Sprinklr v16.2.0 - Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates


Hyperspace Headers | Redesigned and Enhanced Dashboard Headers

As a part of our new design language, Hyperspace, we have redesigned the dashboard headers for Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, Ads Manager Pivot, and Audience Manager to focus on simplicity, consistency, and a better affordance for most used actions. The key capabilities for this new design include:

  • Simple and de-cluttered filters, sections, duration pickers, and an overall header

  • Bigger and bolder icons and action buttons for better affordance

  • Consistent headers across modules for a seamless cross-platform experience

Audience Manager Hyperspace
Ads Reporting Hyperspace
Ads Manager Hyperspace
Pivot Hyperspace User Interface

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Associate a Sprinklr Sub-Campaign with your Paid Initiative

While composing an ad campaign in Ads Composer, you can now select a Sprinklr Sub-Campaign along with the selected Sprinklr Campaign to associate with your Paid Initiative. This will provide greater flexibility in linking your Sprinklr Campaigns with Paid Initiatives. You can also set Sprinklr Campaign and Sprinklr Sub-Campaign as placeholders for your Ads, Audience, and Creative naming conventions to maintain consistency in naming entities belonging to different Sprinklr Campaigns. Additionally, you can configure Paid Rules using Sprinklr Sub Campaign as a condition or action and automate your campaign tasks.

Select Sprinklr Sub Campaign in Ads Composer
Select Sprinklr Sub Campaign in Paid Rules
Select Sprinklr Sub Campaign in Naming Convention

Ads Composer | Apply Web Analytics Profile to Twitter Posts with Cards

You can now apply a Web Analytics Profile while creating a new post or editing an existing post with Twitter Cards. Sprinklr will extract the Website URL information from the card and append the web analytics parameters. This will allow you to track user behavior after a user has clicked on the URL from Twitter. Note that this will create a new instance of the Twitter Card, keeping the original card unchanged. This capability is also supported across Ads Manager and Creative Library (DAM). You cannot append web analytics to an existing Twitter Post (published) with Cards.Apply Web Analytics to Posts with Twitter Cards

Ads Composer | Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on Facebook Ad Campaigns

As a result of Apple’s iOS 14 changes due to its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, we have now adjusted our solutions in Sprinklr to ensure that you are able to create campaigns. that are compliant with the new framework. This will enable you to continue delivering your personalized ads while remaining compliant with Apple’s new privacy framework. To learn more about the changes, see All About iOS 14 Changes.iOS 14 Changes and Impact

Ads Composer | Mapped Ad Creative Name to LinkedIn Post Name

We have now mapped the LinkedIn ad creative name in Sprinklr to the name set on LinkedIn for that post. For LinkedIn Image, Video, Carousel, and InMail Ads that are auto-imported or created in Sprinklr, the creative name will now be set as the Channel Ad Name. Any updates made to the Ad Name in Sprinklr will be reflected on LinkedIn and vice versa. This will provide consistency across Sprinklr and native to easily identify your ads. Note that all your existing Ad Names will also be updated in Sprinklr based on this change.

Ads Composer | Retain Targeting Filters while Selecting Target Audience

While selecting the target audience for your ad campaign in Ads Composer, if you have applied one or more filters to select your audience, we will now retain the filter configuration every time you compose a new ad campaign and define targeting. This will allow you to save time and define your target audience quickly without having to reapply the targeting filters.

Retain Ads Composer Targeting Filter

Ads Composer | Ability to Publish LinkedIn InMail Ads as Draft

While composing a LinkedIn InMail (Message) Ad from the Ads Composer or Ads Manager, you can now publish the Ad in the Draft state on LinkedIn. This will allow you to preview your ads on native and make necessary edits before the ad goes live. You will also have an option to Send Test InMail from the Ads Manager. This will send a test message to the user who authenticated that ad account to preview how the ad will display to members of your target audience. Additionally, you can now apply Web Analytics on links within the InMail body text to track user behavior after a user has clicked on the URL.


By default, the InMail Ads will be created in the Draft status, enabling you to test your creative before activating. This is true even if the status is set to Active during creation. You will need to make a subsequent call to update the status to Active when you have finished testing and finalizing your creative.

You can publish an InMail Ad in the Draft state on LinkedIn to test your creatives before activating. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Publish LinkedIn InMail Ad as Paused

Ads Composer | Ability to Create Twitter Cards Inline

While building your Twitter ad creatives with Twitter Cards in Ads Composer, you will now have an option to Create New Card inline and attach rich photos, videos, and media experiences to your ads. You will also be able to edit the existing Twitter Cards inline with your campaign creation. Upon editing the existing Twitter Card, you will have options to Update Existing Card or Save as New Card. Updating an existing card will eventually affect all associated posts and ads that use this card whereas saving as a new card will create a new instance of the card and save the changes while the original card remains unaffected. You can also edit your Twitter Cards via Ads Manager and Creative Library. Additionally, you can update your existing Twitter Card details in bulk via Bulk Import with the help of the newly added Save as new Card after Edit header in the import template.

Please reach out to Support to update the existing Twitter Card details via Bulk Import.

Inline Editing Twitter Cards via Ads ComposerAds Composer | Automatically Append Facebook Tracking Pixel to Ad Variants

While composing a Facebook ad campaign in Ads Composer, we will now automatically append a Tracking Pixel to your ad variants to prevent any loss of tracking information. We will identify the most recently applied tracking pixel for a particular ad account and automatically append it to your ad variants when you are building your campaign using either Create New, Edit Draft, or Add to Existing Campaign. In Ads Manager, when you clone a campaign across any level or Create New Ad Set/Ad Variant, then, we will identify the most recently applied tracking pixel for that ad account and automatically apply it to your ad variants.


The applied pixel will be independent of the ad objective and can be removed or changed based on your requirements.

Automatically Appending Tracking Pixel for Facebook Ads

Ads Composer | Campaign Budget Optimization for Pinterest Traffic Campaigns

To maintain parity with native, we have migrated the Ad Group level budget optimization options for all your new and existing Pinterest Traffic Campaigns to the Campaign level effective from 1st March 2021. The changes will also reflect within Ads Manager, 1 Click Ad Buy, and Bulk Import/Export.

Budget Scheduling for Pinterest Traffic Campaigns at Campaign level

Ads Composer | Easier Search and Filtering for Facebook Placement Asset Customized Creatives

You can now easily search and filter your Facebook creatives having Placement Asset Customization (PAC) in Ads Composer and Ads Manager. Using the Post Id or Post Permalink you can trigger a simultaneous search across both Posts and Ad Creatives and filter your customized content. This means that you will no longer need to filter for PAC posts if you have the ID or Permalink available. Additionally, if you now clone an Ad Variant having PAC enabled, the cloned Ad Variant will maintain the same Story ID.


  • If you make any changes to the creative in the cloned Ad Variant, then the Story Id will change.

  • If you clone the Ad Variant into an Ad Set with different placements, then a new Story Id will be created.

Easier Search for PAC Posts in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Create Image Ads for Snapchat App Install Campaigns

While composing a Snapchat App Install campaign, you can now use an Image to build your App Install ad creative. This will allow you to create appealing Image Ads for your Snapchat users to swipe up and download the advertised app. You can also find this update in Ads Manager, Bulk Import, and Creative Library (DAM).

Ability to Create Image Ads for Snapchat App Install Campaigns

Ads Composer | Ability to Show a Fixed Number of Carousel Cards for Instagram Story Post

While composing an Instagram Story Carousel Ad, if you set Instagram Stories as a standalone Publisher Platform for your campaign, you can now opt to display a fixed number of cards to your audience. You can select the Show a fixed number of cards option while building your carousel ad. A total of 3 cards will be shown before the option to expand (or 2 for 2-card carousels). This capability will allow you to increase your cost per result. Note that when this option is not selected, the number of cards displayed will be automatically tailored to optimize for performance.

