Sprinklr v16.2.0 - Sprinklr Service Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Service Updates

Agent Console

Agent Console | Agent Console Plus (New Version)

The redesigned Agent Console + is focused on the Next Gen Case/Message details view which is specially designed to enhance the experience of brand agents with the third panes focused on easier navigation and improved collaboration.

Within the new message/case/profile third panes, we are introducing the sidebar navigation, allowing agents to quickly access case/message details and perform various actions in a single click.

Agents can perform quicker actions and initiate the next step faster in customer interaction, decreasing the Case Resolution Time, Cost Per Conversation, and SLA and enhancing the user experience. The new virality view of the third pane provides agents with

  • A quick view of a case/message in a single window

  • Marking favorite custom fields

  • Easy inline editing

  • A back navigation button to go back to the previous tab

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Agent Console Plus

Agent Console | Smart Case Summary

Smart Case Summary, driven by AI, in the Case third pane is designed to aid agents in quickly accessing the critical information about the customer which might get lost in the lengthy case conversations.

The Summary tab is divided into three sections:

Insights: Contains critical information such as CSAT, Sentiment & Wait Time details.
Details: A quick overview of important information mined from the details provided by the customer in the past such as Name, Contact Information, Address, Order Number, etc.
Touchpoints: AI-generated highlights based on the previous conversations that took place between the brand and the customer for the agents to view.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Overview of Smart Summary

Agent Console | Support to Show Similar Resolved Cases

Within the third pane of the Agent Console, agents will be provided with AI-generated recommendations of similar resolved cases handled in the past. Depending upon the intent of the conversation, these similar resolved cases will appear within the Similar Cases section of the Smart Assist tab.

For each suggested case, agents can see the case number, the matched fan message, latest CSAT score, case status, and the matched keywords. Agents can then click on the case and read the historic conversation to understand the resolution steps provided earlier.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Similar Cases in Agent Console

Agent Console | Suggest Knowledge Base Articles Based on Ongoing Conversation (Smart Comprehend)

Smart Comprehend driven by Sprinklr AI comprehends the case conversation and suggests the most relevant information extracted from an article within the Articles section of the Smart Assist tab. AI-recommended comprehended text helps agents resolve issues faster. Agents can also quickly copy the URLs of the articles and share them with the customers.

To view the recommended articles in Agent Console, a user must have the View permission under Knowledge Base.

Knowledge Base Article Permission in Agent Console

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Smart Comprehend in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support of Predictive Writing Suggestions

You will now receive predictive writing suggestions while composing a reply from the middle pane of Agent Console or from Engagement Dashboards. Smart Compose, powered by AI, will offer suggestions as you type allowing you to draft messages faster. When you see a suggestion that you like, click the Tab or Right Arrow key to use it. Smart Compose helps save you time by cutting back on repetitive writing while reducing the chance of spelling and grammatical errors.

The Smart Compose model is trained based on the previous conversations between the agents and the customers.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Smart Compose in Agent Console

Agent Console | Send Secure Forms on Social Channels

Using the Content Placeholder in Agent Console, you can now send the secure forms in the form of a secure hyperlink to social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. These forms allow for sensitive and confidential information to be passed from a customer to an agent within a secure environment. For example, customers might need to provide their credit card information or PII information as a part of an identity validation process. The values submitted by the customers in the form will be protected/non-editable. To get the secure form created, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.
You can also set the expiration time of the link; the default duration is 60 minutes.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager. You can also get the duration changed for how long the link will remain active for the customers and for how long the data collected from the Secure From template will be available in the Agent Console for the agents to view.

Using the Content Placeholder, send the secure form on social channels such as Facebook, Twitter.

Agent Console | Show Survey Status Indicator on Case Cell

Within the Case columns of the Agent Console, you will now be able to view the Survey Status Indicator.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Survey Sent indicator will be shown when a survey is sent on a case.

Survey Sent Indicator in Case Column in Agent Console

Survey Completed indicator will be shown when the survey is submitted.

Survey Completed Indicator in Case Column in Agent Console

Agent Console | Historical Conversations Tab to Show Cases Created Only for a Particular Profile

Within the Historical Conversations tab of Case Third Pane in Agent Console, you will now view only those historical cases that are created for that particular user profile and not the cases where the profile is only mentioned or has interacted in any of the conversations.

