Sprinklr Release v16.4.0 - March/April New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area: Production Dashboards | Reporting | Settings | Rule Engine | Notifications | Segment Manager

Production Dashboards

Production Dashboards | Ability to View Scheduled Date in Local Timezone 

While in-line editing the scheduled dates for Outbound Messages within the Production Dashboards, you will now be able to view them in Local Timezone. This capability will enable you to plan content as per your availability. Additionally, you can also switch to a different timezone of your preference while in-line editing.

Viewing Scheduled Date in Local Timezone


Reporting | Support for Parent Message as a Group By Dimension 

While creating a reporting widget for Outbound Messages within Reporting, you will now be able to set Parent Message as a Group By dimension. This will enable you to view all variants of a particular parent message at one place, saving your time and effort.


Grouping can be done only with two dimension. The option will not be available if you have added more than two dimensions while creating the widget.

Grouping by Parent Message Dimension

Reporting | Support for Unique Message Name Count as a Metric 

While creating widgets for Outbound Messages within Reporting, you will now be able to use Unique Message Name Count as a Metric. The count for message name will show 1 even if there are 3 scheduled/published posts for that message name. 

For example, if you have 5 messages with the name EVOLTOBOR under different statuses, then the message count in the reporting widget will be 1. 

nique Message Name Count for Outbound Messages


Settings | Enhanced Functionality for Editorial Calendar’s Edit Permission

The Edit permission for Editorial Calendar has been updated. With the enablement of this new capability:

  • The user with the Edit permission will be able to edit all Editorial Calendar Boards.

  • The user without the Edit permission will be able to edit only its own Editorial Calendar Boards.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support for Workspace as a Condition in Task Rules

While creating Task Rules, Task Update Rules, or initiating Task Triggers within the Rule Engine, you will now be able to apply Workspace as a Condition. With this capability enabled, the task rule will trigger depending on which workspace the task belongs to. 

Applying Workspace as a Condition in a Task Rule


Notifications | Support for Export Links of Associated Entities in Task Email Notifications

While viewing Task Email Notifications, you can now access the associated entities as an Export via a link. For example, you will get a link for the Message Export in the Task Email Notification instead of the post or message URL which redirects you to the platform. This will enable you to view and analyze the associated entities content without logging into Sprinklr.  


For an external user who does not have access to Sprinklr, clicking the entity link will download the entity.

Associated Message in Task Email Notifications

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Segment Manager

Segment Manager | Grouped Segment Attributes

We have now grouped all the Attributes, for example, Firehose, Profile List, etc. within Segment Manager. The grouping of attributes will help you to easily navigate to your desired attributes and save time.

Grouped Segment Attributes

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) area: Ads Composer | Ads Manager | Ads Manager Pivot Creative Library | Naming Conventions | Ads Reporting | Rule EngineWeb Analytics

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Exclude Skippable Ads from Facebook Ad Sets

While composing Facebook Ads within Ads Composer, you can now manage your Ad Sets to include or exclude skippable ads using the Exclude Skippable Ads in this Ad Set option. By default, your Ad Sets will include skippable Ads. You can only exclude skippable Ads while manually editing your placements with In-Stream Videos as a Platform Position. This capability is only supported for Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, Post Engagement, Video Views, Lead Generation, Conversions, and Catalog Sales objectives. You can also exclude skippable ads from your Ad Sets via Ads Manager and Ads Pivot.

Exclude Skippable Ads

Ads Composer | Enhanced Parity with Native for Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest Campaigns

We have introduced several Call to Actions, Optimization Goals, and Bidding Strategies across Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest campaigns to maintain parity with native. Following are the channel-wise updates:

Call to Action
Ad Format
Send WhatsApp Message

Brand Awareness, Reach, Engagement, Conversions

Single Image or Video/ Carousel

Play Game


Single Image or Video/ Carousel

Get Offer


Single Image or Video/ Carousel

Ad Format
Attachment/Post Type
Optimize For
Bids (with SKAdNetwork)

App Installs

Snap Ads/Story Ad

App Install

App Purchase



App Installs

Snap Ads/Story Ad

App Install

App Sign Up



App Installs

Snap Ads/Story Ad

App Install

App Add To Cart



Attribution Window




Ads Composer | Conversation Control for Promoted Tweets and Twitter Posts

While building your Twitter ad creatives within Ads Composer, you can now control the conversation settings for Promoted Tweets and Posts and choose who can reply to your tweets. You can set your conversation control to Everyone, People you follow, or Only people you mention so that you can have more meaningful conversations with your customers and avoid unwelcome replies. This capability is also available within the Creative Library, Ads Manager, and Bulk Import.


