Sprinklr Insights: 18.11 Capabilities and Enhancements


Sprinklr's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr's latest platform enhancements below!

Sprinklr Insights

Sprinklr Service

UX Changes

Product Insights

Insights Hub

Provides an in-depth drill down into each contact driver. The first level shows the insights on associated attributes of a particular contact driver – along with insights into the root causes for that contact driver. There is a drill-down available for each root cause, which shows the entire description of the root cause – generated from the analysis of all the relevant conversations. 

  • Deep dive into each contact driver to get to the root causes. Detailed descriptions of each root cause clearly show the most highlighted factors, topics and issues in just one click. 

  • Generative AI also provides the next best action suggestions, enabling the user to directly take action. 

  • By integrating with Sprinklr Tasks, it's now even easier to of take action, and track the actions suggested via the insights. 


Drill-down Usability Improvements 

The Standard Drilldown feature enables users to gain contextual insights with just two clicks for each metric, utilizing a set of preconfigured widgets. This allows users to easily drill down on a metric with use-case-based categories, which will reduce clutter and minimize the time required to access a drill down. 
Here are the primary advantages of these enhancements: 

  • Standard Drilldown: Perform a contextual drill-down and surface insights with pre-configured widgets against a specific metric

  • Use case-based groupings for drill down: Introducing the use-case-based grouping of drill down lenses providing users with context & navigation cues. This reduces scroll, simplifies navigation and also clarifies the objective of a specific drill-down 

  • Breadcrumbs: The introduction of breadcrumbs with information about the origin of the widget with widget name & data point providing context to the user thereby avoiding confusion when similar widgets are present.  

  • Configuration of Standard Drilldown: Users will also be able to configure the standard lens by themselves by configuring an explore lens & mapping it to different metrics for varied use cases 

Note: Please contact your success manager for enablement of this feature. 


First Party Data Ingestion

FPDI Revamp 
First Party Data Ingestion (FPDI) is a tool that enables users to import their tabular data into Sprinklr. The FPDI revamp aims to streamline the upload process and provide users with greater flexibility to modify data directly within the platform.

With FPDI revamp users can now:

  • Make specific templates that match what you need to do and use them in Sprinklr to do things the same way every time. This makes it easy to keep uploading the same files without any hassle.

  • Leverage functions such as ADD, CONCATENATE, and condition-based functions within the Sprinklr platform to manipulate and transform the data present on the file.

  • Create and map custom fields seamlessly without the need to switch screens.

  • Skip rows with errors, letting you work with the rest of the data without any interruption.



New Sources Expansion 
Sprinklr has established a significant strategic partnership with a leading data vendor at the forefront of news reporting. This collaboration is set to greatly enhance our current news and blog coverage by incorporating an additional 220,000 digital sources. Sprinklr's news coverage now spans 195+ countries and includes an additional 3 million news articles daily. We will also be able to support faster addition of new digital sources that are requested by our customers. 

This valuable data will be accessible to all insights users and seamlessly integrated into the existing News source, ensuring that all users can easily access a broader spectrum of news information.