Sprinklr v16.2.0 - Sprinklr Social Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Social Updates

Navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: AdvocacyAsset ManagerPublisherEngagement Dashboards | GovernanceReporting | Distributed


Advocacy | Ability to Add SSO as a Screener Question

With SSO setup, your employees are able to access advocacy platforms, but as a brand, there is no way for you to own user categorization that drives content visibility. So if you want to classify users into certain content categories, there is no way to do so. Going forward, you will now be able to categorize advocacy users through SSO assertions.


Admin Console | Ability to Configure Cookie Notification in Advocacy Site

Admins can now configure cookie consents in an advocacy site. Within the overview tab of the admin console, the text in the cookie consent is only configurable by the admin of the site. Sprinklr also provides localization for the cookie consents. Additionally, if you wish, you can add a button that will be available for the external link to read about cookies.


Admin Console | Ability to Configure Share Prompt Message in Advocacy Site

Within the content tab of the admin console, admins can now check/uncheck the Share Prompt Message. In case, if you checked the Show Share Prompt box and didn't write a message within the Share Prompt Message box then the default message will be shown. Additionally, translation is visible only if the Show Share Prompt box is checked and the message is converted in the Localization tab.


Asset Manager

Asset Management | Renaming Social Asset Manager(SAM) as Digital Asset Manager(DAM) across the Sprinklr platform

We have rebranded Social Asset Management(SAM) as Digital Asset Management(DAM) across the Sprinklr platform and shall be visible across all entities - Engagement Dashboards, Reporting Dashboards, Rules, Macros etc.

In order to make Reporting module consistent with the re-branding process of Digital Asset Manager(Earlier Social Asset Manager, i.e.  SAM), we have re-named all standard references of Social Asset Manager(SAM) to Digital Asset Manager i.e. DAM in reporting. To effect this change, we should expect update at:
Widget Builder:

  • Data Source - SAM is renamed to DAM

  • Metric Section - Now it shows DAM, not SAM

All the measurements and Dimensions which had SAM earlier, would now show DAM instead.
Please note, this naming convention in Reporting would impact the UI name only. All the existing Reports and Dashboards,  with SAM metrics used would have the change by itself. There is no manual intervention required.


Asset Manager | Ability to Convert Text Assets to Canned Response via Macros

You can now convert any Text Asset to Canned Response in the Asset Manage using macros. In this way, you will be able to bulk convert multiple text assets as the canned response. Similarly, if you wish you can bulk convert multiple canned responses as a text asset. Thus, Asset Macros allow you to create efficient Asset Manager Asset workflows, taking multiple actions on an Asset at once.


MediaValet | Enhancement to MediaValet Integration

Sprinklr will now pass asset usage activity to MediaValet for any assets imported from MediaValet and used in Sprinklr. The asset usage activity is not shared with MediaValet for monitoring data, but to view how the asset was used in outgoing posts.

Asset Manager | Support for the Default Value of Delete all Posts on Expire

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

By default, now the option to Delete All Posts Associated to this Asset Upon the Expiry of Asset be auto-selected for all assets on the Edit Asset window. If you don’t wish to delete all posts associated with this asset upon the expiry of an asset, you unselect the checkbox. The default value of delete all posts associated with this asset upon the expiry of the asset will be controlled by a dynamic property.


Asset Manager | Support for Config Admin Permission for Assets

With the addition of Config Admin permission in Digital Asset Manager, you can now access all the assets and boards. Previously there was no governance for Digital Asset Manager and if an asset is not shared with a user, they can never find it even if they are super admins. 

Asset Management | Support for Duration Filter in Digital Asset Management

We are now supporting a Duration filter in Digital Asset Management which allows you to choose which type of date (Created date, published date, etc.) you want to filter assets on. Now you can filter assets based on all the date types available in sort option.

Asset Management | Support for Digital Asset Management Rules for Asset Updation 

We are now introducing digital asset management rules for asset updation that helps in automating the management of any asset which has been modified or updated. Hence, DAM rules will be triggered when an asset is updated and it won’t be restricted only to asset creation.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.