Ability to Show Fixed Number of Carousal Cards

Ads Composer | Manually Apply Web Analytics Profile to LinkedIn Message Ads

While building a new ad creative for your LinkedIn Message Ad, you can now manually select a Web Analytics profile for your ad creative. This will allow you to append tracking strings to Web URLs contained within LinkedIn Message Ads in order to track user behavior after a user has clicked on the URL.

Support For Web Analytics in LinkedIn Message Ad

Ads Composer | Ability to Boost Instagram Organic Posts

You now have the ability to Boost Instagram Organic Post via Ads Composer. This will help you amplify your Instagram posts to reach an audience beyond your existing follower base. The supported objectives for boosting Instagram Organic Posts are Brand Awareness, Reach, Post Engagement, and Video Views. For the other ad objectives, you can only use the post as a template that will create a new Post Id. You can also use this capability via Ads Manager, Import/ExportEngagement Dashboard, Editorial Calendar, and Auto Boost Rules.


  • You will need to re-add your Facebook ad account in Sprinklr before boosting an Instagram post or an error will occur on publishing the ad.

  • URL and CTA are not supported with boosted Instagram organic posts.

Boosting Instagram Organic Post

Ads Composer | Ability to Create Collection Ads for Instagram Stories

While building a new creative for your Instagram Story Ad, you can now select Collection Ad as the Post Type for your creative. This ad format includes an Instant Experience and makes it easier for people to discover, browse, and purchase products and services from their mobile device in a visual and immersive way. Note that Collection Ad is only available for the following objectives:

  • Traffic

  • Conversions

  • Product Catalog Sales — Supported when you use collections with a Product Set.

  • Store Visits — Supported when you use collections with a Product Set.

Collection Ads for Instagram Story Ads

Ads Composer | Apply Web Analytics Profile to TikTok Ads

While building a new ad creative for your TikTok ad campaign, you can now select a Web Analytics profile for your creative. This will allow you to append tracking strings to Web URLs contained within TikTok campaigns in order to track user behavior after a user has clicked on the URL. You can also track user behavior via Google Analytics for your TikTok ads. Additionally, you can view the reporting data for these analytics data in Ads Reporting.Apply Web Analytics to TikTok Ads

Ads Composer | LinkedIn Optimization Goals and Bidding Strategy Parity with Native

To maintain parity with native, we have updated Sprinklr with the following Optimization goals with respect to the supported objectives and ad formats for your LinkedIn campaign:

  • Impressions: Deliver ads to members for the most impressions possible.

  • Sends: Deliver ads to members as many times as possible when they’re active on LinkedIn.

  • Landing Page Clicks: Deliver ads to members most likely to click on the link to your landing page.

  • Engagement Clicks: Deliver ads to members most likely engage with your ads

  • Leads: Deliver ads to members most likely to submit a lead gen form.

  • Clicks: Deliver ads to members most likely to click on your ads.

  • Website Conversion: Deliver ads to members most likely to take valuable action (conversion) on your website.

  • Video Views: Deliver ads to members who are most likely to view your video for 2 continuous seconds or more.

Additionally, you can now set the following Bidding Strategies for its corresponding optimization goals:

  • Maximum Delivery -  Get the most results possible with your full budget.

  • Target Cost (New) - Get the most results possible while staying near your cost goal.

  • Manual Bidding -  Control your bids in the auction.

  • Manual Bidding (Enhanced) - Get the most results possible with your bid. We’ll automatically set and adjust your bid to help you get the most results possible while utilizing your full budget.

These enhancements will allow you to leverage Sprinklr completely for your LinkedIn bidding and optimization purposes. For more information on the Optimization Goals and Bidding Strategies, see LinkedIn - Objective v/s Optimization Goals & Bid Strategies.

LinkedIn Bidding Strategies Optimization Goals Parity

Ads Composer | Support for Approval as Paused in Campaign Approval

While sending your campaign for Approval upon creation, you will now have an option to Publish as active once approved to ensure that your ad is published as Active once it is approved. However, if you disable the Publish as active once approved option, it will ensure that your ad will be published as Paused after approval. With the help of this capability, you are no longer required to schedule your campaigns at a future date and then send it for approval. It will also make sure that your campaigns are not going active before the intended schedule. You can also leverage this capability within Ads Manager, and Bulk Import approval workflow.


This capability will work for any level — Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad.

Publish as Active on Approval Workflow

Ads Composer | Ability to Filter from Existing Saved Audiences

While selecting from saved target audiences for your campaign in Ads Composer or Ads Manager, you can now apply filters as available in the Audience Manager to filter your audience based on the following:

  • Audience Status

  • Audience Type

  • Source Creation Type

  • User (Created By)

This will ensure that you do not have to spend a significant amount of time checking whether you have selected the correct audience.

Filter Audience in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Use Vertical Aspect Ratios for LinkedIn Video Ads

You can now publish a video having a vertical aspect ratio for your LinkedIn Video Ads from the Ads Composer. This will help improve engagement for advertisers on LinkedIn's mobile and desktop news feed by creating video ads in square, vertical, or horizontal sizes. The videos must meet the following specifications:

  • Width: Between 640 and 1920 pixels

  • Height: Between 360 and 1920 pixels.

  • Aspect ratio: Between 1.778 and 0.5652.

Note that vertical aspect ratio video ads will only be served to mobile devices that support a vertical video player.

LinkedIn Vertical Video Size

Ads Composer | Retain the Selection Order of Audience Group Values in Audience Naming Convention

If you are using Audience Group parameters in your Audience Naming Convention, then the order of values in your audience naming convention will now follow the order in which you select your Audience Groups. For example, if you have selected one Custom Audience Group (inclusion) and one Custom Audience Group (exclusion) in your target audience; if the exclusion group was selected first, then it will be picked up first in your naming convention. This will allow for consistency in the naming convention instead of having a random order for the audience group names.

Audience Group Naming Convention Logic
Audience Group Naming Convention Logic

Ads Composer | TikTok Marketing API Breaking Changes

As per TikTok’s Marketing API Breaking Changes, you will now find the URL Tracking information available at the Ad level instead of the Ad Group level for TikTok Ads. You will find the following updates in Sprinklr due to this change:

  • URL field will be available at the Ad Variant level.

  • Display Name will be available at the Ad Variant level.

  • Profile Image will be available at the Ad Variant level.

  • New Bidding Strategies:

    • Bid Cap: Control maximum bid in the auction.

    • Lowest Cap: Get the most results.

TikTok Marketing API Breaking Changes

Ads Composer | Facebook API Breaking Changes

As per Facebook API v9.0 Breaking Changes, you will find the following updates in your Sprinklr environment:

  • Deprecated Bid Strategy - Target Cost bid strategy has been deprecated. You can no longer create or update Ad Sets or Campaigns with this setting. Instead, we recommend using the Cost Cap bidding.

  • Deprecated Billing and Optimization Option - CPA (Cost per Action) billing for app ads has been deprecated. You cannot set both Billing Event and Optimization goal to App Install. Instead, we recommend using the Impression billing events.

Ads Composer | Deprecated TikTok oCPC (optimized Cost per click) as a Billing Event

As per TikTok’s v.1.1 Jan 20, 2021 Breaking Change, we have deprecated oCPC (optimized Cost per click) as a Billing Event for TikTok ad campaigns. You can no longer create or duplicate ad campaigns with the oCPC billing event. If you have existing ad campaigns using oCPC created prior to the deprecation, you can still run these campaigns with this setting until it is paused or deleted. Updating other aspects of an oCPC billing event TikTok Ad Group, besides the billing event, will still be allowed after the deprecation. The TikTok Marketing API has also introduced the oCPM (Optimized Cost per Mille/Thousand Impressions) billing event as the default billing event for Conversion and App Install advertising objectives and is only available for whitelisted ad accounts.

