Sprinklr Insights: 17.7 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers a number of exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Navigation Tips

Read through the release notes below, or you can click on a Product title to jump to a particular Product page of the Release Notes. For quick navigation to a specific feature within the Product, click on the feature name on the right. In order to deep dive into certain capabilities, hover over the linked articles to open the article in a separate tab. Some release notes will be informational one-liners and an action cursor will not appear. Enjoy!

Top 5 Value-Driving Features

Sprinklr Insights | Introducing New Upgrades for Newsletter

Newsletters are an important medium of communication with stakeholders. It is crucial for newsletter creators to be able to curate the content with maximum flexibility while also having the ability to track the reception of their newsletters. With newsletter upgrades, we provide the newsletter creators with –

  • Flexibility to choose, edit and sort articles in a newsletter

  • Advanced analytics to analyze the performance of your Newsletters

  • AI-powered grouping of messages to reduce redundancy

  • Ability to add insights or internal announcements with the help of customizable text widgets

Listening | Revamped Listening Theme Builder with Preview Support

The Listening Theme Builder UI has been revamped in order to enhance the user experience and usability of the product.

  • You can now create Themes with greater ease and more transparency using the new revamped UI of the theme builder.

  • The Theme Builder will now have preview support which means social posts, conversations, smart clusters, etc. can be previewed immediately while creating the Themes, thus allowing you to refine your theme aligning with your use cases.

  • You can add preview filter(s) to refine the preview of the fetched messages and test the relevance of your Themes with the filters associated with your objectives.

This will help brands create Listening themes with greater control and flexibility.

Listening | Added 35+ New Languages to Broaden Your Listening Scope

We have added 35+ new languages to the Sprinklr platform in order to help brands expand their listening horizon and harness the power to detect, report, and create queries. Brands can now listen to their audience by increasing their scope to 160+ languages (earlier 120+), thereby tracking their major product feature performance over a wider range of languages.


Translation capability for the newly added languages will be available in the upcoming releases.

Listening | Introducing the Ability to Save Date Ranges

The date picker in reporting dashboards allows users to easily select the duration for which they want to see the data in their dashboard. The following upgrades have been made to improve the user experience and add flexibility in reporting while setting up duration filters in Listening and Benchmarking dashboards:


The Time and Time Zone Filter option will no longer be available at the widget level. Users can modify widget-level Time and Time Zones by clicking the in-line filter button.

  • Saved Date Ranges: You will now have the ability to select a date range for a product launch, campaign, or any other key event and save it with a custom name. Once saved, this will appear in the new ‘Saved Date Ranges’ section inside the datepicker left rail. This eliminates the need to remember key dates that are important to your brand each time they have to be applied on a dashboard, section or widget. Note: Currently, Saved Date Ranges will be available in Listening and Benchmarking dashboards only.

  • Search Date Ranges: An option to search through the existing standard and new saved date ranges has been introduced to ease your selection among multiple date ranges in the date picker.

  • Rolling Toggles: The "Rolling Start Date" and "Rolling End Date" toggles will automatically roll the date start and end dates you have selected by 1 day everyday. This allows your brand to compare campaigns day over day, without the manual effort of adjusting the date.

Sprinklr's Alert Manager

Listening | Introducing Advanced Audience Insights

The Audience Insights module now provides you with the ability to create a 360° view of your audience by visualizing the network of common accounts followed by them, improve brand messaging with powerful conversational insights, and create an effective campaign strategy via influencer discovery. The newly introduced Advanced Audience Insights tool will help you unlock actionable audience insights to inform marketing and advertising campaigns.

  • Powerful Audience Definitions: We have revamped the audience definition flow that will allow you to create rich audience segments based on both their profile indicators such as their user bio, who they follow, their professions, and what they are talking about by using Topics or Keyword Queries.

  • Followers Network Visualization: In addition to the ability to get to know your audience by analyzing their demographics and interests, we have introduced a new follower graph visualization that will help you form a deep understanding of –

    • Top Twitter accounts followed by your target group to understand which brands your audience has a strong affinity towards

    • Uncover unknown brands such as stealth competitors that your audience is potentially interested in

    • Find common sets of accounts that describe their commonly shared identity

  • Influencer Discovery: Additionally, we will have a powerful influencer discovery tool to identify key opinion leaders within any defined audience to effectively drive brand awareness within target groups. Also, with the ability to filter influential profiles by their reach, geography & brand affinities – you can easily find the right partners from micro-influencers to celebrities.

