Sprinklr v16.2.0 - Sprinklr Marketing Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Redesigned Header Implementation

As a part of our new design language, Hyperspace, we have redesigned the dashboard and explorer headers to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordability for most used actions. The header changes will be reflected in all the dashboards (both standard and custom) throughout the Sprinklr platform. With the new Header Implementation, Editorial Calendar too will have an enhanced UI. 

However, this will not impact any other functionality within the Editorial Calendar. All actions such as Filter, Refresh Group By, Import, Export, Switch Timezone, Apply Filters, etc. 

Header Implementation in Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Support for Simplified Filtering 

Filtering within the Editorial Calendar is now simplified by showing only the most relevant options upfront in Calendar and Production Dashboards as well. This enables you to:

  • View most used filters and actions upfront making it simple.                

  • Pin/favorite the filters that you use for quick access.

  • Have consistent filtering behavior showing all values.

Enhanced Filters within the Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Enhanced Navigation for Date and Time

While viewing content within the Timeline view of the Editorial Calendar, you will now have a Date and Time selector in the Year, Quarter, Month, Two Week, and Week views. The back and forward arrows will navigate to the next and previous time frame respectively in the same view. On selecting a date or time the timeline will scroll to the respective time frame in the same view in which the selected timeframe lies. 

For example, selecting 30th, September in the month of February will navigate to the September month view.

Navigation for Date and Time in Timeline View

Editorial Calendar | Ability to Filter Published and Approved Posts by Approver

You will now be able to filter the Editorial Calendar by Approver even if the posts are published or already approved. This will enable you to filter posts based on who has approved the posts. Also, if a post is in the approval process, then you can view by whom the approval is pending.

Filtering Posts by Approver

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Redesigned Header Implementation

As a part of our new design language, Hyperspace, we have redesigned the dashboard and explorer headers to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordance for most used actions. The header changes will be reflected in all the dashboards (both standard and custom) throughout the Sprinklr platform. With the new Header Implementation, Production Dashboards too will have an enhanced UI. 

However, this will not impact any other functionality within the Production Dashboards. All actions such as Filter, Refresh Group By, Import, Export, Switch Timezone, Apply Filters, etc. The new Header for Production Dashboards will be implemented within the Campaign’s Production Tab as well.

Header Implementation in Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Split Table and Timeline Views of Campaigns Tab

While viewing campaigns within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to Split Timeline View of campaigns, enabling you to align the campaign row and campaign bar having a side-by-side view of both. You will have horizontal and vertical scrolling in both Tabular and Timeline views. This capability allows you to:

  • Align the timeline with the existing quarter view and month view

  • Take actions on campaigns

  • Have table cells color coded

  • Opening campaigns from action or bar opens the campaign third pane

Apart from these you will also be able to Filter, Search, Sort, Group By, Inline Edit, Freeze, and apply bulk actions such as clone, edit, delete, etc.

Splitting Table and Timeline Views

Production Dashboards | Support for Timeline View of Campaigns

Within the Production Dashboards, you can now switch to the Timeline View of Campaigns and view active workflows enabling you to track their progress against the set task or milestone due dates. The workflow progress bar for Campaign Timeline will start when the workflow is initiated and will end with the end of the workflow i.e., the due date of last task or milestone. 

Clicking on the Campaign name or workflow bar will open the particular campaign in its Third Pane. The workflow bar will be color coded as per the Editorial Calendar color settings. The default colors will be the same as defined in the Editorial Calendar

On the Campaign Timeline, you will be able to:

  • View the start date of the campaigns.

  • View milestones on due dates.

  • View past, current and future tasks on the campaign as colored dots.

  • View whether the workflow is delayed or ahead by X number of days.

  • View whether the milestone date, delayed or ahead (same as message workflow view).

  • View campaign name.

  • View assignee, due date, and status info (same as message workflow view)

This capability will allow smooth scrolling with an infinite timeline, zoom-in, and zoom-out, improving the overall usability of the content plan visualization.

