Sprinklr Release v16.5.0 - May/June/July 2021 New Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below! 

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product's section of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name below the Product section header. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the main title of the note. Then, click if an action cursor appears to open an overlay of the capability. Click Open Article to view the article's page in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Marketing area: Request FormsCampaignsEditorial Calendar | PublisherJourney FacilitatorMacrosSandbox

Request Forms

Request Forms | Ability to Fill Request Forms within Sprinklr 

Sprinklr now provides you the ability to Fill Request Forms and submit them from within the platform itself. With this capability enabled, you will not have to copy URL or HTML code to share the Request Forms with other users.

Apart from this, you will now have the Copy Link and Share options available upfront to share your request form with Sprinklr users and other members of the team. 

View Request Forms within Sprinklr
To Fill Request Forms from Sprinklr
Filling Request Forms from Sprinklr
Share Request Forms
Copying Link to Clipboard to Share with Internal Users
To Share with Other Users

Request Forms | Ability to Create Request Forms for Paid Brief 

You can now create Request Forms for Paid Briefs to submit requests for paid social campaigns within Sprinklr Marketing. This will help the marketing team capture, manage, and review all incoming requests from various business units in one place saving valuable time and cost. 

After submitting your request forms for paid brief, you will be redirected to the Request Management tab within the Production Dashboards to perform additional actions on requests. Also, you can associate campaigns/sub-campaigns with the response depending on the form type. 

You can Add Paid Initiatives from the Brief tab of the associated campaign. The paid brief created by you will be applied as the Strategy Group within Ads Manager while creating a paid initiative. 

Creating Request Forms for Paid Briefs


Campaigns | View Paid Initiatives in Sub-Campaign’s Overview Tab 

You will now be able to view Paid Initiatives in the Overview tab of the associated Sub-Campaign. Apart from this, you will also be able to View and Filter these paid initiatives within the Timeline View of the sub-campaign. 

Viewing Paid Initiatives Associated with a Sub-Campaign

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Account Level Permissions Enhancements 

We have now enhanced the Account Level Permissions for the Editorial Calendar for a better user experience. With this enhancement, you will not be able to view posts from an account type for which you do not have the Account Level Permissions enabled and vice-versa.

Editorial Calendar | Timeline View Enhancements 

The colored bar that appears at the top of the Timeline will now no longer be visible. Apart from that, the fields that appear on the message card in the Week View can be configured via Experience Engine.


Publisher | Ability to Add Simple or Rich Text Assets from Digital Asset Manager 

While creating content using the Advanced Publisher, you will now be able to add simple and rich text assets from the Digital Asset Manager. This will enable you to reuse content across various social channels. 

If a Content Template is created using the Modern Editor, the option to insert Rich Text Template will not appear.


this capability is only supported for the classic editor.

Adding Rich Text Template
Adding Rich Text Template from DAM

Publisher | Ability to Show/Hide Messages Using Visibility Sharing 

To Show/Hide your messages from certain users, you can now set visibility preferences by sharing a message via Production Dashboards, Message Third Pane, Editorial Calendar, and Advanced Publisher. This capability enables you to select Workspaces, and User/User Groups with whom you want to share your message. You can select the Visible in all workspaces checkbox to make your message visible to everyone throughout the platform. 

Additionally, while creating Draft, Draft Update, and Autofill rules for outbound messages, you will have the option to set User Visibility and Workspace Visibility as actions. Also while creating Macros, you will be able to Set User Visibility and Workspace Visibility as automated and manual actions at workspaces/workspace groups and users/user groups level.

This capability will also enable you to have Visibility as a Filter value and Group By dimension for messages within the Production Dashboards






Share Messages in Advanced Publisher

Sharing a Message in Advanced Publisher






Visibility Settings for Message Sharing

Visibility Sharing of a Message





Visibility Actions in Rule Engine

User and Workspace Visibility as Actions in Rule Engine





Visibility Filter in Production Dashboards

Visibility as a Filter Value in Production Dashboards





Visibility Dimension in Production Dashboards

Visibility as a Group By Dimension in Production Dashboards





Visibility Actions in Macros

 Setting Visibility Preferences for Outbound Messages via Macro

Journey Facilitator

Journey Facilitator | Ability to Stop a Journey Flow 

You will now be able to stop an already running journey. Also, on stopping a journey its status will update automatically to Stopped.

Stopping a Journey


Macros | Ability to Share Visibility via Macros 

While creating Macros within Sprinklr, you will now be able to add Set Visibility as an automated action or a manual action at workspaces/workspace groups and users/user groups level. This is applicable for Outbound Messages, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, and Assets

While setting the visibility preferences, you will be able to add the following actions in macros:

  • Set User visibility

  • Set User Group visibility

  • Set Workspace visibility

  • Set Workspace Group visibility

  • Remove User visibility

  • Remove User Group visibility

  • Remove Workspace visibility

  • Remove Workspace Group visibility

  • Merge User visibility

  • Merge User Group visibility

  • Merge Workspace visibility

  • Merge Workspace Group visibility

Setting Visibility Preferences for Outbound Messages via Macro


Sandbox | Support for Quick Filters

While using the Sandbox environment within Sprinklr, you will now be able to view Quick Filters which are created and used in Production Dashboards and Editorial Calendar. This will enable you to check quick filters configuration for the following entities:

Production Dashboards
Editorial Calendar





Outbound Message

Outbound Message



Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) Updates

iOS 14 Changes and Impact

Ads Composer | Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on Snapchat Ad Campaigns

As a result of Apple’s iOS 14 changes due to its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, we have now adjusted our solutions in Sprinklr to ensure that you are able to create and report on Snapchat campaigns that are compliant with the new framework. This will enable you to continue delivering your personalized ads while remaining compliant with Apple’s new privacy framework. To learn more about the changes, see All About iOS 14 Changes.

iOS 14 Compliance

Ads Composer | Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on LinkedIn Ad Targeting

As a result of Apple’s iOS 14 changes due to its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, you will no longer be able to use Member Interests and Traits (for AND and Exclude ad targeting operations) with a contact list, contact marketing automation list, or website retargeting segments due to privacy updates on LinkedIn. Keeping the updates in mind, we have also adjusted our solutions in Sprinklr to ensure that you are able to create campaigns that are compliant with the new framework. This will enable you to continue delivering your personalized ads while remaining compliant with Apple’s new privacy framework. To learn more about the changes, see All About iOS 14 Changes.