Publisher | Ability to Crosspost Videos across Multiple Facebook Pages

If you manage multiple Facebook Pages, you can now cross-posting relevant videos across those Pages. A cross-posted video can be reused in multiple posts across different Pages, without having to share or upload it again.


Publisher | Ability to Choose who can Reply on your Tweets

When you publish a new Tweet, you can now choose who will be able to reply to it. You’ll see a default setting of Everyone can reply. Updating this prior to posting your Tweet allows you to choose who can reply to you.


Publisher | Right Alignment for Right to Left (RTL) Languages in Preview

While publishing content for languages that read from Right to Left (RTL) such as Arabic, you will now find the preview for that content aligned to the right to follow the punctuation rules in that language. Previously, when you published mixed content (English/Arabic), the alignment would get jumbled up and hamper the user experience.

Publisher | Ability to Automatically Optimize Videos for Publishing

Sprinklr will now automatically optimize videos for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn before publishing them. Your uploaded video will be optimized for the following parameters:

  • Frame Rate, Bit Rate and Video Codec

  • Audio Channel, Audio Code and Audio Sample Rate

  • File Format and Size

Publisher | Support of ProRes Format in Sprinklr

While publishing a video or adding a video in an asset manager, we now support ProRes format videos. Thus, you are no longer required to convert your video, if you wish to upload a ProRes format video in Sprinklr. Additionally, please note that if any social media channel does not support the ProRes format, then your post will not publish.

Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Introduction to Engagement Home

Sprinklr has now redesigned the Engagement Dashboard to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordance for most used actions. The changes made to the Engagement Dashboard are listed below:

  1. Introduction of Engagement Home — it will consist of all personal and shared Folders and Dashboards.

  2. You can switch to other dashboards using the dropdown menu.

Eng DB .gif

Engagement Dashboards | Introduction of Engagement Dashboard Manager

You can now manage your Engagement dashboards with ease using the Engagement Dashboard Manager. View all your custom and shared dashboards at a glance, group dashboards by tags, type, or owner, and perform actions like delete, edit, clone and share on multiple dashboards simultaneously.

Dashboard Manager.gif

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Filter Outbound Column based on Approvers

You will now be able to put Approved By filters within the Sent and Scheduled columns. Similarly, you will be able to put a Rejected By filter in rejected columns.

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Segregate IGTV in an Engagement Column

Sprinklr now supports the ability to engage and report on IGTV Post. You can identify such posts in Engagement Dashboards and Reporting Dashboards by using appropriate filters. Going forward, You can now perform the following actions on the IGTV Post within the Engagement Dashboards:

  1. View IGTV Posts and segregate them in an Engagement column.

  2. View comments made from native and Sprinklr on IGTV Post.

  3. View replies made from Sprinklr on IGTV Posts. 

  4. Publish comments on an IGTV post from Sprinklr.

  5. Publish replies on an IGTV post from Sprinklr.

IGTV Engagement.gif

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Search Account List using Channel Account ID

While adding an account in Sprinklr, you can now search account lists using the Channel Account ID. Channel Account ID or Unique Identifier is unique and they do not change for a particular account. Hence, it helps in validating who gets access to what, and what is and isn't connected within Sprinklr.

Engagement Dashboards | Enable Smart Approvals Permissions at the User Level

Using the View Smart Approvals permission, you can now control the visibility of Smart Approvals at the Account level so that it only shows up for accounts associated with English speaking users and markets. By enabling this permission at the User or User Group level, only the permissioned users can view it. Currently, the Smart Approvals capability is controlled Partner-wide and only works for the English language.


Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Archive and Highlight Modmail Messages for Reddit

With this capability, you can now archive or highlight Modmail messages for Reddit. Hence, you will now be able to converse with the users via Reddit through secure Private Messages.
Reddit Modmail.gif

Engagement Dashboards | Support for Active/Inactive Indicator on Users Profiles in Dynamic User Groups 

You can now set an Active or Inactive indicator as an attribute on User Profiles in a Dynamic User Group. This will allow you to filter User Profiles based on whether they are active or inactive. The Is Active flag is now available as an attribute to filter in the Dynamic User Groups.

