Sprinklr Marketing : 17.10 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners, and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Sprinklr Marketing

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar | Support for Preview of Posts

While viewing posts under the Draft, Schedule, and Published status within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to view the preview for the same.

Editorial Calendar | Optimization of Filters for Different Entities

While applying filters within the Editorial Calendar, you will now be able to distinguish the properties by their asset class. This will simplify and removes confusion by bringing consistency throughout the platform.

Slack Integration

Slack Integration | Manage Sprinklr’s Task Status and Notifications

Receive notifications in Sprinklr App on Slack for any changes made in the tasks that are assigned to you or subscribed by you. This enables you to update the status of the tasks without switching tabs. On clicking the task name, you will be redirected to the Task Third Pane in the platform where you can view and take additional actions as required.

Also, you will get notifications on slack in your Sprinklr App whenever someone @mentions you on any entity (campaign, sub-campaign, assets, tasks, requests, and messages).

Slack Integration | Support for Scheduled and Requested Export

With Sprinklr App support in Slack, you can now receive Scheduled and Requested Exports in Slack itself and share them with other members and different channels. The supported file format for the exports will be Excel, iCal, PNG, PDF, etc.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | Enhancements in Workflow Progress and Task Due Columns

Capabilities such as Filter, Group-By, Quick Filters, Color Tags, and Sort-By are now enabled for the Workflow Progress and Task Due columns within the Production Dashboards which will help you save time with campaign planning and content production. Additionally, this will bring consistency among all the columns leading to greater adoption of Production Dashboards.

With this capability enabled, you will be able to:

  • Filter the Workflow Progress columns by On-Time, Delayed, and Not Set (for the ones that do not have a “Delayed” or “On-Time” value) value.

  • Filter the Task Due column by Overdue, Due Today, Due in 7 Days, Due in Future, Early Completion, Delayed Completion, and Not Set (for the ones that do not have one of the default values) values.

Apart from this, the Percentage Workflow Completion column is now applicable to all historical data. All the workflows that are in progress will have percentage workflow completion values against them (irrespective of whether the workflow began before the feature was made available or after the feature was made available).

Also, the alignment of the Task Status column is moved to third place in the following dashboards:

  • Tab - “Assign To My Team”; Standard Dashboard - “My Tasks”

  • Tab - “Assign To Me”; Standard Dashboard - “My Tasks”

  • Tab - “Production Overview”; Standard Dashboard - “Production Overview”

  • Tab - ”Favorite Tasks”; Standard Dashboard - “My Favorites”

Content Marketing | Sync Sub-Category and Child Sub-Category in One Go

Push both the sub-category and its child sub-category from Allocadia with a single click without having to sync them individually, thus increasing the usability of the Allocadia-Sprinklr integration.

Content Marketing | Sprinklr Preview Disabled

While viewing posts within the Editorial Calendar, Publisher, and Engagement columns, you will not see the standard Sprinklr preview.

Content Marketing | Create Localized Copies from any Source Language

Create localized copies for a message irrespective of what language is selected as the source language. Also, you can localize content for Non-Publishing channels as well.

Content Marketing | Insert Tables in Brief and Content Templates

Insert tables while creating Brief and Content Templates (modern editor) to better preview the information being presented. This enables you to efficiently and effectively organize information being communicated to other team members. The tables can be inserted in 1x1, 2x2, and 3x3 format with the additional ability to add, remove, and delete rows and columns.

In addition to this, you can manage the Cell Spacing, Cell Padding, and Broder Width from the Table Properties option and add Media, Sections, and Lists within a cell of the table itself. To save time and effort you can copy tables from external tools such as google docs, google slides, google sheets, excel, etc., and paste them into Sprinklr Briefs and Content Templates.

Content Marketing | Receive Notification when Scheduling by Workflow Fails

When a workflow “schedule” action runs on a message which has channel/character limit/template/media validation errors, the system will throw an error message notifying you of the message failure.

You will receive a notification stating “Your message was not scheduled”.

Content Marketing | Insert Images from Rich Text Component

You can now add an Image from the rich text editor while creating content in Content Templates and Publisher. This enables you to add images in the text box in a tabular format in order to have them parallelly adjacent to each other.

Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine | Stop Manual Publishing Checkbox Enabled

Prevent manual publishing of messages which have a running workflow on them and avoid the risk of any team member mistakenly publishing the content while the approval workflow is still in progress. It ensures that all the guidelines are followed and that your post and content are error-free. Apart from that, if the checkbox for Stop manual publishing is ON, then you will not see the Schedule and Publish buttons in the Publisher as they get disabled. If a message has multiple workflows running on it, then irrespective of the workflow for which you have the Stop manual publishing checkbox ON, the message will not be published.