Ads Composer | Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on TikTok App Install Campaigns

As a result of Apple’s iOS 14 changes due to its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, we have now adjusted our solutions in Sprinklr to ensure that you are able to create and report on TikTok App Install campaigns that are compliant with the new framework. This will enable you to continue delivering your personalized ads while remaining compliant with Apple’s new privacy framework. To learn more about the changes, see All About iOS 14 Changes.
TikTok iOS 14 Campaigns

Ads Reporting | Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on Facebook Reporting

As a result of Apple's iOS 14 changes due to its new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, we have now adjusted our solutions in Sprinklr to ensure that you are able to report on Facebook campaigns that are compliant with the new framework. Since we need to rely on data from Apple's SKAdNetwork API to report on iOS 14 campaigns, we will ensure to provide the best possible reporting experience while remaining compliant with Apple's new privacy framework.

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Run Automated App Ads for Facebook App Install Campaigns

You can now create Facebook Automated App Ads for your App Install campaigns within Ads Composer. Automated App Ads leverages powerful machine learning to automatically optimize your campaigns across creatives, audience, optimization, and deliver high-value conversions with less effort.

Run Automated App Ads Campaign

Ads Composer | Increase Average Frequency for Facebook Reach and Frequency Campaigns

You can now increase the average frequency of your Facebook Reach and Frequency campaigns by checking the box alongside Increase Average Frequency within Ads Composer and Ads Manager. This will allow you to increase the average number of times that people in your target audience see your ads during the campaign lifetime and level out the frequency distribution for your campaign.

Increase Average Frequency

Ads Composer | Migration of TikTok Marketing API to Version 1.2

Due to the migration of TikTok API from version 1.1 to 1.2, tentatively on June 17, 2021, we have made several changes in Sprinklr to be aligned with the platform and provide you an uninterrupted user experience. You will find the following updates in Sprinklr:

  • Ad Publishing: While uploading creative assets, you will now get an error if the file name already exists in the Creative Library. For existing creative assets, the system will check for duplicate file names and append timestamps to the duplicated file name.

  • Reporting: You will be able to filter by Ad Name, Ad Id, Ad Group Name, Ad Group Id, Campaign Name, and Campaign Id.

Ads Composer | Conversion Domain Field for Facebook Catalog Sales Campaign

While composing a Facebook Catalog Sales campaign within Ads Composer, you will need to provide the Conversion Domain (the domain that you have set in Facebook’s event manager) within Advanced Configuration. Note that the domain field will only be available if you have selected Conversion Events as the optimization goal.

Conversion Domain field Product Catalog Campaign

Ads Composer | Enhanced Parity with Native for Facebook Ads

We have added several Placements, Call to Actions (CTA), and Attribution Windows within Sprinklr to ensure that we maintain parity with Facebook and provide a seamless customer experience.

Ads Composer | Enhanced Parity with Native for Snapchat Ads

We have added the following Ad Attachments/Post Types within Sprinklr to ensure that we maintain parity with Snapchat and provide a seamless customer experience:

Ad Objective
Ad Format
Attachments/Post Type

Video Views

Snap Ads

Deep Link, App Installs


Snap Ads

Call, Text

Ads Composer | Ability to Use Custom Metrics as Cost and Rate Benchmarks

You can now select custom metrics as Cost and Rate Benchmarks for your campaign to assess its performance accurately by comparing your metrics with the benchmark. You will need to ensure that the custom metric name contains 'Cost per' or 'Rate' as a unique keyword to use as a Cost and Rate Benchmark, respectively. Additionally, you can also select 3rd party integration metrics as cost and rate benchmarks.

Use Custom Metrics in Cost and Rate Benchmarks

Ads Composer | Support for Twitter 15s Video Views Optimization Bidding Metric

You can now optimize your Twitter Video Views campaigns within Ads Composer and Ads Manager based on the total number of views where at least 15 seconds of the video was viewed. The 15s View bidding metric is only available with Automatic Bidding for ad accounts having access to the SHORT_FORM_VIDEO_COMPLETION capability. Additionally, you can use the Twitter Video Views 15s metric within Ads Reporting to view insights. You can also use this optimization bidding metric in Bulk Imports.


Twitter 15s Video Views Optimization is only supported for whitelisted ad accounts.

Support for 15s Video Views Optimization

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Ability to filter Campaigns NOT having a Strategy Group applied

Using Advanced Filters in Ads Manager and Ads Pivot, you can now filter the campaigns not having a Strategy Group applied. We have introduced two new operators for Strategy Group filter viz; ‘is applied’ and is not applied’ to help you better analyze your campaigns. Additionally, you can filter campaigns in your Ads Reporting widgets using the ‘exists’ operator for Strategy Groups.

