Sprinklr v16.5.0 - Sprinklr Insights Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Insights Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Insights area: Listening | Location Insights | Alert Manager | Benchmarking | Product Insights | Media Insights


Listening | Introducing Podcast, Classified, and IGTV as New Listening Sources

We have added 3 new Listening sources – Podcast and Classified as web sources and IGTV is included as a new Media Type within Instagram. These newly added Listening sources can be selected during Topic Creation and also filters at both dashboard and widget levels.

Listening – Introducing Podcast, Classified, and IGTV as New Listening Sources

Currently, we support 1000+ Podcast sources and 3100+ Classified sources.

Listening | Introducing Language Translation Support in All Reporting Widgets

We now fully support language translation of all reporting widgets to ensure that you can discover and share insights globally. By translating the widget, you and your team can accurately understand the widget information and make more informed decisions. Besides, you can easily collaborate with teams across different geographies by translating reports to multiple languages. Even as you drill down into widgets, we can assure you of full language translation support.

Listening – Introducing Language Translation Support in All Reporting Widgets


Language Translation support is available for all reporting widgets except those widgets that are supported by Benchmarking module.

Sprinklr Insights | Introducing Newsletters to Keep Your Stakeholders Informed

Sprinklr Insights presents Newsletter, a new feature that empowers PR and Communication teams to share top messages and insights with their team members easily. It helps in keeping executives informed of top events happening around your brand, competitors, market, etc., every day and thereby improving executive engagement. The Newsletter feature enables a user to send news and Twitter messages in an interactive and customized newsletter via email.

Modern Research – Introducing Newsletters to Keep Your Stakeholders Informed

The newsletter can be personalized that resonate with the brand colors logo. Styling, fonts, layout, etc, can be changed in the header and footer section using the style editor. Different sections can be built and the messages to be featured can be controlled by applying appropriate filters. Once these newsletters are set up, they can be scheduled to be sent to Sprinklr internal users or to any external emails.

Listening | Introduced Topic Library (Pool of Pre-curated Best Practice Topics)

We have now introduced Topic Library in Sprinklr Insights which is an amalgamation of pre-curated topics of multiple industries catering to their brands, competitors, industry trends, and crisis management. You can easily select the readily available topics from the topic library pertaining to a particular industry, tag them and group them as per your goal and also assign purpose to your topic. This will ensure the creation of quick, rich, and insightful reports, reducing training costs, and will impart broader insights.

Listening – Introduced Topic Library (Pool of Pre-curated Best Practice Topics)

Sprinklr’s topic library is curated from industry-specific, best practice configurations across a wide range of use cases to allow Research analysts & Brand manager personas to create more accurate and comprehensive topics. We have expanded our out-of-the-box libraries to include 2500+ listening topics across 20+ industry verticals.

The Topic Library also equips you with the ability to suggest feedback on queries and topics in the library to further improve the results and maintain best practices over time. Below are the Key Capabilities of Topic Library:

  • 3 Categories: Brand & Competitors, Industry Trends, Crisis Management

  • 4 focus areas: Brand, Executives, Product, Support

  • Enrichment through groups, tags, and custom properties

  • Ability to propose suggestions directly from the platform

  • Uniqueness:  Extensibility to 2500+ verticalized state-of-the-art topics across 20+ industry verticals

Listening | Keyword Suggestion Enhancements in Topic & Theme Query Builder and Keyword List

We have now introduced major AI-driven enhancements in the keyword suggestions for our enhancements in Topic & Theme Query Builder and Keyword List. With this enhancement, the keyword/phrase suggestion will now encompass the multiple variations of the keywords and phrases which are the alteration of verbs, adjectives, and tenses pertaining to the entered keyword or phrase.

For instance, entering the keyword 'eat' will show ate, eaten, eats, etc. as variations, focusing on the specific context of the input keywords rather than a generic context. Similarly, for the phrase 'We are one', the suggestions will include all tense variations such as We were one, we been one, we be one, and so on. This ensures more relevant and yet diversified keyword suggestions to help you achieve enhanced precision in the mentions pulled by your query.