On trying to Schedule/Publish a message with a workflow in progress, you will get the following error -

"You cannot schedule or publish this message as the workflow is not complete."


Settings | Separate Permissions for Create Message Idea

A new permission “Create Message Idea” is configured within Sprinklr to control the creation of Message Ideas from various sections of the platform. This allows you to have clear and precise governance that minimizes risk for brands, thereby preventing any unauthorized publishing, happening without the proper process/protocols.

Sprinklr Marketing (Ads)

Ads Composer

Ads Composer | Unique Creatives for Individual DCM Entities

Now you can create a unique creative for each DCM Ad based on your Naming Convention. This will give you the capability to decide whether you want to create a unique creative for each entity or utilize existing or same creative for all the DCM Ads.

Ads Composer | Facebook DPA ads for App Install, and Lead Generation objective

Now you can create Facebook DPA Ads for App Install and Lead Generation Objectives. For App Install Campaigns and Instant forms, media posts and carousel post types are supported.

Ads Composer | Extended Audience View in One-Click Ad-Buys

The Audience targeting in the One-Click Ad-Buys view has been improved. You can now view all the necessary Audience targeting information upfront in the 1CAB view.

Ads Composer | Create Facebook Dynamic Creatives and Formats for Catalog Sales

Now you can create Dynamic formats and creative for Facebook Catalog Sales for below ad objectives:

  • Catalog Sales

  • Conversions (for website destination)

  • Sales New Objective + Catalog

  • Sales New Objective + Website

Ads Composer | Facebook Dynamic Creative for Carousel Ads

Create Facebook carousel ads with Dynamic creatives by selecting Carousel Ads from the post type drop-down menu when the dynamic toggle is turned on.

The Applicable objectives are:

1. Brand Awareness

2. Reach

3. Traffic

4. App Installs

5. Conversions (website)

6. Awareness (New objective) (Reach, Impressions, Ad Recall Lift

Ads Composer | Multi-format Ad Squads Delivery for Snapchat

Ad format selection for Snapchat will now be available at the ad variant level, thereby giving the user freedom to create multi-ad format ad sets. To make this possible, Ad Formats and Ad type have now been clubbed into Ad formats to be selected at the Ad Variant level. Following Ad formats will now appear:

  • Snap Ads

  • Story Ads

  • Collection Ads

  • Commercial Ads

  • Filter Ads

Ads Composer | Select Snap Profiles While Creating Snapchat Ads

A Snapchat Ad Account can have multiple Public Profiles linked to it, which the user would be able to select while creating an Ad. Now users can select from available Snapchat profiles while creating an Ad creative in Ads Composer for the following Ad formats:

  • Snap Ad

  • Story Ads

  • Collection Ads

  • Commercial Ads

Ads Composer | Target LinkedIn Audience Based on Industry

You can now select Industry types within LinkedIn detailed targeting and target your audience based on their skills and industries.

Ads Composer | Facebook Collection Ads Parity

In Ads Composer & Ads Creative Library, options for creation of Collection Ads will now also be available for the following objectives:

  • Awareness, Traffic (App)

  • Engagement (App)

  • Leads (App)

  • Sales (App)

  • Brand Awareness [Old Objective]

  • Reach [Old Objective]

Ads Composer | Ability to Edit Timezone for Adsets

Now you can schedule your ads as per the timezones of your users by selecting the timezone from the drop-down while creating ads in ads composer. Select what times of day your ads are active to get the best results.

Ads Composer | Addition of Instagram Reels Placement

Instagram Position options will now show Instagram Reels as a placement for the following objectives in Instagram Campaigns:

  1. Engagements (New Objective) > Click to Messenger

  2. Messages > Click to Messenger

  3. Sales (New Objective) > Messenger

Ads Composer | Deprecation of Twitter App Store Categories

To maintain parity with Twitter, Sprinklr has deprecated the following App Store categories targeting options for App Installs and App Re-engagements objectives:

  • App Store Categories

  • App Store Category Lookalike

These changes will apply to both new and existing Twitter campaigns.

Ads Composer | Create and Publish TikTok Collection Ads

Now you can create and publish TikTok Collection Ads from Sprinklr for Traffic, Conversion, Video Views, and Reach objetives. Collection Ads give you the ability to deliver personalized product recommendations, meaning people will see relevant products on your Instant Gallery Page. This ability to dynamically promote products will help ensure the right people, see the right products, at the right time.