New Strategy Group Filters in Ads Manager

Ads Manager | View Ad Entity ID from Twitter Ads Manager

You can now configure columns in Ads Manager and Ads Pivot using the following dimensions to view the Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad IDs from Twitter Ads Manager:

  • Channel Campaign Id (Twitter Ads Manager)

  • Channel Ad Set Id (Twitter Ads Manager)

  • Channel Ad Id (Twitter Ads Manager)

This will allow you to rationalize spend data within Sprinklr itself instead of going to native. You can also use these dimensions within Ads Reporting and advanced filters.

Twitter Channel Campaign ID Column

Ads Manager | Copy Paid Initiative Custom Field values to Ad Set, Ad Variant, and Outbound levels

Using the new Paid Initiative Custom Fields macro action, you can now copy over the values of custom fields shared with Ad Set, Ad Variant, or Outbound Message level as applicable. Similarly, you can copy over values from Ad Set Custom Fields to Ad Variant or Outbound Message level and Ad Variant Custom Fields to Outbound Message level. This will allow you to considerably save time on manually defining the common custom properties at different levels. These macro actions are also available within Ads Pivot.

Copy Custom Fields Macro Action

Ads Manager | Ability to Edit Web Analytics using Bulk Import

On exporting your ad entities to edit in bulk, you will now have a drop-down list to select from all the Web Analytics IDs that have been set up in your environment. The Web Analytics will be available in the id_name format in the Web Analytics column for selection and import. This will considerably reduce the time taken to extract the Web Analytics ID if you are heavily dependent on bulk import for composing a campaign.

Web Analytics dropdown menu in bulk import file

Ads Manager | Removed Pinterest Secret Boards

Since Pinterest doesn't allow promoting pins on Secret Boards, we have removed the option to select secret boards from the Boards drop-down menu in Ads Manager.

Ads Manager | Ability to Save Partially Configured Ads Macros

You can now preconfigure and save partially filled ads macro for future use while building a new Macro in Ads Manager. This will allow you to use different blank templates for macro tagging and scale the use of macros. On applying the macro to ad entities, you will be asked to fill in the action details to proceed. Note that at least one action should be filled for the macro to apply and any other action that is not filled will be ignored during the application.

Saving a Partially Filled Macro for Future Use

Ads Manager | Manually Update Ad Entity Names where Naming Convention is not Applied

You can now manually update the ad entity names at levels where a Naming Convention is not applied within Ads Manager and Ads Pivot. For example, if a naming convention is applied at the Paid Initiative level, then you will be able to update the Ad Set and Ad level names manually.

Ads Manager | Change in Behavior of Bulk Import Templates

Previously, on taking an export of ad entities through Create new Ads under filtered Ad Sets and Create new Ad Sets under filtered Campaigns in bulk, the template would retain the Ad and Ad Set details respectively as well. Now, for each bulk import use case, the import template will retain the following values so that you can fill out the details with ease and save time:

  • Create New Campaigns similar to filtered entities - Campaign, Ad Set, Ad Variant details

  • Create New Ad Sets under filtered Campaigns - Campaign details (Ad Set and Ad values will be deleted while the columns will be retained)

  • Create New Ads under filtered Ad Sets - Campaign, Ad Set details (Ad values will be deleted while the columns will be retained)

Ads Manager | Enhanced Creative Governance

We have introduced a new permission to enhance the governance of creatives in Ads Manager and Ads Pivot. On enabling the Existing Creative Only permission, users will be restricted to use/select only from existing creatives. This will ensure that only approved creatives are being published in Ads. The permission will impose the following restrictions:

Ads Manager

  • It will restrict the Edit Post option.

  • It will restrict users from making changes in the post section within the third pane.

Ads Pivot

  • It will restrict the Edit Post option.

  • It will restrict users from making changes in the post section within the third pane.

  • In the Build from Table workflow, you will not be able to change individual elements of the creative input field.


  • Users can still edit/change the Pages and Political Ads option within their Ads.

  • Users can edit their creatives using the Use As Template option in Ads Composer.

Enhanced Creative Governance

Strategy Group

Strategy Group | Additional Ad Objectives for Smart Bidding and Smart Budget Allocation Application

You can now apply Smart Bidding and Smart Budget Allocation to campaigns having the following ad objectives:

Smart Budget Allocation
Smart Bidding


  • Catalog Sales

  • Brand Awareness with CBO


  • Catalog Sales

  • App Conversions


  • Reach

  • Video Views


  • Job Applicants


  • Brand Awareness with CBO

  • Catalog Sales


  • Page Likes

  • App Install

  • Lead Generation

  • Messages


  • Brand Awareness

  • App Conversions

  • Catalog Sales


  • Brand Awareness

  • Website Visits

  • Engagements

  • Website Conversions

  • Job Applicants


  • App Install

  • Reach

  • Video Views

Strategy Group | Simultaneous Application of Smart Budget Allocation and Smart Bidding

You can now apply Smart Budget Allocation and Smart Bidding simultaneously without the additional requirement of enabling a Dynamic Property (DP). This capability is available for all users.

Strategy Group | Copy Over Strategy Group on Cloning a Campaign

On cloning a Campaign that has Strategy Group(s) applied, within Ads Manager or Ads Manager Pivot, the Strategy Group(s) will now be carried over to the cloned campaign. This will reduce the task of re-applying the same Strategy Group to retain the similar success as obtained from the original campaign. Note that for LinkedIn, if you have applied a Strategy Group at the Ad Set level; cloning the Ad Set will carry over the Strategy Group(s) as well.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Cloning Campaign Alongwith Applied Strategy Group

Strategy Group | Confirmation Pop Up Window on Deleting Strategy Groups

You will now receive a confirmation pop-up window along with a warning while deleting a Strategy Group. Once confirmed, the Strategy Group will be deleted and removed from all the ad entities that it is currently applied to.

