, etc. to measures the time difference between the creation time of the first message (added to the case after the Pause Case SLA macro is applied) and when the agent responded.

For example
Fan: Hi there! I need help. (sent at 16:00) - A
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:05) - B
Fan: Ohh! It is working now. (sent at 16:10) - C

The brand applies the Close/NRR case macro with Pause Case SLA as one of the macro actions.

Fan: It is down again. (sent at 16:20) - C
Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:25) - D

Case Response SLA = D - A = 25 min
Case Response SLA from oldest unactioned = D - C = 5 mins

Pause Case SLA Macro

Agent Case Response SLA from oldest unactioned in Care Reporting

Care Reporting | New Case SLA Metrics to Not Include Auto-responses and Bot Replies

While viewing Case SLA reporting for agents, you can now plot the following new metrics:

Case First User Response Count Outside SLA (Case Report) - This metric gives the total number of cases in which the first brand response was made outside the SLA. It only includes the responses sent by the agent, not auto-responses and bot replies.

Case First User Response Count Within SLA (Case Report) - This metric gives the total number of cases in which the first brand response was made within the SLA. It only includes the responses sent by the agent, not auto-responses and bot replies.

Case SLA Reporting

Survey Builder

Survey Builder | Sprinklr Account Id Available as a URL Param

While creating a survey in the Survey Builder, you will now be able to select Sprinklr Account Id as a URL parameter to add in the survey URL.

Sprinklr Account Id Available as a URL Param in Survey Builder

Quickly navigate to a specific Governance Console area: Smart Audience Engine | Display

Smart Audience Engine

Smart Audience Engine | New Filter Operator for Segmentation using Salesforce

While creating an audience segment, you can now filter a segment by including or excluding email addresses under specific domains. This capability helps you create the segment with due filtration. 

Segmentation Filtering Using SalesForce


Smart Audience Engine | Ability to See Details of Audience Activity on Salesforce

Sprinklr now allows you to view audience activity reports for the sent emails on Salesforce. This capability helps your sales team be updated about any sort of marketing pitch that has been communicated with the customer or how the customer has reacted to the communication, for instance Email View, Email Click, etc. So, this capability makes sure that your sales team is adequately informed before they take the next step with the leads.  

Salesforce Audience Activity


Display | Enablement of Remote Link for Each Display

A unique Remote URL is now available for each Display. This will make controlling your Display URLs even easier and quicker - especially if you have multiple active Displays. The Remote URL can be found by opening the details view for a given Display and scrolling to the bottom.



Display | Ability to Filter Displays and Presentations by X Days Ago Option

While filtering Displays/Presentations, you can now set the time range for a given widget to show data for a specific 24 hour period that happened the designated amount of days in the past with the X Days Ago option.

Filter Displays and Presentations by X Days Ago Option


Display | Export Presentations or Storyboards Across Workspaces

Sprinklr now allows you to export Presentations or Storyboards across multiple Workspaces. This capability is especially helpful for teams that operate out of different workspaces but want to leverage the same presentations or Storyboards.


Display | Using Listening Explorer as a data source for Display and Presentations

You can now leverage Listening Explorer as a data source for your widgets within Display and Presentations. Using your saved research queries, construct your widgets with the available metrics, dimensions, and filters and take advantage of the power that Listening Explorer provides. 

v15.5.0_ListeningExplorerAs DataSourceForDisplayAndPresentations.png


Display | Ability to View Geographic Location of a Post

Sprinklr now provides you with the ability to view the geographic location of a social post. This capability allows you to show the location of any posts that have geographic data available.


Display | Ability to Filter Display and Presentations Widgets By Rank

Sprinklr now allows you to filter Widgets by the specific rank or position of a segment. This capability will help you save time and effort especially when you look for posts based on their performance.