Sprinklr 17.1.0 - Sprinklr Service Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!


SMSGlobal | New SMS Channel Support

In Sprinklr, you can now add SMSGlobal account to be able to send and receive SMS from Sprinklr. All the standard features that work with any other messaging channel on Sprinklr are also supported with the SMSGlobal channel.

Using Quick Publisher, you can also send bulk SMS by selecting profiles/profile lists, entering phone numbers, or importing an excel sheet with the recipient information.

Facebook | Support to Add 13 Buttons in a Quick Reply Template

While creating a Quick Reply template for Facebook, you can now add and present a set of up to 13 buttons in conversation that contain a title and optional image, and appear prominently above the composer.

Vectramind | New SMS Channel Support
In Sprinklr, you can now add a Vectramind messaging account to be able to send Arabic and English messages along with links and emojis. All the standard features that work with any other messaging channel on Sprinklr are also supported with the Vectramind channel.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

WhatsApp Business | Automated Account Migration

If you are using the WhatsApp Business API with a 3rd party vendor and want to switch to Sprinklr, you can now keep your registered phone number. After being migrated, a phone number keeps its display name, quality rating, messaging limits, Official Business Account status, and any high-quality message templates previously approved. Note that the old chat history will not be migrated.

To migrate your WhatsApp Business account to Sprinklr, reach out to Vaibhav Dhand or Vineet Ruhil.


Communities | Filter Conversations in Related Conversations Widget

While configuring the Related Conversations widget in the Widget Library, you will now have the option to define different parameters to filter the conversations in the Related Conversations widget. For example, you can filter the conversations by topics, categories, type, post date, etc.
Widget Library in Community Builder

Communities | View Reasons for Flagged Posts in the New Third Pane of Agent Console

On the community forum, you can flag the posts as inappropriate and also provide the reasons. You can now view these reasons for flagged posts within the overview tab of the new third pane of Agent Console and Care Console.

Communities | Ability to Preview Images to be Sent via Direct Messaging on Forum

On Community Forum, when you select an image to be sent to other users via Direct Messaging, you will now see the preview of the image in a popup before sending it to ensure that the selected image is correct.

Communities | Ability to Send Canned Responses via Direct Messaging on Forum

On Community Forum, you will now be able to search and send desired canned responses to other users via Direct Messaging. These canned responses can be created within Profile Settings.

Communities | Sort Conversations Option
While configuring the Conversations and Tabbed Conversations widget in the Widget Library, you will now have the option to enable Show Sort Option to allow users to sort the conversations by the desired parameter in the widget.
Once enabled, users can select the default parameter under Profile Settings by which they want to sort the conversations.

Communities | Ability to Add Header Logo in Navbar Widget
While configuring the Navbar widget in the Widget Library, you can now add a logo that will appear on the navigation bar on the community forum. You can add different logos in different languages for a multi-language community.

Communities | Multi-language Support for Support Tickets
For a multi-language community, you can now enable users to view and create support tickets in different languages on the community forum.

While creating a community, change the language using the language switcher in the top right corner and select the Guided Workflow in the associated language. These guided workflows can be configured in multiple languages.

Agent Console

Agent Console | Automated Data Migration Process for Knowledge Base

You can now leverage articles within Agent Console and Care Console that currently exist in an external system.

Easily import/migrate knowledge base articles in Sprinklr with standard integrations available with systems such as Zendesk, Salesforce, Adobe Experience Manager (or any other system on case to case basis). For more information, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Copy link of the knowledge base article in Agent Console

Agent Console | Hide/Delete Messages in Bulk at Case Level

Within Agent Console, you can now hide/delete the chat conversations in bulk at the case level. Note that when all the selected messages support the delete/hide action then only the option will appear and if one of the selected messages doesn't support the delete/hide action then it won't come. Also, the messages will be hidden/deleted from the native channel as well.

Agent Console | Automated Data Migration Process for Knowledge Base

You can now leverage articles within Agent Console and Care Console that currently exist in an external system.

Easily import/migrate knowledge base articles in Sprinklr with standard integrations available with systems such as Zendesk, Salesforce, Adobe Experience Manager (or any other system on case to case basis). You can also schedule to sync external articles into Sprinklr at a regular interval. For more information, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Agent Console | Support to Copy Notes from Sprinklr Case to Sprinklr Tasks
You can now get the notes, that are added to a Sprinklr case via the Collaborate tab, to automatically flow into all the "non-closed" tasks within that case. To get this capability enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Agent Console | Different Color Configurations and Time Intervals for SLA Indicator
In Agent Console and Care Console, you can now get the different colors configured for the SLA indicator clock based on different time intervals. Additionally, you can get the time intervals changed based on whether it's the agent's first reply or subsequent replies. To get these capabilities enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Agent Console | Visual Indicator and CRM Profile Link of Authenticated Customers in New Third Pane
You can authenticate your customers before engaging with them on Sprinklr, pull the CRM details for authenticated customers, and attach them to the customers’ profile so that care agents can refer to that data right away in Sprinklr. Now, you can view the visual indicator and CRM profile link of the authenticated customers in the new third pane of Agent Console and Care Console. For more information, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Agent Console | Visual Indicator for New Messages