Showing Confirmation Pop Up Window While Deleting Strategy Group

Strategy Group | Apply Strategy Group at Ad Set Level for LinkedIn

You can now apply Strategy Groups at the Ad Set level for LinkedIn and automate the management of budget, bid, and creative rotation to achieve your optimization objectives with a minimum cost per action. You can leverage this capability via Ads Manager, Ads Composer, Rule Engine, and Bulk Import.


If you have applied a Campaign level Strategy Group, then you can’t apply a Strategy Group at the Ad Set level and vice versa. However, you can still remove all the Strategy Group(s) at a given level and apply them to the other level.

Applying Strategy Group at LinkedIn Ad Set Level

Ads Manager Pivot

Ads Manager Pivot | Select Ad Entities in Fewer Clicks to Compose a Campaign

We have reduced the number of clicks that were involved in selecting ad entities to compose campaigns from Pivot Tables. On adding an ad entity to compose a campaign, you can now continue selecting multiple Campaigns, Ad Sets, and/or Ads without any additional clicks to complete the selection of individual entities. This will allow you to bulk select all the required ad entities from different levels at once and proceed to compose your campaign.

Compose Campaign from Pivot Table

Ads Manager Pivot | Pivot Table Behavior Improvement

Pivot Tables will now retain the levels that were open for the below scenarios:

  • If dimensions are added as a child level, then all parent levels that were open will remain open.

  • If dimensions are added as another column of any level, then all the open levels will remain open.

Retain Pivot Table open levels on adding dimensions

Ads Manager Pivot | Support for New Dimensions

We have added the following dimensions within Ads Manager Pivot and Ads Reporting to provide you with better data visibility:

  • Conversion Pixel

  • Strategy Group Daily Pacing Spent Limit

  • Strategy Group Lifetime Pacing Spent Limit

  • Strategy Group Smart Bidding Min Bid

  • Strategy Group Smart Bidding Max Bid

New Ads Pivot Manager Dimensions

Ads Manager Pivot | Pivot Table Enhancements

We have made several enhancements to Ads Manager Pivot. You can now:

  • Minimize the Pivot Table header section for more data visibility.

  • Switch between comfortable and compact views for your Pivot Table to increase the view area for data analysis.

  • Group, sort, and filter Conversion Event and Conversion Pixel dimensions in your Pivot Table.

  • Group and sort the following dimensions:

    • Paid Initiative Created Date (Pivot)

    • Ad Set Created Date (Pivot)

    • Ad variant Created Date (Pivot)

Pivot Table Usability Enhancements
Pivot Table Usability Enhancements

Ads Manager Pivot | New Average Bid (Ad Set) Dimension

You can now view the average value of a bid at the Ad Set level even if Ad Variant dimensions are selected using the new Average Bid (Ad Set) dimension. This will allow you to adjust bids accordingly based on creative performance.

Average Bid Ad Set Dimension in Ads Pivot

Ads Manager Pivot | User Experience Enhancements for Pivot Table

We have made the following enhancements within Ads Manager Pivot to provide you with a better user experience and smooth execution of your tasks:

  • While searching for metrics to add to your Pivot Table, you will now have the long metric names (for example, Facebook Conversion metrics) wrapped into two consecutive rows for complete visibility instead of having to hover over and view its full name.

  • We have enhanced the View and Edit pane behavior for Pivot Tables to retain the last action, i.e. hide or un-hide, for the Preview and Campaign Structure panes across all other entities. This will ensure a consistent state of action and save time.

  • Now, sorting a parent-level entity will automatically sort its child-level entities. You will still be able to manually change the sorting order for different entity levels. Additionally, Date and Time of Day dimensions will be sorted in descending order by default.

Preview enhancements for Ads Pivot

Creative Library

Creative Library | Email Approvals for Ad Creatives

An Approver may only need to review and approve ad creatives instead of having to use Sprinklr actively. You can now add approvers as External Users to Tiered Approvals by registering their Email Ids where they will be receiving approval requests. This will accelerate the approval process for Sprinklr users or users not having a Sprinklr login to approve or reject ad creatives instantly from their email inboxes.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

External User in Tiered Approval
Approval Request in Email Inbox

Creative Library | Tweet To Unlock option for Twitter Conversation Cards

While creating Twitter Image/Video Conversation Cards from the Creative Library, you can now enable users to unlock additional content after they have responded to the CTA on your Conversational Ads. The Tweet to Unlock option will allow you to incentivize users to tweet with access to exclusive content and increase the engagement rate between your brand and users.

Tweet to Unlock option for Twitter Conversation Cards

Creative Library | Ability to Search using Channel Post ID or Post Permalink

While searching for existing posts within the Creative Library, you now have the ability to search using the Channel Post ID or Post Permalink associated with that post. This capability will allow you to easily filter and tag the organic and paid posts.

Search using Post ID or Permalink in Creative Library

Creative Library | Added 1.91:1 Aspect Ratio Crop Recommendation for Twitter Cards

While editing a Twitter Card image size within Asset Manager, you will now have the ideal aspect ratio crop recommendation, i.e. 1.91:1, to directly apply to your Twitter Cards.

Twitter Ideal Image Size Recommendation

Creative Library | Ability to Schedule Tweet for Twitter Ads

You can now schedule your tweets (organic and promoted only) to go live at a specific date and time for Twitter Ads. Scheduling Tweets will help you avoid missing posting on a particularly busy workday. You can schedule Tweets up to a year in advance, and have the ability to add them to your new and existing campaigns. You can leverage this capability within Creative Library, Ads Manager, Ads Composer, and Bulk Import.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Scheduling Tweets for Twitter Ads

Creative Library | Support for LinkedIn Ad Post Permalink in Third Pane

You will now be able to view your LinkedIn post Permalink for Image, Video, and Carousel Posts within the Overview section of the third pane. You can use this permalink to view your LinkedIn post on native.