Ads Composer | Support for Commercial Ads more than 6 Seconds Long

While creating a new commercial ad post for your Snapchat Commercial Ad, you can now add a video that is more than 6 seconds long. This will allow you to drive awareness and keep your audiences engaged with unskippable video ads outside the limited timeframe. Previously, Commercial Ads were only restricted to have videos between 3 to 6 seconds long. This update will also reflect within Ads Manager, Bulk Import, and Creative Library (DAM).


  • The video attachment can be more than 3 seconds long and 32 MB or less in size.

  • If the video length lies between 3-6 seconds, then the full length of the video will be unskippable.

  • If the video length exceeds 6 seconds, then the first six seconds of the video will be unskippable.

Snapchat Commercial Ads more than 6 seconds

Ads Composer | Migration of Twitter Frequency Cap to Ad Set Level

Due to a recent API change from Twitter, you will now find the Twitter Frequency Cap option at the Ad Set level instead of the Paid Initiative level while creating or updating Twitter Tweet Engagements, Video Views, Awareness, or Pre-roll Views campaigns. Note that all your existing campaigns that are using frequency caps will not be affected by this change and will continue to deliver as expected. This change will also reflect within Ads Manager, Bulk Import, and 1 Click Ad Buys.

Twitter Frequency Cap Migration

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Use Dimensions in Color Tag Conditional Criteria

You can now configure Color Tags using the Channel and Objective dimensions in the IF conditional criteria. This will allow you to improve the visibility for specific KPIs depending on the channel and campaign objective. The color tags will be applicable at all levels, i.e. Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad Variant. Additionally, you can now select custom fields in your color tag criteria. The custom fields will be grouped according to their ad entity levels and you can only have custom fields belonging to one level within a single criterion. For example, if you have selected a Paid Initiative custom field for your color tag criteria, then you will not be able to select an Ad Set or Ad Variant custom field in the IF and THEN attributes under the same criterion.

Use Dimensions in Color Tag criteria

Ads Manager | Apply Naming Convention to Ad Entities

For organizations involving multiple stakeholders in the ads creation process, you can now automatically standardize the naming format or taxonomy of your Ad Campaigns via Ads Manager. Using the Apply Naming Convention option at the Campaign level of the View and Edit pane, you can easily select the naming convention suitable for your ad entities individually or in bulk. This will dynamically generate the names for different ad entities. The Naming Convention will be auto-updated based on any changes to dependent fields (custom fields, channel fields, etc.).


  • The Apply Naming Convention option will be disabled if you make changes to any other field in the Edit pane. To apply a naming convention, you will need to either save or discard other changes made in the campaign.

  • Existing campaigns that were launched with a naming convention, will show the naming convention applied in Ads Manager post release.

Apply Naming Convention in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Upfront Actions in Ads Manager

You can now access various actions within Ads Manager upfront for better usability and smooth execution of your desired tasks. Given below are the details of the upfront actions:

View and Edit
  • You can now navigate to the View and Edit pane directly from each ad entity row by clicking the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit  available upfront alongside each ad entity. However, this option will not be available on selecting entities in bulk.

  • On bulk selecting ad entities, you will now have an Edit panel at the bottom, housing all the actions that would appear in the top Dashboard bar, such as View and Edit, Macros, etc. This will give you a clean and de-cluttered dashboard experience.

  • You can now set the status for individual ad entities directly from the Status column. This will allow you to change the status of your ad entity upfront.

  • Updating the Status upfront will trigger the Review Changes action where you can save or discard the changes.

Upfront Actions in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Enhanced Ads Approval Notifications

We have enhanced the Ads Approval notifications to provide seamless communication and collaboration between the Approver and Practitioner during the Approval process. The key enhancements include the following:

  • If you @ (at) mention a user in the Collaboration section of the Ads Manager Details pane, then the user will receive a notification along with a link to the Campaign. On clicking the link, the user will be redirected to the Collaboration section of the particular campaign within Ads Manager.

  • If you @ (at) a user on a creative within the Creative Library, then the user will receive a notification along with a link that will redirect him/her to the particular creative.

Approval Notifications Enhancements

Ads Manager | Retain the Progress on Switching Between Different Tabs

We have updated the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) platform to retain any changes made on switching between different tabs. For example, if you edit Ad Sets/Ad Variants in the Ads Manager and switch in between tabs, the changes will now be preserved on returning to the Page. This will ensure that you do not lose your progress on moving between tabs and save time.

Retain Data in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Bulk Edit Facebook Placement Asset Customized Creatives

You can now bulk edit your Facebook Placement Asset Customization (PAC) ads under the same Ad Set within Ads Manager. This will help you customize your ads according to your audience behavior and ensure that your ad runs in as many places as possible. While bulk editing your PAC ads, all the different assets will be separated into groups within the Creative section. For example, all the images/videos being used will be grouped under Media for smooth execution of tasks. Similarly, the URL, Headline, Text, and Link Descriptions will also be grouped. Any changes made at a specific group will get copied over across all the selected ad variants.

Ads Manager | Filter Ad Entities Paused by Strategy Group Optimizations

You can now filter your ad entities that have been paused by different Strategy Group optimizations (Pacing Control, Stop Loss, Ad Rotation) across Ads Manager, Ads Reporting, and Ads Manager Pivot using the following dimensions and take appropriate actions:

  • Paid Initiative Paused by

  • Ad Set Paused by

  • Ads Paused by

Additionally, you can use these filters to identify the ad entities that have been paused via Macro and Rule Engine.

Filtering Entities Paused by SG Optimizations

Ads Manager | Ability to Save Column Width Configuration in Boards

You can now increase or decrease an Ads Manager column width and save the width configuration in your Ads Manager Boards. This will allow you to save all the details in your Ads Manager view, including the customized column width for a consistent and seamless user experience. Additionally, we have reconfigured the default column widths in Ads Manager along with the columns that are a part of the default column configuration based on adoption and usability.

Save Ads Manager Column Width Configuration in Board

Ads Manager | Ability to Use Video Zip Files for Snapchat Video Ads Bulk Import

Using Bulk Import, you can now utilize a Zip file containing videos to create Snapchat Video Ads in bulk. In the Bulk Import file, you will now have a Video header column where you can provide the video file name along with file extension in the following format: Video1.mp4. This capability will help you save time for your advertising efforts by creating your Video Ads in bulk. Additionally, you can now provide an app Icon Image, Icon Image URL, and Icon Image SAM Id in your bulk import file for Snapchat App Install and Deep Link posts.

Using Video Zip Files for Snapchat Video Ads Bulk Import

Ads Manager | Update Google Ads using Bulk Import

You can now perform an Import or Export of your Google Ads from the Ads Manager. This will allow you to save time and efficiently tackle your use cases such as tagging custom fields for your Google Ads in bulk. Below are the actions you can take for Google ad entities:

  • You can now select Google as a Channel for Partial Import.

  • You can successfully update Custom fields, Sprinklr Campaign, Strategy Groups, Benchmark, and Pacing Groups using Bulk Import.

  • If you try to update any other field, the import will fail with the following message - Kindly note that you will not be able to edit channel-specific fields for Google Ads.

  • You can only select the Modifying the existing campaigns (Partial update) use case for Bulk Import Templates. The other three options will be disabled with a message - Kindly note that you will not be able to create new ad entities for Google Ad campaigns.

  • All other Export options will remain the same and work as expected.

Bulk Import Google Ads - Partial Update
Google Ads Bulk Import Template

Ads Manager | Ad Entity Navigation Enhancements

To provide you with a smooth Ads Manager workflow, we have made the following enhancements to the Ads Manager experience:

  • While creating a new Ad Set or Ad either via the Options icon Space_Mobile_Options.png or the top navigation bar, you will now automatically be navigated to the third pane where the new Ad Set or Ad is opened, respectively.

  • While viewing and editing a child entity of a campaign having multiple child entities, you will now be navigated directly to that particular child entity. Meanwhile, the middle pane highlighting the details of that entity will remain open. Also, If you select multiple entities, you will be navigated to the first entity on the left of the View and Edit pane and the middle pane will continue to show the bulk state of multiple entities.