Topic Query Builder
Listening – Keywords Suggestion Enhancements in Topic Query Builder
Keyword List
Listening – Keyword Suggestion Enhancements in Topic & Theme Query Builder and Keyword List 

This enhancement in the variation of keyword suggestions is available for OR and NONE sections of both basic and advanced query builders. Single clicking the keyword in the basic query builder will display the related keywords and all keyword suggestions, whereas in advance query builder double-clicking the keyword or phrase will display the keyword variations. You can then easily select the suggested keyword by clicking on them, and they will be included in your existing query with the OR operator.


  • Variations and related keywords are available only for the English Language.

  • Our AI constantly updates the variations & suggestions based on user feedback. There could be few scenarios where related keywords or variations are not available.

Listening | Revamped Header and List View for Listening Entities 

Listening entities such as Topics, Themes, Keyword Lists, etc., will now have a revamped header and list view.  Sprinklr’s latest hyperspace UI provides you with an intuitive and easy-to-operate header section with bold buttons for a better affordance and sped-up workflow.

Listening – Revamped Header and List View for Listening Entities 

The key enhancements for the header are listed below:

  1. Enhanced Search Function

  2. Infinite Scroll and Complete Bulk Selection

  3. Upgraded Group By

  4. Collapsible Filter

  5. New Manage Column Layout

Listening entities having the enhanced header functionality are:



Content Links

Custom Metrics

Dashboard Manager

Domain List

Filter Visibility Manager


Generating Sources

Instagram Hashtags

Keyword List

Listening Consumption

Target Metrics



Topic Backfill Requests

Topic Templates

Scheduled Exports

Scheduled Reports


Listening | Ability to View Query in Theme List View 

On the home screen of Listening Themes, we have added a new column called Query, which will show you the query used in a particular Listening theme. Besides, you can now search the themes by query in the search bar. And if the searched terms will match the query keywords, this will highlight the cell(s) in the Query field.

Listening – Ability to View Query in Theme List View

Listening | Introduced Theme Library UI Upgrade with Few Intuitive Changes

We have made some UI/UX upgrades to the Theme Library to make the experience more intuitive and better. The Theme Library contains 5000+ readily available themes based on various categories & different industries.

Listening – Introduced Theme Library UI Upgrade with Few Intuitive Changes

Besides the UI upgrade in the Theme Library, we have made the following changes –

  1. We have introduced an option to view the details of the theme tags separately. Clicking on View details will invoke a third pane containing all the queries inside that theme from where users can copy or provide feedback for the query.

  2. Now you can easily switch between categories. Simply scroll down the second pane to switch between categories. However, if you want to switch from one category to another, click the desired category in the first pane.

  3. You can now select the themes directly from the Theme Tag card. 

  4. The Summary pane has been added where you can see the total number of selected themes. 

  5. We have merged the Renaming Matching Themes feature with the review screen of Theme Library. 

  6. On the Search screen, you can filter the search results as per the themes tags or themes. There are 2 tabs, i.e. Theme Tags and Themes. You can switch between these 2 tabs.

Listening | Ability to Use Advanced Operators Independently in Quick Search

In Quick Search (previously known as Listening Explorer), you can now use these 4 advanced operators without requiring a Keyword Query in conjunction –

  1. author (to search author of the message)

  2. title (to search title of the message)

  3. url (to search for mentions from the entered url)

  4. site (to search for mentions from the entered site)

Listening | Added New Column 'Description' in Topic List View and Theme List View

We have added a new field 'Description' as a column in the Topic List View and Theme List View. The search functionality will remain the same. For example, if the searched keyword matches the description, the specific cell within the Description column will be highlighted. Besides, this newly added Description column will be available in Topic/Themes Import and Export templates.

Topic List View
Listening – Added new column "Description" in the Topic List View
Theme List View
Listening – Added New Column "Description" in the Theme List View

Listening | Introduced 'Dual Axis Multiple Metrics' Widget in Listening and Listening Explorer Dashboards

We have added the Dual Axis Multiple Metrics widget in the Listening and Quick Search (previously known as Listening Explorer) dashboards. This newly added widget will allow users to add multiple metrics (max 4) in a Dual Axis chart. As a result, you can now avoid creating multiple Dual Axis widgets for similar views/representations. Instead, you can simply use the Dual Axis Multiple Metrics widget that supports up to 4 metrics under Y-Axis.