Currently, this capability is not available on the Twitter Ads platform.

Conversation Settings for Promoted Tweets and Posts

Ads Composer | Ability to Track Snapchat App Id

While composing a Snapchat campaign within Ads Composer or Ads Manager, you can now select a Snap App ID to track and report on app conversions resulting from your ads. App events tracking via Snap App ID unlocks several benefits such as Mobile App Custom Audiences.


  • Make sure that you have authenticated your app in Snapchat’s Business Manager and associated it with the ad account that you’re using.

  • You can also disable the tracking or change the app you have selected after the Ad Set has been published.

Track Snap App Id

Ads Composer | View Title for Pinterest Carousel Posts in Preview

While building a Pinterest Carousel Post within Ads Composer, you can now view the Title for each carousel in the creative preview. This will help you easily recognize your image within the carousel. Note that if the Title is not present, the Description will be shown as the fallback. This update will also reflect across the Creative Library and Ads Manager.

Pinterest Carousel Ad Title Preview in Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Ability to Select Start and End Date Timezone for Pinterest Campaign/Ad Sets

You can now use the Timezone selector to select the desired timezone for your Pinterest Campaign/Ad Sets Start and End Date within Ads Composer. Once you have created the Pinterest campaign, the changes will reflect in the account timezone in Ads Manager. Note that Pinterest always considers the account timezone as UTC.

Pinterest Campaign Timezone selector

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Improved Notification Alerts for Change in Ad Variant Status

We have improved the alert notification for Ad Variant Status Updated to help you track the status updates with ease without having to constantly monitor if the ads have gone live or not. If you have the Ad Variant Status Updated notification enabled in your Notification Preferences, you will receive alerts if an Ad that was pending review was approved or disapproved. You will also receive the ad link in the notification.

Ad Variant Status Alert Notification

Ads Manager | Ability to Bulk Import Twitter Image/Video Carousel Cards

You can now import Twitter Image/Video Carousel Cards in bulk. In the Bulk Import file, you will now have Carousel Card Image # and Carousel Card Video # columns where # ranges from 1-6, and the fields accept Image and Video file names for raw file upload. This capability will help you save time for your advertising efforts by creating your Twitter Carousel Cards in bulk via Creative Library, Twitter Cards Import, and Ads Manager. Additionally, we have introduced the Video column to bulk upload non-carousel video cards.

Ads Manager | View Deleted Status in Sprinklr for Natively Deleted Snapchat Ads 

For all Snapchat Campaigns, Ad Sets, or Ads deleted on the native platform, you can now view the Deleted status in Sprinklr Ads Manager for the corresponding entities. This has been introduced to maintain parity with Snapchat.

Ads Manager | Ability to Bulk Import Facebook Collection Ads

You can now bulk import Collection Ads for Facebook Conversion campaigns. This will speed up your campaign management process and bulk upload data in order to run a large number of Collection Ads.

Ads Manager | Show in Feed option for LinkedIn Ads

You can now directly view your Ads on the LinkedIn Feed from the Ads Manager. Using the Show in Feed option from the Ad Variant Preview of your View and Edit pane, you can view how your content will look like in the LinkedIn feed. This will allow you to directly share or engage with the post using the Show in Feed link.

LinkedIn Show In Feed

Ads Manager | View LinkedIn Channel Rejection Reason in Sprinklr

LinkedIn Ad creatives go through a review process before they can be served. In cases when the Ads are directly rejected by LinkedIn, Sprinklr will now display the channel rejection message in Ads Manager. This will allow agencies without native access to easily determine whether the issue resides within Sprinklr or LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Channel Rejection Reason

Ads Manager Pivot

Ads Manager Pivot | Ability to Change Objective and Ad Account in Ad Builder

While composing a campaign from your Ads Pivot Table, you can now change the Objective and Ad Account for your campaign in the Add to Compose workflow. This will allow you to configure a particular Campaign, Ad Set, and/or Ad combination but push it in a different ad account or push certain creative and audience combinations in a particular campaign but have different ad objectives.