Historical Conversations Tab in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Show Agent Inactive Timer on Cases

While creating a Case Management column in the Agent Console, you can now configure to show the Agent Inactive Timer on cases in the first pane. The timer will show how long has it been after the last brand response was made on a case. The timer will be reset after every new brand response. Also, if enabled, Agent Inactive Timer will appear in place of SLA Breach Timer.


The Agent Inactive Timer can be configured via Persona Configuration. To get it enabled in your environment, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com. You can also get the color and limit configured for the timer. The color will get changed when the timer reaches the specified limit.

Support to Show Agent Inactive Timer on Cases in Agent Console

Cases Show Agent Inactive Timer in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Expand the Reply Box

While replying to a message from the middle pane of the Agent Console, you can now expand the Reply box. Within the expanded reply box, you will have a full view of the lengthy messages without the need of scrolling up and down. To view the expanded version of the reply box, click the expand icon appearing at the top of the reply box.

Expanded reply box in Agent Console

Agent Console | Support for Line-Space Formatting in Smart Responses

While using FAQ bot suggested Smart Responses within Agent Console, the responses will now retain the original formatting e.g. spacing, numbering, etc.

Support for Line-Space Formatting in Smart Responses in Agent Console

Agent Console | Added Shortcut to Publish/Schedule a Reply from the Middle Pane Reply Box

You can now send the reply by pressing command + return (for Mac) or Ctrl + Enter (for Windows) from the middle pane of the Agent Console. Please note that the focus of the cursor should be in the reply box. The help text for the keyboard shortcut will also be shown beneath the Send button.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Added Shortcut to Publish/Schedule a Reply from the Middle Pane Reply Box in Agent Console

Agent Console | Disable Unselect to Keep At Least 1 Case Open in Assigned to Me Column

While creating/editing the "Assigned To Me" case management column in Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, you can now Disable Unselect to keep at least 1 case open when the agents open the Assigned To Me column (Will auto-select the first case). The agents will only be able to switch the case and not able to unselect the case. This will help you measure the accurate case processing time as the agents will not spend time sitting idle.

Disabling Unselect to Keep At Least 1 Case Open in Assigned to Me Column in Agent Console

Agent Console | Visual SLA Indicator - Upward Counter

You can now configure a visual SLA indicator where the SLA starts counting upward instead of current downward counting. You can also get the color configured of the indicator via persona configuration. To do this, create a Case Update Rule same as the downward SLA indicator and click Add Required Information and select Upward Counter as Yes.
The upward counter (SLA Alert) will run unless the case is deleted from the queue and it will be reset based upon the SLA Breach Details that you select - Case Creation Time, Last Unreplied Fan Message Creation Time, or Rule Execution Time.

Creating a Visual SLA Alerts Rule - Upward Counter

Visual SLA Indicator - Upward Counter in Agent Console

Agent Console | Smart Alerts on Response SLA

You can now monitor the SLA on cases and view alerts to detect anomalies and increase in SLA and response time. While creating the Automatic Alerts column in Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, select Case Response SLA and Case First Response SLA.
To get it enabled for your environment, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com with Partner ID.

Smart Alerts on Response SLA

Agent Console | Define Order of Tags (Case/Message/Profile)

When there are multiple tags at the case/message or profile level, only 3 tags are visible in Agent Console, while the rest are truncated in a plus sign, only visible upon hover. It makes the important tags remain hidden. Now, you can define the priority order for these tags. On the Tagging window, select Reorder Tags from the top right corner. You will then be redirected to the Tags Reordering window where you can reorder the Profile, Case, and Message Tags by dragging and dropping.

To learn more about getting the 'Reorder Tags' capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Reordering Tags

Tags in Agent Console

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Customize the Icon to Minimize the Chat Box

While configuring/editing the Live Chat application, you can now customize the icon that is used to minimize the Live Chat widget as either chevron or cross. If not set, the cross "x" icon will be the default one.

Customize the Icon to Minimize the Live Chat Box

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Hide Greeting Graphic

While configuring/editing the Live Chat application, you can now hide the Greeting (waving hand) icon from the Live Chat widget.

Hiding the Greeting (waving hand) icon from the Live Chat widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Create NPS Form Template in Digital Asset Manager

You can now create an NPS Form template for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager and send it to your customers by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine. While creating a Feedback template, you will have the option to choose from the CSAT Form and the NPS Form. These templates will help you to measure help desk efficiency and customers' satisfaction with your brand’s products and/or services.