When a new message is added to a case in the open case stream of the Agent Console, you will now see a visual indicator displaying the count of unread message(s). It is visible in the ‘Assigned to Me’ column for case(s) that is not open in the middle conversation pane.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Care Console

Care Console | Masking Users' Sensitive Data

Sprinklr provides you with the capability to mask the profile details of users in the stream, conversation pane, profile widget, and third pane of Agent Console and Care Console. You can hide any sensitive profile information (PII) of the users stored in Sprinklr such as name, social ID, email, phone, address, etc. from the agents. In order to view masked profile details, the View Unmasked PII Data permission has to be provided by the admin to the agents.

To learn more about masking the profile details in your environment, please work with your success manager. You can also choose to skip masking the brand profile details.

Care Console | Support of Controlling Custom Fields
Sprinklr now provides you with the capability of controlling custom fields in Care Console widgets also. Controlling custom fields allow you to set the visibility of controlled fields based on a specific value of the controlling field. In other words, you can set custom fields to appear only when users make a specific selection in another field.

Care Console | New Default Layout
In Care Console, the tabs Omni-Channel Interaction, Case Details, and Customer 360 will now appear in a vertical menu on the right by default. In this new layout, the conversation widget will appear within all the tabs.
Note that the custom layouts that are already added for your partner will not be changed.
If you are using a custom/old layout and wish to get the new vertical menu layout enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Care Console | Support to Send Canned Responses with Attachments
Within Care Console, you can now send canned responses with attachments using the reply box. To get the desired attachments added to canned responses, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.
To learn more about using the canned responses with attachments in Care Console, please reach out to your Success Manager.

Care Console | New Message Preview in Case Stream

When a new message gets associated with a case in the case stream column of Care Console, you will now see the preview of the latest fan message in real-time without the need of refreshing the console.

Sprinklr Live Chat

Sprinklr Live Chat | Hide Live Chat Trigger Icon Based on Users' Geo-location
You can now hide the live chat trigger icon for users coming from a specific country, city, or region. After selecting any one of them, select the operator as either containing, not containing, or regex. For regex, enter the value as (Mumbai|Kanpur).

To learn more about getting the attributes Country, City and Region added in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Show Case Numbers on Live Chat Conversations
Within the Live Chat widget, your customers will now be able to view the case number on the conversations. To get this capability enabled, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Capture Device Details of Customers
In Agent Console and Care Console, you will now be able to view the device details i.e. Device Brand and Device Name of your live chat customer within Channel Custom Properties.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Sprinklr Live Chat | New Default Placeholder Message for Disabled Chat
On the Live Chat widget, your customers will now see the new default placeholder saying "You cannot type right now" when the chat is disabled.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Confirmation Popup on Clicking the Back Button During Audio/Video Calls
On the Live Chat widget, if a customer clicks the back button or refreshes the window while on an audio or video call, a popup will appear for them to confirm or cancel the action.

Sprinklr Live Chat | Notification Message in Care Console on Declining/Ending the Audio/Video Calls
In Care Console, the agents will receive a notification message when they initiate a video/audio call and the customer either declines the call or ends the ongoing call. They will also receive a notification message when a customer initiates a call and the agent declines the call.

Proactive Prompts

Proactive Prompts | Add Custom Fonts in Prompt Popups
While creating a Popup creative for Proactive Prompts, you can now add custom fonts to match your brand guidelines and give a seamless experience to your customers. First, add a Font Family asset in the Digital Asset Manager and upload the font files. Note that the accepted file formats are .woff, .ttf, .eot and .otf.

Next, select that font family asset from the Custom Font Family dropdown while creating/editing a popup creative in Proactive Prompts. Once you select the font asset, make sure you also select it from the Headline Text, Content Text, and Target Button Text fields, as required.

Proactive Prompts | Add Positioned Popup Prompts
While creating a creative for Proactive Prompts, you can now add positioned popup prompts for which you can customize the width and position. These popups will allow users to interact with the background content (for example, by selecting links or tapping buttons) while the popup remains visible.


Surveys | Advanced Survey Capabilities

You can now easily add pre-built surveys in the Conversational AI application to automatically transform the same full-page survey into a conversational format.

To Configure a Conversational Survey

Additionally, you can redirect customers, who submit low survey ratings via prompts on your brand’s website/forum, to engage with agents on live chat to get a resolution to their problems. You can then create a Survey Response rule in Rule Engine to map the desired survey responses filled by the customers via prompts to the Case Custom Fields of the live chat case for the agents to view in Agent Console/Care Console.

Surveys | Add CSS to Show Survey Description Post Submit Button
While creating a survey in the Survey Builder, you can now add custom CSS to change the Description position to appear beneath the submit button.