Note: TikTok Collection Ads is not supported for Reach and Frequency campaigns.

Ads Composer | Mobile App List Dropdown for Twitter App Cards

Now you will no longer have to manually input app details to create Twitter app cards. You will see a dropdown list of all mobile apps associated with your ad account while creating your app cards.

Ads Composer | Twitter Automated Targeting for App Installs and Website Traffic Campaigns

You can now use Automated Targeting for Twitter App Installs and Website Traffic campaigns to reach people beyond your targeted audience when there’s potential to achieve better performance. Automated targeting is replacing the Expand your audience feature to align with Twitter. Any existing Ad Set using the audience expansion feature will automatically be switched to automated targeting.

Ads Composer | Twitter Replies Ad Placement

To maintain parity with the native platform, Sprinklr has released a new placement option called “Replies” for App Installs and Reach Objectives for Twitter Ads. This placement will allow App ads to deliver within the replies of a Tweet.

Ads Composer | Support for Special Ad Category (HEC) for TikTok Auction Ads

Now you can target users in the United States and Canada while complying with the Housing, Employment, and Credit ("HEC") Ad Policy by using the Special Ad Category option (HEC) for TikTok. On using this option, certain targeting capabilities become limited or unavailable for housing, employment, for advertisers based in the United States, and for advertisers targeting the United States or Canada.

Ads Comoser | New Targeting Options for TikTok Ads

To stay in line with the native platform, Sprinklr has added the following new targeting options for TikTok Campaigns:

  • Connection Type - 5G

  • Device Models - iPhone 13/13 Mini/13 Pro/13 Pro Max

  • New City and Province Level targeting locations

  • Household Income Targeting

Ads Composer | Publish TikTok Reach and Frequency Campaigns

You can now plan and buy TikTok campaigns in advance using Reach and Frequency buys to drive transparent media planning and predictable delivery of branding campaigns. The three reservation types available for these campaigns are:

  • Fixed Impression

  • Fixed Budget

  • Fixed Reach

Note: TikTok Reach and Frequency is only available for Reach, Video Views, and Traffic objectives.

Ads Composer | Support for TikTok Automated Targeting

You can now apply Automated Targeting to your TikTok campaigns in Sprinklr to automatically optimize your targeting settings according to your objective, ad delivery, the content of your ads, past campaign data, and more. Automated Targeting is only available for Traffic, App Installs, Community Interactions, and Conversions (Website) objectives.

Ads Composer | Reservation of Facebook Reach & Frequency Campaign using Reach Value

You can now create a Facebook reach and frequency campaign and reserve it using reach as input instead of having to scroll along the graph to pinpoint the Reach amount making it difficult to select the exact Reach required. You can enter the reach value in the Budget and Schedule section and generate a graph based on this reach input.

Twitter Cards | App Drop-downs for Twitter App Cards

Now, you will be able to see a list of all mobile apps associated with your Twitter Ads account in a drop-down while creating app cards for Twitter. This way, you can avoid manually inputting app details during Twitter app card creation.

Ads Composer | Approved Draft Creative will be Published When Selected in an Ad

Going forward, whenever a post or ad creative in the approved draft state is used in an ad variant, it will be published on the channel along with the ad variant. This functionality applies to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Ads Composer | Targeting Expansion Available for TikTok

To maintain parity with the native platform, Sprinklr has introduced a new targeting option called Targeting Expansion. This will help you find the right audience for your TikTok ads by expanding your targeting settings when the system predicts it will be hard to deliver ads based on your initial targeting selections. Targeting Expansion is available for App Installs and Conversions (Website) objectives.


Targeting expansion is not supported on Pangle. The targeting settings of any ads delivered on Pangle will not be changed.

Ads Composer | Auto-Selection of Linked Page During Linkedin Ad Creation

As per LinkedIn’s guidelines, a LinkedIn Ad account can have only one LinkedIn page linked to it but previously, in Sprinklr, users needed to select a Page while creating a LinkedIn ad in Ads Composer. This option has now been removed, and the users will instead see the already linked page preselected on the Add New Creatives window.

Ads Composer | LinkedIn Parity - Selection of Job Title with Job Seniority or Job Function Disabled

While creating an audience for LinkedIn ads, you can not select both Job Title and Job Seniority or Job Title and Job Function together. On doing so, the dashboard will show this validation message - Job Seniority and Job Title cannot be selected together.