Adding NPS card details for Live Chat in Asset Manager

Sprinklr Live Chat | Modern Skin for Live Chat Widget

You can now get the Modern Skin (new UI) enabled for the Live Chat widget by reaching out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Modern Skin For Live Chat Widget
Modern Skin For Live Chat Widget
Modern Skin For Live Chat Widget
Modern Skin For Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Allow Only One Open Conversation Per User

While configuring/editing the Live Chat application, you can now allow only one open conversation per user. As a result, when a user tries to initiate a new conversation more than once, the New Conversation button will be disabled with a tooltip.

You can also add a message for the tooltip that will appear when a user tries to start a new conversation more than once, such as, Please close or delete an existing conversation to create a new one.

Allowing Only One Open Conversation Per User in Live Chat

Allowing users to open only one live chat conversation at a time

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support of Different Languages for Static Labels on Widget

While configuring/editing the Live Chat application, you can now select the locale language for the static labels/error messages to be auto-translated on the widget. The supported languages are English, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Malayalam. If no language is selected, the default language will be English.

Note that the text that is configurable from the application builder will not be translated; you will have to translate it manually in the builder.

Selecting the locale language for live chat widget

Selecting the locale language for live chat widget

Proactive Prompts | New Conditions Added to Trigger Prompts

While creating a proactive prompt, you can now add new conditions to trigger prompts which are Number of Agents Available and Number of Pending Cases.

You can also use the Extension Name condition with Lithium Language API for the prompts to be shown based on the language of the current Lithium page where the Sprinklr Live Chat application is hosted.

Proactive Prompts New Conditions

Sprinklr Live Chat | Add Generic Types Fields in a Contact Details Form

While creating a Contact Details Form in the Live Chat Application Builder or in the Digital Asset Manager, you can now add customized generic fields apart from Name, Email, and Phone Number. To add these generic fields in the form, select Generic Types from the Field dropdown and further select from the available options which are Checkbox, Checkbox Group, Email, Pick List, Text, and Number.

You can also select a profile custom field while creating a form to copy the value entered by the user for that particular field.

Add Generic Types Fields in a Contact Details Form for Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Ability to Create Secure Form Template in Digital Asset Manager

You can now create Secure Forms for Sprinklr Live Chat in Digital Asset Manager to capture Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or any sensitive information from your customers within a secure environment. For example, customers might need to provide their credit card information or PII information as a part of an identity validation process.

The agents can send secure forms to customers at any time during a conversation to collect requested data confidentially. The secure forms help in mitigating the risk of unapproved or fraudulent data access. Note that the form will automatically expire for customers outside the valid submission window which is 60 minutes.

To learn more about getting this duration changed in your environment, please work with your Success Manager. You can also get the duration changed for how long the data collected from the Secure From template will be available in the Agent Console for the agents to view.

Creating Secure Form for Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support for Custom RegEx Validation in Secure Form and Contact Details Templates

While creating a Secure Form or Contact Details Form templates in the Digital Asset Manager, you can now enter your own Regular Expression for the validation of the user input. RegEx will allow you to check for patterns in text strings and number strings such as matching a valid email address or mobile number.

Support for Custom RegEx Validation in Secure Form and Contact Details Templates for Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Create a New Contact Details Form or Select From Existing in Application Builder

While configuring the Live Chat Application in the Application Builder, you will now have an option to either create a new contact details form template or select from the existing ones from the Digital Asset Manager.

Create a new contact details form or select from existing while configuring a live chat


Sprinklr Live Chat | API to Check Visibility Criteria

Sprinklr has exposed the API to read the invisibility criteria for Sprinklr Live Chat that you set in the application builder. Live Chat visibility depends on the following three conditions:

Business Hours
Agents' Availability
No. of Pending Cases

If any of the above conditions don't match, API will return false. Based on this, you can take several actions, for example, changing the “Chat Now” button on your website to “Email Us”.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Delete Conversation for Customers via Case Update Rule

You can now delete the conversation for customers after a certain period of time to preserve their privacy, say, a customer is on a public computer and forgets to closes the chat then you can refrain other users from viewing the conversation by deleting the chat.

To do this, create a Case Update rule in the Rule Engine and under Actions To "Actions on chat conversation associated to the case", select Delete Chat Conversation from the action dropdown.

Note that the agents will still be able to view the conversation in the Agent Console.