Ad Entity Enhancements within Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Filter Enhancements

Now, the Ads Manager entity Id filter will remain intact while navigating between the parent entity and the child entity and vice versa, hence, reducing the chances of losing track of the entity you are working on.

Ads Manager Filter Enhancements

Ads Manager | Ability to Clone Archived or Deleted Ad Entities

You now have the ability to Clone an Archived or Deleted ad entity within Ads Manager. This will help save a lot of time and effort in manually creating a copy of an ad entity. Also, while Quick Cloning entities whose parent entity is either Deleted or Archived, you will receive an error stating the same.

Cloning/Quick Cloning Deleted Archived Ad Entity within Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Support for Sprinklr Audience ID Column at Ad Set Level

You can now configure your Ads Manager columns to include the Sprinklr Audience ID at the Ad Set level. This will allow you to avoid duplication of audiences and easily identify which audience is being used in which Ad Set.

Sprinklr Audience ID column in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Ads Manager Window Load Time Improvements

We have now enhanced the Ads Manager window load time to provide you with a better user experience. You will also get No Data Found for applied filters message when your search for an ad entity results in no response.

Ads Manager Pivot

Ads Manager Pivot | Ability to Compose Campaigns from Pivot Table

You can now select Ad Sets or Ad Variants and compose an ad campaign directly from your Pivot Table. The advanced ad building capability in Ads Manager Pivot is a powerful tool that allows you to build iterations of Ad Sets and Ads by selecting components/assets from the Ads Pivot Table. You can select the best-performing audience or creatives and create a new Campaign/Ad Sets/Ads within minutes.

Build from Table

Ads Manager Pivot | Support for new Ad Variant Level Macros

We have added the following options for the Ad Variant level macros to expand the actions you can take on your creatives from Ads Manager Pivot:

  • Creative - Item - Title (for items 1 to 10)

  • Creative - Item - Description (for items 1 to 10)

  • Dynamic - Headline (for dynamic 1 to 10)

  • Dynamic - Post Text (for dynamic 1 to 10)

  • Dynamic - Link Description (for dynamic 1 to 10)

  • Dynamic URL - 1

  • Dynamic Display Link ( for dynamic 1 to 10)

  • Dynamic App Deep Link (for dynamic App Ads 1-10)

  • Store URL (for App Ad dynamic 1-10)

  • See More URL

  • Headline

  • Link Description

  • Display Link

  • App Deep Link (for App Ads)

  • Web Analytics

This will allow you to make multiple changes to your ads at once and create efficiencies in your workflows.

New Macros for Ads Manager Pivot Ad Variant level

Ads Manager Pivot | Ability to Breakdown Data by Audience Custom Fields

While configuring your Ads Manager Pivot Table, you can now use Audience Custom Fields as dimensions to breakdown your reporting data. This will allow you to analyze and manage your ad entities based on the tagged custom field values. You can also view insights using these custom fields in Ads Reporting.

Breaking down Data by Audience Custom Fields

Ads Manager Pivot | Ability to make Inline Edits to Ad Set Bid Amount

You can now directly edit the Bid Amount (Ad Set) dimension value inline from your Ads Manager Pivot Table without having to open up the View and Edit pane. Clicking on the Pencil icon alongside the bid amount value will allow you to make necessary changes and save it. This capability will enhance the usability of the Pivot Table.


  • If the Bid Strategy is set to Auto Bid for any channel, then you cannot perform inline editing on its Bid Amount. Additionally, you cannot perform inline editing for the following Bid Strategies:

    • Facebook: Lowest Cost, Minimum ROAS

    • Twitter: Automatic Bid - per Video View, Automatic Bid - per 3sec Video View, Automatic Bid - per 6sec Video View

  • You cannot leave the Bid Amount (Ad Set) field blank.

Inline Edit Bid Amount in Ads Manager Pivot Table

Ads Manager Pivot | Ability to Filter Across All Levels in a Pivot Table

While applying an Advanced Filter at any level within the Pivot Table, you can now apply the filter across all the levels of the pivot table in addition to applying filters at individual levels. The All Level advanced filter option will reduce the manual effort and time taken to apply filters at each level individually. 


While performing an export, only the All Level filter option will be applicable. Any filter that is applied at a particular level will be disregarded in the export.

Pivot Table Advanced Filters for All Levels

Ads Manager Pivot | Enhancements to Pivot Tables

We have made the following enhancements to the Ads Manager Pivot Tables:


We have improved the time taken to load the pivot table levels as well as the metrics and dimension values for your pivot table. This will provide a faster and seamless user experience while using our pivot table capabilities.

Advanced Filters: You can now apply one or more advanced filters at a specific level within a pivot table. This will allow you to apply filters at one specific level within a pivot table and all its corresponding child levels.

You will have a fourth field within the advanced filters depicting the level at which the filter(s) will be applied and you can switch between these levels. Additionally, the Select Dimension/Metric field of your advanced filters will be auto-filled with the primary dimension/metric of the level at which the filter is being applied.


  • The filters will have no impact on any of the parent levels.

  • All your existing saved filters will be migrated to apply at the first level of your pivot table.

Advanced Filters In Pivot Tables Sections

When you are at the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad level within your pivot table, you now have an option to View on Channel from any row of your pivot table. This will redirect you to the respective social channel where you can have a preview of the Ad. Note that you will need to have the relevant page access in order to leverage this capability.

View on Channel Option in Pivot Table

We will now retain any changes made to the pivot tables if you switch between different tabs. For example, if you have several pivot rows expanded in your pivot table and switch to another tab, you will find your pivot table as it was once you return.

Retain Changes made in Pivot Tables

You can now save your pivot table column width configuration along with the width for the Dimensions and Metrics partition scroll width. Each time you modify any of these widths, the pivot table will display the Modified option in your dashboard bar where you can save the configuration. This will allow you to have a consistent and seamless pivot table view every time you open one.

Save Pivot Table Column Width

You can now copy the text from a Pivot Table cell. On double-clicking on a cell, you can select the Copy Text option which will copy the text to your clipboard and you can paste it anywhere. Note that this is only supported for single-cell actions and not for bulk.

Copy Text action in Pivot Table

You can now have This Week and Last Week date range selection filters begin from the first day of the week, i.e. Monday, and end on Sunday for your pivot tables. Currently, these filters work from the Sunday of the previous week to the Sunday of the current/corresponding week.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Date Range filters in Pivot Table

Cost and Rate Benchmarking

Cost and Rate Benchmarking | Apply Simplified Cost and Rate Benchmarking to Campaigns

While composing a campaign in Ads Composer, you can now define Benchmarks for Cost and Rate KPIs. Benchmarks are key to understanding the performance of any advertising effort. It lets you visualize how well your advertising campaigns are performing compared to previous campaign data or standard industry-related data. The Cost and Rate Benchmarks allow you to directly assign Benchmarks to campaigns by eliminating the complex workflow involved in the Ads Benchmarking configuration. You can also analyze your campaign performance against the benchmarks in Ads Manager and Ads Reporting and optimize them easily.

Apply Cost and Rate Benchmarking in Ads Composer

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Edit the Values of an Audience Group

You can now Edit an existing Audience Group from the Audience Manager and update the desired values. This will automatically update the relevant targeting fields on all active, paused, and draft Ad Sets where the audience group is being used. You can also Clone an existing audience group and make the desired copy instead of building the group from scratch.


  • If you edit the Audience Group values in native, then the changes will not be saved in the group. The group will be replaced by individual values and you can see it in the saved audience.

  • On cloning an Audience Group, you cannot use duplicate names for the same audience group type.

Edit and Clone Audience Groups in Audience Manager

Audience Manager | New LinkedIn API for Creating Custom Audiences

LinkedIn has released a new API for creating Custom Audiences to ensure that the targeting stays relevant at all times and hence achieves higher conversion rates with LinkedIn Ads. As per this enhancement, you can now create your custom audiences faster in Sprinklr and leverage several new column headers for creating your desired audiences based on your use case.