Listening – Introduced "Dual Axis Multiple Metrics" Widget in Listening and Listening Explorer Dashboards

Listening | Support for Pivot Table Widget Visualization

We have now enabled support to add a Pivot Table widget within the Listening and Benchmarking dashboards. This will allow you to create advanced pivot reports in a Reporting Dashboard by introducing a pivot widget so that you do not have to export and analyze reports using excel. You can plot multiple dimensions and metrics at different levels. You can further customize your report using various filters at the dashboard level as well as widget level.

Listening – Support for Pivot Table Widget Visualization

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Listening | Ability to View Volume of Backfill Mention at Workspace Level

In the Listening Consumption dashboard, we have added a new column for Backfill Mention Count in the Consumption by Workspace widget. As a result, you will now be able to view the volume of live mention and backfill mention at the workspace level. 

Listening – Ability to View Volume of Backfill Mention at Workspace Level


If a message matching two active topics belonging to the same workspace is grabbed, then the message will count as a single message in the Consumption By Workspace widget.

Listening | Bucketization of Listening Metrics & Dimensions for Simplified Selection

In order to make it easy for users to select a metric or dimension, we have organized all the Listening metrics and dimensions into their specific category, i.e. Metric Type or Dimension Type. When you will search for any specific metric or dimension, it will now be shown along with its type (a category the metric or dimension lies in) in the search results.

Listening | Ability to Discover, Navigate, and Edit Topics/Themes/Keyword Lists Directly via Dashboards (Locked/Unlocked)

By using the hover-over capability, you can now view details of Topics, Themes, and Keyword Lists directly from the dashboard filters without entering the Edit mode. Even if the Filter is locked, hovering over it will show you the dropdown with selected filters. The main purpose of introducing this capability is to prevent you from entering the Edit mode again and again just to view the queries empowering Topics, Themes, and Keyword Lists. Besides, in the View mode, you can also edit the queries on the go and make the data more in line with the required analysis/reporting.

Listening – Ability to Discover, Navigate, and Edit Topics/Themes/Keyword Lists Directly via Dashboards (Locked/Unlocked)

Listening | Introducing Permalink Support for Print Articles Pulled in Listening Mentions

We have now introduced permalink support for the Print articles in Sprinklr Insights. With this enhancement, users can now click the permalink (date in conversation stream) and navigate to the hosted URL of the print article.

Listening | Introducing New Moz Metric 'Domain Authority'

In Listening metrics, we have added a new Moz metric called 'Domain Authority'. It is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). A Domain Authority score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.

The metric Domain Authority (DA) is calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking root domains and the number of total links, into a single DA score. This score can then be used when comparing websites or tracking the 'ranking strength' of a website over time. Domain Authority is not a metric used by Google in determining search rankings and does not affect the SERPs.


Sprinklr recommends using Domain Authority in place of Moz Rank as Domain Authority is more accurate and updated frequently. Moz Rank is currently under maintenance by Moz.

Listening | Ability to Edit Widget Names Directly from Dashboards

You can now edit the widget names directly from the dashboards without going to the Edit Widget screen. To edit the widget name, double-click the widget name, type the desired name for your widget, and then hit Enter. 

Editing the widget name from the dashboard

Listening | Alexa Reach and Alexa Page Views Calculation Logic Updates

As per the new calculation logic updates that we have made in the Alexa Reach and Alexa Page View Listening metrics, you will now get the exact values sent by the Alexa team as is, without any modifications. For more information, see – Reach Metrics for Listening.

Besides, we have also updated the descriptions of the below Listening metrics –

  1. Alexa Rank: Alexa Rank is a relative measure of global popularity based on unique visitor and pageviews metrics from the past 3 months.

  2. Alexa Reach: Alexa Reach implies 'out of a million global internet users, how many visited this site (during the specified time range)'?.