  • Actionability: Advanced Audience Insights comes with seamless actionability to enable you to save any discovered audience in a profile list or segment for targeted listening or ad targeting, thereby improving your overall campaign ROIs.

Release Information

  • Audience Insights will be rolled out in phases for all customers post the 17.7 release date. It is expected to go live for all customers by the 3rd week of August (tentatively 21th August 2022, depending on the release schedule).

  • Dates of release are subject to change.


Listening | External Share Functionality for Topics, Themes & Keywords Lists Record Manager for Distribution

The External Share functionality is now available for the Topics, Themes, and Keyword Lists record manager also. By creating an external shareable link to your Topics/Themes/Keyword Lists record manager, you can easily share that with external users or internal users who do not have access to the Sprinklr platform. In this way, they can see what query has been created for a particular Topic/Theme/Keyword List. Besides query, the external link will also show you other details in their respective columns (the columns vary depending upon the entity whose external link you have created, i.e. Topic, Theme, or Keyword List).

Listening | Ability to View Real-time and Historic Trends in Trending Topics

You can now view real-time trends and historic trends in Trending Topics. We have added a dropdown option using which you can easily switch between real-time trends and historic trends.

  • Real-time Trends: This will show you the real-time trends (aka live trends) sourced from Twitter directly. Whenever you open Trending Topics from the Sprinklr launchpad, Real-time will be the default mode. Since it will show you the live trends, the time range filter will be disabled. The time range will be Today only, and you will not be able to select a time range.

  • Historic Trends: This will show you the aggregated trends over a time-period (aka historic trends), such as all the cumulative trends in the last 7 days. You can define any desired time range in this mode. Unlike trends shown in the Real-time mode, the historic trends will be shown along with the total number of mentions.

Listening | Ability to Include/Exclude Dark Posts in Quick Search

We have added a new filter dimension "Is Promoted Post (Twitter)" in Quick Search using which you can now include/exclude the dark posts (promoted content like ads). Select "Is Promoted Post (Twitter)" in the filters section and select value as True to include dark posts or False to exclude dark posts. This newly added filter option will be available in Quick Search as well as Explorer dashboards. Besides, you can plot it as a Dimension in any widget within the Explorer dashboards.


The "Is Promoted Post (Twitter)" filter/dimension works only on Twitter.

Listening | Ability to Add Multiple Comma Separated Entities at Once in Widget Filter

While applying filters to a Listening dashboard at the widget level, section level, as well as in the widget builder, you can now add multiple entities as comma separated values in order to add multiple entities in one go. For example, if you want to select multiple Topics in the Topic filter without selecting them one by one, what you can do now is you can simply create a list of the Topics you want to add (i.e. Topic1, Topic2, Topic3, Topic4), copy the list, and paste it into the values field within the widget filter. Doing this will select all the topics you have entered in the comma-separated values.

Sprinklr's Alert Manager

Please note that –

  • The list should be created in the comma-separated values format.

  • The values that are considered as input will be case sensitive

  • The entries that do not match the values available in the filter will be highlighted in an error state. So, make sure you write the correct entries to get all the desired Topics or any other entities added in one go.

  • This newly added functionality will work for all the standard and well as custom entities.


To learn more about getting this feature enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Listening | Introducing Quick Search and Explorer Dashboard Filter Usability Enhancements

We have made some very useful changes in order to enhance the filter usability in the Quick Search and Explorer dashboards.

  1. The Quick Search, Trending Topics, Research Query, and custom Explorer dashboards will now support Quick Filter functionality. You can create a new Quick Filter or use an existing one. Besides, you can also share the Quick Filters that are created by you and/or shared with you.


    The Quick Filters you create in Quick Search or Explorer dashboard will not appear in Listening dashboards, and vice versa.

  2. Added two new filters – Media Type and Is Quoted Retweet.

  3. Country, Language, Source, and Sentiment are the 4 very important and commonly used filters that have now been available as pinned filter in the filter bar. These 4 filters will now appear upfront in the filter bar so you can use them directly without clicking Add Filter and selecting them individually.