Select Ad Account and Objective in Ad Builder

Creative Library

Creative Library | Ability to Use URL Shortener and Web Analytics for Facebook Collection Ads Post Copy

While building Facebook Collection Ads within the Creative Library, you can now use a URL Shortener for the web links in your post copy. Any link that you have added to the ad body will have the URL Shortener and Web Analytics (if selected) applied. This will help you dynamically track user behavior and actions on your websites using short links. The Web Analytics and URL Shortener will work similarly for Ads that have been cloned. You can also use this capability within Ads Manager and Ads Composer.

URL Shortener for Collection Ads

Creative Library | Extended Existing Capabilities for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest Creatives

We have extended several existing capabilities for building Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest ad creatives within the Creative Library. This will allow teams to operate all content creation through one workflow, as well as increase governance by sending posts through the same approval processes. Following are the channel-wise updates:

  • You can now add Interactive Polling Stickers to your ads within Creative Library for Facebook Traffic, Conversion, App Install, Video Views, Reach, Brand Awareness, and Lead Generation objectives.

  • You will receive a placement validation while using this creative in Ads Composer or Ads Manager.

  • You can now add creatives for Twitter Preroll Views objective within Creative Library.

  • It will only support Video Post Type.

  • You can now enable the Max Width Video option for Pinterest Ads within Creative Library to maximize the width of your video ads.

  • We have also migrated the Max Width Video checkbox from the Advanced Configuration section in Ads Composer to the Creative level.

Add Interactive Poll in Creative Library

Twitter Pre Roll Views Objective in Creative Library

Max Video Width for Pinterest Creative

Creative Library | Create Video Tweets for Twitter Followers and Website Visits Objectives 

You can now create video tweets while building an ad creative for Twitter Followers and Website Visits objectives within the Creative Library. Using the Video Tweet post type, you can add videos to increase audience engagement and make your ads more consumable. You can also create video tweets for Followers and Website Visits campaigns via Ads Composer and Ads Manager.

Video Tweet for Followers and Website Visits Objectives

Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions | Support for Additional Ad Entity Naming Convention Parameters

While creating a Naming Convention, you can now find new parameters exposed for Ad Entity naming conventions given below. This will improve workflow efficiency in Sprinklr and reduce the campaign setup time.

Ad Set
Ad Variant
  • Paid Initiative Channel ID

  • Sprinklr Paid Initiative ID

  • Strategy Group Name

  • Ad Set Channel  ID

  • Sprinklr Ad Set ID

  • Strategy Group Name

  • Ad Variant Channel ID

  • Sprinklr Ad Variant ID

  • Strategy Group Name


  • For Ads in the Draft state, since no Channel ID will be present, Sprinklr will add the <Unpublished Paid Initiative/Ad Set/Ad Variant> placeholder to the name.

  • Once the status changes to ACTIVE from DRAFT, the naming convention will be updated with the Channel ID.

New Naming Convention Parameters

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Support for Instagram Post Permalink Dimension

You can now use the new Instagram Post Permalink dimension in Ads Reporting to view the corresponding Instagram post. This will help you view the exact post published for the Instagram placements. The permalink will redirect you to the Instagram Post where you can view all the comments and likes associated with your post.

Instagram Post Permalink dimension in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Renamed Ad Set Lifetime and Daily Budget Dimensions

We have renamed the following Ad Set Lifetime and Daily Budget dimensions within Ads Reporting to maintain consistency across the Ads platform:

Old Metrics
Renamed Metrics
  • Ad Set Min Daily Budget

  • Ad Set Max Daily Budget

  • Ad Set Min Lifetime Budget

  • Ad Set Max Lifetime Budget

  • Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

  • Ad Set Maximum Daily Budget

  • Ad Set Minimum Lifetime Budget

  • Ad Set Maximum Lifetime Budget

Renamed Ads Reporting Dimensions

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Additional Conditions and Actions in Paid Rules

We have introduced a few additional rule conditions and actions within the Paid Rule Engine to help increase your efficiency by transforming manual processes into automatic actions. Following are the new conditions and actions:

  • You can now use the All Text in Ad condition within Properties of the Ad Variants to tag frequently used Ad Variant custom fields based on keyword lists.

  • For Budget conditions, you can now use the Does Not Equal operator to ensure that all the possibilities of raising and lowering budgets by dates for live campaigns can be covered.

  • You can now automatically tag Ad Set custom fields based on the custom fields tagged at the Audience level using Audience custom fields as the condition and “Custom Properties (Ad Set)” set “Audience” as the action.