View LinkedIn Post Permalink Field

Creative Library | Import Assets to Digital Asset Manager while uploading via Media Uploader

While uploading your assets using the Media Uploader in Creative Library, Ads Composer, or Ads Manager, you will now have an option to import the assets to the Asset Manager (DAM) as well. The Import to Asset Manager option will allow you to move the uploaded images, videos, and GIFs to the Digital Asset Manager repository and reuse these media in your creatives directly from DAM.

Importing Media to Digital Asset Manager

Creative Library | Ability to Preview Snap Story Ads

You will now have a thumbnail preview of the Discover tile of your Snapchat Story Ads within the Creative Library after publishing or saving it as a draft. The thumbnail preview will help you easily identify whether you have selected the appropriate ad.

Snap Ad Discover Tile Preview

Creative Library | Ability to Add Alt Texts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest Image/GIF Media

In a continuous effort to make Sprinklr accessible for differently-abled customers, we have introduced the capability to add Alternate Text (Alt Text) to your Ad Images or GIFs. You will now have a text box dedicated to your alt text alongside the media within the Creative Library, Ads Composer, Ads Manager. You can also add alt text for images used in Twitter Cards. Additionally, you can use alt texts for your images via Bulk Import.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Adding an Alternative Text
Adding an Alternative Text to Twitter Cards

Creative Library | View the Headline Preview for Snapchat Story Ads

You will now have a preview of the Headline for your Snapchat Story Ads in Creative Library, Ads Composer, and Ads Manager. This will allow you to review what an ad will look like on Snapchat and make necessary changes as desired.

Showing Headline For Snapchat Story Ad Creative in Creative Preview

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Support for Twitter Standard and Curated Categories

While creating Twitter saved audiences for Preroll Views objective, you can now select Standard or Curated categories as your target audience criteria within the Publisher Content section. Standard categories map to one or more IAB Categories while Curated categories feature a set of publishers selected by Twitter, that are categorized according to specific themes. This will allow you to choose the type of content you want to run with your Preroll videos. You can also find this capability within Ads Composer and Ads Manager.


If an Amplify Sponsorship program is selected for your Preroll ad campaign, then Standard and Curated categories will not be applicable.

Twitter Standard and Curated Categories

Audience Manager | Target Users who First used Twitter on a New Device

You can now target first time Twitter users on a new device over a time range (in months) by selecting from the Target people who first used Twitter on a new device more than or Target people who first used Twitter on a new device within option in Audience Manager, Ads Composer, Ads Manager, and Bulk Import. This capability is useful for mobile app marketers who want to reach users who are looking for apps to install on their new devices. Note that only one of these targeting can be selected at a time.

Targeting Users Who First Used Twitter In a New Device

Audience Manager | Support for iOS versions 14.0 to 14.5 for targeting non-iOS Facebook Campaigns

While creating your target audience for non-iOS Facebook campaigns, you can now set the minimum and maximum iOS versions from 14.0 to 14.5 within Audience Manager, Ads Composer, and Ads Manager. Setting the maximum version of iOS will avoid any unforeseen error for existing ads and help you achieve your targeting goals effectively. You can also set this targeting within Bulk Import.

Apple iOS v14 to14.5 Audience Targeting

Audience Manager | Facebook Ads API Breaking Change v10.0

As of May 24, 2021, Facebook will no longer support Connections Targeting while creating or editing an Ad Set. This change will only impact new and edited campaigns and will be visible within Audience Manager, Ads Composer, and Ads Manager. There will be no impact on existing campaigns.


You will need to edit your saved audiences that have Connections targeting in order to use them in new Ads.

Deprecated Connections Targeting

Audience Manager | Mile and Kilometer Radius Options for Facebook Location Targeting

While defining your location targeting for Facebook (including Business Locations), you can now set the radius of a target City in Miles or Kilometers (KM) via Audience Manager, Ads Composer, and Ads Manager. This will help you refine your targeting by reaching specific users in certain areas and improve your campaign performance.

Mile and KM Unit Support for Audience Targeting

Audience Manager | Japan Specific Age Range Targeting for Twitter Ads

We have added several Age Range buckets for targeting your Twitter Ads to Japan-specific audiences only. These age ranges will be marked as Japan Only and can only be used with Japan-based geo-locations. You can use these age ranges within Audience Manager, Ads Manager, Ads Composer, and Bulk Import.

Target Japan Specific Audiences

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Support for Copying Custom Fields from Instagram Post

You can now copy Custom Fields from Instagram Posts to Ad Variants and vice-versa using Paid Rules and Paid Pre-Publishing rules. This will allow you to tag Instagram Posts used in your ads based on paid custom properties.

Rule Engine | Support for Ad Accounts in Account Condition of DAM Rules

While creating a DAM Rule within the Rule Engine, you can now use the Account condition to have asset rules based on ad accounts. You can select multiple ad accounts within this condition and configure the rule.

DAM Rule Account Condition

Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions | View the Display Name instead of Account Name for Social Pages

We have now replaced the Social Page parameter in Ad Entity Naming Conventions with Social Page (as on Channel) and Social Page (as in Sprinklr) parameters. Previously, Sprinklr would fetch the Account Name as per channel, and any changes made to Account Name would not reflect in the Naming Convention. Now, you can use the Social Page (as in Sprinklr) parameter in your naming conventions to incorporate those changes.