Listening | Date Range at Section-level Visible in External Shareable Link

The date range set at the section level in a dashboard will now be visible in the External Shareable Links in addition to the date range set at the dashboard level. Section-level date ranges will be visible in external links for all new and existing Listening, Benchmarking, and other reporting dashboards.

Listening | Added "Select All" Option for Selecting All Custom Fields' Values Upon Searching on Filters

While choosing Custom Fields on filters, you can enter keywords in the value field in order to search for specific custom fields. If the number of returned entries is less than or equal to 100, then the Select All option appears. Clicking this option will select all the matching entries in one go, preventing you from selecting custom fields one by one.

Sprinklr's Alert Manager


  • The Select All functionality is only available for Custom Fields (all types).

  • It can be used on filters at the dashboard, section, and widget (both upfront & widget builder) levels.

Listening | Inline Addition of Widget Titles Even if Title Field Empty

You can now easily add the widget title even if the title field is empty without going to the widget editing mode. Simply hover over the title field of the widget, double click it, and then enter a name for the widget. Upon hovering over the title field, the widget name will be shown as Untitled.

Editing the widget name from the dashboard

Listening | Ability to Filter by Media Type at Dashboard-level for Listening Dashboards

The Media Type filter that was previously available at the widget level only, is now available at the dashboard level too. The Media Type filter will allow the entire Listening dashboard to be filtered to specific media type data. This is useful in a number of scenarios and use cases, including finding useful third-party content, seeing the kind of pictures being circulated around competitors, and much more.

Editing the widget name from the dashboard

Listening | Ability to Select Listening Consumption Report by Workspace

While viewing the Listening Consumption report, you can now select the report by workspace level. The Add Filter option within the Listening Consumption report allows you to select the report by workspace in order to view the consumption data of a particular workspace. Users can view workspace-level data and take quicker actions in terms of consumption and make sure that there is no over-consuming happening in the workspace. Besides, they can also review different topics and backfills, and see how they are performing in their workspace.

Listening | Ability to Sort Table Widget Data at Multi-level

We have added the multi-level sorting support in the table widget which will improve productivity & usability for the user. You can now sort data by not only single but also multiple Metrics applied to a Table widget.

  • Ability to sort up to 3 levels which allows resolving cases for a Tie.

  • Applicable in sequential order as configured within the Table widget.

  • Currently available for Listening Dashboards, Media Monitoring & Analytics (MMA), and Explorer.

Listening | Added Auto Sync Option in External Sharing

We have added the Enable Auto Sync checkbox in External Sharing to enable auto-synchronization of the external link with the dashboard changes. Upon enabling this option, all the changes you make to the dashboard will get synchronized with the external link so the users with whom you have shared the external link can view the most updated version of the dashboard.

Listening | Deprecating Tumblr as Listening Source

We are deprecating Tumblr as a Listening source from Sprinklr. As a result, after the 17.7 release, neither you will be able to use Tumblr as a Listening source nor will you be able to pull any Tumblr data (except owned content).

Listening | Introducing "Is Business Profile" Dimension/Filter

A new dimension named "Is Business Profile" has been introduced in Listening. This is a binary dimension indicating whether a listening mention is from a business profile or not.

This dimension can be plotted in a widget or used as a filter (at the dashboard, widget, and section level) by a Brand to easily segregate their social mentions into two categories – messages coming from individuals and those coming from Business/Brand/Organisation profiles.


This dimension only considers verified profiles with a high confidence score of the profile name matching with an existing list of organisation names in Sprinklr repository.

Listening | Ability to Select Single Color for Word Cloud Widget in General Dashboards

You will now have the option for user to select a single unified color for all words displayed in a word cloud widget. You can select the Configure Color option while creating a Word Cloud widget to select a custom color which will apply to all keywords in the Word Cloud.

Ability to choose a single colour Word Cloud is available in all reporting dashboards.


The ‘Configure Color’ option has been enabled for Word Cloud widget only. It is not applicable to Trending Topic Word Cloud, Entity Word Cloud or Smart Word Cloud widgets.

Listening | Ability to Share Dashboard Containing Smart Custer Without Exposing Conversation Stream Sub-Widget

Now, while generating an external link of a dashboard that contains a Smart cluster widget, the externally shared dashboard will not have the conversation stream sub-widget visible. The viewer will not be able to see the conversation stream, thereby protecting data.