In order to create ​Custom Audiences ​via ​Segment Manager​ or ​Audience Manager, you will need to re-add your LinkedIn Ad Account​ in Sprinklr.

Audience Manager | Support for Bulk Import, Preview, and Macros

You will now have an option to create a new Saved Audience or partially update existing audiences using Bulk Import/Export via Audience Manager and speed up your audience management process. We have also added the capability to apply Macros within the Audience Manager to bulk update various details such as Naming Conventions, Custom Fields, and Share details with different Ad Accounts. Additionally, you can now hover over the audience name and preview your audience details.

Audience Manager Feature Enhancements

Audience Manager | Bulk Import Multiple Companies for LinkedIn Saved Audience

While creating Saved Audiences for LinkedIn within the Audience Manager, you can now Bulk Import a maximum of 200 Companies for targeting at once in Detailed Targeting. This will enhance usability and considerably save your time. Note that importing multiple companies in bulk may take a minimum of 2-3 minutes.

Bulk Upload Multiple Companies for Targeting

Audience Manager | Twitter Ads API Breaking Change

Twitter has introduced version 8 of the Twitter Ads API, designed to implement new Tailored Audiences functionality, increase feature parity, and improve developer experience. As per this breaking change, you will find the following updates in your Sprinklr environment:

  • Tailored Audience Related Changes 

    • You can now update the Custom Audience name and description in Audience Manager.

    • You will not be allowed to create Custom Audiences with a duplicate audience name.

    • You can also view the Ad Sets associated with the Custom Audience in Ads Manager.

  • Updated Campaign Objective Names 

    • Tweet Engagements (old) - Twitter Engagements (new)

    • Video Views Preroll (old) - Twitter Preroll Views (new)

    • Awareness (old) - Twitter Reach (new)

  • Ads Reporting

    • Deprecated Twitter Video Mrc Views metric. You can use the Twitter Video Total Views as an alternative metric.

Edit custom audience details in Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Ability to Narrow Audience for Facebook Special Ad Categories

While defining a Saved Audience for any Facebook Special Ad Category in Audience Manager, you can now narrow your target audience using Detailed Targeting. The Narrow Audience capability will allow you to refine the group of people we show your ads to. You can add multiple criteria to each tier while further narrowing your target audience. This option will also be available on creating a new target audience for your Facebook Special Ad Category campaign in Ads Composer.

Narrow Audience for Facebook Special Ad Category

Creative Library

Creative Library | Ability to Create Twitter Video Carousel Cards

For more creative space and flexibility to easily transition across videos, we have introduced Twitter Video Carousel Cards in Sprinklr to effectively capture your audience's attention. You can create Twitter Video App and Website Carousel Cards as templates in the Creative Library (DAM) and preview the card before using it in your Ads. This will allow you to create Ads that will reach new audiences and drive people to your website or app through multiple videos. Note that this is only supported for whitelisted ad accounts.Twitter Video Carousel Cards

Creative Library | Create Playable Ad Assets for Facebook Campaigns

You can now create Playable Ads Assets for Facebook campaigns within the Creative Library and use them while composing Ads in Ads Composer and Ads Manager. Playable Ads are interactive video ads that let users try out the core functionality of an app or game, like a free demo, before they choose to download it. This will allow mobile app advertisers to drive higher quality and higher-intent users to install their apps with a try-before-you-buy experience. You can use these ads with App Install, Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, Video Views, and Conversions objectives.

Adding Playable Files in Creative Library

Creative Library | Clone and Edit Enhancements

On cloning a Published or Draft creative in the Creative Library, you can now edit the Objective, Ad Account, Social Page, and Destination Type fields for the cloned creative. This will allow you to replicate your best-performing creatives by making quick changes to further boost the success of various ad campaigns.

Editing Cloned Ad Creative

Creative Library | Ability to Add Subtitles to Video Tweets

You can now add a Subtitle file for your videos in your Video Tweets and select its Language within the Creative Library. Only one subtitle file can be added for each tweet. Adding subtitles to your video tweets will help boost video engagement by ensuring that your message can be heard and read by everyone. You can also add subtitles to your video tweets via Ads Manager and Ads Composer.


  • If you change/remove subtitles after Cloning or Quick Cloning an ad, a new instance of the video will be created with the modified subtitle file.

  • Adding subtitles is not supported for Twitter Video Cards.

Adding Subtitles to Video Tweets

Creative Library | Creative Bulk Import Enhancements

We have made several enhancements within Ads Creative Bulk Imports to help you scale the best performing variation and gain better control of your campaigns. Given below are the enhancements:


Bulk Import Templates

  • We have exposed additional columns in the bulk import template to allow Twitter Card creation along with tweets via Ads Creative Library Bulk Import.

  • We have also exposed a column where you can insert the Twitter Card Id.

  • In the Ads Manager Bulk Import window, you can now select Creatives as an import option.

Creative Library Bulk Import Window

  • We have enhanced the Bulk Import window to reflect a trimmed version of the Ads Manager Bulk Import window.

  • You now have the ability to Set Creative Naming Convention as well as the Approval Path for your Creatives directly from the import window.

Bulk Import Creatives
Bulk Import Creatives

Creative Library | Exposed Outbound Custom Properties Tab for Ad Creative Approvals

While approving ad creatives from the Engagement Dashboard, you will now find an additional tab for Outbound Properties within the Details pane that will show all the custom fields applied to your creative. This tab will help you manage your ad creatives more efficiently.Outbound Custom Properties Tab in Creatives Approval

Creative Library | Approval Mandatory Permission to Enforce Approval Selection

We have now introduced the Approval Mandatory permission to enforce approval selection for your Ad Creatives. If this permission is enabled, then you will be required to select one of the approval options for your creative. This will ensure greater control over the quality of your content that is being published. Also, the Save option will be replaced with Send for Approval along with the following information pop-up — Per your permissions, you are required to gather an approval. Please select an approval option and route for approval.

Approval Mandatory Role for Creatives
Mandatory Creative Approval flow

Strategy Groups

Strategy Group | Usability Enhancements in User Interface

We have updated the Strategy Group user interface to provide you with a seamless and user-friendly experience. The key highlights of the updates are:

  • You can now use the Column Configuration capability to add additional columns including Strategy Group Pacing level metric/dimensions and Strategy Group Id in your Strategy Group table view.

  • You can now search your desired Strategy Groups using the Strategy Group Id.

  • The Strategy Group icon will now be visible at the Ad Set and Ad Variant levels in Ads Manager.

Configuring Strategy Group Columns

Searching Strategy Group via SG Id

Strategy Group | Upfront Actions in Strategy Group

You can now directly navigate to Strategy Groups Reporting by clicking the View Insights icon Hyperspace_View_Insights.png available upfront alongside each Strategy Group. This will provide better usability and smooth execution of your desired tasks.

Upfront Actions in Strategy Groups

Strategy Group | Customize Daily Budgets for Weekdays vs. Weekends in Pacing Control

While configuring a Pacing Control Strategy Group, you can now customize your Daily Spend Limit based on a day-wise spend for Weekdays vs. Weekends. This will ensure that your daily budget spend is aligned with your business goals. You can set your daily budgets using a custom duration rather than creating separate custom durations to define the weekend spend changes. Note that using this capability will not update your ad entity budget; it will only control the Pacing Control Daily Budget. 

Additionally, we have introduced the Daily Spend Limit (Day Wise) and Daily Remaining Spend (Day Wise) metrics in Strategy Group Reporting that will be compatible alongside Date and Strategy Group dimensions.


If you do not provide a budget for a particular day of the week, then the Daily Budget in the input field will be used. Also, overlapping of days will not be allowed in the customization.