New Naming Convention Parameter

Tools and Settings

Stats Imports | Import Stats from Amazon S3 Server

You can now upload your data to an Amazon S3 server and import them into Sprinklr directly from the Stat Imports Template window. Sprinklr will automatically import data from the given source every 30 minutes. This enables you to optimize and fetch advanced analytics based on your import data. You can customize your brand's dashboard and widget in the platform so that you can map your data for enhanced reporting.

Import Stats from Amazon S3

Lead Forms | Create Facebook Lead Forms via Native Form Builder from the Lead Forms Window 

We have now added an option to Create Facebook Lead Form within the Lead Forms window that will redirect you to the Native Form Builder workflow after submitting the Ad Account and Page via Sprinklr. This will save time in having to build the lead forms from scratch in your campaign creation process.

Facebook Lead Forms

Product Catalog

Product Catalog | Support for Email and In-Platform Notifications for Catalog Issues

You will now receive an in-platform Notification and an Email alert when Product Catalog updates fail or the count of products that are being updated differs from the number of catalogs in the feed. This will allow you to proactively receive alerts in case of any feed failures and reduce time and effort to manually determine the issue.

Product Catalog Feed Error Push Notification
Product Catalog Feed Error Email

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting |  Ability to Report on Unsupported Ad Creative Formats

Previously, reporting on ad creative formats that are not supported in Sprinklr would display as None/Unknown within Ads Reporting. Now, you can view these non-supported ad format types in Ads Reporting and identify the early adopters/spends through these formats.

Ads Reporting | Configure Unique Reach for Quarterly and Monthly Date Ranges

While configuring Unique Metrics, you can now select from the following Time Range options and measure the unique individuals who viewed or acted on your Ad over that range:

  • All Months for this Year/All Months for Last Year - If you select from these time ranges, then unique data will populate for accounts when the dashboard date range is from the beginning of any month to the end of any month.

  • All Quarters for this Year/All Quarters for Last Year - If you select from these time ranges, then unique data will populate for accounts when the dashboard date range belongs to any of the below ranges:

    • 1st January - 31st March

    • 1st April - 30th June

    • 1st July - 31st September

    • 1st October - 31st December

Additional Time Ranges for Unique Metrics

Ads Reporting | Ability to Report on Facebook Brand Lift Study

You can now report on Facebook Brand Lift Study campaigns within Ads Reporting. Facebook Brand Lift Study helps you measure the real impact of your brand awareness campaigns based on customer’s behaviors. Additionally, you can further break down your reports by Age and Gender for your Brand Lift Study.

Support for Reporting on Facebook Brand Lift Study

Ads Reporting | View the Latest Sync Time for Unified Analytics Data

We have now added a visual indicator within Unified Analytics widgets to display the last time the data was synced and updated. You can hover over the indicator to view the latest sync date and time. Since Unified Analytics data only syncs every 6 hours, this indicator will help you keep track of the latest data.

Unified Analytics Latest Sync Time indicator

Ads Reporting | Additional Metrics for Facebook Product Catalog Ads

We have added the following metrics within Ads Reporting to help you track and monitor the performance of Facebook Product Catalog Ads:

  • Add to Cart with Shared Items - The number of add to cart events that contain at least one shared item attributed to your ads based on information from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools.

  • Purchase with Shared Items - The number of purchase events that contain at least one shared item, based on information received from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business tools.

Additional metrics in Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | Pinterest’s Hourly Data Retention Policy Update

Pinterest has updated its retention policy for hourly data. As of June 1, 2021, Pinterest will now return hourly data from the most recent 13 months through their insights API. To learn more about the changes to your Pinterest data within Sprinklr due to this update, see Ads Reporting Insights - Changelog.

Ads Reporting | Support for Facebook Post Consumptions Metric in Unified Analytics

We have now added Facebook Post Consumptions metric within Ads Reporting to help you analyze and compare Organic Posts vs. Paid Posts consumption data in the unified reporting widget.

Facebook Post Consumption Data in Unified Analytics

Ads Reporting | Instagram Ads Reporting Changes

While reporting on Instagram Ads within Ads Reporting, you will now find the following changes:

  • While plotting your widget using the Channel dimension against Ad Post Id, the Instagram (secondary) posts’ Status Id will now populate for Instagram posts.

  • For Instagram boosted posts, the Is Sponsored tag will now be set to True.

  • The Outbound custom fields between organic and paid versions of the Instagram boosted post will now be in sync.

    • Outbound Custom field values tagged in the Instagram organic post will initially be selected automatically while boosting it through Sprinklr.

    • Any update to the organic version of the Instagram post will automatically reflect in the boosted post.

Instagram Reporting Changes

Ads Reporting | Additional Dynamic Creative Breakdown Dimensions

We have now added the following Dynamic Creative breakdown dimensions within Ads Reporting and Ads Manager Pivot to help you better report and analyze your high performing creative combinations:

  • Dynamic Creative Video

  • Dynamic Creative Video Name

  • Dynamic Creative Thumbnail URL

The supported metrics for the above breakdowns are Impressions, Spend, Clicks, Reach, Actions, and Action Values.

Dynamic Creative Breakdown Dimensions

Ads Reporting | Reporting Changes for Facebook Offsite Conversion Metrics

In light of Apple’s new iOS 14 policy enforcement, we will be deprecating Facebook offsite web conversion metrics over the 7-day view, 28-day view, and 28-day click attribution windows on May 21, 2021. These windows will still remain available to access historical data. Additionally, the Action and Delivery breakdowns for offsite conversion metrics will no longer be supported.