Their view will have the following sub-widgets:

  • Top co-occurring keywords

  • Volume distribution

  • Overall mentions trend


To learn more about getting this feature enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Listening | Removed Listening Cap to Listen to Other Brand's Facebook Pages

Now, the capping or limitations to listen to other brand facebook pages is removed. The current Facebook listening will now be rerouted to common database that will be shared by all of FB pages added as brands in Benchmarking.

This will help in receiving better engagement stats for facebook listening. There will be a limit of 1000 FB pages per client in order to stay within API rate limits.


To learn more about getting this feature enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

Listening | Added Parent Message Column in Excel Exports of Listening Mentions for Topic

Users will now be able to see the additional fields of "Parent message ID" and "Conversation ID" in the excel exports of mentions for Twitter Update and Reddit Comment. This upgrade will enable you to get the context of that mention clearly due to the visible parent mention.

Listening | Enhanced Algorithm for Smart Cluster Phrases of Korean, Japanese & Chinese Languages

Now the algorithm to create the smart cluster phrases in sprinklr has been enhanced to generate a more crisp and accurate Smart Cluster phrases for Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages. This will enable you to incorporate more accurately generated phrases for Korean, Japanese, and Chinese language with lesser volume of unrelated words being shown, thereby enhancing the quality of insights.

Listening | Notify Users About Expiry of Listening Topics

We have added new functionality that will notify users about the expiry dates of their Listening Topics. So, whenever a Topic is about to expire, the user will receive a platform notification and email notification for the Topic expiry. The notification will be sent 7 days before the expiry as well as on the end date. The notification will contain all the Topics that are about to expire.

Upon clicking any of the Topics' hyperlink within the notification, the user will be redirected to the Topic Preview screen. Here, users can edit the end date of the Topics, if required. Moreover, on Topics Records Manager, we have added a new filter on Topic Expiry. Users now can proactively filter Topics that have expired and/or are about to expire in the near future.


Only the Topic owners will be notified about the Topic expiry.

Listening | PII Masking Now Available at Message Level

Now, along with the profile level masking, PII masking can also be enabled at message level for listening mentions. This ensures the safety of sensitive personal data mentioned in messages. This will prevent unintentional sharing of sensitive personal information outside Sprinklr such as :

  • Account Number

  • Social Security Number

  • Phone Number

  • Credit/Debit Card Number

  • Email Address

Listening | Ability to Export Conversation Insights Reports at Widget & Dashboard Level

You can now create Excel exports of your Conversation Insights reports at both widget level and dashboard level.

  • Widget-level: You can create an export of the Conversation Insights widget by simply clicking the Options icon at the widget, then hovering over Export, and then Export as Excel. The Excel export may vary depending on where the export is triggered (at L1 or L2). Only clusters that are shown on the UI will be exported. Long-tail clusters can be exported separately via its widget in the dashboard.

  • Dashboard-level: Besides widget-level, you can also create an export of the Conversation Insights dashboard by simply clicking the Export, and then selecting the dashboard section(s) to export and Excel structure.


  • The sorting order for the mentions in the Excel export will be descending (for both widget-level and dashboard-level export).

  • The titles that have been renamed will be shown in the Excel export, and the clusters that have been hidden will be excluded from the Excel sheet.

Listening | Ability to Create External Shareable Link to Conversation Insights Report

We have added the Get External Link option for the Conversation Insights report using which you can now directly create an external shareable link for your Conversation Insights report and share it with external users who do not have access to the Sprinklr platform.

Listening | Introduced Pre-created Sample Report in Conversation Insights

Conversation Insights will now provide you with a pre-created sample report that will help you understand the value of the feature and its capabilities. You can view this sample report to get an idea of what input you should provide to fill your report and what type of data and clusters will be generated in your report. The name of the sample report is – Sample Report - Sustainability.

Listening | Notify Users About Low Input Volume via Warning Message

In order to reduce Conversation Cluster report failures due to insufficient volume, the users will now be notified via a warning message while creating a Conversation Cluster report. For example, you create a new Conversation Cluster report and the volume of input is low. In such a situation, you will see a warning message on the top of the report creation form (highlighted in the screenshot).