Engagement Dashboards | Support to Include Reminder Activity in Activity Logs

When a reminder on a case is created or deleted, you can now capture it in the activity log of the case. Reminders form an important piece in any workflow and with this capability you can view activity logs to make sure that they're being used correctly. For example, when an agent deletes another agent’s reminder, that activity can be easily monitored.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Engagement Dashboards | Able to View the User Prompt Session as Inactive when a User is Logged Out 

When a user is logged out due to inactivity, the user prompt session will be shown as inactive. By default the user prompt will show inactive based on your default time for logout. You will also receive desktop notifications when this user prompt session pop-up screen appears.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Engagement Dashboards | Improved display of Message, Case, and Profile Tags in Sprinklr 

We have improved the display of Message, Case, and Profile Tags in our platform by allowing for square graphics to support a wider range of icons and increase the size of the tag when displayed in dashboards, workflow pane, etc. This new design enhances the display of Message, Case, and Profile Tags and will add to the visual appeal. 

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to add Agent Signature (initials) Setup Option in User Profile Window

You can now set agents' signatures (their initials) for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram within their Sprinklr profiles and can also update them in the Bulk Insert template which is used to insert and update profiles. Hence, Signatures will automatically be inserted while replying to end-users from the desired account depending upon the channel.
Agent Signature.gif

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Engagement Dashboards | Support for Audit Trails of User Roles for Account Permissions

If you assign permission to any user or user group for any account, that activity will be logged in the audit. Previously there was no option for an audit log and you weren’t able to view which permission for a particular account was assigned to which user or user group. This capability is specifically for the accounts only. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Engagement Dashboards | Support for Moderation Codes in Sprinklr for Bazaarvoice Channel

We are now introducing Moderation Code, Moderation Status, Product Name and Brand Name fields for the Bazaarvoice channel in Sprinklr. The moderation code within Bazaarvoice is used to tag all the inbound reviews. Moderation Code, Moderation Status, Product Name and Brand Name fields are added in the channel custom properties under Bazaarvoice column creation and can also be viewed in the third pane window of the message. The fields Moderation Code, and Moderation Status is available in the Rule Engine under The properties of the Message condition. We can now get insights into the tagging structure of inbound reviews for Bazaarvoice by plotting these widgets Moderation Code, Moderation Status, Product Name and Brand Name in Reporting.




Universal Search | New and Improved Universal Search 

Sprinklr is undertaking the most radical change to its search results ever, introducing all new and improved Universal Search that will blend listings from all the entities available in Sprinklr. It can help you quickly find and access all the entities of Sprinklr like Assets, Campaigns, Dashboards, Cases, Macros, Rules and Tasks, thus saving time in locating data that you want to view. You can submit a universal search using the Universal Search icon which is available in the Navigation bar, irrespective of the product or module you are accessing. The new and improved Universal Search capability filters all records that contain the given search term and displays the data in default or custom layouts.


Secure Access | Accessibility of Sprinklr Secure Access in Edge Browser

Sprinklr Secure Access is now accessible from Edge browser for desktop. To begin using Sprinklr Secure Access capability in your Edge browser, you are required to install and activate the secure access extensions. Please note that you may not find the secure access extensions in the Web Store as they are unlisted. You can find the permalinks to access the extensions in Sprinklr Web App. Additionally, extensions from the Chrome browser can also be used in the Edge browser.

Channel | Add and Manage PowerReviews in Sprinklr

You can now add PowerReviews as a channel into Sprinklr and manage it in the same capacity as you do for any social channel. By integrating the PowerReviews account into Sprinklr you can extend your brand’s audience and engage with even more users from a single, unified platform.


Custom Fields | Value of Custom Fields Sorted in Alphabetical Order

While creating or editing any custom fields, the value of the controlling field will be now sorted alphabetically. You can access the alphabetically sorted controlling fields under Select Value of Controlling Field drop-down.