Viewing Campaign Timeline in Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Enhanced Standard Production Dashboards

We have now added a default Production Overview dashboard which will act as a Standard Production Dashboard and can be used as reference to create more dashboards as per your requirements. Furthermore, all tabs will be visible (by default) in this dashboard in the following order:

All Tasks - The All Tasks tab will have following columns:

  • Task Name

  • Description

  • Task Status

  • Task Assignee

  • Entity Name

  • Due Date

  • Task Queue

  • Task Type

All Campaigns - The All Campaigns tab will have following columns:

  • Campaigns Name

  • Description

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Status

  • Owner

All Sub-Campaigns - The All Sub-Campaigns tab will have following columns:

  • Sub-Campaign Name

  • Description

  • Campaign Name

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Status 

  • Owner

All Messages - The All Messages tab will have following columns:

  • Message Name

  • Schedule Time

  • Account Type

  • Template

  • Account

  • Content

  • Campaign

  • Sub-Campaign

All Assets - The All Assets tab will have following columns:

  • Asset Name

  • Description

  • Type 

  • Created Time

  • Author

Note that this dashboard will be automatically imported into the Production tab of every Campaign and Sub-Campaigns details view.

Standard Production Dashbaords

Production Dashboards | Ability to Configure Columns for Personal Views

While editing or viewing Personal Views within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to configure columns as per your requirement. The Manage Columns option will have actions such as Reordering, Adding, and Removing columns. Managing columns in personal view only affects your dashboards’ view and not of others. Also, you will be able to Star your tabs or personal views. 

Manage Default View permission has been added to enable you to manage your personal views effectively. The enablement of this permission will allow you to make changes to your own personal view and not the default view or standard dashboards. However, if you are an admin, changes made via the Manage Column option by you in default views will impact all user’s views.

Managing Columns in Default View

Production Dashboards | Support for External Link Sharing 

You will now be able to create and share your Production Dashboards with other users (non-sprinklr) via External Links. With this capability enabled, you can sync live changes to the external dashboard so that the export will be up-to-date. You will be able to view all the applied filters in the external view. The external view will be similar to the Production Dashboard within the platform.


The export will be password protected.





Generate Link




External Link Sharing for Production Dashboards


Copy Link


Copying Link for External Sharing






External View

External View of Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to Set Format for Date Columns

While viewing content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to set the format of Date Field columns to customize the Production Dashboard’s view as per your business requirements. This will be applicable for Outbound Message, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, and Tasks date field columns. 

The available formats are:

  • Mon D YYYY


  • Day MM/DD/YYYY

  • Day

  • DD Month, YY

  • DD-Mon-YYYY


  • D/M/YY

  • D Month YYYY

  • M/D/YY

  • Mon DD, YYYY

  • Month D, YYYY

  • YY/M/D

Apart from this, you will also be able to alter the time format and display settings. 

  • Time Display Setting - Do Not Display Time, Display Before, and Display After

  • Time Display Format - 12 Hour Clock or 24 Hour Clock

Setting Format for Date Columns

Setting Format for Date Columns


Setting Format for Date Columns


Production Dashboards | Ability to Use Four Dimensions to Group By Content

While grouping content within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to use Four Dimensions instead of just three. This will allow you to gain more additional context of an entity with respect to the dimensions used. 

Applying Four Group-By Dimensions

Production Dashboards | Ability to Export Date Fields in Date Formats

While exporting the Production Dashboards in an excel format, all the date fields (system/custom) will be exported in a proper date format. This will help you in the chronological sorting of date columns in the excel file, thus, saving time and reducing the possibility of human error.

Production Dashboards | Ability to Expand or Collapse All Groups

While grouping content within the Production Dashboards, you can Collapse or Expand all groups. The Collapse and Expand buttons will have following behavior:

  • If all groups are expanded: State of button is Collapse All

  • If all groups are collapsed:  State of the button is Expand All

  • If manually few groups are collapsed or expanded: Retain the state of the button based on what was clicked previously (If Collapse All was clicked state changes to Expand All, If Expand All was clicked state changes to Collapse All)

Note that the default state for groups is Collapse All since the default state of the table is Expanded.

Collapsing All Groups

Production Dashboards | Ability to Add New Row 

You will now be able to Add New Row within the Message tab of the Production Dashboards by clicking the Plus icon. You will be able to type in data in each cell of the row. Also, this newly added row can be saved or canceled. If you have saved the row before filling in all the required fields then the system will show error and will navigate you back to the empty fields. 