Ads Composer | Optimization Events selection no longer needed for TikTok Traffic campaigns

Tiktok has changed the pixel event flow for the Traffic objective. In order to align with the native platform, Sprinklr has removed the selection of pixel events for Traffic objective with Website promotion type and associated validations for Tiktok ads.

Ads Composer | New Objectives for Facebook Reels Placement

Sprinklr has added support for publishing on the Facebook Reels placement for the new objectives — Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, App Promotion, and Sales with select destination type and goal combinations.

Ads Composer | Audience Network for LinkedIn Carousel Ads

Now, you can use a target audience having Audience Network enabled in your LinkedIn Carousel Ads and extend your reach beyond the LinkedIn feed to members on third-party websites and apps across the internet.

Ads Manager

Ads Manager | Addition of Custom Number Fields Support for Facebook

Now you can use custom number fields for additional number-related information while creating sets. Therefore, you can filter entities by number ranges (greater than and less than) when you create a set.

Ads Manager | Changes in Scheduling of Adsets

As per the new changes, Adset Scheduling will run only if the Paid Initiative is active. For LinkedIn Enterprise ad accounts, however, Adset scheduling will run even independently of the PI status.

Ads Manager | Creative Selection UX and Filter in Ads Composer and Ads Manager

Now you can see the entire preview of your creative including, text headlines, subtitles, and links that are associated with the creatives. You will also be able to save and select a saved filter in the existing creative screen in ads composer and ads manager.

Ads Manager | Promotable User Option Available at Ad level for Twitter Followers Campaigns

The Promotable User option will now be available at the ad variant level for Twitter Followers campaigns.

Ads Manager | Delete Unpublished Archived Pinterest Ads

Sprinklr has now added the support for deletion of archived Pinterest entities that were not published.

Ads Manager | Search Ad Entities Using Sprinklr IDs

Now you can search ad entities created from a particular ad account in Sprinklr’s Ads Manager. This will make it easier to filter out entities created you create from your ad account.

Ads Manager | TikTok Parity for Editing Published Ads

TikTok has changed a few fundamental behaviors for editing published ads. Now, when editing a published ad in Sprinklr, only certain fields, such as video and text, can be updated.

Ads Manager | Bulk Export Entity Activities in One Click

Now you can download all activities of all Ad entities in one single go from the Ads Manager. Exporting a parent level will export all its child entities by default, and the exported excel will be in 3 tabs - PI name, adset name, and ad variant name.

Ads Manager | Custom Audience Remains Unchanged on Cloning Adset Across Ad Accounts

When an Adset is cloned across ad accounts, then the custom audience will only be carried forward if they are shared, otherwise not. This prevents the ad from getting published to an unintended audience.

Ads Manager | All Inputs from URL Parameter Field will be Removed for Clone/Quick Clone Flow

Previously, on cloning an ad, the URL parameter values were carried forward, and during the creative’s editing, the values of the URL parameter field weren’t replaced, causing huge tracking issues for the clients. All values from the URL parameter field will be removed, leaving the field blank. Thus, depending on whether a new post was created or an existing post was used, web analytics can be applied correctly.

Ads Manager | New Creative Fields Introduced in Export of Activity Log of Multiple Assets

You can now easily distinguish which activity belongs to which entity after export of your activity logs from Ads Manager with the following new columns:

  • Entity Name

  • Entity Sprinklr Id

  • Entity Channel Id (if published)

Ads Manager | Auto-Filling of Linkedin Lead Form Details on Cloning

Now you can clone a pre-existing Linkedin lead form and use it to create a new lead form with all details auto-filled while creating a Lead Generation Ad.

Ads Manager | Custom Field Section in Boost Post Window

The Custom field section would expand in the boost post window when any of the custom fields are mandatory. If there is no mandatory custom field, the custom field section will not expand.

Ads Reporting

Ads Reporting | New Unified Analytics Metrics and Instagram Reels Support

Some new metrics and support for Instagram Reels have been added in Unified Metrics in Sprinklr. You can find the list of these metrics here.

Ads Reporting | Addition of New Facebook and Twitter Metrics in Ads Reporting

Some new metrics have been added to Ads reporting for Facebook and Twitter. You can find the details about these Metrics here.

Ads Reporting | Tracking Pixel, Instagram Handle, and Product Set as Dimensions in Ads Manager, and Ads Reporting

Instagram Page, Tracking Pixel, and Product Set will be introduced as Dimensions in both Ads Manager and Ads Reporting to identify the campaigns that have or do not have Tracking Pixel or Instagram Handle. Identify which Particular Product Set is applied to the Ad Variant to understand the contribution of individual entities and perform an action on them accordingly.