Deleting Live Chat Conversation for Customers via Case Update Rule

Sprinklr Live Chat | Added More Conditions to Display Welcome Messages

While configuring the conditional welcome messages within the Live Chat Application Builder, you will now get new condition(s) to add. For example, you can configure to send welcome messages depending upon the profile/case custom properties, the availability of user details, or the defined business hours, etc.

Adding Conditions to Display Welcome Messages in Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Customize the Color of Links on Widget

You can now get the color of the links changed from blue to any color that aligns with your brand. In order to get the color customized, you are required to reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Customize the Color of URL Links on Live Chat Widget

Sprinklr Live Chat | Create and Send Rich Text Templates

You can now create a rich text template in Digital Asset Manager to send it on Sprinklr Live Chat by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine. These text templates can be used to send frequently used messages or replies. In these templates, you can bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough the text.

Create a Rich Text Template in Asset Manager

Sprinklr Live Chat | Feedback Submission Without the Submit Button

On Sprinklr Live Chat, your customers will now be able to submit the CSAT Form Feedback templates by directly clicking the desired Emoji/Star. There will not be any Submit button now making it a one-step process.

Feedback Submission Without the Submit Button in Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Disable Manual Response via SDK

For card, contact details form, progress bars, and quick reply templates, apart from Digital Asset Manager, you can also disable manual response by sending 'disableManualResponse':true via SDK. After disabling manual response, your customers will not be able to send any message after selecting a response from them template until you (brand) send a message again.

window.sprChat('sendExternalEvent', {  type: 'MSG_PUBLISH',  payload: {    contextId: '60098fa6d40fdb5886010afb',    id: '1',    message: {      attachment: {        type: 'CARD','disableManualResponse':true,        title: 'Title of Card',        previewImageUrl:          'https://www.cdn.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/Preorder-from-Inorder-and-Postorder-traversals.jpg',        buttons: [          {            id: 'abc',            type: 'EXTERNAL',            title: 'External Action Label',          },          {            type: 'OPEN_URL',            title: 'Url of map',            url: 'https://www.google.com/maps',          },          {            type: 'TEXT_POST_BACK',            title: 'Text label',          },        ],      },    },  },});

Sprinklr Live Chat | Support to Update Profile Custom Field via SDK and Spr Chat Settings

You can now update the profile custom field values for any user across all conversations via SDK and Spr Chat Settings.

Note that 5e291d040844e435b is the profile custom field name and Promoter is the value.


window.sprChat('updateUserContext', {context: {"5e291d040844e435b": ["Promoter"]}})

Spr Chat Settings:

window.sprChatSettings = {            appId: 'app_600000644',            userContext : {                "5e291d040844e435b": ['Promoter'],            },}

Updating the Profile Custom Field Values for Any User Across All Conversations via SDK

Sprinklr Live Chat | Persistent Notifications on Page Refresh

Now when you send a new message to your customers on Sprinklr Live Chat, then the notification of unread message count will persist even if you refresh/close the page without reading the new message.

Persistent Notifications on Page Refresh on Sprinklr Live Chat Widget


Community Builder | New Version of Community Builder

Introducing to you the new Community Builder with much more customizations. Design your own page layouts and leverage the new widget library and make a community as you desire.

Widget Library in Community Builder

Page Layouts in Community Builder

Community Builder | Add Header Description with HTML for Conversation Create Page

While creating/editing a community, you can now provide a Header Description with HTML content for the "start a new conversation" page within the Conversation Create Page settings under the Content Configuration tab.

Adding Header Description with HTML for Conversation Create Page in Community Builder

Header Description for Conversation Create Page on Community

Community Builder | Permission to Block Only Lower Ranked Users

You can now give permission to users to block only lower-ranked users. For example, the user with rank 5 can only block the users with the lower ranks i.e. 4, 3, 2, and 1. The order of the ranks can be defined while creating a rank.

Permission to Block Only Lower Ranked Users on Community

Community Builder | Send Surveys with Email Id Field to Unauthenticated Users

For unauthenticated users, you can now add additional fields in the survey form to capture from them, for example, the Email Id. So, if a user is not logged into the community then the survey form with the Email Id field will be sent to them in order to track the anonymous users. To get this capability enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Send Surveys with Email Id Field to Unauthenticated Users on Community

Community Builder | Permission to Post Media Content

You can now give permission to users to post media content (Image, Video, Hyperlink) to the community. First, within the Community Editor section under the Advanced Settings tab of the Community Builder, you need to slide the toggle to the right to allow the desired users to post media content. Next, grant Allow Attachment permission to the desired users in the Roles and Permissions section. By default, all users will be allowed.