Ads Reporting | Support for Pivot Table Widget Visualization

We have now enabled support for Pivot Table widgets within Ads Reporting. This will allow you to create advanced pivot reports in a Reporting Dashboard by introducing a pivot widget so that you don't have to export and analyze reports using excel. You can plot multiple dimensions and metrics at different levels. You can further customize your report using various filters at the widget or dashboard level.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Pivot Table widget

Ads Reporting | Unified Analytics Enhancements

We have made the following Unified Analytics enhancements to help you view paid and organic insights seamlessly within Ads Reporting:

  • You can now apply a Post Type filter at the dashboard level to filter Organic Post, Boosted Post, and Dark Post. The filter will internally handle the flags for Is Sponsored and Is Dark.

  • You can filter posts by using both Ad Account and Page at the dashboard level.

  • To keep the behavior aligned with Social Analytics and Paid widgets, the deleted posts will no longer be shown in Unified Analytics. In order to explicitly include deleted posts, you can set the Is Deleted filter to True.

Unified Analytics Enhancements

Ads Reporting | Unified Custom Field Filtering in Ads Reporting

If a custom field is associated with multiple entities (Paid Initiative, Ad Set, Ad Variant, and Outbound Post), you can now select a custom field filter at the dashboard level in Ads Reporting to automatically filter entities that have the custom field tagged at any of these levels. You no longer need to remember the level at which you have tagged the entities in order to filter them out. For instance, you can leverage this capability for Boosted Posts where some posts can be tagged at the Post level and others, at the Campaign level.

Ads Reporting | View Pacing Insights for Google AdWords Video Campaigns (YouTube)

Sprinklr can now fetch the Lifetime Budget for Google AdWords Video Campaigns (YouTube). This will allow you to apply Pacing Control on these campaigns and report on the campaign level pacing metrics within Ads Reporting.


Accounts | LinkedIn Company Page Selection from Ad Account Addition Flow

Due to certain limitations and concerns flagged by LinkedIn, Sprinklr will now no longer allow the addition of LinkedIn Company Pages associated with an ad account via LinkedIn Ad Account Addition workflow. You will need to add LinkedIn Company Pages separately in Sprinklr via LinkedIn page addition workflow.

Sprinklr Insights Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Insights area: Listening | Product Insights


Listening | Introducing Podcast, Classified, and IGTV as New Listening Sources

We have added three new Listening sourcesPodcast and Classified as web sources and IGTV of Instagram. Currently, we support 1000+ Podcast sources and 3100+ Classified sources.

Listening | Alexa Reach and Alexa Page Views Calculation Logic Updates

As per the new calculation logic updates that we have made in the Alexa Reach and Alexa Page View Listening metrics, you will now get the exact values sent by the Alexa team as is, without any modifications. For more information, see – Reach Metrics for Listening.

Besides, we have also updated the descriptions of the below Listening metrics

  1. Alexa Rank: Alexa Rank is a relative measure of global popularity based on unique visitor and pageviews metrics from the past 3 months.

  2. Alexa Reach: Alexa Reach implies "out of a million global internet users, how many visited this site (during the specified time range)"?.

  3. Alexa Page Views: Alexa Page Views implies "out of a million page views made by the Alexa traffic sample (during the specified time range), how many were on this site?". Note that the page views are not unique.

Listening | Introducing New Moz Metric "Domain Authority"

In Listening metrics, we have added a new Moz metric called "Domain Authority". It is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). A Domain Authority score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of ranking.

The metric Domain Authority (DA) is calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking root domains and the number of total links, into a single DA score. This score can then be used when comparing websites or tracking the "ranking strength" of a website over time. Domain Authority is not a metric used by Google in determining search rankings and does not affect the SERPs.

Listening | Ability to Use Advanced Operators Independently in Quick Search

In Quick Search (previously known as Listening Explorer), you can now use these 4 advanced operators without requiring a Keyword Query in conjunction –

  1. author (to search author of the message)

  2. title (to search title of the message)

  3. url (to search for mentions from the entered url)

  4. site (to search for mentions from the entered site)

Listening | Added "Search Highlight" along with New Dashboard Switcher Functionalities

Within the Drop-down menu of any reporting dashboard, we have added the following functionalities to enhance the user experience – 

  1. Now, whatever keyword you will search in the search bar of the drop-down menu, will be highlighted in the search results. For example, if you search data in the search bar, all the dashboards containing the keyword data in their names and/or as tags will be shown in the search results and the entered keyword will be highlighted in all the results.
    Listening – Added Search Highlight Functionality in Dashboard Drop Down Menu

  2. Now, the dashboard switcher will remember the group that you expand within the dashboard dropdown menu. So, when you open the drop-down menu next time, the list will show the group expanded in the same state as you left earlier.

  3. The dashboard will also remember the previously opened sub-pane, and when you open the drop-down menu next time, you will see the sub-pane you opened previously instead of the menu items. To go back to menu items, you need to click the back icon.

Listening | Support for Pivot Table Widget Visualization

We have now enabled support to add a Pivot Table widget within the Listening and Benchmarking dashboards. This will allow you to create advanced pivot reports in a Reporting Dashboard by introducing a pivot widget so that you do not have to export and analyze reports using excel. You can plot multiple dimensions and metrics at different levels. You can further customize your report using various filters at the dashboard level as well as widget level.

Listening – Support for Pivot Table Widget Visualization

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Listening | Introducing Permalink Support for Print Articles Pulled in Listening Mentions

We have now introduced permalink support for the Print articles in Sprinklr Insights. With this enhancement, users can now click the permalink (date in conversation stream) and navigate to the hosted URL of the print article.