Ads Reporting | Application of DCM on TikTok Ads

Now you can configure DCM through Sprinklr workflow instead of creating tags with specific nomenclature and manually applying them individually on the Ad Entities in Sprinklr. This way, you will also be able to reduce your creative production time with creative & campaign workflows that drive real-time collaboration between brands and agencies with auditable governance.

Ads Reporting | Introduction of TikTok as a Channel in Unified Analytics

Sprinklr has added TikTok as a channel in Unified Analytics, enabling you to identify and distinguish Paid and Organic performance of your Organic, Boosted, and Dark Posts to align the efforts and optimize the ROI across your TikTok posts.

Ads Reporting | Date Filter to Filter Data Among Multiple Date Entities

You can now filter out Ad Entities, and check the entities published in the date range based on the entity date chosen. This will help in making a report on the entities which are published this week. You can monitor your Ad entities’ performance published this week for the events.

Ads Reporting | Snapchat Story Support for Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics

Now you can leverage Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics to report on how your Ad Entities are driving digital performance across your websites or mobile sites and optimize the Ad traffic they are driving.

Ads Reporting | Integration of Reddit as a channel in Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Sprinklr has integrated Reddit in Ads reporting, which can be used to review real-time, automated reporting dashboards across your campaigns. You can leverage Sprinklr value add capabilities like custom fields, pacing control, and benchmarking for effective reporting and get a full view of Advertising performance.

Ads Reporting | Paid Dimensions Introduced in Inbound Engine

Three new paid dimensions have been introduced in the Inbound Analytics engine to allow users to easily see comments of an ad and filter basis Paid Initiative, Ad, or adset. These dimensions are:

1.Paid Initiatives

2.Ad set

3.Ad variant

Note: These dimensions will be available in filters. All incompatible dimensions and metrics would be greyed out.

Available for channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok

Ads Reporting | Deprecation of Unique Reach for LinkedIn

Sprinklr has removed the unique reach metrics for LinkedIn from Ads Reporting. Now, LinkedIn will neither be supported as a channel under reach Metrics in Ads reporting nor in the Unique Metrics configuration screen. Therefore, you will be able to view the data only till 30th August 2022.

Ads Reporting | New Page Event Metrics Added for TikTok

You will be able to report on Native Page Event metrics for Total Subscribe moving forward for Tiktok. The metrics will be available by Tiktok Total Subscribe (Page Event) in Sprinklr Ads Reporting.

Ads Reporting | New Dimensions in Ads Reporting for Google Analytics

Sprinklr has extended the support of below new dimensions for Google Analytics utilising which users will be able to report and breakdown further on the Google Analytics metrics:- Page, Page Path Level 1, Page Path Level 2, Country, Date, Medium, User Type, Device Category, Gender, Age and Default Channel Grouping.

Rule Engine

Rule Engine | Auto Boost Rules for New Facebook Objectives

Now users can boost posts in the rule engine using the new Facebook Objectives. Within auto boost rules, on selecting an existing PI and new ad set, Ad sets with specific configuration will be created.

Rule Engine | Additional Metric Support in Auto Boost Rule Conditions

These metrics will be added as options in Auto Boost Rule Conditions:

  1. Count of Positive Comments

  2. Count of Neutral Comments

  3. Count of Negative Comments

Messages will only get boosted if a certain number of positive comments are made (if more positive than negative). This way users will be able to boost posts with positive, or at least non-negative sentiment

Rule Engine | Option to Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant in Auto Boost rules

Sprinklr now allows you to map post custom field values to ad variant in auto boost rules. This option ensures that the Ad variant will have the correct name after the rule executes, irrespective of being part of the Outbound Post properties.

Rule Engine | “Set if Absent” Option in Mapping Rules

A new operator called - “Set If Absent” is exposed in paid rules and auto boost rules for the following actions:

  • Actions To Map Ad Account Custom Field Values to Paid Initiative

  • Actions To Map Paid Initiative Custom Field Values to Ad Set

  • Actions To Map Ad Set Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Actions To Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Actions To Map Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Post

  • Actions To Map Media Asset Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Rule Engine | Update in Reverse Naming Convention Rule Action Labels

Now you will be able to easily find and apply the reverse naming convention rule in the rule engine as their labels have been updated as given below:

  • Map Paid Initiative Custom Field - Reverse Map Paid Initiative Custom Field

  • Map Ad Set Custom Field - Reverse Map Ad Set Custom Field

  • Map Ad Variant Custom Field - Reverse Map Ad Variant Custom Field

Rule Engine | Improvement in the Naming Convention

Previously, the rule engine naming convention didn't re-apply to the ad set/ad variant if there were no changes to the ad set/ad variant made by the rule. Now, however, for paid rules, when any naming convention rule is defined and applied, then the rule engine will update the name as per the naming convention, and no other update/edit will be required in such a case.