Permission to Post Media Content on Community

Permission to Post Media Content on Community

Community Builder | Permission to Disallow Indexing

You can now give permission to users to disallow indexing for certain articles/posts on Community. It will prevent those posts/articles from appearing in the index and from being crawled by search engine web crawlers.

Allow Link Indexingfor Community Users

Link Indexing Permission for community

Community Builder | RSS Feed for Posts

You can now subscribe to RSS Feed for your favorite community posts to access updates in a standardized, computer-readable format. Copy the page URL of the RSS feed and manually paste it into your RSS feed reader to convert the file and the latest updates into an easy-to-read format.

To enable this capability, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Subscribing to RSS Feed for Community Posts

Community Builder | Specify Reason While Closing Conversation

While closing any conversation on Community Forum, you will now get an option to specify the reason. This reason will be visible within the Custom Properties section of the third pane in Agent Console.

Specifying the reason for closing the community post

Community Builder | Configure Rule to Detect Highly Engaged Community Posts and Notify Users

You can now configure a queue rule in Rule Engine to detect the community posts with high engagement (e.g. based on activities such as comment, follow, like, read, etc.) in real-time and notify the community users via email.

To Configure a Rule to Add Community Posts to a Queue

To Configure a Rule to Detect Highly Engaged Posts and Notify Users

Community Builder | Login Credentials for Sandbox Communities

For Sandbox Communities, you can now add an additional layer of security that would prompt visitors to enter the username and password to access the community site. The login credentials can be set within the Advanced Settings tab of the Community Builder.

Login Credentials for Sandbox Communities

Community Builder | Alt/Title Text for Images for Improved Accessibility

While configuring a community in the Community Builder, you can now add Alt/Title Text wherever you are adding an image e.g. background image for home page header, image for category banner, etc. This text helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers. It is also displayed in place of the image if the image file is not loaded.

Alt/Title Text for Images in Community Builder

Community Builder | Banner Widget Variation for Topic/Category Pages

You can now display the current category’s/topic’s title and description on the page banner replacing the default text values for these fields. To do this, select Banner as a Widget Type and Modern Banner as your Widget Variant Type and enable the Override title and description with current entity option.

Banner Widget Variation for Topic/Category Pages in Community Builder

Community Builder | Blocking User Without Marking User's Content as Spam from Agent Console

While blocking any community user from Agent Console or Engagement Dashboards, you will now get an option to keep the user's content on the Community without marking it as spam. You can also specify the reason for blocking the user.

Blocking community user from Agent Console

Community Builder | Convert a Comment/Reply to New Post

On Community Forum, you can now convert a comment to a new post with an option of migrating its replies as comments to the new post. Also, you can convert a reply to either a new comment or a new post.

Users must have the Fork Message permission to access this feature. To learn more, see Communities - Roles and Permissions.

Converting a comment to a new post

Converting a comment reply to a new comment or a new post

Community Builder | Support for Email and In-app Notifications for Announcement Posts

If any community user posts an announcement post on Community, the users will now be notified via Emails and In-app notifications.

Community Builder | Support of Link Tracking

We have added the support of link tracking in Community. A tracking link is a special kind of link that tracks who clicked, when and from where. When users click links on pages of your community, you can now capture related information in Adobe/Google Analytics.
To get it enabled for your Community, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Community Builder | Profile Picture to be Displayed While Using @mention

While commenting on any post on Community Forum, if you @mention any community user, you will now see the profile pictures along with the names. This will help you to avoid confusion in case of similar names.

Profile Picture to be Displayed While Using @mention on Community

Community Builder | Allow External URL in Navigation Bar to Open in a New Tab

While configuring the Navigation Bar of a Community in the Community Builder, if you select the External Link option, you can now set the link to Open in New Tab.

Allowing External URL in Navigation Bar to Open in a New Tab in Community Builder

Community Builder | Added New Dimension 'Permalink' in Reporting

Within Care Reporting, you can now create reporting widgets to view the URL of the community post/comment.