Day Wise Pacing Control
Applying Strategy Groups Daily Spend

Strategy Group | View Day over Day Spend Pacing Visualization

We have now added a new Daily Spent Trends widget within Pacing Insights that will help you view day-over-day changes in the Pacing Control inputs. Using this, you can analyze your daily spend limit set on a particular date, and how much of the budget was spent on that day. You can also create similar widgets within the Ads Reporting dashboards. Note that you will not be able to see daily spend trends for the channels where hourly spend data is not supported.

To add support for cumulative sum aggregation for the Time of Day (Ad Account Timezone) dimension, please reach out to Support.

Day over day Pacing

Strategy Group | Automatic Application of Bid Multipliers

We have enhanced the Sprinklr Smart Bidding AI logic for you to leverage Bid Multipliers as a tool to direct spend towards better-performing segments. It will automatically increase or decrease the bid values for a specific duration across the week and improve your campaign performance/ROI.

Strategy Groups | Apply Strategy Groups via Bulk Import and Rule Engine

We have added a new column within the Bulk Import file where you can input the Strategy Group Id and apply it to your ad entities during bulk import. You can access the individual Strategy Group Ids within the newly added ID column of the Strategy Group window. Additionally, you can now apply Strategy Groups via Paid Rules. You can set the Strategy Group you want to apply within Actions to "Control Properties of Paid Initiative". This capability will allow you to save time based on your use case such as applying Strategy Groups to campaigns having a particular ad objective.

Strategy Group ID

Applying Strategy Group via Rule Engine

Strategy Groups | Permission Updates in Strategy Groups

To provide granular control over your Strategy Groups, we have now updated the existing Strategy Group permissions. The updated permissions are the following:

  • View - Allows users to apply Strategy Groups to various entities.

  • Create All - Allows users to create Strategy Groups using either/all of the optimizations in Ads Manager and Ads Composer.

  • Create Pacing Control - Allows users to create a Strategy Group with Pacing Control optimization.

  • Create Stop Loss - Allows users to create a Strategy Group with Stop Loss optimization.

  • Create Smart Budget Allocation - Allows users to create a Strategy Group with Smart Budget optimization.

  • Create Smart Bidding - Allows users to create a Strategy Group with Smart Bidding optimization.

  • Create Ad Rotation - Allows users to create a Strategy Group with Ad Rotation optimization.

For example, if you have the Create Pacing Control permission:

  • You can use Pacing Control optimization while creating a Strategy Group.

  • You can Clone/Edit Strategy Groups when Pacing Control is the applied optimization on your entities.


If you only have Strategy Group Reporting enabled, then the Allow Pausing of Campaign when any of the Spend Limits are reached option within Pacing Control will be disabled.

Updated Strategy Groups Permissions

Strategy Groups | Use Strategy Group within Boost Post/Auto Boost Post/1 Click Ad Buy/Paid Rule Engine Workflows

To provide you with better control over pacing and better performance of your campaign, you can now use the Strategy Group capability within Boost Post, 1 Click Ad Buy, Auto Boost Rules, and Paid Rule Engine workflows. The key features are the following:


You cannot select a Strategy Group having Pacing Control and Budget Source optimizations together for Boost PostAuto Boost Rules, and 1 Click Ad Buys.


You will have an option to select Pacing Control while boosting posts from the Engagement Dashboard. You will also have an option to select Pacing Control in Quick Publish via the Boost Post workflow.

Select Strategy Group in Boost Post workflow
Select Strategy Group in Quick Ad Publish workflow

You will have the ability to use Pacing Control optimization while creating a new Campaign using Auto Boost Rules.

Select Strategy Group in Auto Boost Rules
  • You will be able to select Strategy Groups while creating 1 Click Ad Buys.

  • You will have the Strategy Group selection field when you use Set a budget for the user and Allow users to set the budget options to create your 1 Click Ad Buys.

  • Also, the Preset Budget Source option will be replaced with Preset Budget Source or Strategy Group along with a Strategy Group selection field in the 1 Click Ad Buy configuration workflow.

  • Note that you can apply a Strategy Group having Pacing Control and Budget Source only during the campaign publishing stage.

Select Strategy Group in 1 Click Ad Buy

You will have the ability to select Strategy Group name(s) as a Paid Rule condition. This will allow you to ensure that the correct Strategy Group has been applied to your entities.

Select Strategy Group in Paid Rules

Strategy Groups | Removed Daily Budget Limit Validation in Pacing Control

We have now removed the Daily Budget limit validation from Strategy Groups Pacing Control (applicable for Custom Durations as well). This will allow you to change the Daily Budget limit even if the spend is greater than the set budget limit. This will ensure that the budget is being spent based on prevailing conditions.

Strategy Groups | Create Strategy Groups for Google Campaigns

You now have the ability to create Strategy Groups for Google ad campaigns. This capability will help you to easily monitor Google campaign pacing and control budgets without the need to manually track spend. Strategy Groups for Google ad campaigns can only be created for Pacing Control optimization.


  • The Pausing of Campaign when Spend Limit is reached option of Pacing Control is not supported for Google Ads.

  • Additionally, Reporting-only partners can also leverage Pacing Insights via Strategy Groups.

  • Strategy Groups created using All Channels can also be applied to Google Ads.

Create Strategy Groups for Google Ads


Optimizations | Deprecated Budget Sources and Pacing Groups

We have deprecated Budget Sources and Pacing Groups as standalone capabilities in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads). You will no longer be able to create, edit, or apply Pacing Groups and Budget Sources to new campaigns. Using Strategy Groups in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), you have the ability to leverage Pacing Control that fulfills both the functions of easily monitoring campaign pacing and controlling budgets without the need to manually track spend.

In light of this deprecation, you will find the below changes in the platform:

  • Add New, Edit, Clone, and Delete options are disabled for both capabilities.

  • In Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Bulk Import, we have removed support for selecting Budget Source and Pacing Groups.

  • On campaigns where  Budget Source or Pacing Groups are already applied, you will be able to make edits to these fields.

  • Budget Source and Pacing Group metrics and dimensions will be appended with Deprecated to their names.

  • We have removed the Pacing Group standard column configuration from Ads Manager.

We have also removed Budget Source and Pacing Groups from 1 Click Ad Buy, Boost Post, Auto Boost Rules, and Rule Engine workflows.


  • All existing Pacing Groups and Budget Sources will continue to work as expected until March 31st, 2021.

  • Reporting Insights for existing Pacing Groups and Budget Sources will continue to remain available for the foreseeable future.

Budget Source Deprecation
Pacing Groups Deprecation

Lead Forms

Lead Forms | Ability to Create and Manage Facebook Lead Forms

You can now create and manage your Facebook Lead Forms within Sprinklr. Lead Forms allow you to capture details from customers while offering opportunities to connect, such as newsletter subscriptions, demo requests, or contest registration. This will allow you to customize your Lead Forms based on the Facebook Lead Generation campaigns within a unified workflow. You will also have a preview of the form before using it in your campaigns.

Facebook Lead Forms is currently supported in limited availability. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Facebook Lead Forms Creation

Stat Imports

Stat Imports Template | Ability to select Currency for a Template

While creating a new tracking template, you can now select a Currency in which you want the cost or spend values in your stats import file to be considered. The data will be mapped to the selected currency if no currency symbol is mentioned in the file. This will allow you to easily perform reporting of your cost and spend metrics based on currency. In Ads Reporting, the currency value will be auto-converted to the Ad Account currency for consistent reporting.


  • If you edit an existing template and select a currency, then Sprinklr will map the currency to your data starting from the latest file upload. It will not work for historical data.

  • The table below states the different behaviors of the Currency capability:

Currency in Tracking Template
Currency in Import File



Data will be mapped to the file currency.



Data will be mapped to the currency selected in the tracking template.



Data will be mapped to the currency selected in the tracking template.



Data will only be stored as a value. The currency conversion will not work on these values as the base currency will be unknown.