If you click cancel, then all data within the row will be lost and the row will not be added.

To Add New Row

Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management | Support for Preview and Annotations on PDF Documents

You will now be able to add annotations and have a full preview of PDF Documents within the Digital Asset Manager. You can mark the annotated area with a color and collaborate with co-authors over the same. Additionally, the co-authors will receive a notification via email or in-app upon being mentioned and can resolve the issue. This will enable you to provide contextual feedback while reviewing the asset. Also, this capability will allow users to save time and promote efficient workflows.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Annotating a PDF Document in Asset Manager

Digital Asset Management | Support for Preview and Annotations on Powerpoint Presentations

You will now be able to view and add annotations on Powerpoint Presentation Slides within the Digital Asset Manager. You will also be able to view all slides by scanning back and forth in the Asset Third Pane preview.

You can mark the annotated area with a color and collaborate with co-authors over the same. All annotations added on a PPT will be visible under the Annotations tab. Adding annotations will enable you to provide contextual feedback while reviewing the asset. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Annotating a Powerpoint Presentations Slide in Asset Manager

Digital Asset Management | Support for .TIFF Format

You will now be able to upload and store .tiff files within the Digital Asset Manager. This will enable you to:

  • Download .tiff files in .tiff format

  • Preview .tiff files

  • Annotate on .tiff files during preview in the Asset Third Pane

  • Upload versions of the .tiff file

  • Add notes on .tiff files

  • Initiate workflow on .tiff files

  • Create tasks on .tiff files

When DP is on, then the file uploaded in .tiff format will be downloaded as .tiff format. If DP is off then the downloaded file will show the current behavior.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Campaigns | Redesigned Header Implementation

As a part of our new design language, Hyperspace, we have redesigned the dashboard and explorer headers to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordability for most used actions. The header changes will be reflected in all the dashboards (both standard and custom) throughout the Sprinklr platform. With the new Header Implementation, Campaigns too will have an enhanced UI. The new Header will allow you to:

  • Create a new campaign

  • Create a new sub campaign

  • Export campaign list view

  • Export sub campaign list view

  • Search for campaign

  • Search for sub campaign

  • Refresh and select quick filters

  • Filter campaigns and sub campaigns

  • View default filters for campaigns and sub campaigns

List View of Campaigns within Sprinklr

Campaigns | Ability to Add Multiple Briefs

You will now be able to add Multiple Briefs on Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns by selecting a separate brief template for each brief. All the selected brief templates will appear on the left side of the Brief Tab within Campaign Details. Clicking the name of a brief template will open the respective template. 

The Select Brief option while creating or editing a campaign will be multi-select.

Viewing Multiple Briefs on a Campaign

Campaigns | Support for Content Strategy Tab in Sub-Campaigns

You can now view all the messages and assets associated with a Sub-Campaign in its Content Strategy Tab. Here, you can see the visual and contextual inspiration and guidelines that make up the strategy of a sub-campaign. Adding elements to a sub-campaign’s content strategy is completely customizable, allowing you to configure the right strategy behind it.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Viewing Content Strategy Tab in Sub-Campaigns

Campaigns | Display Schedule Date of Messages in the Plan Tab

You will now be able to view the schedule date of a message in the Campaign or Sub-Campaign’s Plan Tab enabling you to gain additional context without switching tabs.

Viewing Schedule Date of Message in Campaign’s Plan Tab

Campaigns | Ability to Share External Reports from Analytics Tab

You will now be able to share reports from the Analytics tab of Campaigns and Sub-Campaigns via external links. This will enable you to share the data with other users for better collaboration.

Sharing Analytics Report via External Link

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | Support for Advanced Filters in Quick Filters

While creating quick filters within the Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to select between Advanced Filters and Basic Filters options. With the enablement of this capability, you will be able to inculcate query logic while creating quick filters using AND/OR. Also, the creation of Advanced Filters will be consistent throughout the platform i.e., Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboards

Query Type: {“Lead Location (Message)” = GBL AND (“Lead Category (Message)” = ACG


The results will be similar irrespective of the type of filter you apply. 

