Sprinklr v16.5.0 - Sprinklr Marketing Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area: Request FormsCampaigns | Editorial Calendar | Publisher | Journey Facilitator | Macros | Sandbox

Request Forms

Request Forms | Ability to Fill Request Forms within Sprinklr

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to Fill Request Forms and submit them from within the platform itself. With this capability enabled, you will not have to copy URL or HTML code to share the Request Forms with other users.

Apart from this, you will now have the Copy Link and Share options available upfront to share your request form with Sprinklr users and other members of the team. 

View Request Forms within Sprinklr
To Fill Request Forms from Sprinklr
Filling Request Forms from Sprinklr
Share Request Forms
Copying Link to Clipboard to Share with Internal Users
To Share with Other Users

Request Forms | Ability to Create Request Forms for Paid Brief 

You can now create Request Forms for Paid Briefs to submit requests for paid social campaigns within Sprinklr Marketing. This will help the marketing team capture, manage, and review all incoming requests from various business units in one place saving valuable time and cost. 

After submitting your request forms for paid brief, you will be redirected to the Request Management tab within the Production Dashboards to perform additional actions on requests. Also, you can associate campaigns/sub-campaigns with the response depending on the form type. 

You can Add Paid Initiatives from the Brief tab of the associated campaign. The paid brief created by you will be applied as the Strategy Group within Ads Manager while creating a paid initiative. 

Creating Request Forms for Paid Briefs


Campaigns | View Paid Initiatives in Sub-Campaign’s Overview Tab

You will now be able to view PaidInitiatives in the Overview tab of the associated Sub-Campaign. Apart from this, you will also be able to View and Filter these paid initiatives within the Timeline View of the sub-campaign. 

Viewing Paid Initiatives Associated with a Sub-Campaign

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Account Level Permissions Enhancements 

We have now enhanced the Account Level Permissions for the Editorial Calendar for a better user experience. With this enhancement, you will not be able to view posts from an account type for which you do not have the Account Level Permissions enabled and vice-versa.

Editorial Calendar | Timeline View Enhancements 

The colored bar that appears at the top of the Timeline will now no longer be visible. Apart from that, the fields that appear on the message card in the Week View can be configured via Experience Engine.


Publisher | Ability to Add Simple or Rich Text Assets from Digital Asset Manager 

While creating content using the Advanced Publisher, you will now be able to add simple and rich text assets from the DigitalAsset Manager. This will enable you to reuse content across various social channels. 

If a Content Template is created using the Modern Editor, the option to insert Rich Text Template will not appear.


This capability is only supported for the classic editor.

Adding Rich Text Template
Adding Rich Text Template from DAM

Publisher | Ability to Show/Hide Messages Using Visibility Sharing 

To Show/Hide your messages from certain users, you can now set visibility preferences by sharing a message via Production Dashboards, Message Third Pane, Editorial Calendar, and Advanced Publisher. This capability enables you to select Workspaces, and User/User Groups with whom you want to share your message. You can select the Visible in all workspaces checkbox to make your message visible to everyone throughout the platform. 

Additionally, while creating Draft, Draft Update, and Autofill rules for outbound messages, you will have the option to set UserVisibility and Workspace Visibility as actions. Also while creating Macros, you will be able to Set User Visibility and Workspace Visibility as automated and manual actions at workspaces/workspace groups and users/user groups level.

This capability will also enable you to have Visibility as a Filter value and Group By dimension for messages within the Production Dashboards

Share Messages in Advanced Publisher

Sharing a Message in Advanced Publisher

Visibility Settings for Message Sharing

Visibility Sharing of a Message

Visibility Actions in Rule Engine

User and Workspace Visibility as Actions in Rule Engine

Visibility Filter in Production Dashboards

Visibility as a Filter Value in Production Dashboards

Visibility Dimension in Production Dashboards

Visibility as a Group By Dimension in Production Dashboards

Visibility Actions in Macros

 Setting Visibility Preferences for Outbound Messages via Macro

Journey Facilitator

Journey Facilitator | Ability to Stop a Journey Flow 

You will now be able to stop an already running journey. Also, on stopping a journey its status will update automatically to Stopped.

Stopping a Journey


Macros | Ability to Share Visibility via Macros 

While creating Macros within Sprinklr, you will now be able to add Set Visibility as an automated action or a manual action at workspaces/workspace groups and users/user groups level. This is applicable for Outbound Messages, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, and Assets

While setting the visibility preferences, you will be able to add the following actions in macros:

  • Set User visibility

  • Set User Group visibility

  • Set Workspace visibility

  • Set Workspace Group visibility

  • Remove User visibility

  • Remove User Group visibility

  • Remove Workspace visibility

  • Remove Workspace Group visibility

  • Merge User visibility

  • Merge User Group visibility

  • Merge Workspace visibility

  • Merge Workspace Group visibility

Setting Visibility Preferences for Outbound Messages via Macro


Sandbox | Support for Quick Filters

While using the Sandbox environment within Sprinklr, you will now be able to view Quick Filters which are created and used in Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar. This will enable you to check quick filters configuration for the following entities:

Production Dashboards
Editorial Calendar





Outbound Message

Outbound Message