So, while creating a Conversation Cluster report, be sure to broaden your input volume by using a wider topic, adding more keywords, removing filters, and increasing the time range. And when you make the required changes to the report, the warning message will go away.

Listening | Added parentMessage Operator Support for Reddit

Besides Twitter, the parentMessage operator will now be supported for Reddit also. As a result, users can now listen to all types of comments on a parent message containing the desired keyword(s).


The enhancement will be live by the end of the Prod release for all server instances.

Listening| Ability to Plot Dynamic Benchmark on Widget

Sprinklr’s Reporting widgets will now have the capability to benchmark the findings with a benchmark from different time ranges. This will enable the user to compare the data from two different time ranges in the same widget by benchmarking against any metric for a different time range that can be used for comparison. For instance, current year’s monthly data can be compared to the average/Min//Max of the last year’s monthly data. You can also select the operator i.e. Average, Min, Max for the metric which will act as a function for benchmark values. On the widget itself the user will be able to plot a dynamic benchmark without the need of going to a separate screen. The user will be provided with the option of whether they’d like to plot a dynamic benchmark.

User can access this option by checking the Enable Threshold and inputting the following:

  • Operator-average, minimum and maximum value

  • Metric as per the usecase

  • Name of the benchmark

  • Duration for which the benchmark will be calculated


  • Dynamic benchmark will be supported for the widget type- Bar, column, line, spline, area, area-spline, bubble, combination.

  • Out of these compare mode is possible for: Bar, column, line, spline, area, area-spline.

  • Except bar and column, it will be supported for others in compare mode.

Media Insights

Media Insights | Improved Publication Names Mapping

Sprinklr has improved the publications names mapping to more than 10K+ top domains. This allows the user to plot the exact publication names for the top domains, making the reports easy to consume for the executives and other stakeholders.

Media Insights | Similarweb Metrics Enrichment in Journalist and Publication Discovery

We have now introduced similarweb metrics for all the online publications available in the Journalist and Publication discovery module. It enables the user to gauge the impact of a publication and use this information to optimise their PR outreach.

Media Insights | Translate Option in Newsletter

In addition to the core newsletter upgrades, Sprinklr has introduced a Translate feature in the newsletters. It enables the recipients of the newsletter to translate the online news articles of the newsletter to their preferred language with just one click.

Media Insights | Snippet Support in Newsletter

Sprinklr’s automatic newsletter now comes with Snippet Support. This enables the users to snip the messages around keyword match in order to show more relevant content of an article within the automatic newsletters. The keyword match would be dependent on the filters used such as Topics, Themes, Story Query & Keyword list.


Benchmarking | Introducing SMS Alert for Benchmarking Volumetric Alerts

We have now introduced SMS alerts for benchmarking Custom Volumetric Alerts. While creating a new Custom Volumetric Alert, you will have an option to Send SMS and below you can enter the body and subject of SMS as per your requirement.

You can now get real-time SMS notifications for brands' and competitors' activities through this option.

Benchmarking | Introducing Inline Editing of Widget Titles in Empty State and For Standard Widgets

Inline addition of a widget title will now be possible when the title field is empty. Hovering over a widget with an empty title will display the text Untitled and you can click on it to add a title.

Additionally, the inline editing of widget titles has now been extended to all standard, non-editable widgets. For example, you can now clone a standard benchmarking dashboard and modify the titles of a non-editable widget like Photo Discovery or Scorecard.

Benchmarking | Introducing Instagram Reels Support

We have now introduced the support of Instagram Reels in Benchmarking. You can select the filter Media Type as Reel to view only reel posts in a widget or dashboard. Besides Benchmarking, Instagram Reels will also be supported in Social Listening.


The Instagram Reels support in Benchmarking and Social Listening will be made available to all environments by 21st August, 2022.

Alert Manager

Listening | Added Support for Engagement Alerts for Reddit in Alert Manager

The Smart Alerts and Custom Volumetric Alerts created by Alert Manager will now support Engagement Alerts for the Reddit data.

  • Smart Alert: While creating a smart alert, when you choose Engagement Alert as the alert type, it will now generate alerts not only for Twitter but also for Reddit. Whenever an anomaly is detected on the Reddit comments' count, the alert will be triggered.