Switch to Advanced Filters

Content Marketing | Ability to Upload Multiple Files on a Message

While creating a message within Sprinklr, you will now be able to upload more than one file from Production Dashboards, Advanced Publisher, and Message Third Pane. Also, you will be able to preview the attachments by clicking on the thumbnail of the attachments. Apart from this, you can also delete one or multiple uploaded files from the Production Dashboards, and Message Third Pane.

You can upload more than one file as attachments while collaborating on a message and can preview it by clicking on the thumbnail.


Click on an attachment's thumbnail to Download or Delete it.

Multiple Files on Message

Content Marketing | Ability to Configure Notifications Pane

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to configure Notifications Pane to hide irrelevant Notification Pane tabs such as System, Approval, Reminder, etc. This will enable you to efficiently manage and find important tasks notifications, and notes you are @ mentioned in. Moreover, the Notifications Pane will retain the last viewed tab.

Viewing Only Relevant Notifications Tabs

Content Marketing | Ability to Search Sub-Campaigns from Launch Pad

You will now be able to Search and Navigate to Sub-Campaigns from the Launchpad within Sprinklr.

Searching Sub-Campaigns from Launch Pad

Content Marketing | Account Type In Store Event Renamed to Retail

The account type In Store Event has been renamed to Retail. This change will be reflected in the Rule Engine, Workflow Engine, Advanced and Quick Publisher, Editorial Calendar, Production Dashboards, etc. 

Note that the renaming will not impact any historical data created under In Store Event account type. Also, the templates created under Retail can be used with In Store Event.

Retail Account Type in Publisher

Content Marketing | Ability to Score Leads based on Profile and Behavioral attributes

You will now be able to score leads based on Profile and Behavioral attributes. This will enable you to tag user profiles based on their demography and activities. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Content Marketing | Text Area Field Improvements

While adding, editing, or updating any Text Area type custom field within Sprinklr, you will be able to:

  • View the complete text without scrolling.

  • Add multiple clickable links.

  • Select a portion of the text to copy from.

  • Paste into the text area field.

Also, the text field will expand now on adding a long text. Apart from this, the line breaks and text area formatting will be maintained in cells within the Production Dashboards.

Long Text in the Text Area Field

Content Marketing | Ability to Configure Message (Outbound) Label

Sprinklr has renamed Message (Outbound) to Execution. The renaming will be consistent in filters for Editorial Calendar, Production Dashboards, and fields in Tab Creation, Advanced Publisher, Is message confidential?, and Third Pane.

For example, create message will be, create execution, message name will be execution name, is message confidential? will be, is execution confidential, message brief will be execution brief, etc.


The renaming is not by default. You can have this configured via Persona Configuration.


Macros | Support for Related Macros in Task Macros

While creating Task Macros, you will now be able to add outbound message, campaign, sub-campaign, and asset macros as Related Macros. Once you apply task macro, task properties such as standard and custom fields will get updated along with that of the associated entity. 

Let us say, you have selected Outbound as Related Macro and have set one Outbound Macro to update a certain custom field. As soon as the task macro is applied, both task and outbound fields will get updated.

Setting Related Macros for Task Macros

Macros | Ability to Add Task Queues as Actions in Macros

While creating Task Macros, you will now have Add Task Queues, Set Task Queues, Unset Task Queues, and Remove Task Queues as actions. This capability will enable you to add tasks to a task queue in bulk. 

Note that if a task is already in a queue and you select a new queue for the tasks to be added to: 

  • The newly selected task will not overwrite or replace the queue the task is already in.

  • You will be able to view the current queue the task is already in when bulk adding the task to a new queue.

Task Queue Actions for Task Macro

Custom Fields

Custom Fields | Ability to Define Category by Asset Type

While creating Custom Fields for multiple assets, you will now be able to set different categories for each asset type i.e., you can define categories by asset types.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Defining Categories by Asset Types

Custom Fields | Ability to Set Timezone for Date Custom Fields 

While creating date type custom fields within Sprinklr, you will now be able to Set Timezone which will be displayed in Production Dashboards, entities Third Pane, Advanced and Quick Publisher, Filters in Editorial Calendar and Production Dashboards

This will be applicable on Outbound Messages, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, and Tasks.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Setting Timezone for Date Custom Field

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Ability to Define Holiday Calendar for Due Dates 

While creating Business Holiday Lists within Sprinklr, you will now be able to define Holiday Calendars with specific time zones. This way, the due dates for tasks and milestones will not clash with any holiday and you will be able to plan your content efficiently. You will be able to select these holiday calendars while triggering a workflow or in Rule Engine. Apart from this, you will also be able to share the holiday calendars with other users to have consistency.