Global Roles | Improved Global & Workspace Admin Permissions

Global Admins will now be able to access all macros, rules, custom fields etc regardless of creation date. With these permissions, the admins can obtain overall visibility thereby improving the governance of various platform entities.

Governance | Updated Persistent Acceptance of Terms and Conditions to a 1-Click Acceptance for Every Login

To enhance usability and simplify the process, the Terms and Conditions for every login will be accepted in a single click instead of a two-click acceptance process. You can now move on to the next screen by clicking on Accept & Continue. Previously you had to complete the process by checking the Terms and Conditions checkbox and then clicking on Continue.

Governance | Ability to Control Visibility of the Vanity URL 

You can now control the visibility of the Vanity URL created by you so that only the permissioned users are allowed to view it. Hence, users will not see every single URL but only the ones permissioned to them.


Rule Engine | Ability to Send an Auto-Response on Instagram

Sprinklr is now supporting sending Auto-Response for Instagram posts in the rule engine. Hence, there is a condition in the rule engine where you can respond to Instagram posts as  Comments or Replies. 


Reporting | Ability to Engage and Report on IGTV Posts

Sprinklr now supports the ability to engage and report on IGTV Post. You can identify such posts in Engagement Dashboards and Reporting Dashboards by using appropriate filters as described below. You can also segregate IGTV post using Rule Engine. By tracking and measuring your IGTV video stats, you’ll be able to strategize and plan your videos better in the future. It could be as simple as finding that video length sweet spot.

IGTV Reporting.gif

Reporting Dashboards | Introduction to Reporting Home

As a part of Sprinklr’s new design language, Hyperspace, we have redesigned the reporting dashboard headers to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordance for most used actions.

The header changes will be reflected in the Reporting Dashboard Home Page and Reporting Dashboards (both standard and custom).

Reporting | Ability to Filter Reporting Dashboards for a given Text.

Within Reporting Dashboards, we can now filter dashboards based on Text on all the widgets based on Outbound post and Inbound message only, using the Message Text option available in the Filter bar. Also, a new dimension Message Text is introduced for text search at Widget level using data source Social Analytics & Inbound Analytics. Since the scope of the capability is to make the Text search option available for the Outbound post and Inbound message only, this would not be applicable to other types of reports, for example: Case Reports, Macro Reports etc.


  1. It's not the same as Keyword List/Keyword Query in Listening and hence does not allow using either AND, OR operators or filtering on multiple texts at a time.

  2. The capability can be enabled on a request, not available by default.

Reporting | Ability to View All Data Points on Y and X-axis

Previously, when you exported a Reporting Dashboard, the export rendered the dashboard to fit the Page. For this reason, for widgets that could not accommodate all the data points in widget width, the data points on the X-Axis/Y axis would get cut off in exports, while those appear fine on the platform due to the available range slider.

To solve this, Sprinklr has now introduced a new Export Widget View under Advanced Export which allows you to select to show all data points on the Y/X-axis in an export file. Note that this Widget View in Export applies to widgets with Range Slider on either Y or X-axis for a PDF or PNG or PPT export type.

Reporting | Adobe Analytics API Migration

In April 2021, the Adobe Analytics Legacy API services will reach their end-of-life and will be shut down. Any current integration built using these services will stop working. We request all the customers leveraging Adobe analytics based on the Legacy API version to raise support requests to migrate over to Newer Version 2.0 as soon as possible. For more information, see Adobe Analytics API Migration.

Reporting | Ability to View Reporting for YouTube Channel Views Percentage By Demographics

To help you better understand the performance of your posts on YouTube, Sprinklr has added new metrics that make data comparison within Reporting Insights more relevant.

YouTube Channel Views Percentage By Demographics

This is a metric provided via the YouTube API. It is the percentage of views by Demographics on the Youtube Channel.

Reporting | Ability to Sort Case ID Dimension within Reporting Dashboards

You will now be able to sort Case ID dimension in ascending and descending order. With the ability to sort by Case IDs, you will be able to view Case IDs that are the same in the grouped order.