  • Custom Volumetric Alert: We have added 2 new Reddit dimensions to trigger alerts for – Reddit NetVote Score and Reddit Comments. While creating a custom volumetric alert, you can now select any of these 2 newly added dimensions to get an alert on Reddit NetVote Score and Reddit Comments.

Listening | Ability to Filter Alerts on Parent Messages Created in Selected Date Range

While creating a Custom Volumetric Alert via Alert Manager, if you choose any of these 5 dimensions – Retweets on a Tweet, Likes on a Tweet, Replies on a Tweet, Reddit NetVote Score, or Reddit Comment within the section "Trigger alert if this happens for above dimensions", you will be able to select a time range to filter alerts on parent messages. Upon selecting any of the above dimensions, a new option "Alert on Parent Message created in" will appear that will let you select a time range –

  • Lifetime will account for all the Tweets fetched by a Topic/Theme.

  • Other time ranges will trigger alerts only on posts created in the selected time.

Listening | Ability to Create Custom Volumetric Alerts for Accounts and Posts Insights

We have added two new modules Account Insights and Post Insights for Custom Volumetric Alerts within Alert Manager. While creating a custom volumetric alert via Alert Manager, users can now choose any of these two newly added modules to create email alerts for accounts/posts which exceed a Metric or Custom Metric threshold determined by them. For e.g. if a post gets greater than 1% engagement rate, then an alert email will be generated and sent to the recipients.

Account Insights

Post Insights


Predefined Dimensions for Account Insights and Post Insights modules – Account, Account Group, Social Network, Client, Client Group, User, or User Group.

Product Insights

Product Insights | Description Field Now Available as Rich-text Field on Product Page

The Description field will now be availabe as rich-text field on the product page. Currently, the data is stored in the Unicode format and loses its initial formatting. Now with the updated rich-text field, user can:

  • Enable the description field to take input of text which is formatted as a bulleted list

  • See the added description on the Record manager page when they hover over the description field in the designated column.

This update is available for:

  • Product

  • Topic

  • Theme

  • Custom metrics

  • Domain list

  • Explorer


The user can add the text to the description and format it as a Bulleted/numbered list. Other text editing options will not be available.

Product Insights | Enhanced Filter Logic for Product Insights Smart Alerts

Now the Product Insights Smart Alerts possess an enhanced filter logic. You no more need to create individual alerts for different L1, L2, L3 categories. A single alert configuration will enable you to set up multiple alert combinations.

Separate alerts will get triggered for each product and Insights Category combination. For instance, if a user defines two dimensions while configuring a PI alert –

  • Product Brand Name: Apple

  • PI Level Category: weight, Performance

For a single configuration, two individual alerts will be generated:

  • One alert on (Apple AND Weight)

  • One alert on (Apple AND Performance)

Product Insights | Advance Search Capability on the Product Page

With the advanced search functionality, you can now search products based on the keywords/values available in the Product metadata information. Advance search can be done using keywords available in:

  • Product name

  • Description

  • Partner custom fields

  • Client custom fields

AI Studio

AI Studio | Ability to Add Project Tags While Creating Text Classification Models

While creating a new Text Classification model or validating an existing one, you can now add Project Tags by selecting from the existing ones and/or entering new ones. Besides, on the AI Projects window, a new column Project Tags will be added that will show you all the project tags associated with an AI Project. The Project Tags will also be available as a Quick Filter on the AI Projects window using which you can easily filter the AI Projects as per the project tags.

AI Project Builder

AI Project Window

AI Studio | Added Two New Fields "Classify Sample Size" and "Review Sample Size" in Project Creation Form

While creating a Text Classification (Single Select & Multi Select) new model training project, you can now classify and review the sample size for your training project. We have added two new fields "Classify Sample Size" and "Classify Sample Size" within the Select Messages for Model Training section in the project creation form.

  • Classify Sample Size: This is the number of messages that will be fetched to the classify messages form (defaulted to 5000, maximum of 9000 messages)

  • Review Sample Size: This is the number of messages that will be fetched to the review messages form (defaulted to 200, minimum of 200)

AI Studio | Users Will Be Notified About AI Models' Statues via Platform Notification

Whenever you create an AI Project or Model, you will now receive a notification on your Sprinklr platform about its status – processed, failed, completed, etc. For more information, see the list of notifications.