  3. Alexa Page Views: Alexa Page Views implies 'out of a million page views made by the Alexa traffic sample (during the specified time range), how many were on this site?'. Note that the page views are not unique.

Listening | Added 'Search Highlight' along with New Dashboard Switcher Functionalities

Within the Drop-down menu of any reporting dashboard, we have added the following functionalities to enhance the user experience – 

  1. Now, whatever keyword you will search in the search bar of the drop-down menu, will be highlighted in the search results. For example, if you search data in the search bar, all the dashboards containing the keyword data in their names and/or as tags will be shown in the search results and the entered keyword will be highlighted in all the results.
    Listening – Added Search Highlight Functionality in Dashboard Drop Down Menu

  2. Now, the dashboard switcher will remember the group that you expand within the dashboard dropdown menu. So, when you open the drop-down menu next time, the list will show the group expanded in the same state as you left earlier.

  3. The dashboard will also remember the previously opened sub-pane, and when you open the drop-down menu next time, you will see the sub-pane you opened previously instead of the menu items. To go back to menu items, you need to click the back icon.

Listening | Gender Categorization Enhancement

We have made some gender categorization enhancements to the Sprinklr platform. As a result, now gender will be identified for more posts, on both Quick Search and downloaded queries. Besides, the accuracy rate of the identified genders has been improved.

Location Insights

Location Insights | Introducing Cluster Map Widget to Enhance Map Visualization

We have introduced the Cluster Map widget on the Location Insights dashboard that will show you a geographical view of all the locations for a brand over the world map. Below are the key features of this newly added widget – 

  1. You can now track the performance of your brand from country to neighborhood level.

  2. You can view locations from different performance lenses, and gain actionable insights with AI assistance quickly.

  3.  You can make faster decisions on how to improve certain locations with the ability to drill down at multiple zoom levels.


With the help of the Cluster Map widget, you can now take a glance at all the locations, get relevant insights, and drill down on multiple parameters.

Location Insights | Ability to Edit and Delete Insights from Third Pane

In Location Insights, you can now edit and delete insights from the third-pane of the message. This capability allows you to validate NLP model predictions at the message level that is taken as feedback for Location Insights model improvements. You can access the third pane from the Reviews tab of the Location Insights dashboard as well as from Conversation Stream.

Edit Insight
Editing the location insight
Delete Insight
Deleting the Location insight


This capability is governed by user permissions, therefore, only the users with appropriate permissions can edit or delete insights. For more information, see Location Insights Roles and Permissions.

Location Insights | Simplified Bulk Import/Export of Business Locations

We have aligned the bulk import/export of business locations from the Location screen with the configurator format. The Import template will now have separate columns for each source URL, account name, and custom fields for easy upload of business locations.

Location Insights – Simplified Bulk Import/Export of Business Locations

Location Insights | Ability to Fetch and Test Location Insights in Sandbox

Location Insights is now supported in Sandbox. As a result, you can now create and test LI configurations without altering the live environment. You can test location data, NLP enrichments, and account authentication before it goes live in the environment.

Alert Manager

Alert Manager | Added New Conditions 'Mentions' and 'Alert Severity Increase' in Refine Alerts for Listening Module

In Alert Manager, we have added 2 new conditions in Refine Alerts for Listening Module – Mentions and Alert Severity Increase.

  1. Mentions: You can now subscribe to alert notifications as per the mentions counts. If the mentions of a particular dimension exceed the entered value, an alert will be triggered. Mentions is also available as a filter in the Rule Engine conditions for Automatic Alerts.

  2. Alert Severity Increase: You can set Alert Severity Increase as True in order to get alerts only when the severity level is higher than the previously received alert.

Alert Manager – Added New Condition "Mentions" in Refine Alerts for Listening Module
Alert Severity Increase
Alert Manager – Added New Condition "Alert Severity Increase" in Refine Alerts for Listening Module


Both these newly added will work for all Smart Alert types except Engagement Alert.

Alert Manager | Introduced Audit Feature to View Recipient Changes in Smart Alerts

We have now added support for the audit of each alert created in the Alert Manager. This helps admins analyze the changes made in individual alerts like removal of a user from subscription, changes in dimension/post filter configuration, etc. This will help in maintaining and updating the alerts as per organizational changes.