Adding Frequently Used Keywords in Your Ads

Web Analytics

Web Analytics | Use Strategy Group Name as a Variable in Paid Web Analytics

While configuring Paid Web Analytics, you can now select Strategy Group Name as a variable for the parameter you would like to track. This will allow you to show the effectiveness of your social media campaigns using tracking strings.

Strategy Group Name Variable in Web Analytics

Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Agent Console | Communities | Sprinklr Live Chat | Case ManagementMessaging | Survey Builder | Rule Engine

Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Enable/Disable Smart Compose at User Level

After getting the Smart Compose capability enabled, the users can enable/disable it at the user level. On the User Details window, switch to the Preferences tab, and slide the toggle next to “Enable Smart Compose" to the right to enable the Smart Compose capability for your user.

Enable Smart Compose

Agent Console | Support to Enable Agent Console Plus (New Version) at User Level

You can now enable the Agent Console Plus at the user level. On the User Details window, switch to the Preferences tab, and slide the toggle next to “Enable Agent Console Plus" to the right to enable it for your user.


If the Agent Console Plus is enabled at the partner level, you can not enable/disable it at the user level. Hence, you will not see the Enable Agent Console Plus toggle under the Preferences tab.

Enable Agent Console Plus at User Level


Community Builder | Support of Image Expansion in a Modal View

On Community Forum, you can now click on the image posted with a post/comment/reply to see the original size of the image in a modal view. You will also be able to download the image.

Click on the image on community to open the image in a modal view

Community Builder | Mark Posts as Escalated

On Community Forum, you can now mark the posts as Escalated and also specify the reason for escalating, for example when you feel the post needs to be addressed urgently.

Users must have the Escalate Post permission to access this feature. To learn more, see Communities - Roles and Permissions.

Escalate Community Post Permission

Escalated Posts will be identified with an indicator appearing in the top right corner of the post.

Escalated Community Post

If a post is escalated, it can be seen within the Custom Properties section of the Case third pane in Agent Console.

Escalated Community Post in Agent Console

Community Builder | Support to Add Images and Videos from Digital Asset Manager

While creating a post on Community Forum, you can now add Images and Videos directly from Digital Asset Manager. Copy the asset link and paste it in the Image/Video Link bar on the community.

Support to Add Images and Videos from Digital Asset Manager in Community Builder

Community Builder | Time Based Configuration to Allow Authors to Edit/Delete Posts/Comments/Replies

Within Community Builder, admins can now enable the Edit and/or Delete Timer and set the time after which authors will not be able to edit/delete their posts/comments/replies on the forum.
However, the users with Edit any Post and Delete Post permissions will still be able to edit/delete their posts. The permissions will supersede the timer.

Time Based Configuration to Allow Authors to Edit/Delete Posts/Comments/Replies in Community Builder

Community Builder | Assign/Remove Profile Ranks from Agent Console

From the Profile third pane of the Agent Console, you can now add and remove the badges/ranks of community users.

Users must have the Community Update Badge and Community Update Rank permissions to access this feature. To learn more, see Care Community Permissions.

Add and remove badges/ranks from the Profile third pane


Community Builder | Support to Track Customers’ Search Terms and Results

You can now track the customers’ search terms and search results displayed for each search phrase or word in Adobe Analytics and create reports to understand what customers are looking for in your community forum. You can use this information to improve your site design or to further improve the search results for your customers. To get it enabled, raise a support ticket at tickets@sprinklr.com with the ADOBE script and Sprinklr will push the search history data.

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Auto Hide Time Stamp in Conversation Screen

Earlier in the Live Chat widget, the grouped messages timestamp was shown permanently at the top of the conversation screen, making it difficult for the users to read messages. Now, the timestamp is re-designed which appears on scrolling and fades out when you stop.

Auto Hide Time Stamp in Conversation Screen of Sprinklr Live Chat Widget

Case Management

Case Management | Rule Action to Stop Processing Clock

By creating a Case Update rule in Rule Engine, you can now stop the processing clock by adding the action Stop Processing clock for user under Actions To "Case User Processing Clock Actions".

Stop the Processing Clock via Rule Engine


Google Business Messaging | Rule Action to Remove Case CSAT Rating from the Case

By creating a Case Update rule in Rule Engine, after copying the Google Business Messaging CSAT survey rating value to a custom field, you can now remove the rating from the case by adding the action Remove Rating under Actions To "Universal Case". The case rating value will remain in the custom field where it is copied.