Defining Holiday Calendar

Workflow Engine | Ability to Select Day of the Week for Due Dates

While creating tasks or milestones in the Workflow Engine, you can set their due dates for a particular day of the week. This will enable you to plan your content timely avoiding any sort of inconsistency.

Setting Task Due Date for a Specific Day


Publisher | Enabled Edit Sent Post Permission for Non-Publishing Account Types

With the addition to Edit Sent Post permissions for non-publishing accounts within Sprinklr, you will be able to edit content and properties for the posts with following account types:

  • Internal

  • Channel Agnostic

  • Website

  • Email Draft

  • Press Release

  • Blog

  • TV

  • Radio/Podcast

  • Events

  • Advertising

  • Out of Home

  • Paid Search

  • Media Partnerships

  • Print

  • Webinar

  • Whitepaper

Publisher | Support for Create Post Option in Quick Publish Dropdown

You will now be able to select the Create Post option from the Quick Publish dropdown along with Create Message option in the Navigation Bar. The Create Post option will be shown along with the Create Message option if the Show Create Post permission is enabled. Visibility of the Create Message option can be configured via Experience Engine.

Publisher | Ability to Configure Template Field Label

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to configure Template Field within the Publisher via Persona Configuration.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support for “Properties of Associated Entities” Conditions in Task Rules

While creating Task Rules within the Rule Engine, you can now apply conditions to the Properties of the Associated Entities. With this capability enabled, you will be able to set the properties of outbound message, campaign, sub-campaign, and media assets as conditions to complete a task.

Setting Associated Entity as Condition in Task Rule

Rule Engine | Ability to Set Task as Copy Action Source in Task Rules

While setting an action to Copy properties from source to destination in a Task Rule within the Rule Engine, you can now copy properties from Task to Higher-Level entities. This enables you to set Tasks as a Copy Action Source and Draft, Campaign, Sub-Campaign, and SAM Asset as Copy Action Destination

Note that, now, the scheduled date will be visible instead of the creation date in the message card.

Copying Properties from Task to Higher-Level Entities

Rule Engine | Ability to Set Task Queues as a Condition in Task Rules 

You will now be able to set Task Queues as conditions under Condition Applies to “Task” while creating Task Rules within the Rule Engine.

Setting Task Queue as Condition

Rule Engine | Support to Allow Spaces in Naming Conventions

While setting Naming Convention as action in Autofill, Draft, Draft Update, Campaign, and Sub-Campaign rules within the Rule Engine, you will now be able to set Allow Spaces as Yes or No.

Setting Naming Convention with Spaces

Rule Engine | Ability to Create Task Update Rules

You will now be able to create Task Update Rules for tasks within the Rule Engine where Conditions and Actions will be the same as Task Rules. With this capability enabled, you will be able to update tasks in bulk irrespective of their status, type, queue they are assigned to, etc.

Creating Task Update Rule


Notifications | Display Date and Time in Notifications

While viewing notifications in the Notifications Pane, you will be able to view the exact date and time the notification was sent. The format for the date and time will be:

  • Today at 3:52pm

  • Yesterday at 1:21pm

  • December 5th at 12:46pm

Notifications | Ability to Configure Notifications Pane

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to configure Notifications Pane to hide irrelevant Notification Pane tabs such as System, Approval, Reminder, etc. This will enable you to efficiently manage and find important tasks notifications, and notes you are @ mentioned in. Moreover, the Notifications Pane will retain the last viewed tab.

Viewing Only Relevant Notifications Tabs


Settings | New Permission to Initiate Workflow Action

Sprinklr has added Initiate Workflow Process permission on Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, Messages, and Assets. By default, all existing or historical users will have this permission enabled for their workspace.

Permission to Initiate Workflow