Added New Dimension 'Permalink' in Community Reporting

Case Management

Case Management | Enabled Campaign Custom Field at Case Level

You can now view the Campaign name that a case is associated with under the Workflow Properties section of the Case third pane in Agent Console. It will help you easily segment cases based on the campaigns applied during the outbound publishing process. If no campaign has been selected for a case, the campaign value will be shown as 'Not Set'. Note that it is a view-only property and can not be seen in the edit mode.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Campaign Custom Field in Case Third Pane of Agent Console

Case Management | Ability to Sort Case Columns by Custom Field Values

In Agent Console, You can now sort the case columns by Custom Fields. The sorting of cases will be done on the basis of the type of custom fields:
Picklist and Picklist Multiselect - Sort the column by custom field values in the order they were set. For example, if the values are set in the order of ball, cat, and apple then the case containing the custom field value ball will appear first.
Text, Text Area, and Text Multi - Sort the column by custom field values in alphabetical order.
Number and Date - Sort the column by custom field values in numerical order by In the values into Epoch milliseconds.

To learn more about getting the 'sort by custom fields' capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Ability to Sort Case Columns by Custom Field Values in Agent Console

Email Care

Email Care | Support for Rich Text Signatures

You can now set the channel and account specific signatures at the user level with the User Details screen. Also, for the Email channel, you will get the rich text editor to add your signature. Once it is set, this signature will appear along with your replies.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Internal Note:

Use this DP: 


Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Manage Signatures Tab of Users

Email Care | Support to Send Standard or Bulk Emails

Using Sprinklr Quick Publisher, you can now send two types of email - Standard or Bulk emails. Using Standard Email, you can send an email to multiple recipients defined in To, CC, and BCC fields. When the recipients reply, their reply will be sent to other recipients too and will get associated with the same case.

If you want to create separate cases for each recipient, you can use Bulk Email. Using Bulk Email, you can send an email to several recipients at once and when they reply, it will not be sent to other recipients. Also, there will be a new case created for every recipient in the To field and the replies from them will also get associated with the respective cases.

Creating Bulk Email Post


Email Care | Support to Add Shared Mailboxes for Microsoft Exchange Account

You can now add a shared mailbox for the Microsoft Exchange account by sliding the toggle Is shared to right. Shared mailboxes are used when multiple people need access to the same mailbox, such as company information or support email address, reception desk, or other functions that might be shared by multiple people.

Adding shared mailboxes for microsoft exchange account

Email Care | Support of OAuth for Adding Microsoft Exchange Accounts

You can now add the Microsoft Exchange account directly to Sprinklr via OAuth. Slide the Is OAuth toggle icon to the right. Then, click Use OAuth and you will be redirected to the Microsoft Authentication page where after authorizing the account, it will directly be added to Sprinklr.

Adding the Microsoft Exchange Account via OAuth


Facebook Messenger | API Updates for Europe and Sprinklr Mitigation Plan

As part of Facebook's efforts to comply with new privacy rules in Europe, they are making updates that will impact some developers and businesses that use their Messenger API.

Beginning December 16th 2020, several Messenger API features will no longer be available for the following audiences:

European Pages in all Chats
Pages with European Admins in all Chats
Any Chats with People from Europe

Sprinklr has taken several actions to minimize the impact on its customers. For more information, see Facebook Messenger API Updates and Sprinklr Mitigation Plan for Europe.

For any additional questions, please reach out to your Success Manager.

Google Business Messaging | Authenticate Users with OAuth 2.0

In Google Business Messaging conversations, you can now send the authentication request to your customers prompting them to sign into an OAuth provider. Configure a Case Update rule in Rule Engine and add action Send Authentication Request under Actions To "Google Business Messaging Actions". OAuth allows agents to verify users' identities and to provide personalized information in conversations in a secure way. By having users sign into a trusted OAuth provider, agents can access user data that can help provide quick answers through automation and save time for live agents.


It is supported only for iOS devices.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager or reach out to Support at tickets@sprinklr.com.


Internal Note:

Use this DP:


Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

 Configuring a Case Update rule in Rule Engine to Send Authentication Request to Google Business Messaging

Google Business Messaging | Call and Request Live Agent Actions in Quick Reply Template

We have added 2 new actions i.e. Call and Request Live Agent in a quick reply template for Google Business Messaging.
The Call action suggests a phone number for the user to dial.
The Request Live Agent action allows you to guide users to interact with human representatives during complex interactions or when your automation can't handle a user request. After you send this action via the auto-response rule and the user selects it, a live agent will be assigned to that conversation. To do this, create an inbound/queue rule and under Conditions Applies To "The properties of the Message", select Live Agent Requested as Yes and add the action to assign it to the desired agent.