Email Care

Email Care | Automated Data Migration Process

Brand teams moving their operations from the previous providers like Zendesk/Freshdesk can now migrate their existing tickets (case) data such as Tickets (case), Associated Messages, Ticket Custom Field Tagging, Internal notes, etc. to Sprinklr. Post migration, the open tickets can be assigned to agents in Sprinklr so that they can continue their customer care operations without any break. For more information, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Email Care | Support to Not Add Child Case Conversation in Parent Case on Merging

Once you merge two or more email cases in Agent Console, all the messages of the child cases get copied as notes within the Collaborate tab of the parent case. You can now get the capability enabled to not copy the child case messages.

Note: To not copy the child case messages as notes to the parent case, please work with your Success Manager.

Additionally, you can now view the merging activity along with the case numbers in the Activity tab of the third pane.

Email Care | Copy Child/Parent Case Numbers on Merged Cases via Rule Engine

After you merge two or more email cases in Agent Console, by creating a case update rule in the Rule Engine, you can now add the action under Actions To "Copy properties from source to destination" to copy the case numbers of the child cases to the parent case and vice versa.

Email Care | Support to Send HTML and HTM Files
While responding to any email from Agent Console or Care Console, you can now send the .html and .htm files with emails using the Add Document icon.

Email Care | Support to Add Custom Properties
While creating email cases manually in Sprinklr, you can now fill the desired custom properties under the Case Details section. These properties will be visible in the case third pane. To get the desired custom properties added, reach out to support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Care Reporting

Care Reporting | Using User Group Dimension in Smart Compose Reporting
You can now create a widget in Care Reporting to view the number of Smart Compose predictions that were predicted for different user groups.

To learn more about getting the Smart Compose reporting enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI | End Dialogue Tree and End Conversation Nodes

While creating a dialogue tree, you can now add two different End nodes i.e. 'End Dialogue Tree' and 'End Conversation'.

End Dialogue Tree - You can choose to end a particular path. Whenever you feel that the user journey is complete, you can end that path by selecting End and then End Dialogue Tree. Here, the context of the dialogue tree gets reset and the context will pass back to the parent bot if any. The application will also check if any issue type is pending and will trigger the issues type if trigger conditions are met. Note that the existing trees (before this enhancement) with the End node will now be shown as End Dialogue Tree.

End Conversation - You can also choose to end the entire conversation at the application level by selecting End and then End Conversation. Here, the entire context of the application will get reset and the conversation will be finished. The application will not check for any further issue types and will also not route back to the parent bot.

Conversational AI | Handover to Another Bot Node

While creating a dialogue tree, you can now add a new node Handover to Another Bot, similar to the 'Route to Another Bot' node. However, unlike 'Route to Another Bot', it will end the parent bot and completely transfer the conversation context to the bot being routed to. Once the routed dialogue tree ends, the conversation context will not go back to the parent bot.

Conversational AI | Entity Filter in Dialogue Tree Trigger

While creating a dialogue tree, you can now add the Entity filter from the condition drop-down. This will allow detecting entities in the trigger of a dialogue tree. A parameter for the Entity Name will also be created which can be used further inside the dialogue tree.

Conversational AI | Message Keywords Condition in Decision Box
While creating a dialogue tree, you can now direct the users down a path depending on the keywords used in their messages. To do this, add the Message Keywords condition in the decision box along with the desired keyword list(s).

Conversational AI | Entity Filter in Issue Type

You can now also trigger an issue type bot when an entity is detected. While creating an Issue Type, you can select the below-mentioned conditions from the Filters dropdown to trigger a bot.

1. Entity - Based on desired Entity.

2. Number of Detected Issue Types Intents On Current Message - Based on the number of detected issue type intents.

3. Button - Based on if a button is clicked or not.

To learn more about getting the Filters enabled, please work with your success manager.

Conversational AI | Define Variable Node
While creating a dialogue tree, you can now add a new node Define Variable to define variables for
Business Hours - This node can be used to select the Business Hours and define a variable for Is in Business Hours for which the value will be true if the user messages within business hours. You can also set the variable and format for Start of Business Hour for the bot to reply with upcoming business hours when a user sends a message outside of business hours.

Work Queue Properties - This node can be used to define a variable for a particular work queue which can be used in decision boxes, bot replies, etc.

Assign Value: This node can be used to assign the value of an output parameter such as JSON output to a particular variable which can be used in decision boxes, bot replies, etc.

Guided Workflows

Guided Workflows | Copy Individual Blocks of Text from Workflow to Reply Box
While using a Guided Workflow in Agent Console or Care Console, you will now be able to copy the individual blocks of the text component as well as the entire text component into the reply box.
To make a text block copiable, you need to wrap the desired content in <div class="gp-copiable-block"> content </div> while creating a guided workflow.

Guided Workflows | Group Visibility Conditions of a Component on Screen
While adding a Screen node to your Guided Workflow, you will now be able to group the visibility conditions for any selected component to make it visible only when those conditions are met. For example, if there is a component on the screen whose visibility needs to be controlled by 4 variables i.e. (Var1&&Var2)||(Var3&&Var4), you can now group the variables in such manner.