Select Currency in Stats Import Template

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to Breakdown Data by Ad Creative Format

You can now breakdown your reporting insights based on the different creative formats being used in your ads using the Ad Creative Format Type dimension. This will allow you to easily identify the best-performing ad creatives based on their creative format or customization type and view reporting insights of creative formats such as Placement Asset Customization (PAC), Dynamic Creative, Twitter Cards, etc. You can also filter your reporting data using this dimension. Additionally, we will also provide a predictive text suggestion to add the Ad Creative Format Type dimension to your widget based on your search for dimension values such as PAC, Twitter Website Card, etc.

Ad Creative Format Type dimension

Ads Reporting | Ability to Convert Pixel Conversion Metric Values in Multiple Currencies for Non-Facebook Channels

On applying a Currency filter to your reporting dashboard, you can now view the converted Pixel-based Conversion metric values (Pinterest Total Conversions Value, Snapchat Conversion Purchases Value, etc.) for all social channels (Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and Google) in addition to Facebook. Previously, you could only view the Pixel Conversion reporting data for non-Facebook channels based on their Account currency. This enhancement will now allow you to aggregate performances across multiple accounts having different currencies by simply applying the Currency filter.

Pixel Conversion Values Currency Aggregation

Ads Reporting | Ability to Fetch the Final URL Suffix Parameters for Google Ad Destination URLs

You can now use the Google Final URL Suffix dimension in Ads Reporting to pull in the URL parameters that are attached to the end of your landing page URL of your Google Ads. In Google Ads, the Final URL Suffix allows you to track information about where people go after they click your ad. Using this dimension, you can report on the Google Ad performance based on the tracking parameters appended to destination URLs.

Ads Reporting | Support for Pinterest Paid and Earned Outbound Clicks Metrics

You can now use the following Outbound Clicks metrics to view reporting insights for your Pinterest Ads and Organic content:

  • Pinterest Paid Outbound Clicks - Total Paid Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest.

  • Pinterest Earned Outbound Clicks - Total Earned Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest.

  • Pinterest Outbound Clicks - Total Paid and Earned Click actions on your pin that takes a Pinner to a destination off Pinterest.

This will provide you with greater granularity over the performance of your Ads and Organic Pins with a unified view for consistency and additional clarity. These metrics will also be available for use within Ads Manager, Rule Engine, Smart Budget, and Ads Benchmarks.

Pinterest Paid and Earned Outbound Click metrics

Ads Reporting | Support for LinkedIn Daily Reach Metric

You can now view the reporting insights for LinkedIn Daily Reach in Ads Reporting. This will allow you to access a comprehensive reporting widget summarizing the total daily reach obtained by your ad so far. The Daily Reach metric for LinkedIn is supported across the Campaign, Ad Set, Ad Variant, and Account entity levels. You can also have a date-wise breakdown of your daily reach report.

LinkedIn Daily Reach metric

Ads Reporting | Support for Instagram Paid and Owned Report

You can now view the Unified Analytics Report of your Instagram Paid and Organic Posts within Ads Reporting. This will help you measure your boosting efforts across organic and paid Instagram posts in a more unified way within a single widget. You will also have an enhanced Global Paid Organic Standard dashboard that includes Instagram Unified Reporting.

This capability will not be available automatically in your environment and has to be enabled by a configuration. Kindly reach out to Support for enabling this capability.


API support for this feature was made available by Facebook only from October 2020, and therefore, only the Instagram Posts published on and after October 2020 will support both organic and paid data in Unified Analytics.

Support for Instagram Paid and Owned Report

Ads Reporting | User Permission Suggestion for Filtering Unpermissioned Ad Accounts

While filtering your Ads Reporting Dashboard or Widgets using the Account filter, if you do not have the appropriate Ad Account level access, you will now receive the below suggestion so that you can take the necessary steps to view the reporting insights.

Unfortunately, you do not have Account-level permissions to view reporting data for the following ad accounts: Ad account XXX. Please exclude these accounts from the filter settings (or) reach out to your System Administrator to provide reporting access for such accounts.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Suggestion for Unpermissioned User Ad Account

Ads Reporting | Ability to Report on Average Bid for a Campaign

You can now view insights on the average of all bid changes that occurred in a day using the Average Bid metric. This will allow you to track the average bid for the lifetime of your Campaign with dimensions such as Time of Day, Daily (date) Aggregation, Weekly Aggregation, Monthly Aggregation, and Quarterly Aggregation. You can also use this metric within Ads Manager and Ads Manager Pivot.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Average Bid Dimension

Ads Reporting | View URL Hyperlinks in Table Chart Cells

You will now see the URL insights fetched in your Table Chart widget as hyperlinks within Ads Reporting. Clicking these URLs will redirect you to the related posts, websites, and pages with a single click.

Showcasing URL Hyperlink Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Ability to Include Data Points with No Value in Widgets

You can now enhance the accuracy of the Trend widgets by including data-points with records having no-values as zero-valued points. For this, select Include Data Points with No Value in the widget configuration which would then show no-value records as well in your widget for the selected time period. These values will be skipped if you do not select this configuration.

Ads Reporting Widgets

Ads Reporting | Ability to View All Data Points on Y and X Axes in Advanced Exports

Previously, when you performed an advanced export of your reporting widgets with a range slider on either the Y or X-axis in PNG, PPT, or PDF formats, the exports rendered the dashboard at a dashboard width to fit the page. Hence, for many widgets, the months or timelines (in the X-Axis) would appear cut off and replaced by a scroll bar at the bottom.

You can now configure your Widget View in Export to ensure that all the data points fit in the exported file and provide an uninterrupted view of the available data. While setting your widget view, you can either export your file in the Default View that displays data points on the Y/X axis in the current view, or in Expanded View that displays all the data points on the Y/X axis in an expanded view.

Setting Widget View via Advanced Export

Ads Reporting | Generate Dynamic Presentations with Ads Reporting Data

You can now generate dynamic Presentations with your Ads Reporting data and keep that data updated in real-time. This capability will allow you to consolidate reports across departments and make sure that the data reported is relevant and accurate. It empowers you to tell a story with your reporting insights and quickly design a scalable on-brand presentation. You can also enable animation effects on various components of your presentations including your slides and widgets/charts.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Generating Presentations Using Ads Reporting Data

Ads Reporting | Ability to Filter Widgets Using Decimal Values

You can now use decimal-based values to filter your widgets within Ads Reporting. This will provide a more flexible filtering experience to view your reporting insights. You can use decimal-based values up to any digits for all metric filters across the operators — greater than, greater than or equals, lesser than, lesser than or equals, and equals.

Filter Widgets with Decimal Based Values

Ads Reporting | Enhanced Strategy Group Filters in Widget Editor

You can now use the Strategy Group and Strategy Group Optimization filters within Ads Reporting to filter your ad entities for an orderly execution of your desired tasks. You can also use these across Ads Manager and Ads Pivot as dimensions/filters.

Characteristics of the Strategy Group Reporting filters are given below:

  • The Strategy Group filter will filter the ad entities that are currently tagged with Strategy Groups.

  • You can now view the following without having to add the Strategy Group filter:

    • Pacing Insights for multiple Strategy Groups in one widget.

    • Campaign and Campaign level Pacing metrics.

  • The Strategy Group Optimization filter will filter the ad entities based on the applied Strategy Group optimization(s). For example, Strategy Group Optimization containing Smart Bidding will filter ad entities having Smart Bidding Strategy Group applied.

Additionally, you can use the Strategy Group: Based on Applied Time filter to view data for the durations when Strategy Group was applied on a specific Campaign. This filter comes with a lot of validations and should be used only when relevant.

Enhanced Strategy Group Filters
Enhanced Strategy Groups Filter

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Pinterest Catalog Sales Reporting Insights

You can now view reporting insights for your Pinterest Catalog Sales campaigns in Ads Reporting. This will allow you to report on data such as Spent, Impressions, Pinterest Total View Signup, Pinterest Add To Cart Quantity (View Through), Pinterest Engagement, etc. for your Pinterest Catalog Sales campaigns that were launched natively. You can also view these insights within Ads Manager.