Call and Request Live Agent Actions in Quick Reply Template for Google Business Messaging

Creating a rule in Rule Engine to assigning a live agent to google business messaging conversation

Apple Business Chat | Create Rich Link Template in Digital Asset Manager

You can now create a Rich Link template for Apple Business Chat in Digital Asset Manager and send it to your customers by creating an auto-response rule in Rule Engine. When you send a plain URL (eg. https://www.sprinklr.com) with an inline image or video to a customer, the customer receives a "Tap to Load Preview" message, which the customer needs to tap to load the content. You can now override this default "Tap to Load" behavior by sending a Rich Link template instead of a plain URL.

Rich Link Template for Apple Business Chat

WhatsApp Business | Support to Select and Send HSM Template Directly from Middle Pane of Agent Console

For WhatsApp Business, as only HSM messages are allowed if 24hrs have passed since the last message from the customer, you can now directly send the template from the middle pane of Agent Console. Click Click to add HSM Template within the reply box and select the desired template from Digital Asset Manager.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Send HSM Template to WhatsApp Business Directly From Middle Pane of Agent Console

Google Business Messaging | Support to Configure Custom Profile

Memorable and personal experiences with your customers is key to providing exceptional care. Configuring Custom Profiles for Google Business Messaging allows your team to engage customers in one-on-one conversations through individualized interactions, all while maintaining the trust that comes from an official response from your brand account.

Custom Profiles allow your team to use custom avatar images and names while responding from your brand's accounts, providing real, human interactions from a trusted source.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Support to Configure Custom Profile for Google Business Messaging


WhatsApp Business | Quick Reply and Call To Action Buttons in HSM Template

While creating an HSM template for WhatsApp Business in Digital Asset Manager, you can now add 2 new buttons i.e. Quick Reply and Call To Action. The Quick Reply button will allow your customers to send a simple text message whereas Call To Action will allow them to dial a phone number or visit a webpage.

HSM Template for WhatsApp Business with Quick Reply Buttons

HSM Template for WhatsApp Business with Call To Action Buttons

Assignment Engine

Assignment Engine | Create Column for Cases in Work Queues

Within Engagement Dashboards, you can now create a case management column for work queues to have a comprehensive view of all the cases that are in the specific work queues. This will allow you to maintain and view inbound volume while streamlining case processing workflows.

Adding a work queue column in engagement dashboards

Assignment Engine | Added New Condition "Work Queues" in Rule Engine to Take Actions on Cases Based on Queues

Within Rule Engine, you can now create a queue rule and under Condition Applies To "The cases attached to the messages", add a new condition Work Queues to take desired actions on the cases that are in the selected queues.

Creating a queue rule for cases in specific work queues

Operations Dashboards

Operations Dashboards | Sort the Dashboard by Subject and Case Description

You can now sort the Operations Dashboards by Subject and Case Description also in either ascending (a to z or 0 to 9) or descending (z to a or 9 to 0) order.

To learn more about getting the 'sort the dashboard by Subject' capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Internal Note:


Sort the Operations Dashboards by Subject and Case Description

Care Reporting

Care Reporting | Reporting on User Availability Status

You can now create reporting widgets to view the availability status that the agents were in while applying macros or responding to cases. In other words, you can count the number of actions that an agent has taken on cases while in different availability statuses.

Reporting on User Availability Status

Reporting on User Availability Status

Care Reporting | Comparison Mode in Smart Theme Explorer

In Smart Theme Explorer, the new comparison mode allows you to compare two different groups of clusters at the same time. While comparing two different clusters, you can select the desired filter(s) to fetch the data accordingly. This capability is supported for both Chart and List views.

Comparison Mode in Smart Theme Explorer

Care Reporting | Reporting on User Login Status

You can now create reporting widgets to view the timestamps of when the agents are logging in and out of the Agent Console.

Reporting on Agent Login Status

Survey Builder

Survey Builder | Ability to Clone Surveys

Within the Survey Builder, you can now clone a survey to make a copy of it. Cloning saves you the time and effort of having to recreate surveys with standard details and formatting. While cloning, you can keep the details you want to standardize on and edit other details as needed.

Clone Surveys

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support to Add Custom Metric Value as a Condition

While creating Case Update rules in Rule Engine, you can now select Custom Metric Value as a condition along with the time filter based on which you can take actions.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Adding Custom Metric Value as a Condition in Rule Engine