Removing GBM Case Rating from the Case

Survey Builder

Survey Builder | Support to Send Sprinklr Surveys on Instagram

By creating a rule in the Rule Engine, you will now be able to send Sprinklr Surveys on the Instagram channel, too.

Support to Send Sprinklr Surveys on Instagram


Survey Builder | Send Survey Forms as Permalinks

The Survey Forms can also be sent as permalinks now that can be used recursively by brands by placing on their website like Google Forms or at a store with a QR code which users can scan to fill the survey form. The survey responses filled via scanning QR codes will be recorded as Anonymous. Survey links can be associated with a store name/location for reporting purposes (ex: NPS by store, city, region). To get this capability enabled, raise a support ticket at tickets@sprinklr.com with the desired Survey Form details that you have created in the Survey Builder.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support to Copy Profile Level Channel Custom Properties

By creating an inbound rule in the Rule Engine, you can now set an action under Actions to ‘Copy properties from source to destination’ to copy the values of Profile Level Channel Custom Properties.

Support to Copy Profile Level Channel Custom Properties via Rule Engine

Sprinklr Social Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Social area: New Social Channel | Publisher | Rule Engine | Engagement Dashboards | Asset Manager

New Social Channel 

Channel | Add and Manage Telegram in Sprinklr

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

You can now add Telegram as a channel into Sprinklr and manage it in the same capacity as you do for any social channel. By integrating Telegram accounts into Sprinklr you can extend your brand’s audience and engage with even more users from a single, unified platform.


Channel | Ability to Integrate Khoros Chat in Sprinklr

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

You can now integrate Khoros Chat in Sprinklr. Once Khoros Live Chat has been enabled in your environment, you can't add your Khoros Live Chat account on Sprinklr just like other accounts. Going forward, after the Khoros Live Chat account is added in Sprinklr, you will be able to pull in all your native conversations and reply on the same. In the Engagement Dashboard, Sprinklr offers different column types for Khoros Live Chat that can be added to the dashboard. 



Publisher | Ability to add Alt Text in a LinkedIn Post

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

In a continuous effort to make Sprinklr accessible for differently-abled customers, we have introduced the capability to add Alternate Text (Alt Text) to your Image or GIF for a LinkedIn post.


Publisher | Ability to Create a Native Draft Post for Facebook

You can now create a native draft post for Facebook using the Publisher. These posts in Sprinklr will be referred to as Draft Post. A draft post becomes a draft natively on Facebook, once you publish them from Sprinklr Publisher.


Publisher | Ability to Set a Default Category for a YouTube Account

While publishing a YouTube video, you can now set your category settings as default. To set your category settings as default, please check the Set as Default checkbox within Category. Please keep in mind whenever you set a default category value it will become the default category for that particular YouTube account for all the other users.


Rule Engine 

Rule Engine | Support for Themes as a Condition in Inbound Rules

You can now use Topic Theme and Theme Tags as Inbound Rule conditions in the Rules Engine. Configuring rules based on the themes can assist in smarter routing and more fine-grained control of your message workflow via the Rules Engine. This capability not only optimizes in identifying, tracking, and monitoring negative brand conversation but also detects critical care issues as they emerge and provides timely and tailored care responses. It even alerts key stakeholders of an active crisis so that they can manage and respond to the crisis-related conversation in social and track and help in engaging in positive brand conversation. For Instance, if you want to better categorize the Priority and Spam messages. A Keywords List is restrictive as it only allows for a simple combination of words, whereas a Theme will incorporate nearby words and similar word structures - ultimately leading to improved categorization and therefore a quicker resolution. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Only compatible fields will work.



Engagement Dashboards

Engagement Dashboards | Ability to Close WeChat Conversations 

You now have the capability to close Wechat Conversations on Engagement Dashboards, based on your preferences. This will help you mark conversations or issues that have been properly engaged with or taken care of.


Asset Manager 

Asset Manager | Ability to Create Template Messages for Line

Sprinklr now provides Template Messages that are rendered by LINE. When agents or bots share the Line template message, customers will view the rendered templates via the LINE app. The following type of Line Template messages are available in Sprinklr:

  • Card

  • Confirm

  • Carousel

  • Image Carousel

Governance Console Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Governance Console area: Sandbox 


Sandbox | Ability to Create a Sandbox Report in Analytics

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

In Sprinklr Analytics, you can now create a report for Sandbox using the Sandbox Attributes as metrics & dimensions. In addition, Sandbox reports can be constructed in the Reporting Home, which is designed to allow you to easily create and save custom reports for personal or shared use.