Rule Engine | Custom Fields for Audience in Paid Rules

Now you can set audience custom fields with certain values based on certain conditions. This way, you will be able to automate actions for your campaign’s audience.

Rule Engine | Addition of Sprinklr Post Links in Email Notifications for Auto Boost Rules

A new link with the display text - Click here to view Post in Sprinklr, has been added in email notifications for Auto Boost rules in Sprinklr. This post link will lead you to the outbound post in Sprinklr.

Ads Pivot

Ads Pivot | New Filters Added in Ads Pivot

Some filters available in Ads Manager, and Ads Reporting have been added to Ads Pivot as well. These filters will allow users to filter ads pivot by creation date, analyze all ads created on a particular date and check their performance. Learn more about these filters here.

Audience Manager

Audience Manager | Deprecation of Facebook Special Ad Custom Audience

To maintain parity with the native platform, Sprinklr has deprecated Facebook Special Ad Custom Audience from the Audience Manager. Selection of special ad audiences in Custom Audiences under Targeting has also been blocked.

Audience Manager | Clone and Edit Audience in Audience Manager

The account field will now be editable when a saved audience will be cloned. Therefore, users can select the ad account in which they want to clone the audience.

Audience Manager | Automatic Sharing of Individual Components during the sharing of Saved Audience across Ad Accounts

When you share a saved audience, the individual components will automatically get shared at the same time, therefore the time and effort to find and share the associated components will be reduced.

Creative Library

Ads Creative Library | Send Ads Creative Library Posts for Approval via Outbound Rules

You can send Ads Creative Library posts for approval via Outbound rules based on the Ad Account, or bypass approval based on the ad account & page combination. This gives you greater control over what gets sent for approval via Rules from the Ads Creative Library.

Creative Library | Introduction of Order Now and Start Order CTA for Facebook Ads

Sprinklr has added two new CTAs called - Order Now and Start Order for Facebook Ads for the following Ad objectives:

Creative Library | Create Digital Circular Ads in Facebook

You can now create Digital Circular Ads using FB canvas builder for digital circular ads. Auto Import all digital circular templates already created on native and select any of them.

You can create Digital Circular Ads for the following objectives:

1. Reach

2. Conversion

3. Store Traffic

4. (Awareness New objective)

5. Sales (New objective) - Only for website.

Creative Library | Introduction of Dynamic Video Templates

Now you can create video templates in Sprinklr’s Asset manager by uploading the After Effects file for the video. Once this template is created, it can be utilized to edit existing videos or create other videos in bulk on the same template.

API Changes

API Changes | New API for TikTok Ads - v1.3

Starting August 15th, 2022, TikTok has released a new version of its Ads API v1.3. To avoid any disruption and gain access to new features, Sprinklr has migrated to the new API. This change does not impact any existing functionality.

Bulk Imports

Bulk Import | Descriptions for Twitter Cards Bulk Import Template Headers

To avoid confusion in understanding terminologies used for creating Twitter Cards and reduce delays in bulk creation of Twitter Cards, descriptions and color coding in the headers of the Twitter Card bulk import template have been added in Sprinklr.

Segment Manager

Segment Manager | Ability to select Marketo Dynamic Lists

You can now select from dynamic (smart) lists from your Marketo connector while creating a segment. A smart list is a dynamic collection of leads based on a set of designated characteristics.


Accounts | Search and Add the Google Ad Account Without Removing Hyphen from the Ad Account Name

Sprinklr has added the support of searching Google Ad Account names with hyphens during the Ad Account addition flow so that users don’t have to remove the hyphens from the name during the search.

Paid Pre-Publishing Rules

Paid Pre-Publishing Rules | One Click Ad Buys in Paid Pre-Publishing Rules

Sprinklr has added support for one-click ad buys in Pre-paid publishing rule. Therefore, now you will get pre-filled mandatory custom fields while publishing through the One Click Ad Buy itself so that you don’t have to fill them manually before publishing.