Alert Manager – Introduced Audit Feature to View Recipient Changes in Smart Alerts

Alert Manager | Added Support for Custom Fields in Location Insights and Product Insights

In Alert Manager, we now support custom fields for Location Insights and Product Insights modules. The custom fields for LI and PI modules have been added to the list of dimensions required to create an alert.


Text custom fields are not supported.


Benchmarking | Introducing AI-Based Dimensions In Benchmarking for Lead Generation

We have now introduced a new dimension in benchmarking named Fan Message Category. Utilizing Sprinklr’s AI a fan message can now be categorized as a – complaint, complimentinquiry, lead, and others. These dimensions are now available at widget level, engagement columns & rule engine.

Benchmarking – Introducing AI-Based Dimensions In Benchmarking for Lead Generation


Currently, this feature is available in the prod environment and only on live data.

Benchmarking | Ability to Use AI-Based Dimension to Analyze Fan Engagements

In Benchmarking, we have added a new dimension – Is fan message engaging. It detects the fan messages worth engaging with, in terms of Engageable and Non-Engageable with the help of Sprinklr's robust AI algorithms. This dimension is available at widget level, engagement columns, and rule engine.

Benchmarking – Ability to Use AI-Based Dimension to Analyze Fan Engagements


Currently, this feature is available in the prod environment and only on live data.

Benchmarking | Revamped Headers for Scheduled Exports & Custom Metric

Scheduled Exports and Custom Metric in Benchmarking will now have a revamped headers and list view. Sprinklr's latest hyperspace UI provides you with an intuitive and easy-to-operate header section with bold buttons for a better affordance and sped-up workflow. The key enhancements for the header are listed below:

  • Enhanced Search Function

  • Infinite Scroll and Complete Bulk Selection

  • Upgraded Group By

  • Collapsible Filter

  • Ability to save filtered view

  • New Manage Column Layout

Benchmarking – Revamped Headers for Scheduled Exports & Custom Metric

Product Insights

Product Insights | Ability to Add Product Insights Manually from Conversation Stream Widget

Sprinklr now allows you to add product insights manually besides editing or deleting the already predicted insights. This can be done directly via the third pane of the Conversation Stream widget. This feature is extremely useful when you find that insight is being missed or not predicted by the AI Model.

Adding New Insight from the third pane of Conversation Stream

Product Insights | Ability to Fetch and Test Location Insights in Sandbox

Product Insights is now supported in Sandbox. As a result, you can now create and test PI configurations without altering the live environment. You can test product data, NLP enrichments, and account authentication before it goes live in the environment.

Media Insights

Media Insights | Introducing Keyword List Operator in Story Query Creation

We have now introduced the Keyword List operator in the story query of Media Insights. While creating a story query, now you will have the option to choose the keyword list operators:

  • Keyword_ List_OR

  • Keyword_ List_And

Media Insights – Introducing Keyword List Operator in Story Query Creation

In addition, Operator suggestions, keyword suggestions, and error highlighting are available within Story Queries, similar to Listening Topics/Themes.

Media Insights | Media Insights Section Enabled in Third Pane

A section for Media Insights in the third pane has now been introduced where the below two functionalities are available:

  • Now the Individual messages can be marked with custom tags and tags can be utilized for custom reporting.

  • The Story Card that the message is linked to is now available in the third pane to enable further drill-down of a news article.

Media Insights | Media Insights Section Enabled in Third Pane

Media Insights | Enhanced Character Limit for Story Card Summary

To enhance the quality of the summary for the story card, and make it more usable, we have now increased the number of lines to 3 and the character limit to 120 characters. This will ensure that the characters from 16 languages – French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese-simplified, Chinese-traditional, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Turkish and Thai match the clarity of English characters in the story card summary.

Media Insights | Support for Alternative Display Names for Story Queries

Story Queries can be now displayed with an Alternative Display Name which is used in the dashboards and exports. In the story query creation form, you will be provided with an option to enter the alternative display name of your story query.

Media Insights – Support for Alternative Display Names for Story Queries