Product Insights

Product Insights | Ability to Add Product Insights Manually from Conversation Stream Widget

Sprinklr now allows you to add product insights manually besides editing or deleting the already predicted insights. This can be done directly via the third pane of the Conversation Stream widget. This feature is extremely useful when you find that insight is being missed or not predicted by the AI Model.

Adding New Insight from the third pane of Conversation Stream

Sprinklr Service Updates

Quickly navigate to a specific Sprinklr Service area: Channels | Agent Console | Communities | Assignment Engine | Care Reporting


Avaya | New SMS Channel Support

In Sprinklr, you can now add Avaya messaging accounts to be able to send and receive SMS from Sprinklr. All the standard features that work with any other social channel on Sprinklr are also supported with the Avaya channel.

Add Avaya account

SignalWire | New SMS Channel Support

In Sprinklr, you can now add SignalWire messaging accounts to be able to send and receive SMS from Sprinklr. All the standard features that work with any other social channel on Sprinklr are also supported with the SignalWire channel.

Adding a SignalWire Account

Agent Console

Agent Console | Support to Show a Message Notification on Receiving a New Fan Message

While drafting a reply on a case in the middle pane of Agent Console, if a new fan message is received, the agents will now be notified of it with a message notification within the reply box. It will help the agents to update the reply with respect to the latest fan message. Clicking Yes on the notification will restore the publisher (account, reply type, custom properties) with the default values. However, the reply text will be retained.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Showing context warning when last associated fan message changes when reply box is open in Agent Console

Also, a success message will be shown saying "We have updated your inputs based on the new message".Showing context warning when last associated fan message changes when reply box is open in Agent Console

Agent Console | Permission to Control the Visibility of Similar Cases

To view the recommended Similar Cases under the Smart Assist tab of Agent Console, a user must now be assigned with the View permission of Similar Case.

Similar Cases Permission

Agent Console | Support to Change the Order of Components/Tabs under Smart Assist

Under the Smart Assist tab of the Agent Console, you can now change the order of the components/tabs i.e. Similar Cases, Knowledge Base, and Guided Paths as desired. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Changing the order of sections within the Smart Assist tab in Agent Console

Agent Console | Submit Feedback on Smart Assist Recommendations with Thumbs Up & Thumbs Down Icons

Within the Smart Assist tab of the Agent Console, you can now quickly provide feedback on Similar Case and Knowledge Base Article recommendations by clicking the thumbs up and thumbs down icons. You can also change the feedback once submitted.Similar Cases in Agent Console

Agent Console | Insert Comprehended Text Directly from Article Cards to Reply Box

Within Agent Console, you can now insert the comprehended text shown on the recommended article card directly to the reply box by clicking the Copy to Response icon in the top right corner of the article card.Insert the comprehended text of the article directly to the reply box using  ‘Copy to Response’ button in Agent Console

Agent Console | Open Footer Reply Box On Selecting 'Reply' Action from Conversation Pane

From the middle conversation pane of the Agent Console, if you select Reply action on any fan/brand message, then the reply box will open in the footer now, instead of an overlay reply box.

Footer Reply Box On Selecting 'Reply' Action from Conversation Pane in Agent Console

Agent Console | Notify Agents About New Smart Assist Recommendations

Agents will now be notified with an indicator in the middle pane of Agent Console when a new recommendation is added within the Smart Assist tab based on the latest message.
When the reply box is opened, clicking the Smart Assist (Sprinklr) icon will open the Smart Assist tab in the third pane.
When new recommendations arrive, the icon will be highlighted with the total count of new/unread recommendations.
For some messages, if there is no recommendation present, this icon will appear in a faded (Gray) state.


The Smart Assist icon will be visible in the reply box when the users have at least one of the three components i.e. Similar Case, Knowledge Base, or Guided Workflows enabled for them.

Smart Assist Icon in Middle Pane of Agent Console

Agent Console | Ability to Restrict Visibility of Audit Checklist Results

Within Agent Console, you can now get the user-level restrictions enabled to allow only those users to view the Audit Results tab who have the View permission for Audit Checklist Responses.

Also, you can now report on agent performance using a rating scale by selecting the Input Type as Rating Scale while configuring the audit checklist questions.

To learn more about getting the user-level restrictions to view audit results capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.



Community Builder | Direct Messaging

You can now enable Direct Messaging on the community forum which will allow community users to have conversations in private and control the distribution of sensitive information in a public space.

Enabling direct messaging in community builder

Peer to Peer Chat on Community

Assignment Engine

Assignment Engine | Work Active Conversation Capacity for Skill-Based Routing

You can now set the maximum Work Active Conversation Capacity of agents for skill-based routing. For example, if you set the Work Assignment Capacity of an agent to 10 and Work Active Conversation Capacity to 15, then the agent will not be assigned more than 15 cases (incl. active conversations and not more than 10 new conversations) at one point of time even if s/he is within the active conversation timeout limit. Earlier, there was no limit of active conversations that were being assigned to agents if they were within the active conversation timeout limit.

Work Active Conversation Capacity for Skill-Based Routing in Assignment Engine

Care Reporting

Care Reporting | Ability to Report on AHT (Average Handle Time) for Cases Where Canned Responses and Quick Macros are Used

You can now use dimensions Canned Response Used and Quick Macro Used along with the Case Processing SLA metric to report on AHT (average handle time) for cases where canned responses and quick macros were used or not used. It will help you determine the impact of canned responses and quick macros on agents' productivity. You can also apply the filters for Canned Response Used and Quick Macro Used dimensions with the value as True for cases where it was used and False for cases where it was not.

To view the SLA (AHT) for cases where canned responses and quick macros are used