Viewing Pinterest Catalog Sales in Reporting Insights

Ads Reporting | Exposed New TikTok Reporting Metrics

You can now use several new metrics available for viewing TikTok reporting insights. This will allow you to track and monitor the performance of your TikTok Ads with new metric data. For example, using the newly exposed TikTok Video Views play percentage metrics, you can track the number of times your video was played at 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of its length.

Click to view the additional metrics along with their definitions.

Total Cost

The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad during its schedule.


The average amount of money you've spent on a click.


The average amount of money you've spent per 1,000 impressions.


The number of times your ads were on screen.


The number of clicks on your ads.

CTR (%)

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click.


The number of unique users who saw your ads at least once. This metric is estimated.


The number of times your ad achieved an outcome based on the objective and settings you selected. (The total count is based on when you were billed)

Conversions (by conv. time)

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the objective and settings you selected. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)


The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the results. (The total count is based on when you were billed)

Cost Per Result

The average cost for each result from your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the cost per result. (The total count is based on when you were billed)


The average number of times each person saw your ad.

2-Second Video Views

The number of times your video played for at least 2 seconds. Replays will not be counted.

6-Second Video Views

The number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 100%

The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 75%

The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 50%

The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 25%

The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views

The number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted.

Video Average Watch Time Per Video View

The average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video.

Video Average Watch Time Per Person

The average time your video was played per person, including any time spent replaying the video. This metric is estimated.

Registration (Total No.)

Registration (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)"

Purchase (Total No.)

Purchase (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Purchase Value

Total Purchase Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Add to Cart (Total No.)

Add to Cart (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Add to Cart Value

Total Add to Cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Checkout (Total No.)

Checkout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Checkout Value

Total Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Content View (Total No.)

View Content (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

User Registration

The number of User Registration events.

Product Details Page Browse

The number of Product Details Page Browse events.

Add to Cart

The number of Add to Cart events.

Place an Order

The number of Place an Order events.

Complete Payment

The number of Complete Payment events.


Ads Reporting | Ability to Search for Metrics by Abbreviations

You can now instantly find the metrics you are looking for by simply searching them using their abbreviations in the Widget Editor. For example, if you are looking for a Click Through Rate metric, you can simply search using the CTR abbreviation, and all the relevant metrics containing Click Through Rate will be displayed. This enhancement provides you with an intelligent version of the metric search functionality. The same is also applicable while searching for metrics in Ads Manager and Ads Manager Pivot.

The table below represents the metric abbreviations and their results:


Click Through Rate


Landing Page Conversion Rate


Cost per 1,000 Impressions




Cost per Conversion




Revenue per Conversion


View Through Conversion Rate


Conversion Rate


Click Through Conversion Rate


Link Click Through Rate


Call to Action


Designated Market Area



Ads Reporting Intelligent Search

Ads Reporting | Deprecated and Renamed several Pinterest Metrics

We have deprecated the below Pinterest metrics from Ads Reporting. You will only be able to access the historical data for these metrics.

  • Pinterest Close Up

  • Pinterest Earned Close Up

  • Pinterest Paid Close Up

Additionally, we have renamed the below Pinterest click reporting metrics to clarify the names and definitions so as to align with industry standards:

Metric Name
Renamed To
Pinterest Paid Click Through
Pinterest Paid Pin Clicks

Total number of times a pinner has tapped on your Paid Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest.

Pinterest Earned Click Through
Pinterest Earned Pin Clicks

Total number of times a pinner has tapped on your Earned Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest.

Pinterest Click Through
Pinterest Pin Clicks

Total number of times a pinner has tapped on your Pin in-grid, which may lead to content on or off of Pinterest.

The above changes will also reflect within Ads Manager, Rule Engine, Smart Budget Allocation, and Ads Benchmarking.

Pinterest Renamed Metrics

Ads Reporting | Support for Ad Set Level Pacing Control Metrics

Now, Ad Set level Pacing Control metrics are supported to maintain parity with the Pacing Group metrics. This will help you monitor your spend efficiently throughout the campaign duration.

Ad Set Pacing Control Metrics Parity with Pacing Group Metrics

Ads Reporting | Support for Ad Entity ID Filters at Dashboard Level

You now have the ability to filter your reporting dashboards using the Paid Initiative, Ad Set, or Ad Variant Id and Paid Initiative, Ad Set, or Ad Variant Channel Id filters. This will allow you to filter down your reporting insights based on the Sprinklr and Channel Id directly from your reporting dashboards.

Ad Entity ID Filters in Reporting Dashboard

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Reporting Insights for Nextdoor Ads

You can now view reporting insights for your Nextdoor Ads in Sprinklr Ads Reporting. Nextdoor is a social channel that lets local residents and neighborhoods connect and converse about their communities. Analyzing reporting insights for your Nextdoor Ads allows you to track and monitor the performance of your Ads across the social platform.

View Reporting Insights for Nextdoor Ads

Ads Reporting | Support for Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) in Currency Filters

You can now filter out your Spent and Cost Per metrics data in your Ads Reporting dashboards based on the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) currency. This will allow you to view your spend data across multiple Ad Accounts that are using the Malaysian currency.

Support for Malaysian Ringgit Currency in Currency Filters

Ads Reporting | Ability to View Image URL, Video URL, and/or Video Thumbnail URL in Reporting Exports

While performing an Excel export of your Ads Reporting widget, you can now view the Image URL, Video URL, and Video Thumbnail URL data within your reporting export files. You can also view these data while performing an external share of the reporting dashboard. This capability will help you to import your posts into your internal system efficiently.

Support for Image URL, Video URL, and Video Thumbnail URL in Reporting Exports

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Automatically Set Default Objective and Placements on Boosting Instagram Posts

While boosting an Instagram Post using Auto Boost Rules and creating a new Ad, the Instagram post will automatically be boosted on Instagram Feeds and Stories with Post Engagement set as the objective by default. This will help in automating the Auto Boost rule configuration and provide flexibility to boost only to the required placements.

Rule Engine | Copy Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Campaign and Ad Set level Custom Fields

While configuring a Paid Rule, you can now define the following actions to copy the Ad Variant custom field values to the Campaign and Ad Set level custom fields:

Control Properties of Paid Initiatives
Control Properties of Ad Sets
  • Custom Properties (Paid Initiative)

    • Ad Variant

  • Custom Properties (Ad Set)

    • Ad Variant

This will allow you to save time from manually tagging custom fields for your Campaigns and Ad Sets.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Copying Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Campaign and Ad Set level Custom Fields

Rule Engine | Support for Reverse Application of Naming Conventions Using Paid Rules

You can now reverse the application of Naming Conventions for your Campaign, Ad Set, and/or Ad Variant via Paid Rules and update your custom fields. This will map elements of the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Variant name to the corresponding custom fields in the selected naming convention. The following rule actions will allow you to define your reverse naming convention:

Control Properties of Paid Initiatives
Control Properties of Ad Sets
Control Properties of Ad Variants

Map Paid Initiative Custom Fields

Map Ad Set Custom Fields

Map Ad Variant Custom Fields

This capability reduces your average workflow duration by eliminating the need to manually fill out the custom fields after every ad creation workflow.

Reverse Naming Convention

Segment Manager

Segment Manager | Create Custom Audience from User Profiles and Exclude Detractors

You can now automatically exclude detractors from your target audience and activate Profile Lists based on user interactions as custom audiences. This will allow you to reach the right audience for your Facebook and Twitter ad campaigns based on user profiles.


Integrations | AppsFlyer Cohort API integration

Sprinklr has now integrated the AppsFlyer Cohorts API to provide advertisers with a programmatic way to fetch cohort data within Sprinklr. The cohort data helps advertisers track users and analyze how their behavior changes over time. AppsFlyer Cohorts API integration derives insights such as the number of targeted users who completed a purchase with a shopping app that ran a retargeting campaign across multiple English-speaking countries.

AppsFlyer Cohorts API Integrations with Sprinklr