Reporting | Ability to Grab Data for 60 Days using Twitter Quoted Tweets (Engagement)

You can now use the Twitter Quote Tweets (Engagement) metric to fetch data for 60 days. This metric fetches the count of how many times a tweet was quoted (retweet with comment). Previously, you could only fetch this data for 7 days with the help of Twitter Quote Tweets and Twitter Quote Tweets (Insights) metrics.

Reporting | Support for Profile Lists in Inbound Analytics

You can now use the following Profile Lists dimensions in Inbound Analytics:

  • Global Profile List- It refers to the global profile list. 

  • Client Profile List- It refers to the profile list of a client.

These dimensions can also be used as filters for your Reporting widget.

Reporting | Reporting on Facebook 60 second Video Views and Post Engaged Fans

We now support Facebook Video Views (Viewed for 60 seconds or more) and Facebook Post Engaged Fan in Reporting. This will enhance Post Video Reporting capability for longer videos. With the Post Engaged Fan metric, you will be able to report on the fans who like your Facebook Page and have engaged with your post through likes, comments, or shares.

Reporting | Enhanced Widget Configuration in Widgets

You can now include data-points in Trend visualizations with records having no-values as zero-valued points. This will enhance the accuracy of trend widgets. For this, select Include Data Points with No Value in the widget configuration which would then show no-value records as well in your widget for the selected time period. These values will be skipped if you do not select this configuration. 



Distributed | Launch of New Sprinklr Empower App 

Sprinklr brings to you a whole new experience of using the Sprinklr Distributed App - Sprinklr Empower. Scheduled for launch on 16th March, 2021, the redesigned version of Sprinklr Empower is simpler and faster. Sprinklr Empower has been developed keeping in mind your need to be in the swing of doing the business even when you are on the go. While it benefits you in multiple ways, let us highlight the new features and capabilities that will enhance your experience of using Sprinklr Distributed.  

  • Seamless Publishing - Content Publishing will now be super quick and easy. Distributed users will be able to create best-in-class content with the help of Smart Assist, powered by Sprinklr AI.

  • Quick Navigation - In the Sprinklr Empower app, the Distributed users will be able to quickly switch screens and menus through the bottom navigation bar. 

  • Home Page Experience - Home Page is now available in Sprinklr Empower. Distributed users can respond to important inquiries anywhere, anytime directly from the Home Page.

  • Next-Gen Content Calendar - Social content can be easily planned and streamlined in the all-new content calendar.

  • Modern In-app Experience - Sprinklr Empower is now more forward-looking and intuitive with attractive visuals.

  • Reporting and Listening within the App - Using Sprinklr Empower, you can get insights on your social performance on the go.

  • Easy Login Experience - No need to enter the organization name anymore.

  • Add New Assets - Content creators can now add new assets in ‘My Board’ in just a few taps, similar to the desktop experience.

Sprinklr Empower App

Distributed | Consistent Headers in Sprinklr Distributed - Planner, Reporting, Listening, Benchmarking

As part of a major cross-platform usability drive, across all products of Sprinklr, the headers have been re-designed to appear the same, be it Planner or Reporting or Listening. This will ensure the Sprinklr platform is easier to learn for users and it appears and works the same way, irrespective of the module that they are using.

Sprinklr Distributed - Planner.png
Quick Search Dashboards
Quick Search Dashboards

Distributed | Introduction of NEW UI of Sprinklr Distributed (OPT-IN)

Sprinklr has now introduced a brand new UI for Sprinklr Distributed, which is enhanced and tailored for the ease of the Distributed users. 

The new UI of Sprinklr Distributed comes with a new Navigation bar in the extreme left part of the screen. The icon-based navigation bar enables smart and quick navigation. The Smart Publisher in the new UI empowers the users with a smarter content publishing process. 

The new UI flaunts a native-like Home Page that resembles the respective social channel home pages. To make sure that the users have a user experience that is in tandem with their social curve maturity, we have introduced gamification-driven platform onboarding.

New Interface Of Sprinklr Distributed


The new Distributed UI will not be enabled automatically. To get the new UI enabled, get in touch with your Success Manager.